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6993416 No.6993416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does progressive society praise Marxism and those who agree with it as pilars of justice and equality, even though it has been singularly responsible for more deaths than any other political movement in history, whilst agreeing with Hitler is the most disgraceable of taboos?

>> No.6993427


>> No.6993434

You forget the death count of liberalism chap.

Progressive society doesn't exist. Marxism isn't praised as a "pilar" of justice and equality.

>> No.6993435

Typical marxist argument

Got anything else?

Just using an example. Communism is responsible for over 100 million deaths. Nazis are responsible for 6 million.

>> No.6993437

why so many marxist threads?

>> No.6993439

For the same reason religion persists

>> No.6993440



>> No.6993441

Did you try reading the sticky, retard?

>> No.6993444

It's a hot issue on /lit/. The most hostile threads you'll come across are marxist vs capitalist ones.

>> No.6993446

>4 marxism troll threads on the first page
can you keep it to 1, /pol/?

>> No.6993452

Welcome to /lit/, if you dont agree with us than you can just like gb2 /pol/ cause we cant think of anything legitamately disfactual with what you're saying

>> No.6993455

>4 identifiable tumors in separate regions of the body
can you keep it to 1, cancer?

>> No.6993456

Because that was no fault of the philosophy, but the leaders who twisted its message for their own personal gain.

>> No.6993466

typical marxist argument, shoving tyrone big black fallacy straight down my throat then straight back up again

>> No.6993467

No one cares you jackass, its off topic discussion.

>inb4 losing the argument? yell gb2pol!

There is no argument. No one is arguing with you. Its off topic. Go away.

>> No.6993482

inb4 losing the argument? yell gb2pol!

>> No.6993487
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Ad hominem!
You too can spam all these amazing words on other boards where no one wants you around! This, and other things /pol/ taught me through copypasta and image macros available right now for the low low price of getting cucked by a black guy!

>> No.6993493


>> No.6993505

exactly, you too can completely discredit anything anyones says to disagree with you by assuming they know nothing simply because they disagree with you

>> No.6993506
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lol guys my high school teacher told me communism was like, sooo terrible

>> No.6993520
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i think its the pollution and overpopulation thats draggin em down

>> No.6993545

Stalinism was a dictatorship. Its disingenuous to call it communism.

>> No.6993561

A dictator demanding industrialization would've gotten the same results though. Maybe communism works just as better as than cult of personality in motivating the people.

sage for not being /lit/

>> No.6993569

Yeah, and even though Marxists use this over and over as evidence that Marx was still somehow right, it should be viewed as "communism is completely impossible to implement without complete societal control which requires nothing less of a police state"

>> No.6993638

Again you're sounding like capitalist 'commissar.'

It went bad in Russia. Humanity prospered for hundreds of years in something resembling anarchy / communism.

Just stop with the propaganda here, its so transparent to everyone.

>> No.6993652

>Humanity prospered for hundreds of years in something resembling anarchy / communism.

One of the most annoying parts of left politics is its delusional romanticism.

>> No.6993658

That's true, its not delusional.

>> No.6993662
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>> No.6993664

You can't write history off as propoganda. You can ignore it if you like, but then you're willfully being ignorant and at that point you should just assume everything you know/believe is a lie

>> No.6993685

Yes but to equate those deaths with marxism is false. Communist Russia wasn't marxism, for the third time.

>> No.6993694
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Once you go far enough left you go full circle from being a gentle pacifist egalitarian to an insane, despotic megalomaniac. 20 to 42 million deaths from starvation later....

>> No.6993697

the beginning of sedentary, hierarchical societies very clearly decreased living standards for humans very significantly.

>> No.6993701

doing it for free doesn't mean you aren't gaining anything of personal value

>> No.6993733

Cool assertion. Agriculture allowed us to make technology which increased the standard of living. Prehistoric bands of humans did have hierarchies of sorts, based on social prowess, dominance, etc. You can't really have a human society without a hierarchy.

>> No.6993749

>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he doesn't takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he doesn't delete threads he doesn't like because he's so much of a cuck he's afraid he will offend someone
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends

>> No.6993770

>20 to 42 million

Even if these numbers are true (Dikotter and Conquest aren't exactly respected for some reason wikipedia lists them as credible sources) you have to remember the scale of china. This is the same country where a single flood can kill 5 million people.

>> No.6993786

Typical Marxist response, reducing humans to numbers

>> No.6993795
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I'm suspecting my father of being a communist.

He has a large collection of books on and by Marx, Engels and Lenin and, for good measure, some Stalin.
Most of the Russian stuff is in Russian, in fact he went to university in Russia and speaks it fluently as his second language.

His excuse for keeping a huge collection of communist literature in his room is that "he doesn't want to throw it away/it would be a waste to get rid of them".

I found a water bottle sized Lenin statue made of solid metal in his room.
Lenin is sitting and reading a book, it's probably about communism.

At one point in my youth he showed me some left leaning and right out socialist newspapers and told me "You know, some times what they are saying isn't wrong at all."

On another occasion he gifted me a book about how you should tax away all the rich people's money because they keep getting richer and the hard working average man is being left behind.

He right out refused to vote for our country's conservative party and told me about how the big man only cares about economy and how he, as an upper middle class and well off human bean, was, according to him, the "small man" being ignored by the evil big parties and corporations.
Like he is some sort of peasant factory worker, what did Russia do to him?
In this he completely ignored how a strong economy leads to a higher standard of life and not just fatter managers.

What do I do about this?
Did the Soviet Union poison my father's mind with propaganda?

How do I stop dad from being a communist?

>> No.6993800

lol fucking disgusting trot

you arent even a real leftist

>> No.6993802


"They" don't. Fuck off.

>> No.6993804

So do you have the figures of communism deaths or are you just guessing they're the highest.

>> No.6993821

You obviously do. You're mad because I dissed Marx. I can tell by your wonderful vocabulary. Please anon senpai show me how to debate by using meaningless curse words

>> No.6993825

Because killing bourgies is defensible in the name of popular revolution.

Desirable? no.

But the hypothetical outcome justifies the means - the only tragedy is that you must excise the ignorant with the active participant.

Loss of human life is a non-issue in the name of emancipation from capital.

If you stood in my way I'd shoot you myself.

>> No.6993828

Are you from a former Warsaw Pact country? Let him think what he wants. He's obviously had more time to think about than you have. You'd probably get rekt if you tried to argue with him about it.

>> No.6993833

You join him you fucktard.

>> No.6993834
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Not hard to find

>> No.6993843

What you fail to realize is that the only way you could ever achieve the idyllic, impossible Marxist state is by having a society that somehow manages itself and agrees to all become equal in the absence of government.

Unfortunately, because we're human, this is actually beyond impossible. The only way to force a mass group of people into accepting communism is by complete authoritarianism. Prove me wrong.

>> No.6993859


>> No.6993861

>killings under communist regimes
>Marxist state
>human nature
>prove me wrong
He's pulling out all the stops!

>> No.6993873

Typical Marxist response
>just because communism is responsible for 100 million deaths doesnt mean it isnt bad!!! actually its good fuck the system bro

>> No.6993900

So what's capitalism's death toll?

>> No.6993906

certainly not many from starvation

>> No.6993913


>thinking free markets work
>thinking people are rational or well-informed
>thinking we're not trashing the environment and allowing wealth to accumulate in the hands of 1% as the margin between poor and rich continues to increase

In 50 years the US will be all gated communities and favelas like Brazil or whatever.

>> No.6993918

communism sounds good and humane in theory but in practice the mass killings happen again and again

>> No.6993919


>> No.6993920

Not one single board is free from /pol/ shitposting, what a metastasizing cancer.

>> No.6993927

12 million, you retard. 6 million Jews, 6 million additional 'undesirables' including roma people, gays, and political dissidents. I'm not even a marxist, btw, I just hate right wing faggots like you who make capitalism look bad.

>> No.6993931

205,000,000 according to Peter


>> No.6993932

>thinking people are rational or well-informed

Thanks for the demonstration.

>> No.6993935

Wait wut dude? Free markets mean that the economy and quality of life increase as a whole.. America and Japan have free markets and also have the highest GDP/quality of life in the entire world. So when you say "free markets dont work" what you really mean to say is "I am so stubbornly convinced that communism is the only answer that I will discredit all contrary economic evidence"

>> No.6993950
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Hey man, I'm new on lit so I don't know too much about this liberal Marxist shit lol. What is communism? Why does communism preclude the free market? I need someone to explain to me because I'm dumb.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.6993951


Hard to say, really. Do underclass people who die on the street from malnourishment and/or lack of medical care count? Do people who die because of foreign military intervention instigated by big corporations, corrupt government agencies and military weapons complex count?

Not a communist though, just saying.

>> No.6993952

>sjw betamale gathering information from other sjw betamales disinffo

>> No.6993954


>> No.6993956

I'm not a communist but I will say, GDP is not an indicator of anything.

Neither America nor Japan have free markets, and even if they did "quality of life" is a highly subjective thing.

Ask inner city populations in most American urban centers if capitalism is working for them.

>> No.6993959

America has the least amount of starving people in the world
Niggerland has the most

>> No.6993961

No, they don't count because there's no specific target you can pin all the deaths on. Collateral deaths are kosher.

>> No.6993962

Did you see his footnotes?

>> No.6993963


Yeah, but part of those free markets and that high standard of living is that you shift a big chunk of your manufacture to countries which shit on human rights and therefore do it cheaper.

>> No.6993965


>oh fuck data what do i do
>lol make a weak pass at his masculinity
>fuckin' #rekt mate lol

>> No.6993967
File: 61 KB, 300x250, image2457721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The power of capitalism.

>> No.6993973

>your statistics are meaningless if I find one anecdote that doesn't support it.

>> No.6993975

>america and japan
>no free market
Holy shit are you kidding me? Free market means anyone can buy and sell anything on the market. America is the defintion of a free market. You can go and buy any publicaly traded stock on the market right now. Nothing is stopping anyone from becoming rich.

Ask inner city populations in most American urban centers if capitalism is working for them and they'll say "i dindu nuffin plz obamba send me moe food for my fat black ass, my son tyrone joined a gang because of u capitalist pigs"

>> No.6993981

Oh yes, the classic marxist prediction that the system will inevitably end in dystopia or revolution. Even more classic is the moment when the prediction fails to come true, because you idiots forget that liberal capitalism is the only even somewhat functional way to allocate scarce resources that we have, and that we can fix most sources of market failure with legislation.

>> No.6993983

I think he means there is over-regulation.

>> No.6993986

Fuck you you racist shithead. You're making the rest of us capitalists look bad.

>> No.6993995

This article is putting every death during war (at least that America has been in) into the category of Capitalism

Communists killed their own people because their entire economic system was defunct.

>> No.6994001

"Niggerland" is arguably the place that has followed ortodox economics most closely in the world.

Your definition applies to countries you (wrongly) considered not capitalist.
You are by far the stupidest person i've read in /lit/, please go back to /pol/.

>> No.6994003


>> No.6994005

It's true, more people starve to death in Africa than any other place because they too stupid to make a agriculture

>> No.6994006

>buy and sell anything on the market

This is not true in the United States and has not been true since the Articles of Confederacy. Every single purchase you make is regulated and monitored to a certain degree. Every single thing you buy is vetted and checked and rechecked (often in a faulty manner, but that's beside the point) before it can ever reach the market.

You seriously need to do the reading. Take a few community college courses on micro-and-macroeconomics. You're really just making everyone who advocates for continued capitalism look bad. Modern markets aren't free unless they're black markets, which have their own host of problems.

>> No.6994008


GDP only measures the size of a national economy as measured by the total projected monetary value of goods and services. It tells you nothing about distribution, development, or anything else that actually indicates affluence and general well-being.

China is a case in point. Largest economy in the world, yet a third of its population lives in poverty.

>> No.6994018

typical Marxist argument

>youre stupid gb2 /pol/

>> No.6994020
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>they too stupid to make a agriculture

>> No.6994025


>making an appeal to statistics for questions about marxism

Obviously you have no idea what you're talking about considering those taking statistics have a vested interest in perpetuating capitalism. .


There is some way in which our set of institutional arrangements are failing people (black or otherwise.)

(inb4 because they're lazy or some bullshit stereotype.)

>> No.6994027

I've taken both courses, at an actual University. A person with 50,000 dollars can go buy 50,000 1$ stocks in any publicaly traded company and unless they have insider information (which is illegal and hard to catch) no one is going to stop them.

>> No.6994032
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>vested interest in perpetuating capitalism. .

>> No.6994035

>"Niggerland" is arguably the place that has followed ortodox economics most closely in the world.
Nice meme. Blatant underregulation, rampant corruption, poorly enforced/ nonexistent property rights, tons of tragedies of the commons, etc. I can really see how African nations have been adhering to the recommendations of mainstream economists.

>> No.6994041

Typical 15 year old /pol/tard that doesn't know basic logic. "You are wrong because you are a retard" is a fallacy. "You are wrong because A and B. You are a retard" isn't a fallacy. My arguments are there. But you are too retarded to understand what ortodox economics or capitalism mean.

>> No.6994042

Or maybe because trying to grow things there is difficult, the governments take land, the governments regulates the shit out of everything, and the governments are corrupt as fuck in general (you gotta pay bribes to be successful)?

>> No.6994046

No progressive politician in the West outside of the PIGS could openly declare themselves a marxist without it being to their careers detriment.

>even though it has been singularly responsible for more deaths than any other political movement in history

50 million indians alone died as a result of mercantilism by the British in India alone. Let alone the rest of the world.

>> No.6994049

>perpetuating capitalism

No serious capitalist is in favor of the current crony capitalism. They want the market to be freer.

>> No.6994051


I wouldn't necessarily call it a dystopia, but I do believe the gap between rich and poor will continue to increase.

Also there isn't actually a scarcity of resources. That's the illusion of modern capitalism.

>> No.6994054
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>> No.6994055

>more deaths than any other political movement in history

>> No.6994058

>political movement

>> No.6994059

See, when someone dies due to poverty, it's not capitalism that's to blame. They just didn't work hard enough in the Nike sweatshop that pays a very generous wage of a few pennies an hour and is liable to burn down at any moment. Just prax it out, bro.

>> No.6994061

It's an ideal of the weak. Instead of taking accountability or self responsibility, Marxism says you should instead blame someone else.

>> No.6994063

I think its time to retire that trip name, or go back to /pol

>> No.6994067
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>Also there isn't actually a scarcity of resources. That's the illusion of modern capitalism.
>denying reality this hard

>> No.6994068


That graphic convinced me he was pretty based.

>> No.6994070

Marx was the greatest genius who ever lived.

He actually managed to write in such a way that required you to be a faggot who will inevitably believe in his bullshit to not fall asleep in the first chapter.

>> No.6994071
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>they too stupid to make a agriculture

>> No.6994072


>> No.6994075

But you didn't provide a legit A and B. You produced some fallacy A and B then called me a retard. And now your counterargument is a fallacy because A and B and C were also fallacy. So now your A, B, C and D are all fallacies. Must feel nice being a lib

>> No.6994077
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>Pre-industrial revolution: 80% of people working in an agragrian capacity
>modern first world capitalist society: 2% of people work in agragrian capacity
>I'm the one denying reality.

>> No.6994079

yeah the people working in those sweatshops, are they under capitalist or communist regime? Maybe its because they're completely disposable to their communist country.

>> No.6994081

good that's what it' sposed to do.

>> No.6994083

Prove they are fallacies.

>> No.6994091
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You best be trolling.

>> No.6994093
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>> No.6994095


There are no communist countries, you idiot. There are merely varying degrees of interventionism.

>> No.6994098

>niggerland adheres to regulated economic policies
They don't have any real economic policies, they're a bunch of dindu countries ran by dindu people who have had shitty living conditions for thousands of years because they're genetically intellectually inferior

>> No.6994099

>Blatant underregulation
A characteristic of orthodox economics.

>rampant corruption
Irrelevant to the discussion, every third world country is corrupt.

>nonexistent property rights

>poorly enforced
In some cases, because third world countries have difficulties enforcing laws in general. Shouldn't orthodox economics prescribe the best policies given these issues though?

South east asia had the same problems in the 50's, for example, and managed to develop with other policies. What's holding african countries back?

>> No.6994100
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>> No.6994106
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>scarcity of resources is a capitalist lie
Holy shit, are you really stupid enough to believe that?

>> No.6994110

China, capitalist autocracy funded by communist slavelabor

>> No.6994121


>> No.6994124


Stringing some words together doesn't change anything about reality.

>> No.6994130

Nig are you retard
>no cumminst cuntries

>> No.6994132


How much food and consumer electronics do you really need?

>> No.6994144

Some resources are scarce, others aren't The scarcer they are, the more expensive. For instance a bottle of wine from the 1800s. Or a small sack of gold. Or a brain surgeon. Or a pack of Oreos

>> No.6994149


>They call themselves communists, ergo they are communists.

And you pretend to believe it.

>> No.6994152
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>mfw communism pretty much reduces down to my mommy telling me I can't have a toy at the store

>> No.6994153

i guess the People's Republic of China is republican and popular then

i like you, you are managing to embarrass the entire right wing of /lit/

>> No.6994154

Fun fact: we could feed everyone in the world, but business owners find it more expedient to throw food in the garbage before it expires rather than pay for transportation fees to distribute it somewhere it can be consumed. There are some places where you can go dumpster diving and find dumpsters full of perfectly good food, still in the package and fit for consumption (not yet expired).

>> No.6994157

so whats real communism? abolition of any and all trade? Handing out monthly allowances as the only form of income a person has? You really think that would make the world a better place?

>> No.6994160

>distribute it somewhere it can be consumed

It's almost like tariffs are bad.

>> No.6994162

this is fucking hilarious
you are literally 10 years old, aren't you?

>> No.6994165

There is no perfect system of government. How many deaths is capitalism/imperialism responsible for?

>> No.6994167

also, a guy with 7 billion dollars could give every perosn in the world a dollar

why would he want to do that agian?

>> No.6994170


I don't disagree with that. Capitalism is pretty effective at giving us better phones, as well as certain advances in medicine (although some of these are just solving problems capitalism created in the first place, it's a bit difficult to parse.)

But in our modern society it's not like there is a scarcity of resources to the point where people should be forced to starve or even forced to work a job they really hate. They should still work a job they like working at obviously, or contribute to their community in some meaningful way (I don't think Marx would disagree with that notion.)


yea basically

>> No.6994175

Nice marxist argument
>fucking hilarious
>lol u so stuuuuupid and immature im not gona even argue with u cuz im right 8)

>> No.6994181

But you were talking about resource scarcity. I demonstrated one proof that capitalism is not the best way to allocate resources, because artificial scarcity is being created in this case in order to create profit.

>> No.6994185
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>in our modern society

If I have to hear this phrasing one more time I'm gonna scream.

>> No.6994186


I'm not a communist. I believe a moderately regulated market system is the most efficient means of distributing a great deal of societal resources given our technological devwlopment. I think centralized distribution is both politically and mathematically untenable.

Ivm just irritated by your idiocy.

>> No.6994187

You're retarded and all you want is to waste everybody's time.

>> No.6994190

keep it up, my young friend, i'll be reading

>> No.6994191

The point is tariffs are bad, anon.

>> No.6994192

then if you dont want to starve find a job, simple as that

If you cant get a job because u a nig nog who did a robbery, then you probably deserve to starve or are a homeless guy who spent all the money he begged for on alcohol

It all comes down to, get a job and work and you'll be able to eat

>plz white ppl support me and stuff so i dont have to dindu nuffin

>> No.6994193

>Blatant underregulation
>A characteristic of orthodox economics.
Fucking lol. Anarcho-capitalism isn't orthodox, you moron. Neoclassical economics mixed with keynsianism and monetarism is orthodox. Orthodox economic policy involves plenty of regulation aimed at stopping sources of market failure.

>rampant corruption
>>Irrelevant to the discussion, every third world country is corrupt.
Highly relevant, as orthodox economists would argue that elimination of rampant corruption is the first step to establishing a functional economy. You can't really expect the markets to work if starting a business takes years of time, countless hours, and thousands of dollars in bribes.

>nonexistent property rights
That's just wrong. All the corruption in these countries basically makes people's property rights worthless.

>What's holding african countries back?
Certainly a good question. I'd argue that it really all boils down to Europe raping the entire continent in the 19th century and then just abandoning it post WW2. That really fucked everything up nicely.

>> No.6994195

In our modern society, one needs to learn to control one's temper. It's a doggy doggy world out there and guys like you are a diamond dozen.

>> No.6994198

Nice marxist argument
>youre retarded
Nice marxist argument
>you must be young because i dont like what youre saying

>> No.6994201

I have a question, if you remove competition for money with communism don't you just create competition for something else? Like who's the sneakiest backstabbing fag?

>> No.6994202
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>> No.6994204

Nice marxist argument.

>> No.6994209

Why do shortages happen in communist systems then?

>> No.6994211

>nice marxist argument
Nice marxist argument

>> No.6994215

>Certainly a good question. I'd argue that it really all boils down to Europe raping the entire continent in the 19th century and then just abandoning it post WW2. That really fucked everything up nicely.

No, it's geography. There are no good harbors or shipping rivers. There's no good rain or soil. And sub-saharan Africans were about as isolated from the rest of the world as Native Americans because of an ocean on 2 sides and the Sahara to the north.

>> No.6994220

Because people then have no incentive to work/produce and society collapses on itself. If you know you're going to get something for free anyways, why bother working for it?

>> No.6994224

>Anarcho-capitalism isn't orthodox
Never said so.

>Neoclassical economics is orthodox

>mixed with keynsianism and monetarism

>Orthodox economic policy involves plenty of regulation aimed at stopping sources of market failure.
Not really. Second best theory was orthodoxy at some point, but not anymore. Economic orthodoxy claims that government intervention usually leads to higher inefficiency (due to rent-seeking, information problems, etc.) than leaving market failures be, except in some very paricular cases.

> I'd argue that it really all boils down to Europe raping the entire continent in the 19th century and then just abandoning it post WW2. That really fucked everything up nicely.
Then why is south korea developed, when 60 years ago they were poorer than the average african country?

>> No.6994226

Nobody has a motivation to do much spectacular under communism besides a gun being pointed at their head. There is no competition period.

>> No.6994227


I think you are misunderstanding the argument.

It's the set of institutional arrangements that make the criminal.

>> No.6994233

You can blame "institutions" if you like, but actually it comes down to "free will" and the ability to discern between right and wrong

>> No.6994237



>> No.6994240
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You are really stupid. The law defines who is a criminal and who is not.

>> No.6994242
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>he believes in free will

>> No.6994248
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Criminality is actually defined by this, there are outliers who break the law.

>> No.6994249

So if law didn't exist, would murder, rape, arsony, and theft still be crimes?

Perhaps it wasn't free will, perhaps it was Tyrones unchangable fault (and the slaveowners from 1800s fault) that he thought it would be a good idea to shoot up a duncan donuts for all the money in the register

>> No.6994250

nature is responsible for trillions, therefore blow up the earth

>> No.6994252

I expected a response something along the lines of state control over prices and supply causing extreme shortages. That was the case in every communist regime in the 20th century.

>> No.6994253

>people still replying to an obvious troll thread
Come now, guys, it had a good run but it's time to stop wasting your breath.

>> No.6994254

Laws against murder are the most common laws around. But the law is arbitrary. There could be a law against having brown hair.

>> No.6994261

>Tu quoque fallacy

>> No.6994262

>So if law didn't exist, would murder, rape, arsony, and theft still be crimes?

No. You might deem them immoral but if there is no legal system they cannot be crimes.

>> No.6994269

You still might get killed for it though.

>> No.6994272

>Economic orthodoxy claims that government intervention usually leads to higher inefficiency (due to rent-seeking, information problems, etc.) than leaving market failures be, except in some very paricular cases.
Only Milton Freidman argues that. Most orthodox economists don't actually agree.

>Then why is south korea developed, when 60 years ago they were poorer than the average african country?
Because the United States dumped a shitload of foreign aid into South Korea.

>> No.6994273
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Tyrone is really a product of the relations of power

>> No.6994280


>> No.6994309

There's barely anything of significance in that link, certainly not to explain how a country suddenly averaged 8% yearly per capita growth for two decades. In fact, african countries receive relatively a lot more foreign aid today.

Anyway, i'm already bored of this discussion, i'm just here to read the mentally challenged namefag.

>> No.6994316

I'm not a Marxist, but the Nazis killed a lot more than 6 million Jews. They did start the war in Europe, after all.

>> No.6994323

No, you should leave because you have nothing to contribute to the understanding of history, literature, or philosophy. Your juvenile antics aren't amusing in the least.

>> No.6994328

Because you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, just spewing cold war propaganda

>> No.6994332

Which ones? I don't know what you call the societies that exist only in your paranoid fantasies.

>> No.6994335


>> No.6994338

>tfw no communist dad to teach you marxism and bond with over radical labor action

>> No.6994341

They are actually pretty amusing.

>> No.6994354

When an action generates a retaliatory response, it's already crime even though the law isn't formalized.

>> No.6994409

It's not always about you, jew.

>> No.6994422

If you're talking about the Soviet Union, then communism and socialism is not responsible for those deaths. Lenin set up the socialist revolution, but was unable to carry it out without a successor. Trotsky actually upheld Lenin and Marx's ideals, but was thrown under the bus by Stalin. Stalin rose to power and turned the USSR into a state-capitalist autocracy. If you cared to study the Soviet Union and its policies, and compared them to Marxism, you'd notice that Stalinism was by definition not socialist or communist. It was still a capitalist society that was ruled by an authoritarian dictator. Stalin came to power not because of socialism or communism, but because of an unstable political environment and a power vacuum he readily filled. This phenomenon has never been exclusive to Marxist politics and actually predates it by millennia.

Every actual socialist or communist society has been successful. Modern socialism is moreover strongly antiauthoritarian and Stalinists are rare to virtually non-existent nowadays. Most socialists advocate for a decentralized state, or no state at all, and virtually all place as radically left-libertarian (Stalin and the USSR was left-authoritarian). The sort of "true" socialism Marx described, however, is currently impossible because it requires technological automation to support a socialist infrastructure. As such, a post-scarcity socialist society is impossible so long as technology is incapable of manual labor automation.

I strongly entreat you to actually study what socialism and communism is, both in its Marxist–Leninist sense and in contemporary thought.

And btw, the death count for imperialism and Nazism—both capitalist in nature—is millions higher.

>> No.6994430

>le not true communism

>> No.6994445
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It literally wasn't by definition. Communism as Marx described it was unfeasible because it was based on a post-scarcity, automation model. Marx knew this. Current socialism, and the socialism Marx advocated before this could be achieved, is an intermediary state between capitalism and communism.

It a bit more complex than you think. Economics always is.

>> No.6994455

-hey dude, i bought a dog
-what the fuck, those animals kill thousands of people in africa every year man
-what? those are hippos, not dogs
-le not true dog
-just open a biology book and you'll see they are completely different ani...

>> No.6994484

*Six Million Jews in the holocaust, not counting deaths of military men fighting against the Nazis. Five million others died in holocaust that weren't just Jews, they were slavs, gypsies, etc...

>> No.6994510

>not counting deaths of military men fighting against the Nazis

those were white goyim collectively responsible for the antisemitism that led to the 6 million

>> No.6994518

kool pasta

>> No.6994526
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Almost all of which was a result of Stalin

Lenin also fucked it up too because he threw a hissy and did a violent takeover of Parliament when his party didn't win in Parliament, the USSR could have had a Parliamentary system which could have allowed some level of Civilian voice in the government and leaders would be democratically elected.

The death count of it was because of Stalin being a irresponsible-murderous asshole who loved satellite nations and Lenin not being able to tolerate not being at top

>> No.6994538

You haven't addressed why you're applying a double standard in judging communism and capitalism. I could argue that capitalism that's practiced today isn't true capitalism using your logic.

>It a bit more complex than you think. Economics always is.

You can make anything complex just by adding definitions and expanding on the theory ad infinitum. Economics isn't a science. Science is complex because it has to be. Economics is complex because people deliberately made it complicated. As far as I'm concerned, the only economic theories are relevant are those that can be applied in the real world. Many people have tried to implement communism but failed. What does it tell us? It doesn't work. Too many necessary requirements that could never be fully met.

>> No.6994563

>tfw your shibe starts reading gommunist manipesto

bad doge >:DDDDD

>> No.6994565

Yeah bro it's so easy in Somali to just plant some corn. Don't delve into agricultural debate when you barely grasp economic ideas.

>> No.6994571

I legitimately want a paper that studies why people like to talk out of their assess so much. It's baffling.

>> No.6994692

Was was great as a critic of capitalism. I do think he came onto the world stage in regrettable circumstances as he was a political ally (in his early years) of bloodthirsty revolutionaries who were pretty much precursors to the genocidal 20th century communist and fascist regimes. I don't think he WAS one of those people, but many of his associates and collaboraters definitely were, and it has tainted his reception in some circles.

>> No.6994717

I'm disappointed by the fact that so many people like expound on theories and philosophical ideas but actively avoid debate and discussion whenever disagreement arises.

>> No.6994783

Yeah dude the soil in Zimbabwe suddenly became fertile when Cecil Rhodes gained power then suddenly became infertile when Mugabe gained power, completely by coincidence.

>> No.6995335

No double standard is being applied. True communism—as in technologically advanced communism on a global scale—is literally impossible without automation because that is how it is defined and capable of working. Without automation, socialism is the best one could achieve. "True capitalism" has already been tried and lazzais-faire policies have always lead to amplified corruption, monopolization, and inequality. Unless you're operating under some esoteric version of capitalism with no established foundation in political theory, then it would be absurd to argue that the socioeconomic inequalities today are a result of us not engaging in true capitalism, which is the likely corollary of your point.

Your other paragraph just sounds like an argument against any and all theoretics and metaphysics. Care to dismiss the entirety of philosophy and the social sciences as well while you're at it? Your "argument" effectively does so with only a few changes in terms. If you seriously don't believe economics isn't naturally complex, then I'm not sure what to tell you. In case you weren't aware, economics is the field dealing with all trade, capital, finance, commerce, and the conditions of all the aforementioned. Economics is complex because the aforementioned—and the societies in which they are found—are complex. Regardless, that's not my point. My point was that people are oversimplifying broad socioeconomic theories because they are ignorant of what they are.

Communism has worked many times in small groups, such as the Paris Commune and many Jewish kibbutzes. It has failed to work in the large-scale because the leaders were either corrupt or special conditions precluded its success.

Go to /leftypol/ and ask them to explain why communism works. They've studied this stuff for years. Alternatively, do some reading yourself (you're on /lit/, after all) and stop basing your beliefs on your ignorance of the alternatives.

>> No.6995339


I knew it didn't look right. I always spell that stupid term wrong.