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File: 363 KB, 700x699, QueequegXIshmael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6985306 No.6985306 [Reply] [Original]

>Man hates his father, kills himself.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.6985314

Kid dies young, no books

>> No.6985322

Protagonist kills antagonist.

>> No.6985330

>Doctor is convinced our world is the best of all possible worlds
>He dies a horrible slow and painful death
>His protoge falls madly in love but gets cucked and has to work as a slave for the rest of his life

>> No.6985339

Gifted kid struggles with his identity while bad guys search for a powerful thing

>> No.6985398

A weird family has a room where they keep a giant bug and they get mad when they see he likes music

>> No.6985416

That could be a lot of things.

Metamorphosis, Kafka

>> No.6985423

The Butterfly by Kafka?

>> No.6985426

That was beautifully vague. It could be just about anything, but I'll say Harry Potter, if only because it has an unparalleled amount of "waaaah I'm the chosen one."

>> No.6985429

Candide of course. EZ.

>> No.6985455

Ishmael looks more averse to this than he actually is in the book.

>> No.6985527

He wasn't averse to it. In fact, the way he described the whole ordeal was quite homoerotic.

>> No.6985538

Woman doesn't understand Shakespear, nothing else happens.

>> No.6985541
File: 247 KB, 1300x1387, comic34c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6985553

>postin beta comics

>> No.6985557

Fuck you. It's a legit human condition.

>> No.6985560

>Man hates his father, kills himself

>> No.6985565

I doubt they'd be able to afford him.

>> No.6985577

I guess it's easy to see the world as unfair if you imagine yourself as a Harvard valedictorian superhuman, but you aren't. You're a lonely fuck posting his mediocrely drawn comics on a blogspot site.

'You' as in the author, which you probably aren't but I hope you get the point.

Fact is, people described in the comic have probably been slaying pussy since they came of age.

>> No.6985623

kek. Have you never read Michel Houellebecq?

>> No.6985626

>lord of the betas said it so it must be true

>> No.6985658

hey dumb fuck.

>A recurrent theme in Houellebecq's novels is the intrusion of free-market economics into human relationships and sexuality. Whatever (Original title, Extension du domaine de la lutte, which literally translates as "extension of the domain of the struggle") alludes to economic competition extending into the search for relationships. As the book says, a free market has winners and losers, and the same applies to relationships in a society that does not enforce monogamy. Westerners of both sexes already seek exotic locations and climates by visiting developing countries in organized trips. In Platform, the logical conclusion is that they would respond positively to sex tourism organized and sold in a corporate and professional fashion.

get a grip

>> No.6985695

Oh.Oh.I guess I'm naive.I first interpreted the comic as "I studied for years hoping to be able to improve human condition and here I am helping some worthless brats procreate."
I should have been cued in by the "he's still single" part.
Anyway,let's assume that the jailbird and the punk are bad breeding material but what about the nigger.What if he is a well-educated,enlightened nigger.A doctor shouldn't be this prejudiced.

>> No.6985782

Nope Things Fall Apart, but it occurred to me how similar they are.

>> No.6985788

boy meets girl

>> No.6985797

Adventures of autistic man

>> No.6985813
File: 24 KB, 374x600, bertin-osborne-que-no-borre-2-tve-L-otIAeJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese poofter faps to St. Sebastian.

Really easy, guizs.

>> No.6985820

>A hero goes on a journey.

>> No.6985824

Iraq war but then suddenly dragons.

>> No.6985831


>> No.6985836


"A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again", by DFW.

>> No.6985843


nah every ugly doctor who went to a good school I met ended up with a wife at least twice as attractive as them. Not even trying to defend them, I have no interest in medicine, but I have met a lot of ugly doctors with good looking wives and children VERY ugly doctors

>> No.6985848

A man drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and dies.

>> No.6985856

the judgement? No Longer Human?

>> No.6985858

>A mother comes to accept her son's girlfriend after initially deciding that she doesn't want them getting married.

>> No.6985958


>> No.6986067

The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.6986103

Why couldn't you find a related picture? There are literally hundreds of pictures on the internet!!

>> No.6986116

Guy can't handle the heat

>> No.6986164

>reactionary garbage

>> No.6986250

Leit Ranger, a.k.a When Did Mum Die?