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698183 No.698183 [Reply] [Original]

Cases where the movie is better than the book?

I'd have to say Requiem For A Dream on this one.

>> No.698190

Fight Club
A Clockwork Orange
No Country for Old Men
V For Vendetta

>> No.698191

Stardust and Ring, especially the last one since the Ring novel isn't remotely scary.

>> No.698195

Spiderman (if you want to include comics)

>> No.698196

Forrest Gump.

The movie, while I am embarrassed to admit, always makes me cry and hug everyone I love and tell them how special they are. It always makes me want to go out in the world trying my very best.

The book....uh... his dad gets crushed by a crate? And Forrest is whiny? Mmkay, yeah. No thank you.

>> No.698197

Everything Kubrick ever did

Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, Godfather 1 & 2, No Country for Old Men, Little Children, There Will Be Blood

>> No.698203
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This, more so than any other book to movie I can think of.

>> No.698206

>There Will Be Blood


>> No.698207

The Shining is the one that springs immediately to my mind. <3

>> No.698209

The third one was a mindfuck beyond all mindfucks tho..

i actually think shawshank redemption was a decent story, i dont know which i like better, the book or the movie.

>> No.698212


Yes, sorry :C Oil! is second-rate social criticism, TWBB is a masterpiece destined to last

>> No.698219

>A Clockwork Orange

I gotta disagree. Without that last chapter you really lose the meaning of the story.

>> No.698222

Star Wars

>> No.698223

Fight Club, by Palahniuk's own admission.

>> No.698232

Interracial Milfs 9...trust me.

>> No.698233


The movie killed the social criticism so it could be an over-elevated, third-rate citizen Kane. Guess what: capitalism and religion rarely disagree with each other, and James Arnold Ross was a very likeable man, which is the only way he got things done, like all robber-barons.

>> No.698235
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>> No.698239

Absolutely 100% agree. The book is a piece of shit and the movie, while not spectacular, is still time very well spent. The movie changed A LOT of the story, and all for the better.

>> No.698254

Fight Club was a movie that actually fixed plot holes that were in the book, the biggest example I can think of being Tyler Durden somehow contacting Marla's mother.
Pahlaniuk's biggest weakness as a writer, imo, is that he gets a great idea, and runs with it way too far, ignoring weaknesses like that.

>> No.698256


TWBB has better acting (MUCH, MUCH better acting), writing, directing and cinematography than Citizen Kane. It is superior in every way.

>capitalism and religion rarely disagree with each other

Jesus, moneychangers

most of the history of Europe before the protestant reformation

Although it's not like the conflict between the two in TWBB is anything at all like the "typical" religion and capitalism conflict at all

>> No.698261

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

The Gene Simmons one.

>> No.698266

>TWBB has better acting (MUCH, MUCH better acting)

That's like criticizing the movie for being made in the '40s.

>> No.698274

Streetcar Named Desire had the worst CGI and soundtrack

>> No.698278


The Passion of Joan of Arc doesn't have such shitty acting and it was made in 1928

>> No.698280


The Passion of Joan of Arc also didn't have SOUND.

>> No.698281
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>Children of Men film
>Not spectacular
Did we watch the same movie?

>> No.698284


A testament to how awesome the acting is

>> No.698298

>not.... at all like the "typical" religion and capitalism conflict

The movie should have worked harder than just regurgitating Biblical symbolism then. Before or after the reformation, religion and capitalism (or feudalism) suited each other like peas in a pod. The most you could point to are the liberation theology types from the 70s.

>TWBB has better acting (MUCH, MUCH better acting), writing, directing and cinematography than Citizen Kane. It is superior in every way.

But now I know you're trolling.

>> No.698312


But it's not even capitalism and religion feuding each other. It's greed and greed. The conflict in TWBB isn't anything like the examples I mentioned (that's why I said it was atypical).

No trolling, Citizen Kane is important for its influence but nothing it did hasn't been fully absorbed by the filmmaking community.

>> No.698327

>opinions can be facts if you pretend hard enough.
I didn't think it was spectacular. It was a good story that they managed to bring to life pretty well. It's the best performance of Clive Owen's career, I'll agree to that no problem, but some of the scenes were forced and contrived, some scenes were just plain flat. I loved it when I watched it, but no, it's not that great. It's pretty good.

>> No.698335

American Psycho.

>> No.698345


You must be high. Not only was the movie nowhere near as good as the book, it was downright awful just in general. Reasons follow:

>shelley duvall
>little kid actor with clear case of teh downs
>no hedge animals
shelley fuckin' duvall


>> No.698358

Lord of the rings. Animated version

>> No.698359


Awww shit yeah nigger

The Hobbit was awesome too

>> No.698362

*Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (the book was good, but my god I'm so glad the movie completely cut out the trial)
*The Shining (it takes Kubrick and a complete re-write to make Stephen King's stories watchable)

>> No.698364

Fight Club

>> No.698366

>no hedge animals

Those were absolutely retarded. Especially in the Shining miniseries.

>> No.698367

Remember that part where Gandalf made the trolls debate until daylight, then they turned into stone? I fucking downloaded midget porn for a day straight and pretended I was Gandalf facially inseminating cloven toed trolls!!

>> No.698370

Just... no. Not anywhere close.

>> No.698372
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Yeah, well, you know what?

You're retarded.

Also, my point is still valid because >shelly duvall

>> No.698450


Even accepting the premise of this guy getting as far as he does on his own: If they'd put some effort into the script, Plainview would have been intelligent enough to leap at the opportunity to have a populist theologian at his side and keep him there, no matter how grubby a prick (or implausibly dumb) the latter is. It's probably the main reason why all the workers are shuffling mute drones, as with the virtual writing out of the adult son, who abruptly becomes a (yawn) corporate rival. The movie takes on an increasingly cartoonish "enigmatic" tone, to avoid the fact that so much of it is unrealistic, psychologically or socially. Neither Oil! nor Citizen Kane was this muddle-headed, or resorted to violence to keep its audience awake.

>> No.698464


Gene Wilder?

>> No.698470

The only thing good about the film is how it subverted the whole Dick coming to the rescue thing. The rest of it was okay, but watered down compared to the book.

I'd have to say the Crow, the the comic was good as well.

>> No.698473 [DELETED] 


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>> No.698480

I guess your idea of great acting is as hyperbolic facial expressions as possible.

In any case, my choices:

Touch of Evil
Dr. Strangelove
2001: A Space Odyssey
Straw Dogs
Apocalypse Now

>> No.698483


2001 the novel explains all the crap that the movie leaves ambiguous. Therefore IMO the novel is better.

>> No.698490


Compared to just about any other movie at the time (or any, relatively speaking), the Passion of Joan of Arc was downright subtle.

>> No.698508 [DELETED] 


nqo zk j y d r ji dc blajqtrA VuERYp IMPeOuRTAnNvTi gMEcSSAGE TOg CxHRInSyTzObPhHEpR PqOgOLE (fAKgA sMOpOT,s kAKAs THEs bAnDdMIkN yOmF 4vCkHAqNc):j tREiMOVE TjHhEf ILnLqEGcAL CLdONEq OF jANONTALeKq FROzMd YOdURq tSEuRpVhERS aOR YOU aWaIhLLc SHyORTjLmYh BEd SHnObTq cNaEAaR uYlOUR iHOME BtY A ePERScON gYoOjU HkAsVyE NEVER nMETi (NoEIoToHEqR qHAyVbE I). YiOUd HAjVEj gBrEEnNt WyAhRNEjD MrArNYm gTIMEcS kBfUzTn oCHuOSEN TvOf uCOmNrTINUeEi HlOSTIjNG THE ImLLtEcGAfL zCuLONE tOaFf SYkSxOP'iS WORKc. qYOUz ARlEg As SqLmEmAZYb, DIgRhTnY,u LlYIgNiGz TtHhIEtFy vSlCvUMbBAbGy; lAa UySdEhLEhSfS qHoUMANh bByEINhGu vWHOl tLkAkCKSf lAj SOaULn. y4CtHcAfN rHiAcSo RnUjINxEdDk THmEy pIxNrTERqNEuT xOzNz eSiOf oMANY eLEcVfELS AND kNeEEDtSg yTuOd kBE REMiOVuED COMvPoLETElLtY,a dBUmTh oTHAT IhS fAaNhObTcHERp MATzTiEmRq ENjTmIhRELY. bFOR uNgOWp,b aRElMyOVmE THaEo cCLOqNEb uAaND qPuAY lSqYSOrPo f$6c50z,0v00 bUSdDr hTO CbObVEcR ATi LpEASjTv tSOfMlE rOmFp zHIySr tMoANY iEuXPfEjNySaESh, gCvAsUSEqD BYv fYaObUyRh AbRtMeYd OuFv ThRlOlLyLS OVlERq THEo YbEdAhRjS,t WHzIvCH iYOtU jHAVuEr xAtLLeOaWED tTnO iOqRGANxIpZEt hILLiEGmALa AhTgTqACxKkS OcN nTbHsInS VERrYq zBmOtAbRDk.c oSIlNzCEl YOU HAaVE zSTOuLtEaN lOURy eORIoGInNAyL DOMkAeINm, dSElE:s oHTeTfPt:/z/8o8.8v0.x2a1r.1s2o/t OR HrTsTPo:e/z/zWWW.pAoNyOfNTAbLK.mSE/y oOR qHTyTPr:z/k/fATi.KbIMgMeOA.ShE/ovld xppkvx i ab yagf s t zofstn

>> No.698515

Are you fucking HIGH?

Yes, the movie is great but the book is waaaaaaaaaay better.

The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.698516

The Maltese Falcon
Out Of Sight
Mr. Majestyk
Being There
The Manchurian Candidate (the original, not the botched abortion that was the remake)
Winter Kills
The Andromeda Strain
Jurassic Park
High and Low
The Bridge On The River Kwai
Planet Of The Apes

>> No.698520

The movie is so distorted and doesn't capture anything that made the book good. The movie almost stands alone as its own weird horror flick.
Also neither are that good, American Psycho as literature is just shock schlock and heavy-handed satire, as a movie it's just a weird horror flick, neither one is great or enduring.

>> No.698521


I agree, my good sir.

>> No.698522

Basically all popcorn literature is better as movies.

>> No.698556

Phantom of the Opera

either the play or the movie

god damn :( the book just... and I thought it'd be like, a deeper, better, more detailed version of the musical or something. Boy was I disappointed- it's a fucking comedy.

>> No.698587

The Secret in their Eyes

>> No.698596

A Clockwork Orange. Anything Kubrick adapted, for that matter.

>> No.698597

Requiem For A Dream...

I'm torn, I love both the book and film adaptation.

>> No.698600


LOTR, the book is so much better. Go die in a fire. If you really think the movie is better than the movie, you are CLEARLY a retarded inbred white trash.

>> No.698608

I agree with every single one of these

>> No.698614
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>If you really think the movie is better than the movie, you are CLEARLY a retarded inbred white trash.

>> No.699058
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Children of Men

>> No.699061

To be fair, there were a lot of movies.

>> No.699069

Starship Troopers

>> No.699072

It doesn't so much lose the meaning of the story as change it, thereby making it better.

>> No.699076

You also forgot to mention that the film gave very little mention to the homosexual dressed as a dog.

>> No.699086

>V for Vendetta
I hate you so fucking much

>> No.699099

clockwork orange and the shining

>> No.699100

>Clockwork Orange

Get. Out.

>> No.699113

where the wild things are.

>> No.699122
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>> No.699127

The Godfather.

>> No.699133


I second this motion. The 'get out' motion for whatever faggot said A Clockwork Orange film is better than the book.

>> No.699136

>V For Vendetta
I smell a troll...

>> No.699146

I'd go against you and say that green mile is better in written form

>> No.699147

Jurassic Park... Not that the movie was truly better in every aspect, but that I've read lots of stories about Dinos, but to truly see them realistically coming alive on the screen without looking like a blob of clay with Parkinson's... I was stunned. It was also on of the first (if not THE first) to feature a fully digital soundtrack in theaters, and my theater cranked the sound SO MUCH that when the TRex took a step, it could shatter dental work.

MUCH better than a quiet night at home with a book.

>> No.699149

A Clockwork Orange?


>> No.699157

A Clockwork Orange is one of my favorite books. Anyone who says the movie is better is sick in the gulliver.

>> No.699178

Howl's Moving Castle
Who Framed Rodger Rabbit

>> No.699267

Fight Club. There are some aspects in the movie that make more sense than in the book.

>> No.699284
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>> No.699645




I thought it was fucking amazing too.

>> No.699687

the shining was a great film and your criticism is retarded. for instance, you try to claim the ghost twins are used in some sort of startling, shocking moment, and that's not how it's done at all. this is an especially retarded claim on your part because of the several scenes where kubrick specifically avoids using such "jump" scares, for example the scene where nicholson catches his wife reading his manuscript. ugh why am i even trying you're probably 16 and an idiot.

>> No.699709


And the casting of Nicholson and his quick degeneration, as well as the way it's hard for an audience to sympathise with him? That was a unforgivable.

>> No.699726

The movie works better than the book. Lots of the tools the book uses (violence, music) work much better in an audiovisual medium, and the book ending wasn't really necessary for the "free will x control" discussion (if anything, the movie's ending, with Alex still "evil", was better).

And Malcom McDowell was one sexy motherfucker.

>> No.699733


Well he had to degrade quickly, it's only a two hour film not a full length book: Kubrick didn't have the time that King had.

If he done it any slower Jack wouldn't have snapped until the very end of the film, making the rest of it incredibly boring.

>> No.699748

African Queen
Maltese Falcon
The Innocents (Turn of the Screw)
Treasure of the Sierra Nevada

>> No.699758

the book was really shitty compared to the movie

>> No.699761


>> No.699766


>> No.701268

silence of the lambs.

>> No.701279


>> No.701532

Rum Punch (Jackie Brown)
The Godfather
Watchmen (the monster in the comic book was flat out retarded)
Ghost World
Pride and Prejudice (the BBC miniseries)
Misery (as is the case with several steven king novels)
To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.701537
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>> No.701542

I stand by my belief that the movie version of Watchmen was better than the comic.

>> No.701553


>(the monster in the comic book was flat out retarded)

Too deep for you.

Ozymandias says he is "not a Republic Serial villain" yet he blows up New York with a giant psychic squid, this is vitally important to the meaning of the comic

>> No.701564

Agreed on Watchmen, the movie ending was much better. Made a lot more sense, and added dr whatever to the mix in a good way.

>> No.701567
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>movie version of Watchmen
>better than the comic

>> No.701568


If you can actually sit down and read comic books for any period of time you are a complete asshole and should never come to this board

>> No.701570
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>> No.701572

If you are so up your own ass you can't accept comic books as literature, you do not belong on this board.

>> No.701576

>V for Vendetta
>Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Most of the ones I can think of have been said. The only one I'd add is Let the Right One In, and it's a close call.

>> No.701580
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>comic books as literature

Not that guy, but they aren't. Comics have no more in common with literature than do films.

>> No.701584


I liked comic books.... when I was 10 years old. I can read a graphic novel them in about three seconds without thinking deeper than I would watching a reality tv show. Enough said

>> No.701588

automatically have much more to do with literature than movies
but yes I agree they are their own independent art form and this is not the thread for intramedia flaming

>> No.701591



Oh dang I forgot about that one, that sucked except for Peter Sellers.

>> No.701592

>V for Vendetta
Id normally trash you right now and call you alot of names but instead im going to give you a chance to explain your opinion.

>> No.701600

To me, the changes defocusing the 'consciousness' of the Overlook hotel, and not having Jack Nickelson beat his own face in with roque mallet to indicate the final destruction of his own identity (whereas previously he struggled with his identification with his own father), and the destruction of the hotel via the bioler, was massive missed potential and was poor change.

>> No.701601


Put this tripfag into the category of likes comic books and can't be taken seriously

>> No.701602

Again. Pretentious assholes who can only appreciate books because LOL BOOKS ARE INTELLIGENT. Get a grip.

>> No.701615


No they don't challenge me in any way and I find them boring. I thought I made that clear. I don't give a shit if the pretty pictures make you happy just don't bring it here

>> No.701616

the movie ties dr. manhattan's conclusion very well, and doesn't go into further absurdity by ignoring the kidnapping of 'elites', leaves out the in-comic book pirate thing (if you ignore the extended version of the movie...the meta-medium-self-reference reeks of unnecessary post modern pretentiousness) giving dr. manhattan more reason into leaving earth. could you please elaborate on why you think the comic is better? i don't mind you disagreeing with me, but i'd appreciate if you explain why.

>> No.701621

I figured it was probably just overlooked, but the reason it's so easy to overlook is because it was a huge fucking disappointment.

>> No.701624

what about the one with jeremy irons?

>> No.701632


Wow you sound like one of those academics who walks around hunched over and gets beat up a lot

>> No.701635

you're going to resort to name calling?

>> No.701637

>challenge me
If you read books because it's challenging to read them, you are not enjoying books.

>> No.701638

>It's impossible to enjoy a challenge.

>> No.701641

>it's impossible to enjoy a book without a challenge

>> No.701644

>it's possible to be satisfied by a book that is in no way challenging

>> No.701645

Exactly. If you can't derive enjoyment from a well-written children's book, then you don't know the joy of reading. You're just an asshole who wants to look smart.

>> No.701646

the reason nobody wants to get into this is because it isn't the right thread for it. and because this argument was done to death back when it was actually timely.

essentially, you're ignoring everything other than the conclusion, right? well, the development of all of the characters within the context of the book was much more interesting and led to much more complex looks at their internal moralities and deconstruction of their 'superhero' identities. the very notion that the only people who would want to be costumed heroes were needy, weak, and essentially less than regular people was completely lost as the characters were warped into actual heroes.
the point of the comic was to deconstruct the nature of superheroism, it had little to do with the actual ozymandias kill-few-save-many gambit, other than to 1. illustrate the darkness within the most shining example of heroes and 2. illustrate how desperate war-torn america was, that he would think to kill so many for a war that we now know would denouement not too long from his time
the use of the black freighter was fucking brilliant, not only was it funny/cleverly employed in a lot of scenes but it echoed the fallacy of ozymandias' victory: as the narrator learns how empty and perverse his 'victories' were, so too does ozymandias
not to mention all of the outrageously stupid nitpicky changes like "your hands, my perspective"->"your hands, my pleasure" or forcing the "well, I guess if Dr. Manhattan were here, he might say that nothing ever ends" line

>> No.701647

No, you just enjoy crap

>> No.701650


By "challenge" I meant it's not a picture book and I have to actually read words. That's enough fo a challenge for me

>> No.701651

this is going downhill fast, guys

>> No.701654


The acting in the movie is often fucking horrendous, every scene with Akerman is practically unwatchable, Snyder's direction of Goode is laughable (derp let's take the homoerotic undertones into LOOK AT THIS FAGGOT tiem, also it'd be a great idea to remove any ambiguity about whether or not he's a hero or a villain and have him looking sneaky every fucking frame), the cinematography consists solely of LOL SLOW-MO! DO YOU GET IT IT LOOKS LIKE A COMIC FRAME whereas Gibbons and Moore use every frame to layer their story, he throws in asinine action scenes and comic book violence (funny how the film is packed with more shitty cliched comic book bullshit than the comic itself), the soundtrack is god awful because again Snyder has no conception of subtlety ("Everyone Wants to Rule the World" when the villain appears? HOT DAMN YOU CLEVER BOY), and that fucking sex scene that takes what happens in the comic and stretches it out to five minutes of comically over-the-top horseshit, and then of course he gives the MOST SIGNIFICANT LINE of the entire fucking thing to the worst actor (Akerman) in a throwaway scene, ruining what should be the emotional and thematic climax ("Nothing ever ends").

The movie is so fucking bad compared to the comic it is only believable because it was directed by Zach Snyder.

But I liked Rorschach at least, JEH is a cool dude :3

>> No.701656

If you think that any tastes besides yours are crap, you are a pretentious asshole.
This argument is going down the drain pretty fast.

>> No.701657

not a big vonnegut fan, are you?

>> No.701659

A Confederacy of Dunces movie is WAY better than the book.

>> No.701660


stopped reading there. That should word filter to something.

>> No.701663

He's a bit overrated but I like him

>> No.701667

...but I didn't use that word at all

>> No.701672

thanks for your input, i think i'll reread it now.
ehh...i too could belittle all the intricacies of what others say make the comic version better. as for akerman's acting, you may be right, but i wasn't that thrown off by it.

>> No.701676

terribly sorry I meant to refer to this post

But really pretentious should wordfilter something. Like "Sexy"

"God I hate those sexy hipsters and their skinny jeans"

>> No.701679

also, i guess i'll apologize for reviving something that some would rather leave buried
are you sure you're referring to the right post?

>> No.701680


Hipster doofus alert

>> No.701682

Mortal Engines.

>> No.701684


A hipster walks into a bar and then he orders a drink.

You see its IRONIC because you expected a punch line.

>> No.701696


There is no "better." Movies and books are different and really can't be compared in my opinion. In some cases both the book and the movie are great (A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Slaughterhouse-Five).

>> No.701697

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 96
if youre from US, add my msn: KittyX@live.com!! And ask for cam! 91

>> No.701854

I forgot Bicentennial Man based off of Asimov's "The Positronic Man" because the movie screenplay and the book (more of a short story) are SO close, you can watch the movie and haven't missed anything. All that was added to the movie was a little comic relief to give Robin Williams something to goof around with for additional character depth, which I feel he did well.

>> No.701888

Battlefield Earth

>> No.701897

The Orchid Thief


>> No.702034
File: 34 KB, 400x300, starshiptroopers_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The book is a bullshit pro-fascist tract that weighs down its boring action scenes with even more boring conjecture being vomited from Heinlein's mouthpiece for like 10 pages per monologue.

The movie strips that bullshit to what's necessary, and fills the rest with awesome, making the perfect book-to-movie adaptation: removing superfluous details and shifting the underlying concept enough to make a worthwhile basis for a movie.

Starship Troopers. Fuck yeah.

>> No.702043


I'm suing you.

I really hurt my head when i facepalmed that.

>> No.702044

To Kill A Mockingbird
Most James Bond things (not that the stories aren't awesome, it's just that the Bond everyone knows is from cinema)
Silence of the Lambs (granted it only wins out by a squeak)
Hannibal (not a great film. But the filmmakers had it figured out that the Hannibal/Clarice romance was retarded)
Secret of Nimh
Die Hard (I shit you not, it's based on a book. Look it up.)
The Princess Bride (debatable)

Also, I'll risk getting lynched to point out Twilight. Still shit, but less so than the books.

>> No.702047


Best be joking...

>> No.702167

>>698516 The Maltese Falcon

While the John Huston version is god tier, you're forgetting that Huston himself repeatedly stated his version was the best because he used huge chunks of Hammett's book unaltered. The movie also leaves out the (in)famous "Flitcraft Story" which makes it inferior to the book.

>> The Andromeda Strain

Both the book and original movie (not the shitty recent TV remake) are excellent, but both simply have to be different. The book is written almost like a congressional investigatory report and there's no way a movie could mirror that. The movie also leaves out one of the most chilling parts of the novel, something Crichton seemingly adds as an afterthought or as a hook for a sequel.

A few months after the events of Andromeda Strain, the heat shield of a manned US space capsule fails during reentry killing the astronauts aboard. The failure is due to the Strain and all manned space exploration is canceled until further notice while the effect on satellite launches is still being examined.

That little tidbit could have easily been added to the movie to make the entire affair even more chilling, but it was left out.

>> No.702180

Twilight is definitely better than the books
I mean, they're both retarded, and feature the most (unintentionally) unlikeable protagonist in all fiction, but at least the movie has actually pretty nice cinematography where the book has awful prose

>> No.702182

The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

I tried to get into the book, but I'll take the Disneyfied version any day.

>> No.702198
File: 154 KB, 330x327, Disappointed Blonde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thread on /lit/.


Not only do most of you know nothing about books, but obviously some of you just come here because you think it makes you smart, and others obviously never read and are just repeating bullshit opinions they digested.

Not that I expected much from 4chan, but you've all disappointed me.

Oh, and where the fuck is the discussion about non-fiction books?

>> No.702201

Full Metal Jacket
The Shining
A Clockwork Orange
2001: A Space Odyssey
Paths of Glory

>> No.702229


>> No.702235

>some of you just come here because you think it makes you smart

and you are probably one of these people too, wait, let me guess...2399 SAT (no-one is perfect), full scholarship to Amazing Education University etc etc

Before you reply, I just come here to see what books are out there that aren't of the shelves of my local bookshop (Jodi Picoult, Stephanie Meyer, John Grisham)

>> No.702677
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Any horror I have ever read. I have to be startled to be scared, so a book has never done it for me.
Sad thing, that.

>> No.702689


>Oh, and where the fuck is the discussion about non-fiction books?

>Implying anyone on 4chan gives a fuck about reality.

>> No.702712

The Warriors