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/lit/ - Literature

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6990975 No.6990975 [Reply] [Original]

What country as a whole has produced the best literature?
1. Italy
2. Russia
3. France
4. Spain
5. Germany
(Britain not included since the works of overhyped hacks does not fall under the category of literature (Shakespeare withstanding))

>> No.6990977

american followed by britain, or vice versa depending on which of the two countries you're from

>> No.6990982
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>Attributing great works of egoists to grandiose spooks
Stay haunted

>> No.6990984

USA is not even in the top 20 bro

>> No.6990999

>Being this saucy about not breaking the top three

>> No.6991003

This is idiotic, this is literally retarded. I mean, you have to literally be at fault with your mental faculties to even believe or pretend to believe or ironically pretend to believe that there is some minute sense in asking what country has produced the best literature or to consider it answering. I advise therapy, heavy drugs, suicide, eternal reclusion or locking yourself in the library to rehab you from your own ignorance for ever thinking that such disposition of terms through which you express yourself is adequate for intelligent conversation.

>> No.6991006

>Russia above France

>> No.6991008

ctrl+f ireland
are you kidding me

>> No.6991012

these threads are fucking worthless. go read a book and then make a thread on it you retard

>> No.6991019

that's because you're stupid. to everyone else USA is first or second

>> No.6991021

Argentina, obviously. It's undoubtedly the most relevant and literally meritory country right now.

>> No.6991028

Greece, followed by Germany.

>> No.6991030

Russia has the best literature.

>> No.6991203 [DELETED] 


вaши пpизpaки видeны, cyкa

>> No.6991228


>> No.6991232


вaши пpизpaки видны, cyкa

>> No.6991233

1. French
2. Latin
3. English
4. Italian
5. Attic Greek
6. Classical Chinese
7. German
8. Persian
9. Russian
10. Spanish

>> No.6991252

patrician version
1. Britain + Ireland
2. France
3. Italy + Rome
4. China
5. Russia
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. India
9. Spain
10. Greece

If you include colonial offspring bump Spain up to 5 and Anglospehere obv stays 1.

>> No.6991276

The UK kicks ass in every form of literature except narrative prose. I guess that Russia has produced the greatest novelists and USA the greatest short story writers. The French would probably be #2 in every category.

>> No.6991278

>having India
>having Japan
>no US or Argentina

Someone is a buttmad yuro lmao

>> No.6991288

>Italy is number one
I like this list.

>> No.6991319

In fact I am American. India replaced USA which was originally on the list because American literature has not truly had a chance to stand the test of time the way the foundational texts of Hindu and Buddhist thought have. If Emerson, Thoreau, and transcendentalism are making waves 1000 years from now (as I privately suspect they will) then America will be top 5.

>> No.6991349

you can't seriously believe that the human race will still exist in 1000 years

>> No.6991353
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>Japan above Germany, India, Greece
Take it to /jp/, m8. And India should be way higher anyway, keeping in mind that India has close to as rich a cultural history as all of Europe combined. It should probably be number 2, with China number 3.

But this whole endeavor is silly anyway.

>> No.6991398
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>naming Argentina instead of Brazil

>> No.6991412

Why someone would post eastern countries? Is it a new meme?

>> No.6991437

you're my meme, anon

>> No.6991441

No one cares about your pig shit hovels and cholera, fam.

>> No.6991481
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>No Portucale
>No Brazil

Is this a meme thread?

>> No.6991509


No. England and Russia are far superior. France is also has a great tradition, but England and Russia are far greater than the U.S.

>> No.6991541

Brazilian here, we really didn't produce much of worth after the 70s, and even then, it was already sort of bad.

Gotta admit there are some good people showing up in the last 5 years, tho

Britain would be shit without Ireland, and you know it.

Anyway, Russia, France and Ireland are GOAT, followed by Argentina, Greece and Germany

>> No.6991555

this got to be a Brazilian shitposting.

>> No.6991558

czech em

>> No.6991593

Trips confirm, Las Malvinas son Brasileñas

>> No.6991606

this tbh

>> No.6991655

1. Russia
2. Ireland
3. Spain
4. France
5. Britain
6. Germany
7. Brazil
8. Japan
9. U.S

>> No.6991660

>you can't seriously believe that the human race will still exist in 1000 years
how's your cyberpunk story going?

>> No.6991703


Spain can’t come in front of England, no way. To be honest neither can Ireland or France, and Russia is debatable, but Spain? What?

You people seem to forget that England has Shakespeare: he alone is already more valuable than the whole literature of some countries. I would rather save the complete works of Shakespeare in the place of Spain’s whole literature anytime.

Russia can compete with England because they’re wonder years were truly amazing. A country who has Tolstoy and Chekhov on their side is a Leviathan.

And Japanese literature is better than Brazilian literature. They’re folk poetry is better than anything Brazilian poets have created. Machado de Assis can’t save the whole country alone (even more so when you realize he has only a bunch of really great works).

>> No.6991721

russophiles and anglophiles are retards

>> No.6991726


And yet they produced the best literature to date.

>> No.6991736

ITT: Everyone has read a handful of authors from a handful of nations at best.

>> No.6991746

In 1000 years we will be post-human and post-literature.

>> No.6991751

what the fuck did you say about fukkeinfd russia you faglosrfd son of pfjschute

>> No.6991752

Ranking countries by literary achievements is futile, because those achievements are of the authors alone.

Their countrymen can hang.

What presumptuous arrogance it is to claim the feat of another because you happen to live on the same patch of dirt.

>> No.6991770



If it is a competition, it is a completion of all against all.

And there are some writers (a small number of them) whose work was so great they could carry the entire nation on their backs.

>> No.6991773

Yeah, culture and environment have no influence on the manifestation of an artist's ability at all. If Shakespeare had been born and raised in a hut in Togo he would still be the best ever.

>> No.6991777

Then how do some nations consistently produce a greater quality and quantity of writer than others?

>> No.6991789

My personal favorites

1# USA

>> No.6991791
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So why do Italy/UK have astronomically more great writers per capita than China/India?

Take off the SJW goggles and admit that culture matters. Some cultures are more conducive to great literature than others.

>> No.6991797

Show me a man who is a product of a nation, and I'll show you a genetically engineered supersoldier grown in a tube.

Men are products of social environments and pedagogic principals, which often occur inspite of, rather than because of national affiliation.

>> No.6991800
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>Any year
>Being a Statist

>> No.6991801

the author is just a reflection of their country though. Did they grow up without encountering any people?

>> No.6991803

I'm English and think that our literature is overrated, especially Shakespeare.

Beowulf is great though, if that counts. Chaucer is alright too, and the Romantics have a few good poems.

>> No.6991806

Does any country have a better ratio of great literature to population than Ireland?

>> No.6991808

>recognizing that there is such a thing as culture
how's freshman year?

>> No.6991811

every single one of them. Pretty much all of Joyces work is heavily dependent on the Irish way of life

>> No.6991814

Even if we consider cultural and environmental factors as significant in shaping the depth and quality of a writer or group of writers, these are transient states that change from generation to generation, leaving this whole tawdry filtering and ranking of authors solely on nation, little more than a dick measuring contest.

I hate these threads.

>> No.6991815

You're a mong. Literally can't even be arsed to tell you why.

>> No.6991817

1. Israel
2. Greece
3. Italy

rest aren't worth mentioning

>> No.6991821

>I'm English and I'm a tasteless contrarian faggot

You're not impressing anyone m8.

>> No.6991823


Of course culture matters you retard, nobody is saying otherwise. What was scientific investigation in Europe and the world before the scientific method? It was merely crawling, and only when this instrument became available and the culture around it was influenced then great things started to happen. Europe was for a great time just a bunch of feudal tribes of thousands of poor peasants and small groups of semi-literate nobles.

But even with a greater number of really great writers they are still individuals. Who cares about you? You might be from England, but you are not Shakespeare.

Also, what do you know about Chinese literature? They have centuries of literary tradition, and yet just small bits of it have been translated.

And a great writer alone makes a huge difference, more than a group of merely good writers. Tolstoy alone makes more for Russia than several of famous Italian writers do for Italy.

>> No.6991824

Come on, I don't believe that the Irish are that bad.

>> No.6991834


What a funny American word.

>> No.6991841
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>only relevant for a century or two
>above France and England

You Dostoevskyfags crack me up.

>> No.6991843


>implying Shakespeare isn't weird melodramas packed with absurd jokes and histrionic speeches

People knew that Shakespeare was bad taste back in the day. He had no sense of classical form and chose to create a variety of impressions rather than make one coherent image.

>> No.6991844


They have Tolstoy. Only Shakespeare is on his level.

>> No.6991845


So, you guys really think a human being is more a product of the state apparatus than their social environment?

I'll bet you think the party in office makes a damn of difference too, as opposed to it just being meaningless background noise that people try to live around.

>> No.6991850

Well the Dublin Joyce grew up in was pretty miserable, Calcutta-tier levels of poverty, awful tenements and the biggest red-light district in the Empire, though Joyce's family weren't hugely poor

>> No.6991853


You probably read only 2 or 3 of his plays, and you certainly are not very sensible to poetry.

>> No.6991858

You probably haven't read a lot of brazilian poetry tbh

>> No.6991861

I don't accept your definition of nation as referring only to its government. Nations are communities based upon a shared cultural, environmental and ethnic heritage.

>> No.6991868

How can anyone rank Russia above France and England ? Even at its best (19th century obviously) Russia wasn't better than France.

>> No.6991885

Honestly I don't think that people who like Shakespeare are "sensitive to poetry". His poetry is full of tedious turns of phrase and abstract metaphor. It isn't pleasant to listen to. Try reading one of Shakespeare's sonnets to someone and then reading one of Byron's sentimental love poems. The Byron will almost certainly be better received, if not simply for the fact that his language is more graceful and you don't have to look at it for a while to gather its meaning.

I don't rate Shakespeare anywhere near on the level of a Virgil or the port who wrote Beowulf, who were able to combine powerful imagery in simple and memorable phrases. It's no coincidence that the most popular of his sonnets "shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" It's the one where he is the least abstract and sticks to simple imagery.

>> No.6991886

Then how do you define multicultural places like London? Is London part of Britain? Is it also part of Turkey, Bangladesh, Jamaica etc.?

>> No.6991890


Yes, I have. You are just being a patriot. You can hardly find a good metaphor in Brazilian poetry. But to be honest most poetry in the world is bad. Poetry is a very hard art form, and only a small group of individuals can sustain a whole career of impressive poetic achievements.

A single play by Shakespeare, like A Midssumer Night’s Dream, has more great poetry in it than the complete works of any of Brazil’s poets. João Cabral is a dry and boring fellow, for example, and Drummond is writing something like chronicles in verse: he has almost no imagery, no fire in the imagination (and those two mediocrities are considered the best ones).

Vinícius de Moraes might have been good if he actually took the time to work on his poetry. Manuel Bandeira is a joke. Jorge de Lima is a mess: a confusion of uninspired images (he tries to work with metaphor, but fails) glued together in unintelligible monsters.

Brazilian poetry is mediocre. But like I said, most poets are actually bad. Many are one-hit-wonders; it is hard to find a genius in this field.

>> No.6991893

No, those people are colonists in the process of destroying Britain's culture, like the Spaniards did to the ancient South American civilizations and the Libyans, Macedonians, et al, did to Ancient Egypt.

>> No.6991899

even then sonnet 18 is highly abstract

Shakespeare was largely a "metaphysical" poet,which is a bad movement imo because the poetic doesn't mix well with the metaphysical.

>> No.6991909

British culture is being erased by the globalist corporate elite, and those immigrants from the 3rd world are just their pawns. There's a reason that Britain's cultural output has steadily declined into nothing ever since capitalism got its claws into the country. There will never be a new Shakespeare or Milton or Keats.

>> No.6991914


His metaphors are the truly wonder of his art. And his plays are the greatest poems (by virtue of language) created by humanity. Classicism is a bore compared to him. Virgil is actually a tedious poet; I can’t imagine how people like to read him. Homer is much greater than him. Those people’s minds hardly ignite and present us some thunder, while Shakespeare’s brain is a perpetual fire.

Imagery is the greatest aspect of poetry, and is also the most difficult to learn. Is more of a or you have it or you don’t have it, and a lot of people who are not very gifted with imagistic thinking like to console themselves by saying that exuberant imagery is a distraction, or “purple eccentricities”, and the like.

>> No.6991918

>Shakespeare was largely a "metaphysical" poet

No he was not. The only poem of his that could be called be called Metaphysical is The Phoenix and the Turtle.

>> No.6991924

>and abstract metaphor.

The marriage of concrete and abstract language is one of the most powerful tools of a poetical arsenal. I wonder why mediocre poets like Pound used to rant against it.

Want an example? If concrete and abstract language should not be mixed many of the most glorious passages of Shakespeare (better that almoust anything else in recorded literature) would not exist, such as:

that his virtues
Will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued, against
The deep damnation of his taking-off;
And pity, like a naked newborn babe,
Striding the blast, or heaven’s cherubim, horsed
Upon the sightless couriers of the air,
Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye,
That tears shall drown the wind.

(here, for example, Pity is an abstraction, but is connected with the concrete image of a babe)


By heaven, methinks it were an easy leap
To pluck bright honor from the pale-faced moon,
Or dive into the bottom of the deep,
Where fathom line could never touch the ground,
And pluck up drownèd honor by the locks,
So he that doth redeem her thence might wear
Without corrival all her dignities.
But out upon this half-faced fellowship!

(here the most string passage is that of honor being plucked by its locks; well, Honor is an abstraction, and it certainly had no locks and cant drown. But this passage is better than anything that Pound ever wrote).

>> No.6991930

oh great, the brazilian assburger has arrived

>> No.6991944

To what end do the globalist corporate elite desire to erase British culture?

>There will never be a new Shakespeare or Milton or Keats.
This is highly pessimistic and supposes that the eradication of British culture as you view it leads to a period of no culture, or something less that doesn't lend itself to intensity or passion.

>> No.6991963

wtf??? Argentina? Is this a new meme or something?

>> No.6991972

>To what end do the globalist corporate elite desire to erase British culture?

It's not their end, just an unfortunate byproduct of their insane avarice, or the unstoppable momentum of capital.

As long as capitalism persists, the arts are lost. Afterwards a new culture may appear, but it won't be British. Britain is over, gone the way of Rome and Byzantium.

>> No.6992012

Okay, that's what I imagined but got confused and assumed you inferred intent when you referred to immigrants as their "pawns".

>> No.6992115

Your poetry is pretty much ENEM level, I strongly suggest you read baroque poets, Augusto dos Anjos, go a little deeper in Drummond (also, he was doing what every other modernist was doing, joke's on you for trying to compare Shakespeare with modernism) and the romantism (from all generations, while trying to understand what each generation was about).

Problem with you, as far as I see, is that you're judging poetry by a universal standard.

>> No.6992128

>Your nation will never produce Stalin's favourite book.

>> No.6992133


>> No.6992137

>Implying Cervantes is not better than Shakespeare
>Implying Calderon de la Barca is not better than Shakespeare
>Implying Lope de Vega is not better than Shakespeare
>Implying Quevedo is not better than Shakespeare.

>> No.6992150

This, this thread is pure trash
Delete it please.

>> No.6992233


If you really think that it means on of this two things:

1-You did not read Shakespeare (that’s the most likely thing).

2-You are thinking patriotically (a common thing among dumb Spaniards).

Latin America today is producing much better literature than you people.

>> No.6992269

I'm a big fan of prose, so for me Russia obviously wins.

>> No.6992288

oy vey

>> No.6992311

Lope de Vega is actual shit. Literal shit. The shit that I just dropped an hour ago, slimy and still on my ass.

>> No.6992330
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>Attributing great works of collective Spirit to grandiose individuals

Stay unable to develop your mind by testing it against external manifestations

>> No.6992332

>he doesn't own a bidet

>> No.6992342

might as well just put Joyce up there, he carries Ireland on his back

>> No.6992409

Goddamn you weebs are desperate. Every other country on that list blows japan the fuck out

>> No.6992419


Read Donald Keene history of Japanese Literature, and then come back.

>> No.6992434


Is he basically the first Ken-Sama?

>> No.6992451


He is an American scholar hat studied the whole Japanese literature, from the ancient folk songs to the modern novels of Mishima and Kawabata, and he discusses his findings in a 4 volume study (and quotes many great excerpts while doing it).

>> No.6992453

>Vinícius de Moraes
>Manuel Bandeira
These poets are mediocre, dude. Read better poetry before shitting on a whole country.

>> No.6992484


Just dont say that João Cabral de Mello Neto is good. I hate that fag.

>> No.6992518
File: 11 KB, 380x132, kensan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He acquired Japanese citizenship, adopting the legal name キーン ドナルド
>His poetic nom de plume (雅号 gagō?) is Kīn Donarudo (鬼怒鳴門?),
Certainly sounds like an objective source.

>> No.6992520


>> No.6992525

All other rankings are just nationalist posturing tbh

>> No.6992541

The ultimate weeb.

>> No.6992546

By Britain you mean the UK plus Ireland right?
Plus I would place Spain instead of Italy

>> No.6992559

>By Britain you mean the UK plus Ireland right?
No, why would I?.

>> No.6992567

My country, Spain, didn't produce any good science fiction or fantasy book ever. And people think we have to be in this top.

>> No.6992575

>this fucking thread
Make it stop

>> No.6992714

Actually, I'm half American half Argentinian and l've read those authors in their original language. I think Life is a dream is much better than the whole production of Shakespeare.

BTW, I think you haven't ever met a Spaniard since they are the most self-hating nation on Earth.

>> No.6992768

Europe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else

>> No.6993183

what was that? I assume Russia or Georgia or Germany, but?

>> No.6993189

Vietnam > US >>>>>>>>>>>>> Italy

>> No.6993199

Europe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>America>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Weebshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>South America

>> No.6994105

Calderon de la Barca is GOAT.
Fuck this anglocentric meme pool.

>> No.6994695

More like
Europe >South America > USA >>>>>>>>>>>>> anything else

>> No.6996640

this tbh

>> No.6996942


>> No.6997400

Just reminding that a big part of that spanish literature was from Catalonia, in Catalan, by Catalan authors

>> No.6997984

What Catalan authors?

>> No.6998142

Fuck all catalans