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/lit/ - Literature

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6987067 No.6987067 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/ opinion on this beta faggot?

>> No.6987082

He fucked up Sam Harris something fierce so he can't be all bad.

>> No.6987099


>> No.6987109


One of the greatest living thinkers. Scarily perceptive. Not for all tastes. Genius-level expert on language structure

>> No.6987128

I respect him though I often disagree with him in my little bedroom.

>> No.6987158

I do not know who he is because I have poor facial recognition skills.


>> No.6987226

Noam Chomsky

>> No.6987251

Do you have Prosopagnosia, anon? Not to pry, but what's it like?

>> No.6987398

If you guys think that he embarassed Sam Harris, then you're either retarded or so stubbornly against anything "new atheism" that you're willing to pretend Chomsky somehow one. No one one in that exchange because Chomsky decided to be a huge sperglord and refused have a civil discussion.

>> No.6987409

All me edgy liberal friends worship this tremendous faggot.

>> No.6987410

I like how Harris just groups Baudrillard and Chomsky together for no apparent reason.

>> No.6987468

Last week I started on Language & Mind and it's been a great introduction to Linguistics; thanks to him I now have another field to get into.
Until this I had only watched a few interviews and lectures on Youtube, mostly related to politics. His comments were always on point.
By his reputation and what I've had contact with I'd call him a brilliant thinker.

>> No.6987670
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the only sperglord here is you and your use of one instead of won, and I am calling you out on this. Unspeakable.

I bet like many we heard about chomsky here and there, only after many years I bothered to listen to a single speech of him. I didn't regret it, on the contrary I regret not checking him out sooner, now I look forward to read some of his books asap

>> No.6987698

source please

>> No.6987732


love you, fellow lingbros, but generative semantics > transformational grammar

>> No.6987764

>twice used 'one' for 'won'
>ignores Harris defence of bombing civilians and Chomskys criticism of him

>> No.6987783

>refused to have a civil discussion

Why would you want to have a civil discussion with Sam Harris

>> No.6987785


Its on Harris blog.
>ridiculous magnanimous 'reaching out to you' shtick
>ignores real world facts
>instead substitutes them with convoluted hypothetical situations that are constructed to of course support his views
>cannot grasp the concept of what Murika has done is bad or wrong

>> No.6987800

you right;; you juan;; :DDDDDDDDD

harris is laughably autistic tbh
Also: whats wrong with New Atheism??

>> No.6987803

Civil discussion with Harris means ignoring reality and discussing his hypotheticals
I think he might be autistic

>> No.6987806


>> No.6987812

Manufacturing consent is hard to argue against

>> No.6987816
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>> No.6987817
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>still writing atheist literature

Schoppy and Fritz already murdered this shit, go find another dead horse to whip

>> No.6988025

this is the stupidest thing I've read all day and I've read most of devitt's posts.

>> No.6988031

>communist anarchist
Pick two.

>> No.6988096

for someone who is into linguistics and shit, this guy really needs to fucking speak louder and enunciate because like every interview he's given in the past decade just sounds like unintelligible mumbling.

>> No.6988852

maybe because he is old as shit

>> No.6988863
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I don't think shit can become that old without dissapearing unless you're refering to those fossilized ones

>> No.6988870


it's weird too lately in all these recent interviews he's been confessing his youthful fear/hatred of catholics, like he was mad that his parents moved him to a catholic neighborhood were he got bullied by irish toughs...but image it was black kids instead of the irish terrorizing lil chompsky? could he say that? it's getting awkward and i don't know why he's "going there" all of the sudden.

>> No.6988882
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>> No.6988904

it would be funny if chomsky becomes a hardcore zionist on his deathbed, i've heard him say some unusual phrases like "that's not how the world works" recently, like finally at 85 he's outgrowing his adolescent naiveté!

>> No.6988910

10/10 banter

>> No.6988913

>one. No one one
How did you type this. Im not even mad, just impressed