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File: 103 KB, 1050x590, 1439645843014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6980800 No.6980800[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>atheism tattoos
>anarchy tattoos
>Nietzsche tattoo
>in jail for domestic abuse
Nietzsche confirmed anti-intellectual

>> No.6980808

> Nietzsche confirmed for getting guys laid.


>> No.6980819
File: 58 KB, 500x636, 148900331400055614JN6qDNmIc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amor fati, bitch.

>> No.6980827

For some reason I doubt the man has actually read Nietzsche

>> No.6980835

He's pretty entry level tbh

>> No.6980849

>judging a book by its cover

He could be more well read than you.

>> No.6980858

Just another great example why Nietsczhe is philosophy's greatest edge lord. Worthless.

>> No.6980862


>> No.6981032

We know the reason you think so, but you're wrong and projecting.

>> No.6981055

Is this a friend of yours or a celebrity?

>> No.6981097

N man is loved by all atheists, usually just for his atheism and what they interpret as advocating amoral supremacy.

If Hitchcock can dedicate a whole movie to the wrong interpretation of Nietzsche (ROPE, 1950's) some slick getting a recognisable tattoo of big moustache man is darn near expected... since there ain't no born again Christian girls looking to blow club guys for free.

>> No.6981100

>atheism tattoos
>getting a tattoo representing the lack of something
>anarchy tattoos
>in jail for domestic abuse
>Nietzsche tattoo
I seriously doubt he knows what any of these things are.

>> No.6981109

God is dead, and everything is permitted
Typical atheist tbh, cucking himself by dating a pornstar who cheats on him so he violently attacks her and her bull
This is the world atheists want

>> No.6981117

What are there names, who dates a porn star, his opinion is discarded for his JUST hair cut alone but I now I want to see his life being bloom up like DYNAMITE.

>> No.6981123

>one Jersey Shore hedonist represents all of secularist atheism

>> No.6981126


Pic in OP is of an MMA fighter named War Machine that is in jail for beating his pornstar ex-girlfriend. He's a total shithead.

>> No.6981131

>tfw porn addict
>tfw still can't get over the fact that some liberals advocate doing porn when you're young

It's like Zizek says, some fantasies can only be enjoyed as fantasies. Porn is an alternate dimension that satisfies my urges without actually being taken as existing (like a day dream).

>> No.6981133
File: 230 KB, 960x720, averageatheist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>atheists getting laid

>> No.6981146

Not at all, he's actually the hardest philosopher to fully grasp. The thing is that his writing style makes it very easy for anyone to take away bits and pieces of value from him just by reading select passages out of context. He caters to all levels because of his unbearably precise clarity of perception of the world and diverse amount of topics he commented on.

>> No.6981156
File: 52 KB, 552x496, finn conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nietzsche is hard to grasp in the same sense that women are hard to grasp, ie they actually aren't unless you're an idiot who thinks that the world makes sense in the first place

>> No.6981227

>In the [suicide] note, War Machine — born Jonathan Koppenhaver — apologized to his friends and family for the violent beating and sexual assault of Christy Mack. He begins with a quotation from the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche — “to die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly” — before bragging that despite the fact that he’s dead, he “experienced more in my short life than 5 avg. men combined.”

>War Machine then tells the woman he’s charged with having beaten and raped, “I loved you more than freedom,” and that he forgives her for having “cheated” on him after they had broken up. “I forgive you,” he wrote, “please forgive me.”


Would you call this guy a fedora to his face, even though he is? what would Zarathustra's say to him when he claimed to be an overman?

>> No.6981256
File: 37 KB, 500x575, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>actually the hardest philosopher to fully grasp

you've gotta be fucking kidding me

>> No.6981264

>Typical atheist tbh, cucking himself by dating a pornstar who cheats on him
This describes the vocalist/guitarist of The Faceless almost too well.

>> No.6981275


this guy gets it

>> No.6981284

Why was he ok with her fucking in porn but then not with "cheating"?

>> No.6981291

>tfw I actually like Nietzsche and take him seriously, but he's "that philosopher you can't mention because every roided pleb thinks he gets him"

>> No.6981297

because he's a bit of a cuck

>> No.6981302

They try to be above "Christian morality" and it always come back to bite them

>> No.6981319

Rumor has it that he's a complete asshole as well, since there's about 3-4 new bandmembers every year and the old bandmembers can't stand him.

>> No.6981332

He's more like a beta negative than an alpha male

>> No.6981338

Yeah, tbh if you don't enforced at least some strict rules on yourself you act out emotionally more often.

I'm not a Christ poster, but athiests who give up everything and don't put anything back act like children

>> No.6981344

Right on the money, I'm starting MMA next week because there aint no logical analytics fags worth reading - might as well superman dat hoe.

>> No.6981373

>mantaining a long time relationship

>being alpha

top kek

>> No.6981376

beta spotted

>> No.6981383

I just was thinking of watching that.
Any more info on that idea? Hitch is a phenomenal director but I don't know if I pick up on everything he does in his films

>> No.6981386

Nothing wrong with beating women but tattoos are shit tier.

>> No.6981390


>he thinks he can control a woman in a long time relationship

>> No.6981399

That's pretty sad actually.
>le /r9k height meme

Don't be silly, the most alpha men of centuries past were short but sturdy brutes just like this guy.

>> No.6981401


>he can't see the value of a relationship if he can't control his partner

insecure control freak detected

>> No.6981404

Literally only betas have trouble with this

>> No.6981407

>Not being able to control your partner


>> No.6981415

it's mark twain

>> No.6981434

Yeah, Nietzsche would hate the idea of a superior being thinking he is superior only in relation to an inferior being. Some one defines themselves by the antithesis to the man who has slave morality, that shit is the exact thing N is trying to fight against for so long, he documents that in geneality of morals as the way slave morality was born out of a reaction to the existing values. He didn't document it because he likes it, he showed because he hates it, he wants something new, something above everything that has come thus far, that's what Zarathustra is about.

I also think Hitchcock was feminist to a degree and believed in Christian equality notion steadfast so his critique is predictably mediocre for the philosopher. Hitch is a master of suspense and thrill and engages the audience really well, but it is really just entertaining plot which is designed to leave you exactly unsure of the ending to keep you thinking for days.

>> No.6981435

I am detecting an astronomical ammount of good old fashioned god-fearing Christian butthurt on the board today.

I'm sympathetic of course.

It must be pretty horrible to have your entire worldview slowly invalidated and reduced to an object of parody.

>> No.6981446

>Don't be silly, the most alpha men of centuries past were short but sturdy brutes just like this guy.

>> No.6981464

but then isn't Nietzsche just being reactionary to Hegelian dialectics?

Hitchcock was definitely a feminist. Not really in the SJW sense but he often cast women in powerful roles in his films which wouldn't have been the case for society back in his era.
Also you can argue how they hold so much power over his men due to their beauty is sort of pro-feminist.

>> No.6981521

>but then isn't Nietzsche just being reactionary to Hegelian dialectics?
I don't think he does it to spite Hegel, who's dialectic seems to be a catch-all function to make everything seem (in the human mind) connected or related to it's former self no matter the distance or direction from the previous instance or creation process (if it looks like the opposite it becomes the opposite because there was none before). I think Nietzsche genuinely wanted ethics to have a better foundation than metaphysics or lies and hoped to recruit all upcoming philosophers to find it or create it.

>> No.6981527

I agree. they simply can't into logic and reason. There very existence is laughable imo. kek.

>> No.6981545

As a non believer, there is nothing more pathetically self contradictory and laughable than modern left leaning atheists.

>> No.6981557

Women in power isn't necessarily feminist, feminists want you to believe that anything prior to 50 years ago was the Dark Age of Female Oppression though

>> No.6981615

yeah I was with my roommate's outspoken feminist pansexual girlfriend watching Hitchcock's "Spellbound" which is about a female psychiatrist (Ingrid Bergman). I prodded her a bit by saying "oh wow, I didn't know women could have had that much of an influence on the workplace in the 1940's. I thought they were more or less confined to the kitchen at that time!" to which she said I was right and Hitchcock was just being overly progressive for the period.
But then isn't he just betraying a proper suspension of disbelief? hehe

>> No.6981624

An entire generation of brainwashed sterelized cunts, with no proper males to look up to.

>> No.6981669

As a fellow non-believer, you sound like a bit of a twat.

Political affiliations are like sports teams for the mildly deluded.

>> No.6981710

Despite him being an (unknown) mma fighter and having an attractive girlfriend who gets paid to fuck other men and dumped him, this guy is not alpha and is clearly an idiot
Yes I'd say that to his face

I also hit women

>> No.6981744

>brags about beating women on the internet
>buys into Alpha/Beta/Omega memes

You are an object of ridicule.

>> No.6981745


>> No.6981794

my guess is that he was bullied as a child and used MMA and lifting to counter-act his betaness.
Same goes for the Nietzschean worship.

>> No.6981805

This. He's basically Robert Cohn

>> No.6981808

>implying I even need to control my partner

Bad taste in women detected

>> No.6981819

Look at painting of kings and knights of the past. I'm serious. People were on average shorter but the one who had to fight constantly had developped a very though build.

>> No.6981832

If Nietzsche knew just how poorly people in the future would interpret his work would he have bothered writing anything at all?

>> No.6981835

remember that time that /b/ trolled his twitter and made fun of his meth head mom dying of an od?
yeah well he responded like an idiot chimp

>> No.6981859

>the men who had to fight constantly were the most alpha
so by your definition most rulers and kings were not alpha?

>> No.6981924

Oh transcendental one, how lucky must one be to have been blessed by your presence. Please, tell me how nothing really matters (much) and everything is sort of okay.

>> No.6981927

You're getting cucked behind your back most likely

>> No.6981952

You don't seem to realize how often kings had to ride a horse and smack some heads. Do you have any idea how many battle Francois the First or Charlemagne went in ?

"Those who fight constantly" are precisely the warriors cast, ie knights and kings. That's what they did. Kings were just alpha enough that they could have lesser alpha to fight alongside them.

Whatever worldview helps you sleep at night.

>> No.6981982

>You don't seem to realize how often kings had to ride a horse and smack some heads.
Best get ready to cite those sources mate. Most rulers were busy doing all the managing behind the scenes.

But it seems like you still want to cling to the notion of all-powerful "alpha" men who ruled through divine right or something like that.

>> No.6982079

cheating is her being dishonest about fucking other people.

>> No.6982277

The sad thing about christposters is that they aren't trolling and yet they aren't authentic believers. They just want to believe to patch themselves up and acquire a less desperate worldview. But they can't, since no contemporary first world person can come to genuine faith by choice.

>> No.6982287

He's not even the hardest to grasp philosopher from Prussia.

>> No.6982292

>Best get ready to cite those sources mate. Most rulers were busy doing all the managing behind the scenes.
This was not the case in yuropean history

>> No.6982496

>>atheism tattoos
>>anarchy tattoos

I see the "A" on his hand, that could be atheist or anarchy, how do you know which?