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/lit/ - Literature

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6981191 No.6981191 [Reply] [Original]

What books will you read your children to ensure that they grow up to be patricians?

>> No.6981196

a backhand to the fuckin jaw
that'll teach him to stop eating legos real quick

>> No.6981203

The King James Bible

>> No.6981205
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>> No.6981208

the bible

>> No.6981225

Having children is a plebeian thing already, I don't think you can teach being patrician if you are not one already.
Start with the Greeks.

>> No.6981226
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I don't want them to be "patrician" I want them to be übermensch

>> No.6981230

The Little Prince

>> No.6981234

i will tell them, whatever you do just don't believe in god. no matter what. just don't believe in god.

>> No.6981237

They'll end up religious if you say so.

>> No.6981247

I am never going to have children.

They either disappoint you, or shame you by doing better than you ever could with the same resources.

There isn't much middle ground.

Plus, they grow up into adults, which are arguably worse than children on every conceivable level, and you wonder why you even bothered.

>> No.6981248
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serious question to the atheists of /lit/

would you kill your child if they became christian?

>> No.6981251

whatever you do, just don't read books and study hard. just don't read books and study hard.

>> No.6981255

telling them to question things would work better tbh

>> No.6981258

>would you kill your child if they became christian?
>serious question

It's like you have no idea how deranged you sound

inb4 le just pretending to be retarded

>> No.6981265

it's not like you have any morality grounding you and compelling you not to kill your child.

If you're a moral relativist you should kill weak people who buy into superstitions.

>> No.6981266

if my child does better than me i would be proud honestly

>> No.6981268

My girlfriend is a diehard Christian and I don't care enough to convince her to raise the kids godless. If they're intelligent they'll figure it out themselves, if not then at least my kids will find comfort in skydaddy protection. Either way don't care, my girlfriend can decide what her vaginademons grow up like. I'm just here to fuck their mom and provide for them. If they show an interest in books or learning I can do more.

>> No.6981272


Not you, maybe. The fact that you even entertain the idea of murder over a different opinion shows that

>> No.6981276

upvoted. : ^ )

>> No.6981279

I'm an atheist m8.

You can't pretend christians aren't weakening our society. they should be killed as a sacrifice to the relic of the past and we can pave our new enlightened utopia on their corpses.

>> No.6981281

Depends if they grow up to be a smug cunt or not.

The horrible truth about child rearing, is that despite our best efforts, our sprogs can often pupate into the exact sort of people we hate the worst.

Contrary little bastards they are.

>> No.6981283

that's the point tbfwy (to be frank with you)

>> No.6981287

Obviously not.

That's some serious absentee parenting to allow such an impressionable youth fall in with a cult like that.
It mostly doesn't happen this way. It's usually just the live and let live agnostic parents that set them out to find their way. A proper educated child will question the logic of it on into adulthood and never fall for the mythology

>> No.6981289

>I'm an atheist m8.

No you're not, you're a faggot neo-christian who was convinced by a picture of a fat guy wearing a hat

>> No.6981294

Yeah honestly I would.

To think my offspring would betray logic and reason like that sickens me. I would kill a down syndrome or cripple chid to put it out of it's misery. Same thing here.

>> No.6981304


If you really think a different religious viewpoint actually makes that much of a difference in a person's everyday outlook, then you've got issues far and beyond a bad case of Christianity.

>> No.6981305


>> No.6981309

I'm an atheist actually.

you're probably a pussy agnostic bitch. stop posting until you get some balls m8. I'm more of an atheist than you'll ever be you faggot punk.

>> No.6981318
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This is clearly a real opinion, and fully representative of the majority of Atheists.

>> No.6981323

It doesn't really matter what your religious views are, I said your issues are Far And Beyond a bad case of Christianity.

As in your problems are clearly much, much worse than that.

>> No.6981330

try reading Sam Harris you spooked morality goof

how is he wrong?

>> No.6981336


>> No.6981342


>> No.6981348

Can you read The Moral Landscape without any "prereading"?

>> No.6981354

I would try everything before that.

Sit them down, smack them around, try to make sure they weren't on any mind altering drugs. But if it came down to it I would rather they lived no life at all than a life which is based on a lie.

>> No.6981355


lmao this is hilarious

>> No.6981368
File: 84 KB, 640x449, great-illustrated-classics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start with those great children's stories like Winnie the Pooh and The Wind in the Willows
then The Little Prince
then intro to Greek classics - a kids version of the Odyssey, The Golden Fleece, Jason and the Argonauts etc.
then adventure novels like Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe
Maybe now Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

At this point I'd push for Dickens but really it's more or less up to them to pick what they'd want to read. Hopefully they're on the right path though

Either way I'll definitely be getting my kids this whole collection

>> No.6981387

He's not wrong, he's just reprehensibly stupid and an obvious strawman.

Probably this guy too.

And on the rather slim chance they aren't Strawmen, I denounce them all the same.

>> No.6981393

shit dude I want pic related for myself

>> No.6981430

I grew up reading those, and I credit them for making me love reading from a very early age.

If you've never picked one up, basically it's a condensed version of said classic book with illustrations on nearly every page. It's a really great way to keep young children interested in the stories because it cuts the filler and has exiting pictures to hold their attention.
They've made a book for nearly every classic out there, and they can be bought online for pennies.

>> No.6981441

>caring so much about how your children will affect your ego

This is narcissism tbh. My children have better blow me out of the water, the little shits.

>> No.6981462

The fun thing is that they also tend to grow into becoming like us. The part of yourself you refuse to acknowledge often blossoms in your kids.

But that's not for the worst honestly.

>> No.6981469

Well they can't disappoint more than me so why not

>> No.6981480

I don't give a fuck about your denunciations you false flagging christian faggot. o back to /pol/ you weak willed moron.

>> No.6981514

pretty much this>>6981354

I would give him some dawkins and dennet to read and if nothing could convince him he is beyond the power of reason even and needs to be put down like a mad dog.

all the people saying they wouldn't do it and "strawman" are blinded by emotional thinking and superstition. It is best to stop someones suffering and be kind rather than keep them alive for selfish reasons.

>> No.6981538


>serious question to the atheists of /lit/
>would you kill your child if they became christian?

Of course not. I'd be disappointed, but I'd still love him and, as long as he doesn't try to convert me, I won't try to change his mind.

I think you've confused "atheist" with "sociopath".

Would you kill your child if he became an atheist? What if he became a Muslim?

>> No.6981603

Your assertion that it is I who is false flagging, when it is YOU who expresses the desire to murder your own children over something as piddling as a religious division, suggests that it is YOU who's objective is defamatory.

Kindly desist from such a shameful and obvious ploy: you only further discredit yourself.

>> No.6981617

>piddling as a religious division
SO what you're saying is you're an atheist who lives his life based on no principles?

I accept logic and rationality into my life and strive to live by epistemologically demonstrated truths. You are a wishy washy faggot who wants to be an atheist "as long as it doesn't get in the way of your feelings"

>> No.6981691

Why shoult I take your assertions as to what it means to be a "real" Atheist remotely seriously, you feeble angry little man?

What authority are you that I can't laugh at you and pay you no mind?

Rhetorical question, I'm not actually interested in your answer. >:^)

>> No.6981703

no one cares what you take seriously or what interests you, you spineless faggot.

An unprincipled moron like you is as fickle as the ashes of a burned bible thrown to the wind. You'll inevitably let your emotions change your mind. You should probably just kill yourself.

>> No.6981712

I already have.

>> No.6981722

No books.
Just /lit/ shitposts.

>> No.6981727
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>mfw a self-proclaimed would-be child killer calls me unprincipaled on the internet

>> No.6981732
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>> No.6981787

Stalin pls go

>> No.6981800

Stalin is one of the greatest men to ever live and I wont take any criticism of him. Anyway op i would read my kids pg wodehouse :)

>> No.6981909

Roald Dahl nigga

>> No.6981986

Sounds like a really good collection. Gonna buy one of those books for every little kid I get to know.

>> No.6982007

Whatever he or she pleases. Who knows, forcing them to read "patrician" books might push them into posting on /lit/ one day and that's unacceptable.

>> No.6982025

If my kid hasn't read and fully understood Finnegans Wake by the time he (yes, he) starts school, then I'll probably just put him up for adoption and try again.

>> No.6982471
File: 392 KB, 1196x1693, jbrac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this lowbrow

/Lit/, do you even Racine?