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File: 6 KB, 225x225, taoandmira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6990094 No.6990094 [Reply] [Original]


Who tuned in?

What can we do to make Mira less depressed ;_;

Do you agree that "Collected Tweets" is the contemporary version of Aesop's "Fables"?


>> No.6990103
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Get the fuck off my board faggot chink and take your mental spic whore with you.

>> No.6990112

It was such a great show. I really enjoyed the conversation they had and I agree on what Michael Silverblatt said about "Collected Tweets" being similar to the aphoristic books written by many prominent philosophers. I also think Mira was correct in saying Twitter is a valid artistic medium. She really is one to watch out for.

>> No.6990118

>Do you agree that "Collected Tweets" is the contemporary version of Aesop's "Fables"?

You're rewording what they were saying. I think Mira can be less miserable. I have nothing to say about Tao other than that he should go to bed sometime.

>> No.6990127

you make me sick

>> No.6990129

Go to fucking bed
There's a poster count at the bottom of the site you know

>> No.6990131

>I think Mira can be less miserable.

Umm wow, are you joking or are you from the 18th century?

>> No.6990134

I agree!

>> No.6990135
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>she really is one to watch out for

Like she's going to hopefully kill herself soon?

>> No.6990136

stop samefagging

>> No.6990146

>Implying a person from the 18th century lacks the ability to jest.

>> No.6990155

Only infinitely so.

>> No.6990208

Someone should develop a pasta that quickly summarises where flavor of the decade and alt lit books belong in the grand scheme of things.

Infinite Jest was Shakespeare before DFW and will probably be Shakespeare again before the century is out.

>> No.6990217

There's already a pasta for that

>> No.6990236

Fuck off tao and mira.

>> No.6990237

Tao is much more likable than Mira "dude dying young lmao" Gonzalez

>> No.6990251

She actually says in the interview that she wouldn't mind dying before 40 years of age

>> No.6990256

I wrote this last time Mira posted a thread here. She needs to fuck off.

This type of writing is borne out of gen y's search for authenticity and the difficulty when confronted with reality of not being able to attain it and be seen as a relevant figure by todays standards of measuring artistic worth. We now have writers who feign sincerity, and use a hokey method of detached literalism to exonerate themselves from any form of criticism, this is then infused with modern meta irony, or ironic sincerity (a fitting oxymoron because it parallels the contemporary obsession of using conflicting trains of thought and relativism as a valid form of self examination. It allows the thinker to jettison any technique that forces them to hold any one belief true and not have to worry about passe things like conviction, instead it just derails thought patterns in to tangential, digressive mush where the thinker doesnt actually have to hold true to any one belief whether that belief is correct or not) : using sincerity and injecting it with a layer of irony to distort and obfuscate any true understanding of their intentions regarding how they want their text to be perceived. To deflect any kind of criticism that comes their way, they use this deceptive technique to avoid being seen and called out for who they truly are: vapid, narcissistic, juvenile navel gazers. By reveling in the fact that they are self conscious of how emotionally hollow this form of writing is, it becomes a defence mechanisim when confronted with the reality of their actual intentions: to create a culture that has fully resigned themselves to indifference; to how emotionally and intellectually dead our culture is. To reflect this modern ennui they write about it in a lacksidasical shallow and detached manner full of affectation. It gives twenty somethings a pat on the back for understanding how much of a cunt they are and reinforces the idea that everybody is that way and nobody actually cares and you can't to anything to fix it. It fosters a culture of narcissists full of self entitlement and devoid of sympathy. So yeah, lets bask in how disaffected and detached we all are and how cognizant we are of this horrible truth, maybe we can sell some shitty books full of inane tweets while we're at it.

>> No.6990259

I know, I listened to it. She is boringly predictable.

>> No.6990262


Stay jelly betafag

>> No.6990274

Nice one mira. You suck and are inly where you are now because you sleep with people who know how to get your banal, mealy-mouthed, juvenile, narcissistic, navel gazing tripe published

>> No.6990276

Thank you for articulating the thoughts in my head.

>> No.6990293

Rather than the thoughts in your....?

>> No.6990299

Fuck off tao and mira /lit/ hates you. Not in a good way either. Fuck off. Your "work" is shit. Your circle of self promotion doesn't extend to this site. Nepotism does not work here, we're not some liberal columnist who pretends to enjoy your shit to foster a certain image of themselves in other people. Go eat a kale and barbiturate salad.

>> No.6990300


>> No.6990308

Why the fuck does Tao bother promoting himself here? There's only about a hundred of us here at any one time I would guess. Can't he just stay on Twitter?

Obligatory; go bed Tao.

>> No.6990309


>> No.6990322

Lo-fi tweet no.976:

Today I thought about my old apartment and when I ate xanax with with Y and then X came over and we drank beer and felt mildly close to each other because we were all a little bit sad in some way.

>> No.6990325
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I think the most logical answer to your first question is: he doesn't. Anybody who has been lurking /lit/ for like 1 day knows that Tao is a source of supreme (in my opinion, projected) hatred here, and creating threads that are phrased differently to /lit/'s usual self depreciating style is golden bait. Tao has a solid enough audience for his books by now that posting here would be completely redundant.

>> No.6990326

Please stop associating kale with these people.

>> No.6990328

I'm very glad you posted this. Kale is super cheap in the UK and makes great lazy salads (olive oil, lemon, red pepper, sunflower seeds)

>> No.6990329

Maybe you're right. But he sure as hell used to promote himself here.

>> No.6990338

Yeah exactly. I hate how it's now seen as fashionable or something. My mum used to cook kale and she's pretty working class.

>> No.6990343

Thank you for the recipe. I might make it this weekend.

>> No.6990346

>lazy salads

Fuck off you dumb pretentious twat.

>> No.6990347

Why does he wear the hard hat hair

>> No.6990349

She either is or she isnt working class you gobdaw.

>> No.6990350

Holy shit is that what's in the book?

And this is what counts as meaningful?

>> No.6990352

She's trans-class

>> No.6990356

No problem, just massage 1/4 of a lemon and a fair drizzle of olive oil into the raw kale, maybe a bit of salt, add other ingredients after. From what I understand though, raw kale is an acquired taste. I fucking love it though.

Honestly I've never seen somebody get this worked up over salad

>> No.6990359

Don't feel bad because you don't get it lol

>> No.6990362

Wow, what a pedant. I disagree though. Class is used in more ways than just the Marxist sense. Most people would understand its usage in a comparative way (she's more/less working class than him, etc.). Orwell wrote an essay about this shit, you should check it out.

>> No.6990367

Nah it isn't in the book, I just made it up to emulate how shit their writing is.

>> No.6990372

>"Tao Lin grapples with a lack of meaning so pronounced it visits him in the form of depression and violent urges: “Feel insanely, almost completely nonhumorously depressed I think”; “imagined myself strangling someone i’ve never met while loudly asking ‘what is wrong with me?’ really wanting to know.”For her part, Gonzalez struggles with profound rolls and pitches throughout the timespan covered by the book, which is recorded chronologically: “you’re only as depressed as you feel” and “‘Living’ is just the longest and most painful form of suicide."


>> No.6990386

I've never seen someone so fucking pretentious that they are exchanging kale recipes on a literature forum.

>> No.6990388

It's actually better than some of the stuff in the book.

>> No.6990390

That's so deep and existential

>> No.6990391

How is it pretension? Something pretty normal happened. Do you never talk about cooking with friends?

>> No.6990399

No. I don't talk about cooking with my friends because I'm not an effete fuckboi

>> No.6990405

Yeah but you're a faggot for using words like 'fuckboi'

>> No.6990412

Go choke on some kale, you dunce.

>> No.6990416

Why are you sperging so much about kale? You sound deranged.

>> No.6990418

Don't even eat kale, you kunt

>> No.6990419

Maybe go choke on some quinoa then.

>> No.6990459

4chan is 18+

adults cook for themselves, so they occasionally trade tips and recipes. you'll figure this out when mommy's not around to feed you anymore.

>> No.6990461

Time and a place. Trading fucking shitty recipes on a mongolian braille enthusiast board which discusses post-meta-post-post-modernism, isn't one of them. Go trade your shitty kale salad ideas with the self absorbed turds you have on facebook.

>> No.6990469

Only you seem to have a problem with it tbh fam

>> No.6990471

Boy this retard sure is butt-devastated

>> No.6990480

anon please dont do this
it kills me inside to watch

>> No.6990554

Lotta samefagging going on in here.

>> No.6990691
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>> No.6990711

Misogynist much?

>> No.6990711,1 [INTERNAL] 

sweet book

>> No.6992284
File: 135 KB, 736x477, StillNotEnough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See multiple mention on /lit/ of something called "Selected Tweets"
>See Tao Lin's name
>"Haha cute new meme
>see this thread
>amazon it
>it is real.


>> No.6992302


>I don't know what paragraphs are

>> No.6992312

Less Than Zero for kids who dont actually do anything

>> No.6992327

Requesting examples of said tweets.

>> No.6992357

They're fucking tweets. Nothing good has ever been written in that format.

Besides they deleted them once the book was set to be published.

>> No.6992433

can you post it?

>> No.6993039

>Stay jelly

and the best butthurt-to-effort ratio in the thread award goes to...

>> No.6993180
File: 205 KB, 600x815, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're not some liberal columnist

actually tao is centre right. mira endorsed rand paul at the interview with hamilton morris.

>> No.6994885

>edgemeister realizes kale and quinoa are symbols of hipster health trends
>determined to be the sharpest edgemeister in town
>doesn't buy into hip health trends

dude they are just healthy foods. Your hostility is absurd. Look beyond the fan base you dip.

>> No.6995789

Mira endorsed Rand? She's an even bigger fuckwit than I originally thought.

>> No.6995821

>What can we do to make Mira less depressed ;_;
hang her

>> No.6995936

I enjoy kale and quinoa but they are kind of expensive now

>> No.6996095

>TFW my girlfriend is pretty friendly with Mira and her gang

She's okay in person guys. A little bland and phony-seeming, but ok overall.

>> No.6996109

what's your gf's name?

i'm part of this scene too and will probably know if you're bullshititng

>> No.6996114


If you live on the West coast we've probably met / attended the same parties.

>> No.6996120

>What can we do to make Mira less depressed ;_;

You kidding me? I can't wait for this bitch to kill herself.

>> No.6996126

samefag tbh

>> No.6996133


she didn't say it very seriously and literally the only thing she knew about him was that he endorsed legalizing weed

>> No.6996137


Man, your girlfriend seems like an insufferable cunt and just the kind of psuedointellectual bullshit """"""artist""""" that'd hang with tao and mira

Fucking huge bushy armpit hair too, usually I'm not too against it but gross man

>> No.6996139
File: 27 KB, 616x212, rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6996149

Yeah, nah, she's pretty chill

>> No.6996154 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 599x337, warningcolors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh ok nevermind

i trust ur judgement anon

>> No.6996165


to be fair, tao also is aggressively apolitical, which is itself a political stance (a right wing one)

>> No.6996174


this was on the cover of showpaper like a year ago! i forgot all about it, didn't know it was the sdame person.

>> No.6996181

He also has a "fuck America" tattoo, and it's clear in Bed how much he resents the United States, presumably because they exiled his fraudster father. He comes across a lot like Elliot Rodger in that book, not sure why more people haven't picked up on that. His next book is also called "Leave Society"

>> No.6996186

Holy shit man that's fucking disgusting wtf is wrong with u

>> No.6996221

I think she's cute.

>> No.6996235

Where can I download Beds?
Pls help

>> No.6996253


acording to her most recent tumblr post she is single.

>> No.6996266

It's just part of her character m8

>> No.6996268

Just murder me

>> No.6996338

>pretending to date an internet celebrity on 4chan

anon i am shame of you

>> No.6996364
File: 175 KB, 500x301, htmlgiant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not even an internet celeb

A twitter celeb. Shamefur dispray

>> No.6996391

this man in my country, he is nothing

>> No.6996399

She is/was big on tumblr too
Popularity on more than one platform constitutes general Internet celeb dom

>> No.6998370
File: 924 KB, 1338x625, OHS_Compliant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're ok with your 'girlfriend' posting poor quality half naked photos of herself on her shitty zine?

>> No.6998548

That makes two of us, bud

>> No.6998701

Why do you say being apolitical is a right wing stance?

>> No.6999893
File: 24 KB, 360x480, 3d3ho4fylwp22wwpukbbtgb0i494783855.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I write alt lit? I don't really make edits and this obviously wouldn't be anything I publish (which I'd want to be short stories)
I typically don't believe in writing any kind of fiction

I'm watching Mira Gonzalez read some of her poetry or something while thinking about posting a story I wrote earlier about putting on my clothes, giving the background on the purchase of each piece (Other than giving snippets of my life in general the point was to mention how I was basically being supported by my ex when I and I bought the first sweater on a rack waiting to meet her one day just so I wouldn't be wearing the same thing I always wore) then i write my walk to the liquor store and on the walk back I end up strangling a homeless man, I'm pretty sure a house in the neighborhood saw what I was doing and didnt say anything, I undress afterward because it feels like my clothes are dirty, then the homeless, who shat itself, who I now refer to is it ends up waking up and crawling under something; while thinking about what to do my ex texts me talking shit and I lay on the cement thinking of a comeback - all of which is true except the homeless man described a cat I tried to kill when I was 14 and my ex texted me a different night.
Mira is obviously a little embarrassed reading some of this and I'm pretty sure she blocked the camera in the beginning to look at herself. It sounded like she was masturbating for a few second during this but I doubt that's true

I bought her book, which I think I'll regret because I don't like poetry or the opinions of women if I'm being honest
I'm thinking about emailing her the story but that might seem desperate because she didn't reply to my last email.
When I discovered her last weekI thought we're both 23. Both I guess spaniard. Both have the same formatted email address. And probably comparable mindsets

I'm watchig Tao Lin's mumblecore and I thought it was a movie attempt at first. This girl seems like a genuine asperger. She basically punks him when they play fight and she knows this on a subconscious level
On cooking the books she talks to him the prounoun second person and actually tells him he doesn't have to respond in the third person

>> No.7000341

kale is horrible

>> No.7000349

kale is legitimately awful though

>> No.7000503

That's dense, anon. Write you can.

>> No.7000510

twaddle. reads like alt lit to me

>> No.7000634


because it is an implicit endorsement of the status quo. in Taos case he has written at length ( for example in the Asia society newsletter) about how his experiance is no diffrent then that of white americans (or if not no diffrent, he has certainly downplayed the asian american element of his experiance)

to be fair to him, this tendency seems to be less apparent in tai pai then in earlier work. It may be that diffretn topics require diffrent emphesis. for example, I am not sure James Baldwins narrator in Giovonis room is a black guy or not.

>> No.7001384
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After watching more of that video I see the girl comment on one of Tao's styles that aren't minimalist, apparently formatted like an essay where he uses metaphors and imagery in quotations. The girl says she doesn't like it and his defense which he says in one if his insecure introspective voices is that the quotations represent the fact that what's quoted can take on different meanings for different people - this is a lie I'm not sure he consciously tells, the real reason being that he feels stupid being sincere when using in depth prose and adds the quotations to give an air of sarcasm

After a book reading someone asks if he feels a need to stick with the truth and instead of outright saying that not all of what he writes is true he says he uses his memory as a rough draft then without fully coming out and saying it he says he replaces things that happen with something similar, though probably more interesting or more ironic or something - he says this in a very introspective very awkward way, consciously trying to make it seem a little more interesting than it is, though just coming off as what he is, which is an asperger

In the bookworm interview he almost says some genuine, probably "uncool" (like when he had no friends) things about himself, stops mid sentence and says nevermind

After watching some of that long DFW interview where he is awkward as hell and admits that he didn't write IJ as comedy but as a sad story than uses the justification of writers 'not getting interpreting it the same as readers' to justify that his writing and therefore thoughts and point of view are out if touch, and he probably didn't write anything after IJ because IJ was largely by accident and he was probably afraid he'd fuck it up the next time around

I'm realizing that writers are a strange, awkward people. That they often create something theu don't fully understand, and show it to the world while looking at their feet in an awkward, effeminate way. That this might be representative of the PoMo art world in general

He's not surrounded by azn's so that's expected, and irrelevant to your point

>> No.7001472

There's a funny moment in Taipei when he catches himself being racist towards the Taiwanese.

>> No.7001513
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>> No.7001531


Tao Lin's literary output is a narcissistic defense.

>> No.7001534

her parents are pretty rich and at least one is famous-y (musician?) tao's dad is also super rich
see also: most of the old alt lit names, published poets

>> No.7001539

has molly been staying off of alcohol? i would click on her tinychats a couple of years ago and yikes

>> No.7001564

she lives in detroit you idiot
this is a very weak attempt

>> No.7001595

This is accurate enough for the alt lit community as a whole, but I think Tao produced a very honest and worthwhile work with Taepei - though his previous output doesn't hold up.

>> No.7001603
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oh dear

>> No.7001614

>being apolitical itself is right wing

What in the fuck are you talking about? I hope that was a drunk post you fucking moron.

>> No.7001617

what a shit show/irredeemable cesspool (audience and the writers i'm aware of present)
the woman tao got to write apologia for him last year (around the time of this reading) is the one in the...sleeveless overalls? denim jumpsuit?

>> No.7001619

Being apolitical is usually either a tacit acceptance of the status quo, or it's a tacit endorsement of a kind of friends-family centered politcal strategy, which is also pretty conservative.

>> No.7001627

Are you really this stupid? In effect it's identical to conservatism.

>> No.7001633

What the hell are you talking about? None of your post made any sense.

>> No.7001640

saying 'what the fuck are you talking about' over and over again doesn't change the fact that you're being the idiotic obtuse one in this little convo

>> No.7001651

Mira being one of the only alt lit girls who gets any attention (via media, articles on her or promotion from the (now, formerly) established main alt dudes) is so depressing since she's one of the least talented and is so dull and has something to do with her a. connections b. her talent and work not threatening anyone either with its content or by being too good.

>> No.7001658

your hair and makeup look nice though Mira, if you're reading, you treacherous hack

>> No.7001664

What if you supported the status quo in a socialist country? Would the game change and a shift towards capitalism be considered left wing?

Are we using the Wing Dichotomy with an 18th Century French context where right wing is considered the majority authority? Or in contemporary American-Global context where conservativism is innately right wing and progressivism is innately left wing, and if so why is the totality of the status quo right wing? Wouldn't it inherently be neutral, especially in the latter case?

>> No.7001667

No, you're the one who's confused here. Why is the status quo automatically relegated to conservatism?

>> No.7001776

Talk more about here
Talk about the west coast (specifically northern California, bay area) scene if there is any. I think Marie Calloway and her friend Rachel whoever are here

It's a relatively conservative stance regardless
I don't really have an opinion one way or another on this

>> No.7001838
File: 28 KB, 300x450, 1439604885586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no opinion*
The word your looking for is clue.

>> No.7001862

i don't actually know any of these people

but oh boy isn't Marie just 24? has she released anything new this year?https://instagram.com/rachelrabbitwhite/
distressing...I hope she's doing okay and that she moves beyond being (guessing) weirdly exploited by thought catalog writers

>> No.7001867

Or other PoMos in general

I have more than a clue

>> No.7001880
File: 79 KB, 753x356, democracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if you supported the status quo in a socialist country?

sorry, could you remind me again where tao writes and where his work is set?

>> No.7001889

How is she being eploited?
Seems like she doesn't have her own social media. Before I saw that it past, I was tempted to do Rachel's 40 day thing, partly as an in to meet Calloway

I find it hard to believe that after seeing my confessional writing the bish wouldn't be down to meet, if she is local

I'm interested in what these people are up to, specifically locally. I think it would be cool to be a part of this scene some how

>> No.7001907
File: 229 KB, 1280x1233, 1438275097281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well goodness at least you know what you possess. I was beginning to fear you might be absent of some basic mental faculties.

>> No.7002066

>He's not surrounded by azn's so that's expected, and irrelevant to your point

wouldn't that make his asian experience more relevant not less?

>> No.7002227

It means he doesn't really have an azn experience, but an American one

>> No.7002343


this is the opinion that is being described as conciliatory to the status quo. his experience is Asian american and to discount that, is a form of erasure.

>> No.7002394

I'm not discounting that, but it's a fact
If you're born in here and assimilated enough to be hanging out almost exclusively with other (white) Americans then chaces are you only feel American

My mom's maiden name is Gomez. I probably look Spaniard. I don't identify with anything but (white) American

I'm sure Mira for example feels the same way

What is your point with this again

>> No.7002478
File: 171 KB, 1920x1080, rick_and_morty_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure anyone else has said this so I will:

I commend Silverblatt for at least being willing to pretend for the forty minutes that this went on that this is worthwhile "art". You can tell he uses his vast knowledge of aphoristic writers and examples like Pessoa to try to create some sort of artistic lineage for them, but it is quite a reach.

At least Tao appears to put some effort into novel writing; my knowledge on Mira is limited, but it seems like she is on the same path of "I'm just trying to figure out how to make money," as Tao has admitted to in the past.

Silverblatt deserves a pat on the back for trying, but I'm sorry, these tweets are have close to zero artistic value. It feels like a twenty-something who just discovered Basquiat, and then starts trying to pass shitty crayon drawings -- that have little thought or content or value -- as art.

>> No.7002500

>Conservatism is the status quo
It's hilarious how liberals actually believe this.

>> No.7003529

That one of Tao's "If you believe you're in a maze you instantly gain purpose" is okay.

>> No.7003603

>What is your point with this again

if you honesty don't understand after it being explicitly spelt out multiple times in this thread, i recommend you read N+1 magazines piece on tao, "no ones protest novel" it makes this point at greater length and perhaps more articulacy stated.

>> No.7003726

I'll only accept being told I don't understand your point, as opposed to simply not agreeing with it, which I don't - because I probably don't (understand)
And because you can't seem to command the words to clearly express it, I'm guessing you don't either. More likely there is no point - much like Tao and his work
This is what I was getting at in the post with the blond girl. I doubt Tao is consciously apolitcal. He probably just doesn't have an opinion
Writing bleakly, like living meekly or getting paid weekly (through a shitty job or temp agency) is for the dull in life, and I doubt his dull light reaches the political sphere

>> No.7004186


If you're in the USA, it pretty much is. Dems moving to the centre and republicans going further right since Reagan made it so. The dems might have moved a little to the left on social issues, but it barely shows when it comes to policymaking.

>> No.7004239

>And because you can't seem to command the words to clearly express it,


>> No.7006327


>> No.7006463

I-I oh jeez Rick, is this considered literature in this dimension?