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/lit/ - Literature

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6985593 No.6985593[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What universities does/did /lit/ attend?

>> No.6985622


>> No.6985635


>> No.6985636


>> No.6985651

School of Hard Knocks

>> No.6985678

York University, looking to do post grad work there. Any tips?

>> No.6985705
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>> No.6985707

who /UNAM/ here?

>> No.6985709
File: 143 KB, 800x495, small_oxford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dominus illuminatio mea

>> No.6985718
File: 65 KB, 630x345, PulpFiction_205Pyxurz-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't go to library school. I went to libraries.

>> No.6985721

Harvard tbh

At 15 tbh

On the spectrum tbh

>> No.6985901

Did the man who invented libraries go to libraries?

>> No.6985931

Penn State currently

We touch little boys

>> No.6985946

Queen's University at Kingston

>> No.6985956

I didn't go to law school, I went to juvie.
[rhythmic slapping intensifies]

>> No.6985984
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ayyy Canada

>> No.6986043


>> No.6986053

I didn't went to university school, I went to university

>> No.6986075

you wouldn't know tbh.

>> No.6986087

community college detected

>> No.6986157
File: 38 KB, 1280x1245, cornell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm beginning uni in less than a week. How do I make friends?

Inb4 le safety school meme
Inb4 le suny meme

>> No.6986166

sorry about your SAT scores lmao

>> No.6986175


>> No.6986187
File: 90 KB, 813x294, UNIGE70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based University of Geneva

>> No.6986194
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I don't get this meme. It's not like /lit/ is all HYPS. Why do state school fags diss Cornell?

also, pic related. Chance me on Cornell.

>> No.6986198

Why are you bullying me

>> No.6986204
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I also study at Oxford. What is your college? I'm at Linacre.

>> No.6986205

because you deserve it you little freak. you're my little freak

>> No.6986211

this isn't collegeconfidential fag
good scores, with enough extracurriculars and a good essay you can do better than Cornell

>> No.6986225

i go to a small public uni with only a few thousand students in california

>> No.6986236

>he's too poor for ivy league
>he's tripping on MY /lit/


>> No.6986239

Cornell anon here. I believe Cornell allows superscoring, so you're at a 2320, a totally acceptable composite score.

Thing is, SAT scores are not the only factor in your admission, and the process is such BS that most "chance me" posts are merely guesses, even given all the relevant statistics. I'd just advise you to apply to as many schools as possible: if you stand a chance at cornell, you might as well apply to the other low tier Ivies (Dartmouth, brown, penn) and other schools. Worst comes to worse you go to state school and get a Master's at a more competitive program.

Sam Hyde pls go

>> No.6986248

Oh, and don't leave out HYPS either. Your scores are certainly at their level, though there's the obvious issues of grades, essays, and ECs at stake.

>> No.6986252


>> No.6986255
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Oh don't use the tutors at Cornell. Almost all of the classes there are based on a proportional grading scale. A friend of mine was getting some tutoring help for a math class. He ended up doing really poorly, because the girl that supposedly was helping him in fact was feeding incorrect information to all of her students. She did this so that she would have a better chance at being at the top of the class.

Naw, but you have good SATs and hopefully some extracurriculars. Looks like you should have no problem getting in.

>> No.6986257

Harold bloom and pinecone both attended cornlel

>> No.6986275


>> No.6986303
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Albertus Magnus Master Race

>> No.6986315
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>Albertus Magnus
>Nun shit show

Stay jelly of the true Jesuit master race.

>> No.6986320
File: 381 KB, 500x733, 1422218248055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm one of the thousands that dropped out of John Tyler Community College.

Living the dream.

>> No.6986325

> people actually believing what university you go to matters

enjoy your student debt

>> No.6986332


>not even 200 years old
>42.000 dollars tuition

America is pathetic

>> No.6986343
File: 45 KB, 270x300, canisius-college_2015-05-22_10-55-50.182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

provincial as fuck, more of a caellidge than a college

>> No.6986371


Going to UCSC this year

What year?

>> No.6986375


>> No.6986421


>> No.6986448
File: 129 KB, 535x600, San_Diego_State_University_seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start SDSU in a week. Should be fun.

>> No.6986466


well actually it matters to an extent, you do need a university with a large and comprehensive library -- though any top college will have that (either the Ivies, the "public" ivies, the near-ivies, oxbridge, or top small liberal arts schools).

As long as you're in one of those, and any one of those, you're fine as long as you're smart enough to teach yourself from there

>> No.6986470

good luck brave anon, that place is a shithole

>> No.6986474

UC Davis.

Did I do good, /lit/? I sometimes feel like I didn't think my decision through.

>> No.6986489

I grew up in Buffalo

Enjoy doing nothing

>> No.6986491

>Did I do good

obviously not

>> No.6986498

That's what I thought. Still better than a State Uni though.

>> No.6986505
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Baylor Bear reporting in, class of 2010. Got my degree in Great Texts of the Western Tradition.

>> No.6986519
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>> No.6986540

State college.

Come at me nerds

It's for computer science, so nobody gives a shit about your school as long as you have good personal projects.

>> No.6986546
File: 125 KB, 722x520, Het-Pand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghent Uni

>> No.6986580


Not >>6985709 but I'm at Univ anon. Let's be friends.

>> No.6986586
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Perhaps I shouldn't be - forgot my pic.

>> No.6986662

ayyy what faculty
2nd year eng here

>> No.6986738


>> No.6986766

University of Tipton

>> No.6986780


Belgians are all all autistic with no sense of humor.

>> No.6986783
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>> No.6986805

speak for yourself

>> No.6986806
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Midwest Master Race

>> No.6986820

Nice, that's a great school. I would never leave campus, though. Isn't St. Louis usually in the top three most dangerous cities in the States?

>> No.6986826

Definitely top 5 but I take my gun everywhere I go.

>> No.6986850
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shit school master race reporting in

>> No.6986853


>> No.6986862
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What do you think of it? I'm going to apply to do an MFA there

>> No.6986864

I think it's funny that >>6986783 copied the architecture of >>6986806 for their administration building.

>> No.6986888

Really? NWMSU has been around since like 1895, but it could be that the some builders did both projects, can't imagine in the late 19th century there was too many universities in Missouri

>> No.6986895

Crime isn't as much of a concern in the areas immediately surrounding Wash U. On campus, it's not a concern at all. You have to be kind of careful in the Delmar area, but generally it's not something I'm too concerned about. East St. Louis is definitely a place you don't want to be.

>> No.6986901
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>> No.6986906
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Here's Brookings.

>> No.6986917

I love it. I'm pre-med, but I have a lot of friends over in the art and architecture schools who seem to like the curriculum.

>> No.6986919

So really they're both based off the Oxford style

>> No.6986931

I hope when I take a visit the whole place still smells like Bill Gass ass

>> No.6986932
File: 260 KB, 800x1067, blair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Blair Hall at Princeton.

>> No.6986941

I'm not debating with you here, it's just that you kind of negated your own claim that "NWMSU is based off Wash. U"

>> No.6986943
File: 1.01 MB, 1000x667, Washington-U.-St.-Louis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This photo makes it look like shit... Here's what it usually looks like

>> No.6986956
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They're all based on Cambridge, not Oxford.

>> No.6986967
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I wasn't really trying to make a big deal about it. I just love university architecture. Here's St. John's Great Gate, also at Cambridge.

>> No.6987096

I lived there

>> No.6987176

English lol

>> No.6987183

Cambridge is very nice.

>> No.6987217
File: 26 KB, 185x250, The_University_of_Tennessee_221139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did you come from
where did you go
where did you come from cottoneyed joe

>> No.6987231
File: 19 KB, 464x289, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a total failure
I wanted to go to UPenn and meet some new people and maybe make something of myself, instead I'm drinking every weekend with the same friends I've had since elementary school and taking the fast track to being a shitty accountant for the rest of my life

>> No.6987239

>going to uni

Lads where's your sense of entrepreneurial pride branching out into the world independent of the collegiate system.

>> No.6987242
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starting this spring (transfer student).

>> No.6987244

I'm afraid

>> No.6987255


Amsterdam University College

>> No.6987275


>hurr I'm an entrepeneur

You're a salesman, that's vulgar. Patricians didn't participate in trade.

>> No.6987288

Got into some decent colleges, ended up at a state school for health and financial reasons. I'm looking to transfer somewhere better for sophomore year.

>> No.6987289

Exon here chaps.

>> No.6987298
File: 661 KB, 1200x900, cBzDe23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone Pitt here?

>> No.6987311

hey uoft/yorku buddies, i went to both

currently grad student at uoft

>> No.6987317

Université d'Orsay Paris Sud. Shit-looking buildings, but trees everywhere and top-notch maths department.

I pay less than 800$ a year for at masters level. Feels good.

>> No.6987318
File: 10 KB, 250x230, 1439279799300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the lair of bridget

>> No.6987324

>entrepreneurial pride

Between boredom and whoredom I have made my choice.

>> No.6987336

Also wanted to compliment >>6986546 on his noice garden.
Interesting architecture, too.

>> No.6987348
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Inside is amazing as well, great atmosphere to feel like a pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.6987374
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uc merced

at least I'm on pretty good terms with the department heads

>> No.6987379

Come on sluganon don't be shy

>> No.6987382

>Peasants thinking any architecture compares to Oxford's dreaming spires

>> No.6987384
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Watched my own school get traumatized by /pol/

>> No.6987390

How can you take an educational institute seriously that's called Kalamazoo? Seriously?

>> No.6987392

>thinking architecture is important for universities
Yeah, I mean, the best science gets done in pretty buildings. Ugly buildings only make baaaad science.

>> No.6987395


Same! Fuck Leuven.

>> No.6987400

Yeah, to be fair, most of Oxford's science buildings look shite. But do you not feel the nordic will to power in the gothic spires and grand architecture?

>> No.6987418

fucking weiner. There are some kickass punk bands from there right now.

>> No.6987419

Eat shit pitt

>> No.6987441
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>> No.6987456

Why is that even a book?

>> No.6987465
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>> No.6987476

The streets. You probably never heard of it.

>> No.6987498

Not really. My uni's really ugly (they call it brutalism, but I don't believe there's any architectural vision behind it anyway). I like the sheer efficiency. It's a pretty new institute, and they just wanted to have one big fucking building with everything in it, and it worked just fine. It's also kind of a staple of the region it's in to be cheap and efficient, so there's that.

>> No.6987500

Oh it shows, Quentin. It shows.

>> No.6987512
File: 300 KB, 500x500, smug_bartlett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ice-Queen of the stacks.


>> No.6987531
File: 487 KB, 1024x965, UPRRP-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6987554

like who? I'm trying to get into the local punk scene

>> No.6987561
File: 67 KB, 731x662, uwg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of West Georgia

Cheap(er) public school, represent.

Library's pretty good, at least.

>> No.6987600
File: 55 KB, 598x600, 1431084674493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Driving down Wednesday

>> No.6987630

I start studying English at Glasgow Uni in September - free education you jel?

>> No.6987681
File: 140 KB, 2000x2000, 2000px-UnivOfTokyo_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exchange program for a year, otherwise Uppsala.

>> No.6987693

Just keep off of the junk for me, la'

>> No.6987727


I'm the anon that posted all the pictures of architecture earlier in the thread - Pitt and Duke have my favorite examples of Collegiate Gothic in the entire country. Only Harkness Tower at Yale can rival Cathedral of Learning and the Duke Chapel. Boston College is nice, too.

>> No.6987733

oh shit? Seriously? Kansas City is also great.

St. Louis has Rüz, Q, Lumpy & the Dumpers, who kickass live but are so-so on most recordings. Lumpy & The Dumpers are a real hyped band. I like em alright.
Black Panties, Shaved Women, and Sucked Dry are okay. KC has No Class who wrote prolly one of the best hardcore records to ever come out of the midwest.. KC also has Dark Ages who are decent, Nuke Cult was tight...

>> No.6987774

hello slugbros, don't smoke too much weed!

>> No.6987775

My local community college.

>> No.6987798

St Andrews because I failed to get into Oxford

>> No.6987827
File: 319 KB, 480x640, wardlaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, anon. I always thought it was extremely impressive that St. Andrews maintained its rank of 3rd in the UK despite only have $100 million in its endowment fund per year, while Oxford and Cambridge both have close to $5 billion apiece.

Also, you have lovely architecture there.

>> No.6987840

Yeah I'm not bummed out or anything, St Andrews was my first choice seeing as I failed the interview. That pic is actually part of the hall I live in.

>> No.6988292

Pls what year?

I'm entering this fall and want cool 4chan friendos

>> No.6988324
File: 194 KB, 965x801, cam (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oxford and Cambridge are hard to get accepted to as an undergraduate, but I got accepted to both as a graduate student in history of international relations after I got my undergraduate degree at a different university (Ghent). There isn't an interview as a graduate, but you do need a GPA of at least 3.74

pic related, just to prove legitimacy

>> No.6988376

I remember you from the other thread. I saved both of your acceptance letters.

>> No.6988393


Hope I helped you out. If you want an Oxbridge degree, without massive amounts of student debt, this is the way. I payed 1500 euro tuition in total for my undergraduate at Ghent, and still have master's from Oxford with just one year of high tuition cost.

>> No.6988410

I'm not the person you initially replied to. I'm attending graduate school in the United States, so my ship has sailed as far as applying to Oxbridge. I just thought it was interesting that you were willing to post such private information on 4chan.

>> No.6988430


Oh ok, avoiding student debt isn't really an option in the US. And I blanked out most of the details, it just shows my college and course.

>> No.6988449

I won't graduate with any debt. Most Ph.D. programs in the United States are paid for by the school. Even so, your class size is probably no more than 20 people. I would never be able to shake the idea that someone could identify me if they tried hard enough.

>> No.6988584

>Tecnologico de Monterrey

In Monterrey, Mexico

>tfw no ivy league lifestyle

>> No.6988659
File: 157 KB, 528x281, quad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw even the arts students are plebs

>> No.6988719

>tfw hoping to go to Oxbridge or St. Andrews (maybe Leeds) for PhD in a year
>tfw reading this

I-I'm gonna make it, right guys?

>> No.6988747


What's your GPA and alma mater? Phd might be tough, because competition is really intense.

>> No.6988767

Have multiple backup schools that still offer you a great fit. I wanted to go to Columbia for my Ph.D., but I got into another fine school that is unarguably a better fit for my research goals. The prestige of your school's name is much less important at the Ph.D. level, and there are definitely multiple institutions that specialize in your area of expertise. Don't sweat it, m8.

>> No.6988806

florida state university

i transferred here from University of Tirana just so i could have an excuse to see the US

mfw i've been arrested three times ranging from criminal mischief to burglary
mfw i've been getting all As
mfw i think i'm getting deported unless the state attorney agrees to a second diversion program
mfw it doesnt matter since im dropping out next semester anyway
mfw i'm only here to waste time until my father's estate transfers in my name

>> No.6988883

>mfw it doesnt matter since im dropping out next semester anyway

Step up anon, you'll regret it.

>> No.6988896

3.95~, University of Toronto. Is it that bad?

I was thinking I might be in a decent position because my research proposal is very specific and very specifically tailored to the advisers I want at each university. But I watched someone in a similar situation get turned down because of logistics this year, and I imagine getting back a flat "No" when that is the case is pretty awful.

This is good advice, thanks. I am trying to focus more on the idea of doing good research than wanking over the prestige of my institution. I'd only be upset if I got an adviser who isn't right for me, or something like that.

you are an interesting man

>> No.6988916

>very specifically tailored to the advisers I want at each university

This will most likely get you accepted. I used the same tactic when I applied to both Oxford and Cambridge. It shows that you know you shit, that you know what you're doing and what you want to achieve. The only thing that will hold you back is financing/finding an open spot. Apply to many universities as back-up. I applied to nearly all top British universities (Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, KCL and Edinburgh) just in case. Better to have options than to have dick.

>> No.6988924
File: 34 KB, 300x296, psuseal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear old state

>> No.6988958

No, your grades and alma mater are great. What matters more is your ability to communicate your potential to do research. When a school accepts you for a Ph.D., they are making an investment - an investment that one day will produce research that reflects well upon them. They won't invest in you if they don't believe you can deliver.

>my research proposal is very specific and very specifically tailored to the advisers I want at each university.
This is not just a good thing to do - it is necessary. If you send the same proposal to every school, they will know. I tailored each of my applications down to the specific professors I wanted to work with and specific papers they wrote, and even then, I only got in to a third of the schools I applied to. And yes, sometimes logistics just fucks you in the ass. It's the nature of the game.

>I'd only be upset if I got an adviser who isn't right for me
This is an easy fix - don't bother applying to schools you wouldn't be happy attending.

>> No.6989199

Studying Comparative Literature and Philosophy at NYU.

>> No.6989205

Nice, you're like Swayze from Road House.

>> No.6989209

Thanks for the advice & encouragement, bros. I feel better about the upcoming grind now.

>> No.6989212

At least we're at a public ivy?

>> No.6989216


>> No.6989227


>> No.6989278

I'm still in High School and got straight Ds in 11th grade. Am I still savable anons?

>> No.6989289

I was an awful student and am currently a college dropout. But straight Ds in your junior year? You may wanna focus on finding blue collar jobs ASAP.

>> No.6989295

And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

>> No.6989314

I'm sure Jesus isn't the best answer for me. He hasn't answer any of my prayers, so I stop believing God.

>> No.6989346

Christianity isn't about getting anything; it's about giving. Reevaluate if belief is important.

Also, go to a CC then transfer. Saves money, builds humility, and makes it easy to get accepted and move up from there.

>> No.6989362

You are selfish

>> No.6989364

I'm planning to go to Community College and see how things go for my first 2 years. My absurd belief is quite firm after reading Camus so no crisis.

>> No.6989369

Comes with being only child, still I'm coming attach to Literature, so all my money is with (1) Being saved or (2) Books.

>> No.6989376

You can give without spending your money. Money is pretty meaningless.

>> No.6989595
File: 47 KB, 700x624, CS570563-01A-BIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually study you fucking pleb
>get the best resultyou can possibly get from this point
>pick a degree from a reasonably decent uni
>study like you've never studied before for the first year
>forgo bitches, parties and a social life, do everything but sleep in libraries
>transfer to desired program once you get decent grades

I got the Australian equivalent of low C's/high D's in HS and now I'm studying engineering at the 3rd best uni in my country. Believe in yourself, m8.

>> No.6989659

fucking this.

>> No.6989687

I hate the idea that I probably share classes with people from /lit/

>> No.6989701

>3rd best uni in Australia
Is that a high school or something?

>> No.6989717


>> No.6989726
File: 164 KB, 1280x831, Florida_Gators_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Florida

>> No.6989744

Ayy lmao McGill

>> No.6989753
File: 36 KB, 505x377, uni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humanities because I plan on playing this life on ezmodo.

>> No.6989790

Good to know I'm not alone out there

>> No.6989796

St Andrews is great anon, you can join my society that's just me after everyone else graduated, it'll be great.

Also I got in despite failing pretty hard in my exams. The standard acceptance was AAA, but I only got two Bs and a *, though luckily the * was in the subject I was to study and also the first ever * in that subject from my school.

>> No.6989801


lol public ivy, does saying that make you feel better?

>> No.6989861

Top 100 university in the world does. #23 in English too!


>> No.6989954

gonna be a second-year. loved my first year. do you know what college you're in yet?

>> No.6990057 [DELETED] 

ayy fam
>tfw B.P.E.S.S master race
>tfw picking up chicks at ECOPsoc drinks
>tfw laughing at engineering students in jeans and runners

Cheer up lad!

>> No.6990069
File: 2.03 MB, 2996x2247, unimelb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f 'melbourne'
>0 results

what the shit, well I guess I better check in for us

>> No.6990686

Yep, Eight. You?

>> No.6990696

MSU. Who here /professorrantaboutrightwingers/?

>> No.6990706


>> No.6990712

SDSU sucks but the girls are hot

>> No.6990849

too poor for university

>> No.6990979
File: 107 KB, 480x480, Emory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone go to /emory/ here?

Pretty nice school imo. Interesting classes, qt brown and azn girls, nice architecture, good restaurants nearby.

Of course there's some shit things as well but overall I'm happy. Looking to achieve something higher for graduate and law school though.

>> No.6991029

eyy 18 here what about you?

>> No.6991052

Depends on what you get your senior year and other years. You could claim "muh depression" or something. But community colleges make transfers really easy in California; you can get into UCLA pretty much guaranteed and a 25% chance at Berkeley from classes that give you an automatic 4.0 just for not being retarded

>> No.6991056

I want to go here as a USA international student. How do you like it?

>> No.6991676


eyyy lmao I want to go to law school as well. Are you aiming for YHS?

>> No.6992130

Lancaster, UK here. Starting this year. I hope it's all right.

>> No.6992154
File: 139 KB, 297x300, ncsu_seal_2-297x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The English program is surprisingly decent but I'm in physics/on probation. Is it worth switching at 21/59 credit hours, /lit/?

>> No.6992167

or as I like to call it, McTrill University.

>> No.6992173

Explain how humanities is living life on easy mode. I think humanities are valuable but I fail to see this logic.

>> No.6992181

Because it's easy and then you get a job in the public sector and then you get old and collect your pension and you die

>> No.6992194

Good luck doing that. I have a bachelors in english and many friends with humanities degrees. For the most part we can barely get a job that pays 20-30k/year.

>> No.6992219

Just your ticket to write your master's and then get a job.

>> No.6992265

masters in what? More English?

>> No.6992298
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>> No.6992309

I don't know? Why would you ever stop at a bachelor?

>> No.6992343


>> No.6992367

if you can get a well-paying job by majoring in something other than humanities

>> No.6992374

In all seriousness, if you are being genuine, do you know of any worthwhile channels one could use to augment their research/knowledge?

>> No.6992496

who /leeds/ here?

>> No.6992590

University of Adelaide for me as of next year..

>> No.6993131

Arguably the best uni in the country, and it's in the most cultural city in Australia (and I'm saying that as a Sydneysider). Apply there if you can.

Also if you like coffee fam you'll find the best coffee culture in the world there.

>> No.6993146

nice, Eight has a great view. you'll like it if you're used to SoCal suburbia. I'm in Porter again this year. maybe we'll hang out and share our writin's

>> No.6993258

University of Wisconsin-Madison

>> No.6993574


I'm picking between Cornell and Dartmouth for early decision. What's it really like? What might spur me to pick one over the other?

>> No.6993677

Underage b&

>> No.6993686

>the best coffee culture in the world
>on criminal desert island
Yeah think again "mate"

>> No.6993767


>> No.6993869
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swefag here, swefag = fagfag = no homo

>> No.6993894

Yeah I hope I like it. Sure I'd like to meet but I don't write though

>> No.6993904

>tfw no University of Dayton /lit/ friends :(

>> No.6993979

>I'm one of the thousands that dropped out of John Tyler Community College.
>Living the dream.

Not me. I'm a community college GRADUATE.

I attended a private university, but I became so goddamn sick of the Missouri-Synod Lutherans that I dropped out (my biochemistry professor tried to tell us that the "...true evidence seems to support that the Earth is about eight- to ten-thousand years old, but the government does its best to cover up that evidence whenever it's unearthed.").

>> No.6993999

Me too

>> No.6994134
File: 287 KB, 2285x2285, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_UW_20Seal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public ivyman reporting in

>> No.6994353


stop with the public ivy bs. your school accepts 70% of applicants. so many proles itt god damn.

>> No.6994376
File: 420 KB, 1024x666, UCBerkeleyCampus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


actual public ivy reporting in

>> No.6994383


What evidence did he offer?

>> No.6994408

Berkeley is an amazing school. I've been told that it has a disproportionate amount of obnoxious students compared to other stellar institutions, though, which bums me out. Maybe that's just what people say because they're jealous that they weren't accepted there themselves, of course. I suspect that to be the case.

>> No.6994423

George Brown College. Not university.

Anyone here from the Casa Loma campus?

>> No.6994478
File: 3 KB, 107x125, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1439513084423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I checked it was 50%

Either way, it's considered a public ivy via general consensus, so your uptight standards are meaningless

>> No.6994497
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>> No.6994498

I'm not that guy, but you should be smarter than to think that a general consensus means anything at all. Nor should you feel insecure about your school because of one poster - UW is one of the best schools in the country.

However, it is worth noting that most Ivy League universities accept less than 10% of their applicants. Even Cornell only accepts 14%. Compared to 55% (UW), that is quite a difference.

>> No.6994557


>uptight standards

I'm just not a prole.

>> No.6994569

Sup bro

>> No.6994575

about to start at the university of maryland

>> No.6994612

Sorry friends, we all know Davis is truly where it's at.

>> No.6995390
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About to start at Royal Holloway.

>> No.6995393

University of Barcelona

>> No.6995600
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>> No.6995649

Don't lie. Transfer students in California are not permitted to start in the spring, only the fall. I know this for a fact because I was a transfer student.

>> No.6995687

ignore everyone else, cornell is a good school. but please dear god don't be one of those kids who are like 'omg cornell is an ivy league too im so smart oh wait now im sad because i cant handle it might as well jump into the gorge'.

>> No.6995692

Isn't it crazy that every person at penn state is required to molest children? Seriously its too much, you guys should calm down.

>> No.6995700

Fucking lel

>> No.6995704
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>> No.6995706
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>> No.6995711

>can't promote your own bachelor to enter into a different master
>probably had shit grades

get a grip

>> No.6995721

I recently finished University of Aberdeen while living at home... literally the least worthwhile experience of anyone here

>> No.6995784

in case you're not trolling






>> No.6995801
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Automatically out-/lit/ all of you.

>> No.6995809


>muh greats, muh canon

How does it feel to know that your hero worshipping style of "scholarship" is holding back philosophy? That "history of philosophy" classes have become conflated with "philosophy" classes? I'm not even STEM, but if all they did was lick newton's (or aristotle's) asshole for 5 terms at the start of each degree, they'd get nowhere too. Rather than stand on the shoulders of giants, curricula like you're pic's and others, choose to stay on the ground and bootlick

>> No.6995827

school sucks; fuck school

>> No.6995831

How do you think you begin standing on the shoulders of giants? By fully understanding their work.

>> No.6995887

I have a lanky pal named Matt who has made no friends and is returning to W&M as a sophomore. Befriend him pls.

>> No.6996002

>low tier Ivies (Dartmouth, brown, penn)

Colombia is also low tier.

>> No.6996010

Yale has a Youtube channel.

>> No.6996079

>UC Davis.

while davis has some awesome programs, most of the students I met there are total retards who hold themselves and education in general in contempt. the largest majors are like, enviromental toxicology and int relations, which are just for kids whos parents made them go to college. they used to have an awesome technocultural studies program with bob ostertag and stockhausen even taught there in the 70s. famouls english dept with josh clover, but the town and the chanclor sold out the kids who got maced. people say its a good school, but your peers is really what matters.

>> No.6996080
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Technically Psychology of Religion, but my degree will actually be Teol.kand.

>> No.6996103

https://www.youtube.com/user/UCBerkeley/videos or https://archive.org/details/ucberkeleylectures
There are others but these are the big ones I know that have standard quality courses simply uploaded with the relevant materials

Here's another one with some

There are a bunch more, often very good ones from more average universities, especially in STEM. Just google around. I took an ecology course that blew ass at my fairly highly ranked uni last year and while googling around for supplementary materials I found an almost identical, but actually GOOD course given by some random state school in the US. That channel had tons of full course uploads too.

>> No.6996104

Unless you are in a very, very selective college, like Oxford or a tiny lib arts college, the majority of your peers are going to be retards who are good at constructing a resume, and who are looking for a little permission slip and not knowledge.

>> No.6996118

A bigger waste than Women's Studies.

>> No.6996136

That's Oxford and the tiny lib arts colleges too, don't worry.

>> No.6996169

U of T

>> No.6996319

Is this brutalism?

>> No.6996330

it's shitism. it's actually a turkey

>> No.6996334


Not really. I study at Oxford, and I haven't met an ignorant person yet. Could be because my class only has 8 students in total, but still.

>> No.6996341

yes, robarts library


>> No.6996361
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I went to Miami University of Ohio and then the University of Cincinnati.

I'm contemplating going to graduate school, but I'm not sure I can stomach the slog that is graduate school. Also, being broke and at the mercy of the fates just doesn't entice me.

oh my :^)


>> No.6996474

I'm gonna say a few words just because I wish someone said something to me when I was where you are now. I went to Cornell.

Dartmouth and Cornell are incredibly comparable academically, maybe Dartmouth is a bit better for undergrads, but in terms of jobs/perception you're fine with either.

In terms of being actually /lit/, Cornell wins by a long shot. There are way more people here, so lots of varied opportunities and experiences in Ithaca, and you'll share an alma mater with Pynchon, Harold Bloom, Vonnegut, and E.B. White.

>> No.6996514

Do you mind posting the acceptance letters again? I am intrested :)

>> No.6996585
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>his university is under 700 years old

>> No.6996678

You're only given one life - I'll do what I love for it's duration.

>> No.6996739

The only people I know who went to Dartmouth are incredibly egotistical and spend half the time you converse reminding you about Keggy the Keg. I know that's anecdotal evidence but I'd say go with Cornell for early decision.

>> No.6996799
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>TFW you didn't go to college and your now an insecure neet shit that feels worthless when seeing these threads.
>Keep thinking maybe I should just go to a community college and try it out but get disgusted when thinking of the capitalist and likely ideological undercurrents.

>> No.6996843
File: 11 KB, 236x177, ee354370e2cce9c52b311b75df304f11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mistakes were made.

>> No.6996853

I know someone who fucked up hard in high school and had to go to community college before he progressed onto a public ivy, it's worth the work and he's a better person for it. Do it.

>> No.6996864


You don't need a piece of paper to be awesome or to achieve something. Step up anon. You should only study something you're passionate about, and that will actually advance your goals in life. Live your life to the fullest, and pursue your dreams. Life's too short to succumb to social obligations or peer pressure to do something you actually don't need.

It will also save you a lot of debt and time wasted.

>> No.6996873
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STEMfag here.

>> No.6996877

UMass Amherst
>tfw all you do is smoke weed and drink beer all the time and still have a 3.095 going into senior year
>tfw you know more about literature and such than your English major friends do
>tfw majoring in philosophy and history and all your history professors are Marxists and none of your überanalytic philosophy professors have ever mentioned Hegel
>tfw alienation from friends and university community

>> No.6996906
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Hello Texas friends

>> No.6996913
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>even Cornell
Couldn't possibly ignore the opportunity to piss on SUNY Ithakek, eh?

>> No.6996919

Statistically speaking, aren't they more difficult to get accepted that the other four lesser ivies?

>> No.6996924

>tfw people piss on Cornell when Brown is even easier pickings

>> No.6996925

How is the program. I'm pinned at North Texas because I came as a music major, discovered the program was massively overrated and switched. I don't want to leave the Dallas area though because of fam, friends, longtime girlfriend.

>> No.6996953
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It's incredible, dude. The sheer access to crazy shit you have as a UT student makes the tuition worth it (pic related, it is a handwritten play that Pynchon wrote in his early twenties stored at the UT library, also they have a ton of DFW's stuff).
Obviously, I don't know a thing about your life, but if you have the opportunity/if you are still early enough in your college career, I would suggest transferring. I have spent a considerable amount of time at UNT because my best friend attends there, and I can tell you that the environment doesn't compare.

>> No.6996961
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>Brown's name is literally the color of shit

>> No.6996971

I am two years in, though obviously its too late for this semester. I'm torn because I am far enough along I can now just take all the stuff I am interested in anyways, and I am generally content, but I know there's a better academic life to be had out there.

>> No.6996975

long shot but who /southampton/ here?

>> No.6997011


Well, transfer students need 60 in-resident hours to graduate, so that is something to be aware of. Just do some research, see what your options are.

>> No.6997060


KUL represent
what did you study?

>> No.6997065

that's the spirit, fuck these hippies


>> No.6997067
File: 40 KB, 200x247, University_of_Vermont_212567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to weed lmao the school because they gave me a decent merit scholarship

>> No.6997070

george mason, northern virginia community college

>> No.6997110

I probably know you

>> No.6997125


If you have a vagina, you're wrong.

>> No.6997127


>> No.6997134


Damn. Well do you like chillaz at 711? Because I do.

>> No.6997159

Who doesnt?

>> No.6997193


>> No.6997217

UC Davis, best school that nobody outside of California knows about.

>> No.6997237
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>proud of going to cow university

>> No.6997247
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that was the main selling point

>> No.6997282

Yeah, UW-Seatte is not one of the original Public Ivy's, it was considered a "worthy runner-up". The original Public Ivy's are:

>Wiliam & Mary
>Miami of Ohio
>Michigan - Ann Arbor
>North Carolina - Chapel Hil
>Texas - Austin
>Vermont - Burlington
>Virginia - Charottesville
>California - all campuses founded before 1985

>> No.6997285
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>you will NEVER get an acceptance letter in the mail on a chilly April morning from Fordham

>> No.6997309
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Starting a phd in a couple weeks

>> No.6997321


>> No.6997323

I admire your ambition, brother. What's your major?
What are fretting about the most?

>> No.6997337

not really, Columbia is currently ranked #4 in the nation, tied with Stanford and only behind Princeton/Harvard/Yale. Columbia is definitely higher tier.

>> No.6997347

>I admire your ambition, brother.
Thanks man.
>What's your major?
The program is called Engineering and Applied Science and I think my research will be in computational math.
>What are fretting about the most?
not getting a gf tbh

>> No.6997474

>famous english dept
I did right ;^)

What's your major, Davisfriend? Never knew there were so many of us.

>> No.6997491

is there any reason to major in the humanities if you don't want to be poor

>> No.6997498

English as well. I'm incoming frosh but I have two English classes this quarter, 10A and 05 (writing fiction). So I'm gonna figure out very quickly whether it's for me or not

>> No.6997509

I'm an incoming transfer, so I know what you mean. Are you going to try to do Honors when you're eligible?

>> No.6997533

haven't really looked into it much tbh, my grades weren't really even close to be good enough in high school so I'm just gonna worry about handling the class load. If I'm excelling then I'll start worrying about it

>> No.6997582

>going to university

I dropped out. Fuck it.

>> No.6997673

is attending class mandatory

>> No.6997680

depends on the professor but usually not. But you'd be an idiot not to

>> No.6997692

Well, I'm curious now. How does /lit/ regard NYU?

>> No.6997698

Participation is often mandatory especially in smaller classes. Bigger classes may make attendance/participation in tutorial, which are unbearable mini-classes headed by apathetic TAs to make you have to come out to campus an extra 2 hours on a Friday night every week. And 90% of those will grade you on whether you speak up and engage with the other students, who will hate you for doing so.

Go speak to your disability or accessibility office about getting a waiver for social anxiety or something. Or as I like to call them, a Retard Slip. They come in real handy if you don't want to do shit.

>> No.6997726

It's one of the best schools is the country and John Guillory teaches there, so I think it's pretty cool.

>> No.6997751

I wouldn't go there for undergrad cuz it doesn't have a campus but it's definitely a really good school. I have a friend who goes there and he and everyone else I meet seem to think it's Ivy-tier, it's not really unless you're in Stern, but it's still very very good.

>> No.6997758

basically, yes
if you don't go you WILL fail