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File: 201 KB, 410x700, death_tarot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6991039 No.6991039 [Reply] [Original]

Do you fear death?

>> No.6991042

Why would I? This might sound edgy, but I'm looking forward to it. Just out of curiosity.

>> No.6991044

ur mom fears death cause it's so big it hurts

i named my dick death

>> No.6991049


I forgot to add one important side to this. I do fear dying, or rather pain if there should be any. Burn to death, drown or something similar.

>> No.6991058
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Just so you know, the original card from the Tarot of Marseille has no name and it is the only one without a name, sometimes just called "card 13". It is a mistake to call it Death and draw it as a simple skeleton, it has a much more complex symbolism to it.

>> No.6991060

Yes. I find non-existence hard to imagine (since you can only imagine things, not lack of them) and therefore I fear it.

I hope the transhumanists are right and that I can achieve biological immortality, or at least a few thousand extra years.

>> No.6991065

obviously. philosophizing about death (aurelius, schopenhauer and whatever) is worthless.

>> No.6991086

death as the absolute negativity of the self is what allow us to define and give a limited and substantial shape to our lives through deeds and actions.

>> No.6991100

Nah m8 death fears me aye. No need to be scared of that cunt.

>> No.6991103

This is going to sound pretty gay but I came to terms with death as the thing that gave me life. My existence is temporary, and almost unnatural (at least unsustainable). In existing I am borrowing from the resources at rest in order to have the greatest known experience in the universe. When I become permanently unconscious I'll just be returning what was never mine in the first place. I try to let all my life decisions be ultimately informed by the fact that I am going to die, and it's come to the point where I feel the scarcity of time that death creates is a gift and not a curse. For those in suffering, it ends the suffering. And for those with joy, it forces them to contemplate the authenticity of their joy, and gives real value to every moment rather than each moment just being another second in an endless eternity.

>> No.6991111
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Yes. My two greatest fears are failure and death.

>> No.6991133

I hate what this website and contemporary culture has done to people.
This isn't gay at all. And you shouldn't have to preface your philosophy with that. This sounds like a philosophy that, when realized, can be very comforting.

>> No.6991143

get a room, faggots

>> No.6991146

no, but I fear life like a cockroach fears someone turning on the lights

>> No.6991177

>implying I'm a mortal

>> No.6991183

>still stuck on the mortal/immortal dichotomy

>> No.6991196


>still being a sissy faggot

>> No.6991197

death doesn't scare me, dying does

>> No.6991199

>Do you fear death?
Not death itself, I'm indifferent to absolute nothingness, but I fear dying and various ways of dying.

>> No.6991201

Careful there, anon-kun, I almost cut myself on your edge.

>> No.6991206

Only when I think about it; and even then its only sometimes.

>> No.6991209

Also what this guy said
I just dont wanna die a horrible car accident or something like that, or get my head chopped off by ISIS.

>> No.6991215

Having your head chopped off would be pretty cool tbh, just as long as they do it in one cut instead of a sawing motion

>> No.6991216

I am excited to die because I have strong spiritual convictions, and no doubt that there's more to come afterward. but also I'm scared to die, because I have so many books that I want to read (and write).

I just pray about it, and I try to be ready at all times to die, but never overeager.

>> No.6991242

Man i feel you on that that last sentence, im always trying to mentally prepare myself for it. Like ill be in my bed just thinking of scenarios that are probably never going to happen but nonetheless I will preform these mental obstacles to prepare for any of the situations that might arise that will end in my death, and just try to get myself mentally prepared for it and to accept it with some fucking dignity.

I dont wanna go out like a bitch. I tell myself im not going to, but you never know til you know.

>> No.6991245

You faggots sound like your in middle school.


>> No.6991254

>I am excited to die because I have strong spiritual convictions,
Devaluing the magnificent life you have to nothing because you think an infinitely better one is coming.
>but also I'm scared to die, because I have so many books that I want to read (and write).
Then imagining your celestial paradise as one where your deity of choice will deprive you of access to literature and a pen.

>> No.6991259

i'm afraid of being immortal and getting stuck somewhere boring

>> No.6991274

Wait, thats not a board on 4chan..wait what are you getting at anon? I dont understand..help me put 2 and 2 together..because i checked..and thats not a real board..anon..? Is it a hashtag?

>> No.6991289

I fear aging a lot more than death.

>> No.6991302

Imagine eternity on /lit/

>> No.6991313


you're either a rustler of jimmies or one of them NEW ATHEISTS, eh well i'll bite

>the magnificent life you have

yes, the one where i'm stuck in a stinky heap of meat and have to eat and shit numerous times a day. (actually i do love life immensely, but i'd like to experience more than material at some point, ja feel me?)
also being raped and addicted to drugs was like, not cool at all

>deprive you of access to literature

the whole point of literature (and all art) is that it, and we, are so limited. you can't be awed by James Joyce if you're infinitely enlightened. you need to be stupid to appreciate art. see?

maybe you just lack imagination. you should pray.

>> No.6991323
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>not living forever

>> No.6991332

Can i piss in your mouth?

>> No.6991366

No, never have been. I have no philosophical/religious justification for this.

>> No.6991377


>> No.6991378

Why would you want to?

>> No.6991382
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Why wouldnt I want to?

>> No.6991385

ebin comment +1

>> No.6991592
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Although I am an athiest I was raised Catholic and I can't deny that I am afraid of death mainly because of the prospect of eternal damnation.

Eternity itself sounds horrible, but an eternity of suffering, non-stop unimaginable torture forever is just insane.

>> No.6991602

No, but I fear fearing death.

>> No.6991615

>Trying to spice things up


>> No.6991644

I don't know about you mane but after a couple of years of non-stop torture I'd probably just get used to it. There's Buddhist monks that set themselves on fire and don't show any signs of pain while enduring one of the most excruciating ways to die so non-stop suffering doesn't sound too shitty.
inb4 edgy

>> No.6991651

Then are you really grounded in your belief (Atheism)?

Wait, did I say belief? You know what else requires belief? Religion.

Wait, am I implying Atheism is a religion in and of itself?

Woah, now we're on shaky ground..

>> No.6991675

Stop it anon. Stop.

>> No.6991714

>I'm on two levels!
What is existentialism?

>> No.6991732

Sure, to one degree or another it's natural and useful to be afraid of death.

And making use of other's fear of death is often highly utile.

>> No.6991740
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Better to die than to suffer.

>> No.6991741

No. In fact, I'm so indifferent to it that I'm slightly scared of myself. If I had to choose wether I lived or died right now, I'd need some time to make the decision. And I actually live a pretty nice, fulfilling life.

>> No.6991785

Nah, death is the one thing no one can ever take from me. Its the only true friend you can have

>> No.6991799

Yes, but I also long for it

>> No.6991805

That's called upper middle-class ennui.

>> No.6991816

herd moralist detected

>> No.6991828

Yes, greatly. Perhaps that's why I am so without use.

Please kill me. Instantaneously and without warning.

>> No.6991839

That's why religious is such a succesful meme. It's good cop/bad cop theology.

>> No.6991846
File: 189 KB, 960x934, 10509484_855569727841295_7914510302960521852_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be very afraid to die, I admit it. I would think about it every night and at times it would drive me truly insane, I'd cry, even vomit a couple of times because of it. Desperate times. I felt this really strong emptiness surrounding me, infinite time before my birth and after death, squishing all that I valued, all that I could possibly do and it reflected on a physical level, my stomach would crumble and I'd do anything to escape this feeling (I still would). I'd throw out the window logic and truth, beauty or ethics, anything just to hold onto some fantasy that could make me functional again, even if it was just to take me out of that feeling for a second. Every night I tried not to think about it and fell right into it, insomnia is truly a bitch. The next morning everything would be "alright", not well, just that I could distract myself with the day and was able to ignore it.

I think it is very different to talk about something rationally and feel it. I did not change any of my believes before, during or after the episodes because of them, it's just that my believes "hit me". "I'm going to die, I'm going to be nothing, there is no humanity to go on, nothing to do to avoid it, nothing will remain from the people I know, the things I do, what I have accumulated in experience, emotion or knowledge..." I was a nihilist and an atheist (if they're not the same) years before it and remained such years after it.

Eventually, the episodes diminished in number, but they were still haunting me to some extent. I could talk about them from a little distance, without feeling it. Years passed and many things happened, many of my opinions changed about life, death and pretty much everything else. Today, I see death as a transformation, as a passage to go beyond my form and I don't fear it anymore. I struggled with this a lot, because I did not want to believe in something just to avoid the awful feeling, I feel that was insincere in a number of ways and could do more harm than good. But I cannot effectively express all the thoughts and feelings that went through me that changed me so radically, I can only tell that this understanding of death as transformation is absolutely sincere and throughly dissolved my desperate fear of it.

I fear to fall into hellish states of mind, I fear anger and ignorance, I fear holding on to the past or living too much for the future. I fear for the repercussions of my death to others. I fear missing opportunities to do good, including this life, but I am not afraid of death itself, as much as I don't fear changing myself. Even if I might act through fear of change and death often, I know this can be worked around. My fear of death went away when I stopped being a fatalist.

>> No.6991863

You're the type of anon I come to /lit/ to listen to.

>> No.6991867

No, going to Gensokyo is OK.

>> No.6991872

Same here.

I'm afraid of the future, I'm terribly afraid of pain — but those are part of life. Changes, decay and death are indissociable of life as we know it, I don't believe "souls" are anywhere close eternal essences either. Thoughts are changes, emotions and sensations are changes — life is nothing but changes. I get the impression that life is simply incompatible with eternity.

Afterlife is something I find hard to believe in. The idea just seems... insubstantial to me, like the idea of the teapot orbiting the sun. Reincarnation might be the most conceivable kind, because of what I said above. But I'm not sure "the same soul in another body" even makes sense.

Non-existence, on the other hand, is just... nothing. I mean it really, I think Epicurus is right: “Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist.” The only thing I'd fear is the pain that life would inflict me until then.

Interesting, I'll look into it.

Only you think you're "on shaky ground", you're just arguing semantics with yourself.

>> No.6991897

This sounds like a nihilistic Elliot Rodgers.

>> No.6991900

I will not die, it's the world that will end.

>> No.6991920

Sorry son but if you havent accepted Atheism is just another religion youre kidding yourself

>> No.6991923

>I would think about it every night and at times it would drive me truly insane, I'd cry, even vomit a couple of times because of it.

I both laugh at an envy your intensity. Maybe your intense fear enabled you to feel more alive in the moment than if you had never feared it at all.

>> No.6991953

I was never afraid as it always seemed a far away abstract thing that didn't happen regularly.
Then my dog died when I was 11 and I cried like a bitch.
Some people in my life died but it always seemed still away, even seeing them in their caskets I always had this impression that it was a simple transition.
Then one day I almost killed myself in a stupid accident and I realized how little I thought of it until that day. I guess that's the day I stopped being less stupid about risky stuff.

Now though, going through a lengthy depression that has basically ruled my life for around 6 or so years I get episodes where death sounds like the least worse solution to my current condition.
Right now I'm ok and death is again looking like a foreign subject so to speak.

Yeah, this. Even if we don't consider ourselves the referential system when analyzing whatever philosophical idea/subject, the truth is that from start to end we're it, the perception system exists when we, well, perceive and ends when we no longer do so. (I'm not saying that the tree doesn't make a sound if you don't hear it)

He's saying that Atheism isn't a null starting point (I think).
I wouldn't call it a religion (because it implies things a religion is defined by) but Atheism is an ideology (or ideological system) the same way any religion is.

>> No.6991974

No because I already practically don't even exist when you consider the vastness of the timeline of the universe

>> No.6991982

So you only dont fear it logically?
You realize that's only half the equation, right anon?..

>> No.6991988

I don't think I fear death. I fear dying before I've done everything I want to do.

>> No.6991991

The other half is irrelevant

>> No.6991999

This man gets it.
Atheism is an ideology, a very hypocritical one at that.

>> No.6992002

Sure, logically it is..but that's only half the equation.

>> No.6992006

Tarot interests me, even though it's just emo kid bullshit that happened to be way older than the weegee board

>> No.6992007

How presumptuous of you.

It's okay though, I like to jump to conclusions about strangers on the internet too.

It doesn't matter when I do it either.

>> No.6992025

... Now that's something. I'm impressed, it's always good to remember how differently people may react to that situation. I hope you're alright.

Frankly dad, I don't think it matters that much if you consider it one or not. There are different definitions of "religion", very different possible conceptions of "God" (some of which I might consider as possibilities, some of which I wouldn't, many of which are really interesting for stories, but none of which feel real to me) and even different kinds of atheism too (a definite belief in the non-existence of God is not the same as no particular belief in any god). You could label me as agnostic, athetist, non-believer, whatever, it's no big deal to me.

If you are to have a discussion about religion and atheism with someone, you need to define all those terms first. An argument starting with "atheism is a religion, thus..." or "atheism is no religion, thus..." might make sense but would be very loaded.

>> No.6992069

Raised Christian and am terrified of dying in case there's a hell

Think there is a lot of evidence for reincarnation which is more logical and nowhere near as bad, but still terrifies me

>> No.6992075

>Think there is a lot of evidence for reincarnation
I'm hindu and I don't even believe reincarnation

>> No.6992089

I start from the top and work my way down, most do the opposite, thats where the miscommunication (why is it coming up as a spelling error?) happens.

Also defining terms can get tricky because at a certain point you have to ask yourself if the words you're using (or words in general) have any concrete definition, since their meaning changes with context and thus subject to contradiction and falsifiable statements, on both sides.

>> No.6992094

Basically; it always ends in word play.

>> No.6992096

The Dharmic faiths actually see reincarnation in the negative.

To them, It's a cycle to be escaped from, - a prison rather than a mere do-over.

>> No.6992176

Check The Way of the Tarot by Alejandro Jodorowsky

>> No.6992196

I just want to see it coming
Yeah, it'd suck if I died young, but I'd rather succumb to some illness than fall the wrong way while walking down the street

>> No.6992201

My family has a history of alzheimers, and it is pretty much certain that I'll get it too eventually.

I am terrified of becoming senile and slowly losing my grasp on reality. The thought of perpetual confusion, dying slowly without realizing it, caught in a cycle of childlike uselessness and moments of terrifyingly brief lucidity. I would prefer to die young and in my prime than to have my children have to clean me and clothe me.

Death itself? I don't fear death due to my religious nature, but I would like to make the most of the time I have here. And if I'm wrong and death is horrible and wipes my existence completely... well I will have been optimistic to my last moments, which is still comforting to know.

>> No.6992207

Not really. Already lost so many family members in the short time I've been on this earth that death feels like an old friend.

>> No.6992221

Yes, to the point that it interferes with my daily life. I send myself into panicked states after thinking about it for extended periods. I think it a reasonably fear. But I don't fear death as much as I fear that I am not in the slightest bit important and that I won't change things for the better.

>> No.6992414

I have no idea who that is, is it good or bad?

I'm alright now, more than alright actually.

I'd never wish that feeling to anyone, actually. But you have a point though. One of the things that I rationalized afterwards was that it hit me so hard because I was too muh asleep before. I was too rational at that time and so what mattered to me were just arguments and words and being right, etc. None of those words had a true importance, my thoughts and beliefs were distant from myself. When it struck me, it struck me hard. I learned a lot from those episodes.

I honestly did not expect and would never expect to have a real physical condition because of them. That what was so freightening, I was completely out of control, it was as if my fear of death was poisoning me and effectively killing me. A year later a teacher mentioned Sartre's Nausea as "a metaphor for how the weight of existence affects us" and I couldn't help but thinking "it's not a metaphor!". I've never read the book though.

After all of what happened I learned that nothing really matters to you if you don't live it and feel it in your skin in some way or the other. What you do and how you react to things (intuitively, emotionally, rationally and so on) are precisely the image of your believes, even if your words say otherwise.

>> No.6992459
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>being a being whilst being concerned about nonbeing

>> No.6992576

>I have no idea who that is, is it good or bad?
Elliot Rodger was a young guy who did one of those recent school shootings because he couldn't get pussy. In his extremely edgy manifesto he described seeing couples on street and cafes. And every one them reminded him of the fact that he doesn't have a girlfriend himself. That would throw him in a depression, make him lock himself in a bathroom and cry whole day.

You would cry and vomit too (but for a slightly better reason). Your highly dramatic style of writing and talking about something which seems trivial to me (I'm >>6991741) also reminds me of his manifesto.

>> No.6992610

Death, no. Pain, yes.
If I could have a painless death tonight I'd take it.

>> No.6992635

I can't wait to die tbh even though I lack the state of mind for suicide, a huge disservice has been done to anyone who has been birthed and eternal conscious existence of any kind would be the ultimate nightmare. To know that someday you can just let go of everything forever and that the universe will eventually end in my absense preventing any more suffering from taking place warms my heart.

>> No.6992636

I'm scared of not living, but the prospect of death doesn't scare me as much as it used too. Mainly because I tried to kill myself twice but eh

>> No.6992784

I'm exactly the pain, I have nothing to fear from nonexistence, but everything to fear from dying and the pain that accompanies it.

>> No.6992821
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that make me happy anon

>> No.6993133

My Twisted World is one of the most fascinating things I've read lately though.

>> No.6993142 [DELETED] 

>I have no idea who that is, is it good or bad?

>> No.6993149

>I have no idea who that is, is it good or bad?

>> No.6993150
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I don't fear death itself, but oblivion of consciousness keeps me up at night. I'm a fully functioning adult and I get panic attacks when I think about it.

>> No.6993669

life is pretty spooky, no spooky shit when u dead

use ur brain

>> No.6993681

What is death?

>> No.6993689

I've never heard a good argument for the value of life tbh. Don't even respond I'll just "why" you all the way down to your spooks.

>> No.6993690

I'm afraid of dying but not afraid of death.

>> No.6993707


See that's funny, because that's what I want. I want to feel nonexistence, that complete void. And when I think that's what awaits me, all the shit I get riled up over and stressed the fuck out about doesn't really seem so bad anymore.

>> No.6993711
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>> No.6993718

I find it interesting how so many christians are terrified of death, or rather want to ignore it. I was just chatting to a friend of mine from the uni two days ago, and she said she was really bummed out about some essay by Freud about death she had to read for one of her classes. She said that it makes her uncomfortable and that it makes no sense to think about death during life. I found that a bit funny, considering she's a pentacostal.

>> No.6993724

you won't feel nonexistence though

>> No.6993735


What if the fundamental nature of Universe is to bum you out (or rather frustrate you and make you scarred shitless about stuff)?

>> No.6993737

Non existence is already what you experienced before you were born.

>> No.6993744

Are you me?

>> No.6993773

>applying real world shit to Hell

If we're to believe that those who are sent to Hell will suffer for eternity, shouldn't we assume that one never becomes accustomed to that kind of torment? What would be the point if one stopped caring at a certain point?

It makes me laugh when dumb idiots say they would rather go to Hell because that's where all the interesting people are. Well, that might be true, but they'd all be too busy wailing and gnashing their teeth for that to matter.

>> No.6993776


>feel nonexistence

Dude, that's not how it works, presumably. If death equals the cessation of all experience, there is no experience of death.

>> No.6993785

therefore none of this is happening

>> No.6993788


thatsthepoint.java, jesus christ.
I wanna feel like I feel when I'm asleep


Yes, and I want to experience it again.

>> No.6993792

do you have anything to support that statement?

>> No.6993799

You need Buddhism.

Actual Buddhism.

Peace through emptiness, the release of all desire, and escape from suffering through denial of the world.

The real stuff is no hippy trippy feelgood shit, it's about the peace of letting go of life.

>> No.6993809


But you can't 'feel nonexistence' mate. Do you think you'll 'see darkness' if you have your eyes surgically removed?

>> No.6993818

Wasn't Buddhas idea just to 'find your own way'? When did it become a religion?

>> No.6993820


I like Taoism better. Buddhists reject the world, Taoists understand it.

>> No.6993840

You mean aside from the fact that you did not exist before your birth and therefore what "experience" you had could only be described as that of non-existence?

>> No.6993844

Not really.
Either we die and out consciousness survives. Or it doesn't.
Does it matter when you can't change it?

>> No.6993846

wanna kill yourself now fuccboi? i can set up the stream.

>> No.6993849


That depends. It's kinda difficult to discern what was the historical Buddha's idea, since it all happened two-thousand and five hundred years ago. But over-all from my experience, I'd say buddhism is really more of a practice, a method, rather than a religion.

I'm no buddhist, though I find a lot of buddhist ideas and practices useful. Especially the practices, since almost nothing of that survived in my tradition (which is in a lot of aspects close to buddhism).

>> No.6993853


>see darkness

Well, no, but I'd experience a lack of sight that I would identify as darkness, having experienced that sensation before and applying it to the newfound blindness. I'm still not saying you "experience" or "feel" nonexistence in terms of the sensual, but...ay


I've looked into Buddhism/Taoism but never got far into either. What would be a good read for the both of them?

>> No.6993855

Which ideas and practices and what is your tradition?

>> No.6993864

Maybe try alan watts? That's who I like, like how he explains stuff. It makes it easy for me to understand it. You can find a lot of his talks on youtube too
Ah ya

>> No.6993866

Probably as soon as anybody started taking notice of Siddhartha: but the core of his method was aesceticism, and the people who followed him understood this as the key to overcoming the distractions presented by daily life: the method of aesceticism is certainly malleable however.

Not so read up on Taoism, all I can recall of it is something about a celestial bureaucracy?

>> No.6993870

Of Course. I get sad when I think about all the things I won't ever see or do. It's a fear so deep rooted in all of us that we do mental gymnastics to believe anything matters, that religion is true, that death isn't terrifying. Of course it is. If your not afraid you are deluded

>> No.6993884

you have no memory of existence but evidence of absence is not absence of evidence. You could be reincarnated or existing on another plane or some other hippie bullshit.

this "death is the same as before you're born" bullshit is guesswork and makes no fucking sense. It's a non answer.

>> No.6993890


For Taoism just read the Tao Te Ching, then read it again in a different translation, etc. It's not that long.

I think the thing that might make Taoism particularly attractive to a chantard is that it encompasses all sides of everything. It's a religion that goes beyond religion, in the same way a chantard is so used to trolling and avoiding trolls that he develops a bigger view about reality than some people have. Cicero had the same thing, that's why he was an Academic Skeptic.

Taoism is mystical and spiritual so that might be a big turn-off. But the world is mystical so it's better to get comfortable with that side of the world tbh.

>> No.6993903

I wouldn't worry about it. Chances of an immortal spirit is incredibly low

>> No.6993908


Well, I've read a bit on meditation (and try to practice regularly) and studied the buddhist phillosophy and history (mostly mahayana). I'm a gnostic. But if I didn't have that in my life, I'm pretty sure I would've become a buddhist.


Yeah, the Alan Watts lectures seem pretty solid to me (from a westerner perspective). There's also a big bulk of his lectures on bucaneer inlet, I've heard.

>> No.6993924


>Tao Te Ching

I'm retarded. I couldn't for the life of me remember what is was called, so thanks for reminding me. Interesting analogy, too; it actually kinda works...

>Alan Watts

Ok cool, I'll check him out sometime, thanks

>> No.6993934

I just want to be able to see what happens to humanity in the future. Maybe I'll become a ghost and get to watch in silence for eternity while spooking people for fun.

>> No.6993944

This pretty much.

Based hanged man. We should all practice ritual downside hanging from time to time. Would clear some things up.

Actually that would be more of a master moralist feel. The Greeks thought dying young was the best death.

I always thought that kind of extreme existential oversensitivity on /lit was a kind of meme where we pretend to be moved at gut level by philosophical questions. Seemed to me someone like that would frequent churches or philosophical circles, but not 4chan. Looks like I was wrong. Interesting post.

I like your conclusion
>My fear of death went away when I stopped being a fatalist.

all the more so than being a fatalist can help overcome fear of death for some people.

>emo kid bullshit that happened to be way older than the weegee board

You're betraying an ignorance of mythology, religious history, art history, and perhaps even philosophy.
Read Eliphas levi (not a jew despite the name). Beware, this might require preliminary readings, seeing as Levi was drawing from writers of his time (Hegel, Hugo, and others), and was well-versed in Greek, Latin and religious literature.

I have several cases of Parkison in my family and I feel you. But no need to worry, there are ways to reduce your chances of Alzheimering (play games like chess or go, read a lot, see friends regularly, write and paint if you can, and keeping doing that when you're in old age, there's probably diets habits that help too).

Limbo as Dante describes it seems almost alright tbf.


Interesting answers itt. As others have said, life is more frightening than death to me. Since I don't believe in an afterlife, death mostly means the finitness of life, which can be good or bad depending on cases (but I have trouble imagining how an unfinite life would happen anyway).

>> No.6993974

Guys you existed for at least 6 months before you were born, assuming some of you were born before term.

You could all hear you dad call your mom a slut before getting out of the womb.

>> No.6993982

Atheism is not an ideology. It's just a more open minded way of looking at the world. Most atheists don't even think about God, never mind try to reason with a religious person. The different religions are like video game console wars that argue over whose better, has better games etc. agnostics are the pc gamers or idorts. Meanwhile the atheists are busy doing things in real life, writing their own stories instead of allowing others to prompt them into a prescribed idea. There are no tenets of atheism. There are no prescriptive behaviors or value systems. Its not an ideology. Stop repeating this meme.

>> No.6993987


Pretty fucking good. I wish I could have a beer with you. I know what you mean about experiences. That's where mysticism/spirituality comes in for me. You can rationally understand everything and still be very unhappy. You can also become mystically exalted and there are practices to bring about those states of mind but they're dangerous.

I'm going off on a tangent, but basically pretty damn good.

>> No.6993998
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>> No.6994017
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No, because I am a Christian and I believe in eternal life.

That said, the business of dying is probably going to be unpleasant. It would be nice to be assumed into Heaven like the Blessed Virgin. I doubt I'll have any such luck, though.

>> No.6994069


>Most atheists don't even think about God,

Or the fundamental nature of the Universe, existence, etc... Life is just a hedonistic roller-coaster ride, in which you rely on authorities to tell you, what it's really about.

Don't worry. It's the same story with most religious people as well.

>> No.6994084
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I'm afraid of death. But not for the death itself, but for the passing of time. I can't stop the passage of time itself, I just have to let it flow even when I don't want to. Soon my family will be dead and not so soon after it I will be too. I will live maybe 70, 80 years and only a part of them will be at its fullest. I will lose all of my knowledge, my friends, my memories, everything I was. And then what? I don't know where I'll go or what will be of my time being here. Will I leave a legacy? Will I be able to find such legacy? Maybe what I fear more than death is a meaningless life.

>> No.6994112


Hmmm, I think everyone needs to go through that state of mind (or being) in one point in their life. The absolute kenoma, truly experiencing the absolute shit and vomit - the kafkaesque down-low of the human condition. It's probably dangerous (some might not make it), but in the end it can lead you to some extremely important stuff.

>> No.6994116

Rather than death, I used to be afraid of life, which made me a coward and a mediocre. Then some years ago cardiologists told me I had a heart condition and I've been in constant fear of life AND death, and still am a coward and a mediocre.

>> No.6994117

time is not fleeting. you and your family and friends exist forever in a time you can't experience agin right now. each moment is permanent.

>> No.6994123

>each moment is permanent.
In my memory only. When I cease to exist, those moments will start to vanish through the passage of time until I become just a small, meaningless part of the hole existence.

>> No.6994203

Not death, but the way I'll die.
I really, really hope it lasts less than half a second, anything else is God taking a massive shit on me.

>> No.6994288

no they exist forever in their absolute ideal. your memory is ephemeral.

unless you actually believe existence is subjective.

>> No.6994292

>No, because I am a Christian and I believe in eternal life.
Stop roleplaying m8, you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.6994301

not that guy but I also believe what his post espouses. What strikes you as insincere about that post?

>> No.6994308

yes, there is no human that can say otherwise unless they lack mental faculties.

>> No.6994355

>i am a cuckold for if I let people breed my lovers for me since we are all the same it makes no difference

>> No.6994442

I don't really believe first worlders who claim to hold such beliefs, even if they may believe so themselves. It reeks of bad faith. I don't think modernity and sincere religious belief are compatible and that even those who claim to possess it are generally just actively trying to convince themselves against their better judgement without ever truly succeeding.

>> No.6994446

>i am a cuckold for if I let people breed my lovers for me since we are all the same it makes no difference

>> No.6994467

No. I have nothing left to live for.

What I'm afraid of is the possibility of it hurting.

>> No.6994479

How in the hell do you end up with gnosticism?

>> No.6994486

It is not so much the death part I fear

it's what comes after I'm afraid of

>> No.6994487

Only if there are demons, I have to be a bug or a shelter dog, or a deer that gets its dick or whatever eaten off by a babboon while alive like I saw on >>>/wsg/ once, or a somalian girl.

So basically if new agers are right and I get to be a cosmic spirit of the all or it's just nothing forever then no. But spooks. So kind of yes.

>> No.6994513 [DELETED] 

Not that guy but
Satanism -> Luciferianism -> Aliens, UFOs and Demonology -> Historical Research in the occult -> Anthroposophy+Hermeticism+self-insight -> Gnosticism

That's my timeline anyways.

>> No.6994519

not knowing what happens is pretty bothersome, and concepts like not existing and infinity go beyond what my mind is capable of comprehending

i don't like that

>> No.6994522 [DELETED] 

Not that guy but
Satanism -> Luciferianism -> Aliens, UFOs and Demonology -> Historical Research in the occult -> Anthroposophy+Hermeticism+self-insight = Gnosticism

That was my experience anyways.

>> No.6994530 [DELETED] 


Not that guy but
Satanism -> Luciferianism -> Aliens, UFOs and Demonology -> Historical Research in the occult -> Anthroposophy+Hermeticism+self-insight = Gnosticism

That was my experience anyways.
Also theres a "green pill" chart lying around in the archive you can find, it's a pretty good list.

>> No.6994537

for fucks sake, 4th time is a charm

Not that guy but
Satanism -> Luciferianism -> Aliens, UFOs and Demonology -> Historical Research in the occult -> Anthroposophy+Hermeticism+self-insight = Gnosticism

That was my experience anyways.
Also theres a "green pill" chart lying around in the archive you can find, it's a pretty good list.
p.s. samuel aun woer is a cunt

>> No.6994622

How do you get to the point that you take all that shit seriously?

Genuinely curious.

>> No.6994626

It is the natural conclusion for those who read my diary tbh smh fam

>> No.6994631

I honestly don't know, I was only interested in Satanism because I was an edgy teenager, then luciferianism because it was less edgy satanism once I became maturing, but realizing that luciferianism doesn't work if you're not into at least some metaphysics I decided to give their strange practices a try, after realizing they had an effect on me I wanted to know just what the hell was it I wanted to see if those nutjobs actually had any merit, then I found out there was a fuck-huge historical basis for these things and the people behind it knew what was up.

>> No.6994636

No. Theres no reason to. I am 95% sure that when you die thats it. You're just dead (which for some reason normies have difficulty understanding when I tell them for some reason). So theres nothing there. I don't get my old life, but I can't miss it. I can't regret it, because im not there.

>> No.6994638

I honestly don't know, I was only interested in Satanism because I was an edgy teenager, then luciferianism because it was less edgy than satanism once I started maturing, but realizing that luciferianism doesn't work if you're not at least into some metaphysics I decided to give their strange practices a try, after realizing they had an effect on me I wanted to know just what the hell was it that affected me I wanted to see if those nutjobs who are into this shit actually had any merit, then I found out there was a fuck-huge historical basis for these things and the people behind it knew what was up, but Good and Evil began to have an objective reality for me so I decided to go for team good (anthroposophy, modern day spiritualists) than team bad (the illuminati, luciferians, etc).

>> No.6994650

kek, can't delete this post

going to proof-read next time

>> No.6994655

don't we all tell ourselves we will proofread next time

>> No.6994658

Does anyone know what deck this illustration is from?

>> No.6994803

That's pretty rich.

>> No.6995114


I used to be a pretty down-to-earth atheist. Phillosophically, I ascribed to existentialism, I read Sartre, Camus and all that mainstream shit. At one point, I realized it's all bullcrap - that existentialism essentially points to excruciating issues but in no way manages to solve them - and went into a sort of nihilistic existential crisis (although that's maybe overly dramatic way to put it). First and foremost, I was feeling down over the inescapability of determinism, either atheist or theist.

There was a lot happening at that time, but what's most important is that also at that point, weird stuff started to happen in my life. Mostly very meaningful (extreme) coincidences, and certain states where I felt a sort of divine presence (I don't know how to properly describe it - momentual sattori perhaps?). At that point, I was faced with two options. Either my brain was fucked and I was living in a cloud coo-coo land, or (what was possibly more horrifying) I would have to face up to the possibility that there is a God (which would be a problem, since theodicy and above-mentioned determinism).

I was reading a lot of books at that time, too. I felt a sort of hunger for a certain intangible thing that I would find in certain books - the first time I can recall this was reading East of Eden. I felt it a bit in the writings of Pablo Coelho, some other writers, I even (again through meaningful coincidences) got touch of some hermetical, alchemist and rosicrucian minor writings. And all these to a certain degree satiated me with that 'something' but at the same time kept me hungry enough to keep searching.

At a certain point, I got in my hand the Red Book by Carl Gustav Jung. And that's when it really broke free. From the first few pages, I knew that this is what I've been looking for the whole time. I can't describe the feeling of reading that book. Anyway, after I finished, I immediately started searching for someone who would have the same experience of Jung as I did. And I got to the page gnosis.org, read a few articles there and again it blew my head to the fucking smithereens. I hunted down a copy of Nag Hammadi library, read it (again) in ecstatic frenzy. And it was the right shit indeed.

That's pretty much the story of how I became a gnostic. There's a lot more flair and fancy to the whole story, of course, but I tried to be concise.

>> No.6995688

I think you're actively trying to convince yourself that you can know the true beliefs of others.

>> No.6995702
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>> No.6995705


I will read that book. Our journey was different but I believe we've seen some of the same things.

And then you have these greasy fuckers who want you to think there's nothing more to life than smoking pot, masturbating, and playing vidya. And they're influencing an entire generation of men to be like them. That's okay though, it just makes you stand out all the more in the world.

The main thing that's very healthy, that you already know and said yourself in that post, is that you're not very unique (this is good, how terrifying would it be to be truly unique?) A book that helped me was William James' Variety of Religious Experience. It grounded me by teaching me that people throughout history, from common drunks to geniuses and everyone inbetween, have felt the grace of God, or whatever label you want to apply to it.

>> No.6995707

Holy fuck. How? That's intense. I mean, I guess my edgy fedora parents just instilled the "you're fucked, you just get oblivion" idea in me from the start, and I don't want that. I don't want to stop perceiving.

Even though I don't particularly believe it, I have a really powerful fascination with religious dogma, particularly Christian.

>> No.6995718


Also to a very real extent words distort reality because they can only ever tell part of the story. When you think and write you're actually creating a different world. That's good, that's what you're supposed to be doing. Just make sure it's a good world. We wouldn't be in the place we are today if it weren't for men blinded by their own greatness.

Reading the lives of great men is good. And not just the "good" ones. The Ayatollah was a gifted and sensitive poet.

>> No.6995728


I still have the primal fear of death because it's wired into me, though I do not intellectually fear death.

>> No.6995731

I fear dying painfully, but not being dead. Being dead sounds comfy, tbh

>> No.6995742


Another thing is you can really tell people by their eyes. Look at a picture of Gandhi next to Gandhi's parents. They look similar but there is something extra in Gandhi. It's an extra twinkle. It's the smile on Mona Lisa's face. It's the look of one who Knows.

At the same time we live in a materialist world so you have to be very careful (I'm talking like I'm giving you advice, in reality you may well be beyond me, and you certainly need no advice since you have gnosis, so don't think me obnoxious I'm just rapping off what you said). Definitely the mystical stuff has to stay secret, if you describe what is happening inside of you people will think you're insane and you might end up in a place where stupid doctors and nurses inject you with drugs that literally turn off your soul. And really they'd be right to think you're insane, I was insane when that happened, only an insane person, with no awareness, would have talked the way I did. The transition was just so sudden, the chasm between who I was after that moment and what I felt like before it was so great, that I couldn't sleep and lack of sleep becomes psychosis.

>> No.6995807
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The fear of death is wired into us as humans because of evolution. If we weren't afraid of death, our species wouldn't survive and we wouldn't be here. Fear of death is necessary for the survival of animals.

We are a bit of a exception, since our intellectual ability has increased to the point where we are able to self reflect. This ability helps us understand our behavior and thought processes and what their purpose is. Once we break down the fear of death, we realize that the primal aspect of it is only based on a reflex emotion geared to keep us reproducing by keeping us safer for longer. There are other aspects of it (fear of the unknown), which I will address later. The primal fear we feel is not based in rationality, it is an irrational emotion. Once you understand this, you can dull the fear it causes which is advantageous because it will affect your actions less.

The second thing which causes people to fear is just not knowing what happens. I personally think any worry about what happens after death is wasted energy. There is no way you can know, and since there is nothing you can do about it worrying is pointless. I find solace in the fact that my body will return to the earth.

We're just a natural phenomenon, and the only thing we can do is act within our nature. This is a bit of a rhetorical statement since anything we do is acting within our nature, but my point is that some basic fear of death is in our nature so it is okay to feel it. I still think over exaggerating it should be avoided, as the way you think about it is important. I've looking at it being based in wanting to live, instead of the fear of death.

>> No.6995901

I'm curious about death but upset with actually dying
But that's just because I'm annoyed at the finite number of experiences my body can undergo
If I could experience multiple methods of dying I would even say I look forward to it

>> No.6995938

I am literally terrified of death.

The worst thing imaginable.

Lately just being honest with myself about this fact has made life more pleasant. I'm not sure why though.

>> No.6995939

That's a skeleton on that card. Also, tarot was a game before it became a vehicle of divination and symbolism, and it's still primarily a game (outside the US).

>> No.6995944

idiot. don't throw ideas you don't understand around

>> No.6995960

I'm not afraid of death because it will happen whether I fear it or not, but I am afraid of not accomplishing anything before I die. I'm almost 25 and I have done nothing of note.

>> No.6995978
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> I would think about it every night and at times it would drive me truly insane, I'd cry, even vomit a couple of times because of it. Desperate times. I felt this really strong emptiness surrounding me, infinite time before my birth and after death, squishing all that I valued, all that I could possibly do and it reflected on a physical level, my stomach would crumble and I'd do anything to escape this feeling (I still would).
>The next morning everything would be "alright", not well, just that I could distract myself with the day and was able to ignore it.

This exact thing happened to me but I went in the opposite direction. I'm simply lost, I have no rhyme or reason but I've lost the pain associated with boredom and existential angst and am able to live life - live without a belief system or a final referent to ground me.
Right now I honestly think regardless of what you believe we are simply a set of drives, and that we acclimatize to every experience we undergo. Just as people who live in canada move to the los angeles and walk around with barely any clothes on in winter we simply get bored of the terror and get bored of the boredom.

I no longer look for reasons and am a fatalist through and through.

And yes, still fucking afraid of death like it's nobodies business.

>> No.6995984

I don't value myself highly enough to think that my death will mean the loss of anything important. In fact, since my decaying body will feed various parasites, my decomposition will therefore be one of my most notable deeds. I suspect I have melanoma anyway, so I'll likely be dead within a couple of years. And you know what? That's fine, too. I've always found non-sentience a preferable alternative to sentience, since living is such a hard business.

>> No.6995987

cont: Waking up in the middle of the night crying and feeling like you're underwater is one of the worst fucking things.

There is no overcoming a fear of death, we simply ignore it by identifying ourselves not with our bodies but with externalities that persist beyond it. Mind, god, religion, nations, progress etc.

>> No.6996009

The thing is, most people here are talking like death is the definitive end. Why? Why are you so arrogant to claim you know what happens after death?
>inb4 christian
I'm an agnostic.

>> No.6996043

Enough is known about consciousness and the development of intelligence (or the soul, if you like) at this point to ascertain that it is simply a function of the body. And since there is noting of the individual personality that would preclude life, we have no reason to believe that there is anything left of a person after its conclusion.

>> No.6996061


>> No.6996138

>Enough is known
Stopped reading there.

>> No.6996156
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Everyone is terrified of death whether they admit it or not. Pic related.

>> No.6996166

I've seen people with various types of brain injuries. JUST injuries. Changes in personality, loss of memories, loss of mental abilities, body functions, etc. Some little more than blobs of meat. It's absurd to think we'll be ourselves, when our brain isn't just injured but rots away completely.

>> No.6996404

>Enough is known about consciousness and the development of intelligence (or the soul, if you like) at this point to ascertain that it is simply a function of the body.
gotta source on that, science boy?

>> No.6996406

I'm pretty convinced by the epicurian argument against death. It's dying I'm afraid of.

>> No.6996419

mon then ya cow

>> No.6996810

is this good?

>> No.6996821

No, death fears me

>> No.6996840

>ctrl, i.e. ⌘+f "one short sleep past"
>Phrase not found
>hide and sage

>> No.6996845

Excited for death. Dying, not so much.
Thread music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxZpEFJhO6k

>> No.6997291

When you die nothing happens.

Yes i am afraid of death.

>> No.6997344

Certainly it's an instinctual, natural fear, but I think enough people have (or are really good at pretending to have) overcome instinctual fears and impulses to believe it would be possible to not fear death, It would just take a lot of work and reflection

>> No.6997454

How do you over come it? I can't get it out of my head dude. Fuckkkkkkk

>> No.6998179

nah b

eternal torture is easy. just read No Exit and Dante's Inferno b. just read b. just read a lot of books and you'll be fine b. you going to heaven fam

>> No.6998243


fuckin check em guys come on holy shit

69, double (x2) nines and quads h0oly shit (quake voice)

>> No.6998262

Meditate. Download the app "stop breathe and think"

>> No.6998824

It's pretty much undeniable that I will be reincarnated at some point, as will everybody else.
I'm still v. scared of death.

>> No.6998830

One time I got double quads ignroant fool

>> No.6998832



>> No.6999304

You're not going to know that you're dead. It's fine. Don't worry about it.

>> No.6999315

Only when I'm not depressed. So, basically never.

>> No.6999329

No. In fact, I am eagerly awaiting it. If my will hasn't precipitated into some kind of complete project by the time I turn 25, I plan to put a bullet in my head on my 25th birthday.

>> No.6999564


Yeah, what you write rings true, brother. The period of transformation, if there really is such a thing, is always difficult - from my own experience and the accounts of others I've had the pleasure of reading. It's the time when you walk the edge of a knife, and when the total dark emptiness and the light of divine epiphany succesively envelop you in insane fluctuations. It's probably something we'll never be able to properly study, but I think it's not unreasonable to assume that you either come out a gnostic, or you end up in the complete dissolution of insanity (or death).

Regardless, it's always nice to see a fellow wayfarer. It gets awfully isolated sometimes, but then, when you actually get into contact with someone and realize how much your journeys are similiar to each other, it fills you with an ecstatic sense of community that goes far beyond the carnal world. And a funny thing is - there aren't that few of us. It's just that our fundamental nature is solitary - we have to become the pneumatic kamikaze's of this world in our own right. The true community lies completely inside and outside of us - and we're on our way to get there.

Safe travels, friend.

>> No.6999844
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To die will be an awfully big adventure.

>> No.6999857
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>> No.6999874

Near death experiences give me hope for something beyond death.

But even then I am afraid of it. I am afraid of ceasing to be for all eternity. Never thinking another thought and just not existing.

>> No.6999952

I am afraid that I will go to Hell so not death itself, but the real death, sin.

>> No.6999969

How is this /lit/?

>> No.6999971

It's deep because no one else has thought of that.

>> No.7000236


I fear the nothing.

I always thought after dying is just like before being born.

No matter what I do, what I read, what age I am , what condition am I in; whenever I think of it an agressive angst sets in and I want to scream.

>> No.7000410
File: 60 KB, 559x541, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have absolutely no idea

>> No.7000425

No. I was 'dead' until 22 years ago. Wasn't too bad. Not that I remember. I guess after dying it's the same. Dying may be shit, depending on how you go out.

This is something I have never thought about before. Good point.

>> No.7000428

I do not fear death. For when I am here, death is not. And when death is here, I am not