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/lit/ - Literature

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6987666 No.6987666 [Reply] [Original]

>that secret-side-project I've been working on for over six years has become such an integral part of my personal identity that I'm too terrified to even let other people know it exists, let alone let have them edit and critique it, for fear of having something that I personally identify with be attacked and put down

Is this autism?

>> No.6987673

Fuck you satan!

>> No.6987699

I have the exact same complex, and I also question how autistic it is

>> No.6987719

Hey, man. If you're confident in your work, but need an ego boost, you should post a piece of your work (not your secret-side-project) in a critique thread and hear what people have to say about it.
I did it yesterday in the philosophy thread. >>6982983

>> No.6987743

it sounds like just general low self esteem warped into an identification with a creation.

>> No.6987750

mommy will say my drawing isn't the bestest in the whole world and that makes me sad

>> No.6987770


Literally fucking autism

God fucking

>> No.6988361


Sounds like a run of the mill case of Pygmalion syndrome

>> No.6988369

Stop identifying with it, then see a professional editor or something when its done

>> No.6988483

>Stop identifying with it

Every writer identifies with their work in some way, even if only on the most basic level of "This is something I've written"

>> No.6990106
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>When you realize you're in love with your side chick and you're not sure why you're even with your main chick in the first place

That's how I feel about my secret side project

>> No.6990150

>an identification with a creation.
note: never ever do this

>> No.6990439

Is it bad that I sort of want this?

>> No.6990449


>> No.6990450


Crippling self-esteem issues that effect one's ability to accept critique on their work?

>> No.6990457

Smooth move, but if he's so fare up his own work's ass to the point of debilitation then obviously he needs to take a step back. Let's think pragmatically for just one minute please.

>> No.6990460

Go ahead and go for it anon. Plenty of writers had the fear of others reading and editing their works. Don't be afraid and show your work to the world, even negative criticism will be good for your work as it'll either toughen you up, help you learn from your mistakes or rewrite to make it better.

>> No.6990466

Not autism. Intelligence. I would just publish it anonymously tbh.

>> No.6990472

If you publish anonymously you better safe your notes and evidence that you're the writer cause people will take credit for your work.

I recommend a pen name.

>> No.6990547

Bro, true shit you pour your mind, body and soul into somethibg and it does not matter how fearful you are. Someone, somewhere, will relate, and enjoy it. And sure... there's always haters. But fuck'em. =D

>> No.6990548

This is what I meant.

>> No.6990551




Yeah I know. My mind was blown when I found out about these, too.

>> No.6990727

>caring what people think of you and your art

only mind people if your goal is to be published.

>> No.6990888


An artist with patronage is like a fish within a tiny bowl.

Sure, it'll survive, but it won't thrive.

>> No.6990926
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No point in writing this grand literary work if you're too scared to show it off. Would rather have someone shoot it down early or force me to change the story trajectory or w/e than spend years nursing a turd.

>> No.6991812


Who gives a fuck if it's a turd or not.

Did it make you happy when nursing it?