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/lit/ - Literature

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6996269 No.6996269 [Reply] [Original]


Why is this allowed? Why is this corporatist "let em all in and let the free market sort it out" bullshit pushed as the new morality?

Why is man hating woman worship pushed?

Well, those are dumb questions, we all know why this happens. I'll think of a better question. Why should I (and all of us, assuming you're a cool edgy university educated 18 - 30 year old sub-Chad male) contribute to mainstream media shit like this, give to charity, avoid tax avoidance, act selflessly, care about "culture", when it's all pushed by self interested people / corporations who want to screw me over? That's all it ever comes down to ffs! ALL IT EVER COMES DOWN TO!

>> No.6996352

>contribute to mainstream media shit like this,
>give to charity,
Give only to charities that are actual charities.
>avoid tax avoidance,
If yo do this you should also stop using everything the state provides with taxes, unfortunately.
>act selflessly,
You can act selflessly without having to act exclusively for other people.
>care about "culture"
I fail to see the relation.

>> No.6996375


>>care about "culture"
>I fail to see the relation.

I mean, why should I care about, for example, tao lin's literary trust-fund pack when they don't give a shit about me and never will? It reminds me of the lower classes watching soap operas or reality tv

>> No.6996387


>> No.6996395

what a sub-Chad?

>> No.6996415


Any male not as sexuallu desirable as a chad

>> No.6996426


The Trump fellow is a politician, he says whatever his voters want to hear. The "man hating x woman worship" is a temporary consequence of the Feminist movement.

I don't understand your question, OP. What does being sexually active have to do with charity or tax evasion?

>> No.6996460


this isn't literature

also you need to start answering that question by asking why you do anything at all

>> No.6996463

Retarded b8 tbh fam

>> No.6996489

Literally nobody actually reads Tao Lin

>> No.6996490
File: 63 KB, 484x403, christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Judeo-Christianity

>> No.6996572

>You can act selflessly without having to act exclusively for other people.

It's like when you let people go in traffic.

There are people waiting behind you and to act selfishly and not allow everyone to go on the right can actually mean that the people behind you are allowed to move as well.

>> No.6996581

>le evil corporations