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/lit/ - Literature

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6986416 No.6986416 [Reply] [Original]

who /fraud/ here??

>own dozens of classic books but never read them
>proudly display them on a wooden antique shelf my dad payed for
>go around telling people my favorite book is Ulysses, have never even opened it up
>use Ancient Greek / Latin phrases and call people plebs in public
>tfw if you wear a bow tie and jacket people don't question you and take your word for it
>Tell people I go to arthouse theaters to feign intellectual superiority
>I'm a NEET trust fund baby in a nice house by an Ivy League School

Why aren't you living the true literary lifestyle?

>> No.6986435

I /fraud/ and I truly am ashamed of it.

>> No.6986460

I'm working at not being a fraud but it's hard work and I'm not sure if I'm into it.

>> No.6986471
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>get into literature argument with someone
>act so abrasive that they end up baffled or upset and at a loss for words
>mfw I've won every argument this way
>mfw I haven't even read 90% of the books I've argued about

>> No.6986507

>wearing a bowtie

>> No.6986517

>pic of Godard

You're a pleb in two mediums, eh?

>> No.6986535


Our education system creates frauds by its nature. People learn to pretend to learn and they carry that disrespectful attitude towards knowledge with them for life so by the time you graduate college you're a professional goldbricker.

That was the advantage of Classical education: you can't pretend at Greek and Latin. There's sweat in it, just like there's sweat now in STEM.

>> No.6986552

Lost so hard

>> No.6986588
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>when I hear my roommates at the door I quickly close my laptop and pick up a book
>play lots of jazz and classical while they're in earshot
>leave my laptop open to a scholarly .edu webpage whenever I leave the house

>> No.6986596

who /earnest/ here?

>> No.6986603

Actually I knew you were a fraud because you wrote payed instead of paid.

>> No.6986609

Who /hemmmingway/ here?

>> No.6986615
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>put on lesbian porn with the volume loud
>start moaning and humping my matress so my roommates think I'm having a threesome

>> No.6986628

The closest thing to being a fraud for me is the fact that I have a bunch of books that I have either half-read or haven't gotten around to reading and probably won't.
That and I wear Ivy style clothing to assert a false sense of aristocratic/intellectual superiority to those I meet.

>> No.6986634
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what the fuck is ivy style clothing

>> No.6986642

If ya hafta ask...

>> No.6986647


I buy books and skim read them and go 'oh fuck I just hope noone ever sees I have this and asks about it'

>> No.6986666

no seriously tell me, people around here wear normal clothing

>> No.6986669
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>> No.6986678


Go to a rich college and look how people dress, I think that's what he's talking about. Or what you would call "normal clothing". I can't speculate but I imagine that poster is around people of a lower social status, stoners and gamers, so dressing how you would call "normal" makes you look superior around people who wear jeans and ill-fitting t-shirts.

>> No.6986687

But srsly dude, I dont want any plebs dressing like me, esp since I dont fake being well read like you and these other silly geese.

>> No.6986695

I'm from Belgium, no such thing as rich colleges here, only government funded (and well ranked) colleges & universities here and I despise it.

Afraid I might buy that same turtleneck?

>> No.6986729

I wear a twee jacket, dark gold slacks, Hugo boss loafers, a red bow tie, a dress shirt, a brown belt, and sometimes a beret

pretty effay

>> No.6986741
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>> No.6986744

gross titcow

>> No.6986748

Turtleneck? I'm glad you have no idea.

>> No.6986751

u wot m9

>> No.6986762

I go out of my way to expose people like you. I hope we meet url. Which ivy ?

>> No.6986772
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Lives in Brookline. Says he lives near Harvard.

>> No.6986776

You have competent professors, no gender studies and no p.c. ruining your campus. I wish I was still in college to slap your shit.

>> No.6986797

wait, gender studies isn't a meme?

>> No.6986824

No, it's a serious course that's offered at almost every North American university.

A friend of mine is majoring in it. Last semester she had a class on the ''Influence of Male-dominated History on Female Literary Acknowledgement''. She still can't really explain to me what exactly it was about.

>> No.6986852

>''Influence of Male-dominated History on Female Literary Acknowledgement''
I just vomited a little. What sort of jobs does that get people?

>> No.6986871

If they're really lucky, with some skill, they might get into journalism.

The idealistic types usually become high school teachers, as they let in almost everyone with a college degree.

Most end up at Starbucks and such.

>> No.6986900

>I just vomited a little
this is a tactic used widely by the SJWs. can you please not do it?

>> No.6986918


>> No.6986928

That was ironic. Where do you study?

>> No.6986944


>> No.6986953


>> No.6987025

Odds are the other person hasn't read the book you were arguing about as well.

>> No.6987033

So basically like a thread on /lit/

>> No.6987044

I don't even read /lit/—I just argue and insult y e
yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeye ye ye ye

>> No.6987143

Would me at a party, see through the act, silently judge and have fun with while keeping up the act/10

>> No.6988374

Pleb detected. Ivy style clothing is a suit and tie. I'll be a senior in high school next year (don't worry, I just turned 18) and I already bought some nice suits for class. It'll feel good to look like a god around all of these kids who still believe in "swag." I have over a 4.0 so I'm preparing for when I get accepted to an Ivy. Im planning on majoring in English, so I'll probably be held to an even higher standard of dress than, let's say, a STEMautist.

>> No.6988484

lolwut. I think he was pretty clearly referring to the mix of vineyard vines and jcrew that New England preps where. I hope you just baited me.

>> No.6988666


This has to be a bait.

It has to be.

>> No.6988682

>Memorize summaries of YA books
>Go to book club

>> No.6988749

>tfw if you wear a bow tie
No, everyone thinks you're a smelly faggot and doesn't want to talk to you

>> No.6988758
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>tao lin
This doesn't make any sense and the person who made it is underage.

Here, I fixed it.

>> No.6988770

I wear a shirt with triangles on it, KSwiss gym shorts riddled with permanent mustard stains, a digital watch, and flip flops.


>> No.6988784

Please never compare a classical education to STEM.
Science and math are comparable to the classics, but STEM, especially the acronym, is anti-academic.

>> No.6988789

No, everyone knows you're a smelly faggot and doesn't want to talk to you

>> No.6988933

Might be true if it wasn't for the E in STEM

>> No.6989201

please be bait

jesus christ

>> No.6989218
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I admit to being a fraud. I basically just read through books and just parrot simple concepts I picked up on and read online about it so people think I have a deep understanding of the book.

>> No.6989228

the worst thing out of all of that is that you wear a fucking bow tie
seriously, get a real tie you faggot

>> No.6989273

/lit/ talks right through me when I talk about books I am not familiar with just so I can seem like I have an opinion on it.