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6988660 No.6988660[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

will America ever return to authenticity?

>> No.6988664


>> No.6988675

I doubt it but this is probably going to be remembered as one of the most confusing periods in all of history so who can tell?

>> No.6988676
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in the new form of discipline (technologically advanced neoliberalism), inauthenticity is necessary. authenticity is old school authoritarian regime. now we're enlightened, lmao

>> No.6988680

>country of the Jews
>founded by slave merchants and cannibal
>ever authentic

I don't think so bud.

>> No.6988687
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America was authentic up until World War 2

>> No.6988696
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You realized that the cultural radicals whose dicks you suck have now made peace with neoliberalism? It's called the Democratic Party

>> No.6988702

lmao u think i'm finna vote for bernie sanders or somethin? those who have made peace with neoliberals and support "gay rights" are the inauthentic ones who are in the drips of new authority.

>> No.6988704

>America was authentic up until the Civil War

WW2 they fucked up royally by being on the wrong side. tbh

>> No.6988712

>"gay rights"

>> No.6988724

can the Third Estate and insidious international capital be overcome by a virile warrior caste guided by an authentic spiritual meaning envisioned by Nietzsche?

>> No.6988725

rights don't exist. the queer rights movement isn't liberating anyone it's just adjusting the definition of normality as deemed by the state. this is not a victory, the ability for a man and i to get married. marriage is an authoritarian tradition and the more traditionally oppressed communities are okay with it the longer it will remain embedded in our society

>> No.6988738

>marriage is an authoritarian tradition and the more traditionally oppressed communities are okay with it the longer it will remain embedded in our society

Marriage ought to be embedded in our society. There is no such thing as society without it.

>> No.6988742

They now have the *right* to get married
>Right to vote
>Right to run for president
>Right to leave the country
Rights exist, what is this tomfoolery.

>> No.6988743

What American authenticity anyway?
It's empty at its very core.

>> No.6988755


if I can't eat it or fuck it it doesn't exist.

Anarchy is the best form of government because when traditional systems of oppression are removed man gets to express his innate goodness and peaceful living with nature and harmony and goodness fresh feelings daily

>> No.6988771
File: 1.77 MB, 2592x1936, Mammatus_clouds_regina_sk_june_2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rights are spooks. a right is merely the ability to act within the boundaries of what the state deems normal. as soon as we act within these premises of normality, is the exact moment when the greatest goal of authority and discipline is executed.

why do you think marriage out to be embedded in out society?

plenty of peoples have lived on earth without western marriage. monogamous traditional relationships =! marriage

>> No.6988779

when will putin nuke america

>> No.6988786

>if I can't eat it or fuck it it doesn't exist.
>Anarchy is the best form of government because when traditional systems of oppression are removed man gets to express his innate goodness and peaceful living with nature and harmony and goodness fresh feelings daily

hold on my black flag friend, anarchy is not government, there is no such thing as innate goodness or peaceful living with nature, and abstract traditions can be real, they're just oppressive

>> No.6988788

america thrives on a national sense of purpose. we need to defeat or conquer something. of course it was always a hollow shell. the last facade cracked when the berlin wall fell.

can we succeed as a culture by pointing at our emptiness and laughing? the further we are removed from the reality of the old ideal, the less mocking that ideal gives us the substance to fuel us moving forward. we've turned to mocking our mocking. how many times can this compound on itself?

we need a new hollow american purpose. we succeeded in our manifest destiny. communism was defeated. what's the next great american goal?

>> No.6988793

he's thinking about it, give him some time

>> No.6988796


If anything is a good candidate it's fighting Islam.
But your leftists, for some reason, are even more on edge about islamophobia than the ones in Europe are.

>> No.6988798
File: 26 KB, 670x879, foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's the next great american goal?

equality!! #feelthebern


>> No.6988804

The American purpose is making as much money as possible while innovating the shit out of the economy. That's what it's all about in the 21st century. Get on board or get out of the way. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.6988810

You are both right and I like you both

>> No.6988813


>innovated america
>still use wooden utility poles

>> No.6988825

That's cuz we were the first to roll out electricity, holmes. In a couple years Cuba is going to go straight to 5G cellular, that doesn't mean they're some giants of innovation, it means their oppressive and backwards communist system limited their ability to progress and now they catch all the way up from 1950s to 2015 tech in a decade.

>> No.6988843

>why do you think marriage out to be embedded in out society?

because it's within many people's autonomous interest to express their love that way.

honestly, stop oppressing us.

>> No.6988857

Same shit with Korea
>Internet so fast, insane fast
>they're number 1 now
>America fucked

>> No.6988860

kicking and screaming

>> No.6988864

it is not autonomous. don't act like it is. it involves a government granting abilities. therefore it is not autonomous. if it were truly autonomous i would honestly be supportive of it, but when people beg a greater power to allow them to do act it loses its integrity

>> No.6988875

that's not an american purpose, that's a corporate purpose. with schemes like tax inversion and global hiring, they are increasingly global entities, regardless of their home office location.

can the american dream be to forsake america and its people in the name of profit?

at least the robber barons were around to employ americans, bail out the government and banks, and build some universities and hospitals before they died

apple and coca cola are symbols of american cultural imperialism but i wonder how that benefits the average person

>> No.6988886

>at least the robber barons were around to employ americans

bullshit, they hired tons of catholics

>> No.6988897


most people who live in groups/tribes/societies want that sort of thing. It is important and desirable and an expression of their autonomy to not only have a mate but have their relationships recognized in front of the group.

The desire for the sacred is inherent in human nature. That's why the governing council isn't enough by itself, we need a priesthood of sorts as well, to give the marriage cosmic significance.

>> No.6988902

refer to my post
when i saw marriage i mean contemporary american, western marriage

>> No.6988912


Not sure what your point is, can you be specific?

>> No.6988929

i'm not opposed to an autonomous monogamous relationship. i'm opposed to queer folk getting rapped up in seeking the status of normality from a heteropatriarchal tradition like western marriage.

>> No.6988945



>> No.6988963

in my opinion:

To turn a population of a country toward a mind of 'authenticity' would be to denounce the past 'glory days' as irrelevant and to find purpose in absolute betterment of the country rather than purpose in """defending""" the current state of the nation (I don't believe the population needs to devote any energy to 'defense', but hey when each president tells the nation they're amid a time of great unrest what else would one suppose?) - this would also require a improvement to the education system and the spread of free will and freedom of ideas. The Irish spoke of their country with ironic pride as did the Russians and it seems that is what America is doing now, clasping to the straws of the past decade's value and merely saying "whatever" to the future - expecting movement and change to come to fruition on it's own accord - and so rather than pushing for improvement they follow the crowd towards what they're told is improvement and denounce in defense, rather that confront with offense.

does any of that make sense?

>> No.6988968

What is authenticity? living uncomfortable lives as long as it it "aesthetic"? Leading your own life? Aligning yourself with some kind of bigger whole?

>> No.6988971
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>does any of that make sense?

>> No.6988973

never mind ignore this it trails from the question

>> No.6988982
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>a heteropatriarchal tradition like western marriage

It's universal, even Indians and Niggers in Africa do it.

>> No.6988992


humans like getting married and having their neighbors, families and friends know they are officially "husband and wife"

even brain-damaged faggots have the sense to appreciate it's value. go figure.

>> No.6989011

Wrapped, you stupid cunt. P.S. I hate homosexuals.

>> No.6989015

tfw black flag tattoo
got it ironically tho tbh i hate tattoos they're the most narcissistic thing i've ever seen, big look at me stickers

>> No.6989016

American idiots, taking over,
Overtaking goals clock-set
Fucking deadline p-zombie
Except marylines of zeinter-
Bragenshaften blifdo oaksfa
Asodaksfm wmeofmqewuwer
aodfkobdmoadkg aowkro ksdmaAS

does any of that make sense?


jews amirite>>6988798 cover your ears ITS HAPPENING!!!

>>6988888 nicquintes checked

Basically you have to catch people's attentions to get a point across when you live in an information-communication age, but you also have to be CANCEROUS to get others' attention. Thing is, cancer has a strong rhetoric point of its own, and the fact that there is no cure to it is a metaphor for how it's impossible to refute cancer.

Catching someone's attention is automatically making your point.
That's the message.

America: fight fire with fire

does that make any sense?

>> No.6989019

>what's the next great american goal?
Space? But NASA gets pennis relatively speaking

>> No.6989021

I meant pennies

>> No.6989043

Did you do that to illustrate your point?

Clever, if so

So do you believe at this rate it will just be about 'bettering' one another? What follows?

>> No.6989113

We're transitioning from being more or less the same as the rest of history to whatever the hell people are going to call the post-internet/information age world.

Anybody else think that the introduction of the internet is printing press levels of important? I could read virtually anything right now without standing up.

>> No.6989134

>Anybody else think that the introduction of the internet is printing press levels of important?

>"We are convinced that the education of the future will be of an entirely spontaneous nature; certainly we can not as yet realize it, but the evolution of methods in the direction of a wider comprehension of the phenomena of life, and the fact that all advances toward perfection mean the overcoming of restraint,-all this indicates that we are in the right when we hope for the deliverance of the child through science." - Francisco Ferrer

>> No.6989229

smart post anon

>> No.6989367

did you mean "besting?" because "bettering" makes it sound like its about habituating kindness in others. which is definitely not happening on the internet.

>> No.6989444


Define "authenticity."

>> No.6989734

>if I can't eat it or fuck it it doesn't exist.
literally me

>> No.6989755

I spy a fellow Green Day fan!

>> No.6989777

Real day-to-day shit isn't even ironic.

>> No.6989800

no, because the information age and internet has made it harder than ever before to differentiate what is fake and what is real, what's a lie and what's the truth

search your feelings, you know it to be true

>> No.6989802

the ability to recognise and adhere to the truth

>> No.6989953

kill me plz

>> No.6989957

Stop typing like a nigger, it doesn't make it cool, it's reddit tier.

>> No.6990101

that other board is leaking

>> No.6990107

Thoreau, Melville, Steinbeck

>> No.6990934

Everything comes and goes, what goes up must come down. I think that we will eventually get tired of knee jerk memeing and ironic looping and maybe be sincere.

>> No.6992041

Fuck off pinko faggot

>> No.6992063

Been doing that for ages.

I get called an edgy faggot a whole lot.

it's fun.

>> No.6992127

Go to bed Don Delillo

>> No.6992420


Authenticity and the modern obsession with it is the fakest thing ever.

>> No.6992486
File: 140 KB, 900x874, new_sincerity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Shin-chan is the symbol of the new form of sincerity: it consists of embracing the models of memeing, by means of mimetic, and appropriating them without the awareness of their "original" purpose. Shin-chan is comedic because he always tries to behave as an adult as a means of mimetic learning, remaining totally unaware of the Why's or context of their behaviour. This usually ensues in completely awkward/embarrassing situations that, funnily enough, only the adults themselves perceive as embarrassing or awkward. He is blissfully unaware; he interprets things completely different.

Something like preserving the formal traits of irony, memeing, and other forms of communication and, instead of seeing them as masks, recognize them as potential means to convey authenticity.


The stars are so big
The earth is so small

Stay as you are