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File: 25 KB, 553x305, old-books-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6980733 No.6980733 [Reply] [Original]

The world is about to face the apocalypse where nearly everything on earth will be annihilated.

You have a one way ticket to a new and habitable planet.

But you are only allowed to bring a single book along with you.

Which book do you bring to restart humanity with?

>> No.6980736

An introduction to western philosophy. If non-fiction isn't an option, I'd take The Illiad.

>> No.6980741

The al-Qurān.

>> No.6980743

ntrdctn t basc engneerng.

>> No.6980745

The Bible is really the only option. Not religious, but the book contains so many moral foundations that would be beneficial to restarting a society. I would, however, probably jot a disclaimer in the beginning about how we shouldn't take the book *too* seriously

>> No.6980751

Fvndamentals 0f cr0p cvltvatl0n and Brlck-la/lng f0r beglnners.

>> No.6980756

The Holy Bible, both old and new testaments. It's pretty much the most important book ever written.

I'm an atheist btw

>> No.6980762

>followed by Arabic definite article
It is bait permitted by the Lord.
It is bait permitted by the Savior.

>> No.6980764

>The al
>The the Qur'an
Kufar, pls go.

>> No.6980766

It is bait permitted by a sinner.

>> No.6980787

Demon-haunted world by Carl Sagan.

>> No.6980789

ABC of Reading by Ezra Pound. Think about it.

>> No.6980793

Spinoza's Ethics

Wouldn't it be interesting if everyone strove to learn the causes of their unhappiness and constantly attempted to mitigate them? Wouldn't it be nice if people believed in a soul without the horrors of organized religion?

Either this or a society that strictly adheres to the categorical imperative would be pretty golden

>> No.6980795

>the book contains so many moral foundations that would be beneficial to restarting a society
Oh, so you need a bunch of tall tales about people getting lost in the Sinai Peninsula for 40 years, incest, almost filicide and general massacres in order to not kill other people?

>> No.6980811

A chemistry textbook

>> No.6980814

The World as Will and Representation

>> No.6980829
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Why the fuck would anybody bring a religious book? We're getting a new start as humanity, why the fuck should it begin with millennia old voodoo. It should be either an introduction to mathematics or philosophy.

>> No.6980834

You missed the point tbh

>> No.6980840


>> No.6980845

The Gay Science

>> No.6980847

A copy of Codex Regius

>> No.6980855


Assuming there are very intelligent and learned scientists on board who could re-write science books in order to maintain that knowledge, I would probably bring Republic.

>> No.6980910

Better Never To Have Been: The Harm of Coming Into Existence

>> No.6980914

Principia Mathematica

>> No.6980956

The Principia Discordia!

>> No.6980991

Being and time tbh

>> No.6980993
File: 132 KB, 1280x673, samhydebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

preview copy of Sam Hyde's unreleased book

>> No.6981013

No one said a dictionary(or my diary)?

this is good

>> No.6981183

Survival handbook tbh
Also a harmonica

>> No.6981195

this is pretty much the only answer I can justify.

The bible is the story of humanity and human nature, it's foundational.

>> No.6981221


>> No.6981378

Taipei by Tao Lin

>> No.6981384

Agreed, Bible

>> No.6981392
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>> No.6981397

How to win friends and influence people.

>> No.6981409
File: 184 KB, 1056x1000, 1634567342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First volume of Trigun.

Might as well make it a thematically relevant book at least.

>> No.6981410

The Faults In Our Stars

>> No.6981412

pls not the penguin verision

>> No.6981419

The book on how to kill for good the idiot with his moronic apocalypse and nonsensical books limitations.

>the world is about to be submerged by a wave of giant burning chocolate unicorns
>you use your dick to make a space elevator and escape from Earth
>you are only allowed to carry as many books as the number of 3s in the base 7 writing of your dick's length

>> No.6981422

OP said a single book.

>> No.6981429

The Encyclopy of Trasnplanetary Survival.

>> No.6981437

I mean, besides The Bible?
Tie between the Odyssey and Divine Comedy

>> No.6982048

The Norton Anthology (the huge one that covers everything from Beowulf to Heaney).

>> No.6982056

Ovid's Metamorphosis.

>> No.6982658

Sounds like a shitty life to me

>> No.6982684

Probably an history book.

>> No.6982705

Codex Juris Civilis.

>> No.6982752
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The Ego and its Own

>> No.6982758

But if you save the butterflies, the spiders will die!

>> No.6982777

This, or a Physics book.

>> No.6982795

Aesop's Fables
i want to start a furry colony :3

>> No.6983069

Battlefield Earth. The bible is for silly man-animals.

>> No.6983463

Mein Kampf