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6980345 No.6980345[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The Books You Should Read to Attract Women on the Subway


>> No.6980358
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>read this
>think "this is the type of thing a girl would write"
>check the authors
ding ding ding

well maybe that was the point, huh
anyways it's a surprisingly bad list
kindof makes me think the authors don't even read at all

>> No.6980384

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6980385


>Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace
You’re not really reading it, let’s be honest. And it’s tough to say what’s worse: if the woman who’s been glancing furtively over in your direction hasn’t read it either, or if she has.

It has been a long time since something on the internet has made me this sincerely angry.

>> No.6980389 [DELETED] 

>tfw i feel a pang of hatred for women when i see articles like this

I blame 4chan.

>> No.6980398 [DELETED] 

>living in a city
>taking a subway
>reading in the subway
>taking the subway when you could be living in a nice rural area and walking where you need to go
>not enjoying nature but instead suffering through the smell of piss, blacks, and other garbage

I pity you. Taking a nice stroll through the woods and fields and then finding a nice place to read is the greatest feeling.

>> No.6980404 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6980409

laughing a little too much at that "SPY" poster in the background, outside the train

>> No.6980412

Do people actually read in public? In subway, of all the places?

>> No.6980424

I read on my way to class on my e-reader
and in the cafeteria place

who cares what people think of you lad, just b urself

>> No.6980425

I slept with a Norwegian girl because of My Struggle. So read away /lit/ creeps, read away.

>> No.6980430

dis tbh.

>> No.6980435

>who cares what people think of you lad, just b urself
I don't care about that, but I am much more so surprised about the fact that you can pay attention to something that requires as much attention as a book in an envoirenment that has so many distractions, not to mention, dangers. For example, I can't imagine myself ever not paying attention to my surroundings in the public transport since there are thiefs and what not just looking for unsuspecting people to rob. Of course, this could just be my Eastern European bias towards the people, perhaps there is less thievery going on in whatever country you are living.

Only time I read in public was in an inter-city bus that is mostly safe and silent for some reason.

>> No.6980446

Was she a neo-nazi? does she like burzum?

>> No.6980448
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>You think you’ll be fine. You think, “Hey, I haven’t cried over a book since Harry Potter. They can’t get me!” You will be wrong. You will be weeping.
I was having a perfectly nice day up to this.

>> No.6980464

>A certain kind of woman will find it funny/adorable you didn't finish it at X point

Yeah fuck your condescending shit.

>> No.6980472

>IJ at the top of the list of what not to read
I kekked heartily

>> No.6980478

>The Fault in Our Stars, John Green
>You think you’ll be fine. You think, “Hey, I haven’t cried over a book since Harry Potter. They can’t get me!” You will be wrong. You will be weeping.


>> No.6980490

sleep tight pizza

>> No.6980494

its not a woman, friend, but a homosexual guy.

>> No.6980499

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6980505

>also a scrapbook with pictures of tacos you’ve made.
What are you a FAAAAG?

>> No.6980517

/lit/, this is sad.

>> No.6980519


Why wouldn't you? Most people spend a not unsubstantial amount of their day commuting and/or waiting, which frees up a lot of time that should be used doing something constructive, rather than phone-surf or sit idly.

>> No.6980521

What to Read

>The Great Gatsby
>A certain kind of woman will find it both hilarious and adorable that you didn’t finish it in tenth grade. And she’ll probably ask you if you think it’s a story about love or a story about money. (The correct answer is, it’s a story about money. But go with the flow.)
condescending, asserts superiority based on mastery of tenth-grade reading material

>Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Julia Child
>This tells women that you can both carry heavy books and cook. Same goes for an issue of Bon Appetit, and also a scrapbook with pictures of tacos you’ve made. If you’re a six, Julia Child makes you an eight. If you’re a ten, God help you. Cooking is your greatest carnal asset. Wield it with care.
gullible moron who can't discern the most disparate levels of competence yet has strong opinions on their attractiveness

>Play It As It Lays, Joan Didion
>You didn’t just pick up The Year of Magical Thinking like a poseur. You read that years ago, when you first “got into Joan,” and now you’re into the deeper cuts. She’ll ask you how you’re enjoying it; it’s one of her favorite books because she’s a confident, creative boss lady. You love this book. It is your favorite book.
qualifies or wants to qualify her enjoyment of things as indicative or an intrinsic result of her character - a "poseur"

>Love in the Time of Cholera, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
>Latin America: sexy. One man’s determined, lifelong pursuit of one woman: sexy. Magical realism: weird, but also sexy. And she’ll appreciate that you’re digging Marquez’s graceful, accepting portraits of love and lovers that aren’t quite perfect but worth it anyway.
fetishizes entire cultures; racist. fetishizes literary genres; stupid.

>Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn
>Everyone and their mother has read Gone Girl, and everyone and their mother will want to talk to you about it if you look approachable. She’ll feel disturbed by all the similarities she’s noticed between herself and Gone Girl’s leading lady, so make sure you explain that you love the book because you’re “fascinated by complicated women.” That phrase will take you far, young man.
possible sociopath

>> No.6980523

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6980524

There are two women and one man listed as the authors.

>> No.6980531

>sit idly

Idle contemplation is a superior activity to feeding off someone else's thoughts, generally.

>> No.6980536

What Not to Read

>Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace
>You’re not really reading it, let’s be honest. And it’s tough to say what’s worse: if the woman who’s been glancing furtively over in your direction hasn’t read it either, or if she has.
except if you're sitting on the subway reading it, you are reading it. and if you're not a person who judges other people for what they haven't read, and tolerates or even appreciates someone's interest in something they haven't read, that's a good thing.

>My Struggle, Karl Ove Knausgaard
>Nobody really knows what to think of Knausgaard’s books, and nobody can confidently criticize them because they’re so long. You’ll get a lot of “What do you think of that?” (You could, however, keep things vague with “I really respect what he’s doing”—and immediately segue into the fact that Knausgaard plays in a rock band called Lemen. Then: “Wanna go catch some live music?”)
lots of people know what to think of Knausgaard's book, and you know that. you're not an asshole, so when someone asks you questions about something you don't know much about, you're fine either saying that or expressing your thoughts as best you can without needing to be intellectually overbearing. you don't conflate familiarity with media and integrity or self-worth, and thus don't use superficial knowledge of entertainment to flee in terror from challenging material or subjects by forcing conversations into safe areas.

>The Bible
>Unless you’re looking to wife up immediately.
or stay away from basic people who can't see the value of reading a foundational work of human society

>The Fault in Our Stars, John Green
>You think you’ll be fine. You think, “Hey, I haven’t cried over a book since Harry Potter. They can’t get me!” You will be wrong. You will be weeping.

>> No.6980539

pretty good comment, anon. +1

>> No.6980542
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I am fucking platinum mad that they put Capital in the 21st Century on that list, as if a single one of these fucks read or is capable of understanding it.

Never in my life will I believe that a group of dipshits read a 700 page book on economics.

>> No.6980554 [DELETED] 
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>reading for self-image
>reading for womyn

>> No.6980556
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>reading for self-image
>reading for womyn
Kill you're selve

>> No.6980561

>complaining about racism
>on 4chan
bit of a double standard, huh

also reading the bible on the subway is only for casual reads, ie really only a christisn would do it
thats the expectation really

>> No.6980565

Same type of ignoramus that claims they can listen to music while reading at the same time and appreciate both mediums.

>> No.6980566

I do that all the time, and I'm the one who made that other thread today
the only music I play has no words though, but you can definitely enjoy both simultaneously if you don't have a weak mind

>> No.6980575

You just couldn't hold yourself back from including a spot of casual racism in your argument, could you?

>> No.6980613


Sorry, but where do you believe your own thoughts come from? Even the language you think with has been osmotically handed down to you by your parents and all of those around you while growing up. Wittgenstein once said, as I know through reading him publicly, that thoughts, just as with crops, have a time for reaping and a time for sowing. Why not sow on a bus and reap in the shower? Anyway, the way you talk about superiority is silly: you can contemplate with a book in your hand as well as, if not better considering the book, you can without deliberate stimulation.

>> No.6980616

To be fair sitting in a bus full of people wearing cocoa butter isn't pleasant

>> No.6980624

>all those beta books

Yeah, but no thanks.

>> No.6980647

If you have a 30-40 minute ride and can block out all the distractions what better use of time is there? That 1hr+ reading time each way is some of the most relaxing I get all day.

And you couldn't hold back from commenting on it to make yourself feel better.

>> No.6980651
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Here's the list for my bros
Here’s a handy guide to what to read—and what not to read—if you’re looking to attract a fellow bookworm on your way to work.

1) The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler
2) Real Analysis by Halsey Royden and PM Fitzpatrick
3) Orlando Furioso by Ludovico Ariosto
4) The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer
5) Anglo-Saxon History by Stenton
6) The Life of Charlemagne by Einhard
7) Histoire de la Guale by Camille Jullian
8) The Bible
9) The Iliad of Homer
10) Algebra by Serge Lang

>> No.6980687

In NYC no one gives a shit about what you're doing on the subway unless it directly affects them (if you're jerking off onto them or something they might care) so people do whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.6980689

I don't anymore. Got sick of people trying to start conversations with me over the book. Just listen to music now.

>> No.6980696

>implying The Decline of the West has held up to scrutiny
>implying Schopenhauer is not a forever alone edgelord
>implying the rest of your books are not equivalently gay

>> No.6980699

>Orlando Furioso

I'll fight u m8.

>> No.6980705

>books to read to attract pleb women.
absolutely disgusting

>> No.6980715


>> No.6980718

>implying Schopenhauer is not a forever alone edgelord
can't rope-a-dope the schope, pleb

>> No.6980723

>Everything is subjective and nothing means anything!
>But Spengler was objectively wrong and should not be read.


>> No.6980728

He's just wrong. Read the wikipedia article about the book, at a sheer minimum.

>> No.6981024

It's only racist because facts are racist.

>East asians who have nearly complete loss of typical body odor, when compared to Europeans and people of African descent, have significantly less of the characteristic axillary odorants and variants in the ABCC11 gene, which is expressed and localized in apocrine sweat glands.[31] Individuals of Sub-Saharan African ancestry have the largest and most active apocrine glands.

>> No.6981038
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>Sorry, but where do you believe your own thoughts come from? Even the language you think with has been osmotically handed down to you by your parents and all of those around you while growing up.
I agree.

>Wittgenstein once said, as I know through reading him publicly, that thoughts, just as with crops, have a time for reaping and a time for sowing. Why not sow on a bus and reap in the shower?
Because showering for hours is bad for you. The time people spend taking in information is tremendous, but nearly no one spends any time contemplating. Most people are bombarded with information the entire day.

>Anyway, the way you talk about superiority is silly: you can contemplate with a book in your hand as well as, if not better considering the book, you can without deliberate stimulation.
I disagree, it's a distraction. Idleness is underrated and people have far to little of it. It's the obsession with spending time 'productively' that turns people into dumb cunts.

>> No.6981044
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>Not a single decent book on the entire list
Not surprised tbh

>> No.6981061

I'm not inclined to disagree.

>> No.6981065

This is 4chan

>> No.6981075

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6981083

>Algebra by Serge Lang
this, tbh.

>> No.6981086
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>The Fault in Our Stars will make you le weep ;(
>Gone Girl


>> No.6981089

>People pretend they read something to look cool or interesting
>im just here, always telling the truth, if i don't know about a novel then i say so.
>Maybe that's the reason im alone
Damm i love normies

>> No.6981102


>> No.6981110

>tfw ugly
a-at least i have books, r-right guys?

>> No.6981118

>getting eaten alive by disease-carrying parasites

Literally the only issue I have with reading outside, but it's a big one. I get into a book, see something hovering around my ankle and suddenly I'm in a paranoid hunting frame of mind.

>> No.6981142


Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6981145

I told a Norwegian girl that my favourite Norwegian book was Breivik's manifesto and I still fucked her.

>> No.6981150

Knausgård is actually good though.

>> No.6981152


>> No.6981154

>implying you've even read him

>> No.6981157

What a bunch of dull shallow cunts.

>> No.6981162

I can read whatever I want wherever I want and still get laid because I actually have a personality.

>> No.6981166

>tfw stupid
a-at least i have looks, r-right guys?

>> No.6981188

They can get you just as far as smarts tbh

Consider that most people are not smart, and do not value intelligence as much as a good lay.

>> No.6981194


I actually disagree with you much less than I originally thought. The reason is because I think we both hugely underestimated how much time we mutually spend idle. For instance, in boring classes, I sit and think; on the toilet, I sit and think, often for loonger than 20 minutes; driving, eating alone, whatever. So for me, reading time is allocated to travel time and nighttime, otherwise I simply try to put things together.

>> No.6981199

>The Great Gatsby
Stopped reading there.

>> No.6981200

This is a funny article

I actually liked it.

>> No.6981206
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>what not to read
>The Bible

>> No.6981207

pics m8

>> No.6981213

looks are a lot more important than intelligence, so you won out here.

>> No.6981223

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6981224

Get out.

>> No.6981228


>> No.6981233

plenty of stupid people like books: see /lit/

>> No.6981239

This is my problem. This and street sign captchas

>> No.6981290

thanks for summarizing this drivel doc, I really didn't want to actually read the article

>> No.6981343

not OP, but I'll take the spergy, overt racism of 4chan over the smug, self-indulgent, 'progressive' redditor's covert racism anyday

>> No.6981352

good posts, both you and guy you replied to

>> No.6981353

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6981361

I find both equally reprehensible, but the former less disingenuous.

>> No.6981362

>street sign captchas
they're fucking impossible. most of the time it's blurry pictures of empty sky

>> No.6981382

Those are the fucking easy ones. The pancakes and eggs can be bitches.

>> No.6981388
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>mfw the fucks at Google think a waffle is a pancake

>> No.6981432

Yes, in that case we are on the same page. My favourite idle moment is just laying in bed after waking up for a while, sometimes for an hour or longer.

Thanks m8.

>> No.6981436

>no one cares what you are reading
>no one want to strat a conversation with you

feels great not being a new worlder

>> No.6981444

don't mind my illiteracy
it's a sign of superiority

>> No.6981447

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6981448

>tfw you know it's right but it fucks you over anyways

Pisses me off more than 'Sure, I GUESS that's sushi'

>> No.6981449


>> No.6981451
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sleep tight, pizza

>> No.6981465

fuck you, pizza, imma eat you alive.

>> No.6981493
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>La fedora meem

Good, good cristiantard.

>> No.6981533

I will never fully understand why John Green readers a) seem to be a majority on most publications that deal with books and b) are always so inclined to shit on their idea of "serious authors", particularly DFW.

>> No.6981537

Buttmad fedoras detected.

>> No.6981547


> make a living as a writer
> insult your readers in further writings

what a dick

>> No.6981590

I'm in Chicago and I read on the train, constantly. I try to sit with my back to a corner, so that anyone approaching would catch my attention, but I've never had any problems with thieves. Partially, this is because I usually ride the train when it's either fairly well empty or filled with mid-afternoon or late night folk (which, in my area, is mostly half-asleep workaholics (rarely is there anyone sketchy looking) and, partially, this is because I highly doubt that anyone's going to steal a book from my hands (and I'd be alright with the notion of somebody risking imprisonment in order to get their hands on Russian literature).

>Same type of ignoramus that claims they can listen to music while reading at the same time and appreciate both mediums.

Not exactly. Music often requires a degree of active listening. I ride the train to the end of the line, so I can tune out the ambient sounds and focus on my book.

>> No.6981596

Instrumental music is all I can deal with while reading.
Reconstructed Greek/Roman music is fantastic for reading classicist stuff.

>> No.6981618

This. They also seem to think that crepes are pancakes, soup is a "drink," pork ribs are steak, and brownies are donuts.

>> No.6981625

And wedding cakes are birthday cakes, pancakes are pies, as are pizzas.

>> No.6981675

Schopenhauer didn't need to make a living, hence the honesty.

>> No.6981720

I think I'd rather a writer tell me to go fuck myself with complete honesty than suck my dick to make a buck.

>> No.6981825
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>> No.6981841
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>sitting down and reading a cookbook
>on public transit
that's the most tryhard bullshit i've ever heard of. beyond belief.

>> No.6981861

Who said that quote?

>> No.6981863

especially considering that green himself is a massive dfw fanboy. isn't his whole message basically just a infantilised distillation of dfw's one circa infinite jest?

>> No.6981870

You're taking this lighthearted silly article way too seriously.

I suggest a cure of get over yourself.


The "muh women" thing is not what struck me most in this article, but rather how, like every single article about books on the internet, it focuses on books written by (upper-middle class) New Yorkers in the past 50 years + American HS core. Goes to show how sheltered the whole thing is, despite the supposed discussion of bias.

>> No.6981883

Most of your non-fiction is poorly picked, particularly Serge Lang. It's a reference book for when you're writing down math at your desk and need a theorem you've forgotten, not something you read to expand your mathematical horizon on the bus.

Your overeagerness to impress has become your downfall.

>> No.6981890

>You're taking this lighthearted silly article way too seriously.

The implicit values that it represents are appalling. This article is more than enough to tell me that the authors are horrible excuses for human beings.

>> No.6981891

>50 Shades
Won't that make women think you're abusive?

>> No.6981896

You get an A+

>> No.6981898
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>public transportation

>> No.6981913

>This article is more than enough to tell me that the authors are horrible excuses for human beings.

But that's the thing. They are writing clickbait article for Streamnews Bumffuck Post. They're already beyond salvation. No need to be angry at them, because they're inconsequential and ultimately miserable (unless they spend less than 3 hours a week total writing on the internet, in which case it's even less worth mentioning).

>> No.6981915

I imagine they'd just think you're a trend follower who has fallen behind the times.
Or an abusive autist weirdo

>> No.6981928


by his standards then, he's spent his life producing useless books which only prevent people from forming their own thoughts? Does he not respect his own work? The only reason his thoughts on reading are even known to us is because he wrote them down.

>> No.6981941

>Hey Baby U Want Sum Fuk
>by Chad Thundercock

>> No.6981972

You're assuming he wrote for the reader and not for himself.
Or maybe he thought highly of himself and considered his thoughts worthy of drowning out the reader's for a while.

Frankly, I don't agree with him. I'm always having my own thoughts about whatever work I'm reading while also taking in the experience of whatever I am reading. When someone is telling you a story in person, are you sitting there slackjawed while listening, or are you analyzing what's being said to you and responding to it throughout?

>> No.6981983
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>> No.6981984

Coming from a girl, just read what your interested in. Nothing worse than some guy trying to pose and act like what he's fuckin not.

Cause when the girl comes up to talk to you about what your reading, you better know your freakin material otherwise you'll make yourself look like a damn fool.

>> No.6981996

/lit/, for all the useless philosophical twattery you guys post, you're still incredibly shallow. Why is this the most popular thread right now?

>> No.6982002

I agree with this. Also, the whole point of books on public transport is to enjoy or better yourself while stuck in a can full of chimps, so how fucked are you if you brought a book you don't even like to try to attract a person you don't even know will be on the same chimpcan (and if she is, will probably be reading her own book or messing with her phone or otherwise occupied with something that isn't you)?

>> No.6982005

>Coming from a girl, just read what your interested in
>you better know your freakin material otherwise

you are either a professional troll or dumb as fuck

>> No.6982006

sleep tight, pizza

>> No.6982008

Reading dumb articles like this with /lit/ is a form of catharsis.

>> No.6982013

>read what your interested in.
>useless philosophical twattery

I don't hate women but I hate women on 4chan. They're just stupider than average

>> No.6982016

God forbid someone makes a small grammatical slipup.
What's it like to fly off the handle at everything that isn't perfect?

>> No.6982017

Sleep tight, Pizza.

>> No.6982019

>I'm stupid

>> No.6982022

Please explain to me how philosophy, beyond a cursory knowledge of logic and problem solving, is useful and not just a circlejerk echo chamber.

>> No.6982027

You certainly are. I'm not even the chick who made the slipup.

>> No.6982028

Absolutely not. I will not even try and educate you. Just do what you want.

>> No.6982029

He's critical because his self-esteem is so low that pointing out the flaws of others makes him feel worthwhile. Pity him.

>> No.6982039

Wow, two shitters in one thread. Can you trip as well (providing you didn't just remove your own) so I can filter you, too?

>> No.6982043
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i finished lang in a 2hr busride. i guess i should have expected that this forum would be filled with state schoolers

>> No.6982044


>> No.6982051

No joke, this is what stupid people say when they defend themselves for being stupid.

"wow anon I may be dumb as fuck but you have low self-esteem"

My self-esteem is fine, I just don't like seeing idiots on MY /lit/

>> No.6982055

Nah, I'm just gonna keep calling things as I see them anonymously.

Just out of curiosity, what is your definition of a shitter and why do you think you aren't one? Your half of this conversation has literally been nothing but shitposting.

>> No.6982060


Some people don't want to live near your kind, that fucks everything they set foot in, anon, face it.

>> No.6982070

Whiteknighting females solely because they are females on 4chan will never, ever get you laid. I just want you to know. I want you to heed this advice. If the poster had been male, you wouldn't give a fuck.

>inb4 no I srs just think that using 'your' instead of 'you're' is like, whatever. Like, its p cool

>> No.6982091

Yeah fucking right
You know the person you quoted is a white apologist

>> No.6982098


>> No.6982100
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> OP: Here's a clickbait article about things you can do to make girls like you
>one sea of assrage and incredulity later
> girl tripfag: As someone with the aforementioned genitals, here's what I think about this one discussion where they're actually relevant

If you want to get into my personal life, the girlfriend I've had for the last five years was won over by my sense of humor, interest in history, and apparently some nice-smelling pheromones. But you just keep making assumptions about people from singular posts, you're real good at it.

>> No.6982323

Why do you assume he has anything against reading? He just says that you should only read when your own thoughts have 'dried up', and that you shouldn't read excessively just for the sake of reading.

>> No.6982331


>Look at mee guiz, I posted it again xdddd!

>> No.6982458

"they are beyond salvation/no need to be angry at them" don't know why you're reading emotions into what I posted + why those emotions would matter. if you have an issue with what I said, go ahead and argue against. if your issue is that I said at all, I don't give a shit

>> No.6983155


Sleep tight, Pizza.

>> No.6983179

french food? is this the 60s?

that shit ain't gluten free. butt sluts won't eat that.

>> No.6983212

girls find maths too intimidating to be approachable.
they'll feel too scared to even try to get you to notice them glancing because they know that they'll have nothing to say about maths that won't make them seem ignorant.

>> No.6983243


Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6984215

Sleep tight, Pizza.

>> No.6984859
File: 15 KB, 300x225, cabral2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated bait. It's like asking how theoretical physics or high-level mathematics are useful.

>> No.6984861

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6984862

sleep tight, pizza

>> No.6984867

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6985020

>bit of a double standard, huh
no, not at all. 1) pointing out isn't complaining 2) why the fuck would I be responsible for people being racist on 4chan

>> No.6985046

"Sleep tight, Pizza"

>> No.6985061

Philosophy is derived from the greek φιλοσοφια - Philosophia: A Love of knowledge.

Historically it included under it's umbrella all scholarly pursuits, including the hard sciences, but these fields have diverged away from being considered Philosophy by our nomenclature.

Presently under the purview of philosophy we study Political Science (How should we live?) Philosophy of Art (What is art, and what is aesthetic?) And Epistemology and Metaphysics (What is the world and what can we know about it for certain?), as well as sundry other fields like Theology (The study of Religion) and Linguistic philosophy (What is language, and do different linguistic bases affect how we think?).

Philosophy is essentially the study of the unobservable and the immaterial.

It's where we get ideas like right and wrong, and what they entail, and how we decide the "best" way to live, and what we mean by "best" in the first place.

>> No.6985093
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>On a literature board
>Can't use proper grammer

>> No.6985099

>on a literature board
>correcting other people
>can't spell "grammar"

>> No.6985114

if authorial intent = being able to tell who is trolling who

we are now pomo

>> No.6985160

>Cause when the girl comes up to talk to you about what your reading,

>> No.6985163

>you better know

You seem to imply that I owe something to women, friend.

>> No.6985170

>tfw you will never be a hot guy reading

>> No.6985198

but at least i'm still hot

>> No.6985545

sleep tight, pizza

>> No.6985620

>Reading in public on anything but an a kindle or phone
Sure fire way to look like a man or woman child seeking attention, complements, or conversation. It doesn't mean your always doing it and infact most aren't , you just will look like it.

>> No.6985624

pics fam

>> No.6985640

sleep tight, pizza

>> No.6985749

Using an e-reader in public is almost worse than vaping.

You might as well play Pokemon on your Nintendo

>> No.6985777

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6985828

This. Who the fuck cares what you're reading, if you're using public transport you're a fucking pleb.

Get a car faggots.

>> No.6985852

faggot detected

>> No.6985925

Only to insecure projecting assholes like you - a demographic whose opinion couldn't mean less to me.

>> No.6985926

Or worse yet - an American.

>> No.6986138 [DELETED] 
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>missing and (poorly) attempting to explain every joke

>> No.6986143
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>missing and (poorly) attempting to explain every joke

>> No.6986158

>one loose and humorous article, funny or not whatever
>over 9000 replies by autist anons

>> No.6986161



>> No.6986165

Sleep tight, pizza

>> No.6986192

The list of books that you are faking having read that they give is laughable. Dune is probably entry tier for any highschool boy that doesnt play sports.

>> No.6986199

If you have two hours of commute on the E or 7 a day to the outer parts of queens, and have a seat, then you better be reading. I actually was blasting out 2 books a week at one point when i was living and working in nyc.

>> No.6987293

>Possible sociopath

No, more like "claims she's a sociopath for attention but really is just edgy"

>> No.6987320


Black people smell bad. You know it, I know it.

>> No.6987327

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6987612

underageb& detected

>> No.6987706

>Clay Skipper

>> No.6987715


>>Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace
>You’re not really reading it, let’s be honest. And it’s tough to say what’s worse: if the woman who’s been glancing furtively over in your direction hasn’t read it either, or if she has.

>>My Struggle, Karl Ove Knausgaard
>Nobody really knows what to think of Knausgaard’s books, and nobody can confidently criticize them because they’re so long. You’ll get a lot of “What do you think of that?” (You could, however, keep things vague with “I really respect what he’s doing”—and immediately segue into the fact that Knausgaard plays in a rock band called Lemen. Then: “Wanna go catch some live music?”)

>>The Bible
>Unless you’re looking to wife up immediately.

>>The Fault in Our Stars, John Green
>You think you’ll be fine. You think, “Hey, I haven’t cried over a book since Harry Potter. They can’t get me!” You will be wrong. You will be weeping.

pleb as fuck

>> No.6987748

Vape fag detected?

>> No.6987792
File: 2.45 MB, 720x420, Gunjob.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't forget to drink your prune juice

>> No.6987899


All I'm really getting from this is that the qt asian grills I dream of are proven by science to smell better

>> No.6987934

Didn't know we were trying to get our posts from 4chan published to World's Dummest. Here, let me just go back and edit that and send you my second draft.

>> No.6987980

Did you really talk shit about Love in the Time of Cholera? Are you fucking retarded?

I agree with the rest, but christ man, just stop.

>> No.6988005

Sleep tight, pizza.

>> No.6988041

not a reason to avoid black people, but intriguing

>> No.6988049

I believe you forgot to turn off your trip friend.

>> No.6988080

almost, but very very severely infantilized.

>> No.6988087

Sleep tight, pizza.

>> No.6988094

driving fucking sucks mate

>> No.6988106


>> No.6988110

Not to mention that book is literally a 16x12 inch brick that is impossible to comfortably store anywhere but a kitchen. I bought it for my mom.

>> No.6988118

>Whiteknighting females solely because they are females on 4chan will never, ever get you laid.
because that's the purpose of it.
where do you think you are? a pub? we're all anonymous. fucktard

>> No.6988128

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6988146

he didn't. lrn2rad

>> No.6988229

You're forgetting the part about reading when the mind has run dry, which should happen every three days or so at least.

I don't see any reason to comment that article line by line excpet for anger and/or a huge sense of self-righteousness. Your answer seemed pretty out of proportion with the silly, lightheated and unconsequential article. Answering to what is basically a joke with "gullible moron who can't even tell..." seems pretty much like anger or self-righteous lecturing to me.

That goes in line with your comment about their "despicable mentality" as well. Sorry if I misinterpreted your motives, but yeah I was surprised.

>if you have an issue with what I said

Pretty much what I've said above, it's pretty emphatic for such an article. This thread doesn't deserve more than a short and simple explanation and a couple jokes.

>if your issue is that I said at all, I don't give a shit

You shouldn't have answered then, my point was as simple as it looked.


>> No.6988319

Haha I read this really biased biography of Mao and it said that he wasn't like the rest of the Chinese people because he had really bad BO maybe it had some truth to the claim

>> No.6989899
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What's interesting about this, to me personally, is that there would definitely be a time when I would allow this list (even if it's mostly written as a joke) to get to me on some level. Now, to my own surprise, I'm getting pretty indifferent to shit like that, and I can never get myself to care that much I encounter them.

I can't tell if this is me growing up or just giving up.

>> No.6989911

Sounds more like they smell less.

Having said that, my qt Asian wife smells amazing.

>> No.6989917


>> No.6990169

>not reading the Economist

>> No.6990656

the premise of the article isn't that it's a silly dumb character giving poor advice. the article doesn't have a premise, it has a basis: a thoughtless, mediocre perspective. the motivation for pointing that out is irrelevant. no amount of you trying to reason it out is actually going to get you the answer. at best you'll get the comfort of deciding and believing what amounts to "he mad". if that's what you need, decide that, believe that

I didn't make any comment about a "despicable mentality"

>> No.6991099

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6991110

>select all sandwiches
>all pictures of burgers

>> No.6991138

Sleep tight, pizza

>> No.6991159

It is though. My siblings have some African friends and I can smell whether they have visited earlier in the day when I come home. Put a large number of them in a hot room and you'll actually gag.

>> No.6991172

It's true, and their skin feels softer too. Black women have really course skin and hair, and huge clitorises.

>> No.6991173

Maybe you should stop trying to deep-throat them then.

>> No.6991189

epic, simply epic

>> No.6991227

>Being a whiteknight
>AND a normalfag
This place sure gets worse every passing moment.

>> No.6991343

51°30′26″N 0°7′39″W?

>> No.6991465

>Reading books to impress chicks.
Bring a guitar with you.

>> No.6991629
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>> No.6991656

sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6991716

"How to live with too big penis, a survival book for those whose the nature chose to fuck up with enormous big cock, and they aren't even horses. Part 3."

>> No.6991747

You're not that PTSD faggot who thinks he'll be raped robbed and rugged if he's caught reading in public, are you?

Because I had many a kek in the last thread you started this nonsense.

Anyway, today I was reading while waiting for the bus and a guy sat beside me reading, and when we saw, we were both reading Faulkner, and had a talk about him

>> No.6991774

Man, Bad Religion is so good, thanks for reminding me of them

>> No.6991780

...is there more?

>> No.6991796

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6991807

Sleep tight, Pizza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6991995

>implying I read to attract certain people to me
Nigga I read because I either want to learn more about something or to enjoy a book.
Damn, this article is as pretentious as it is low brow.
I'm not saying you can't/shouldn't enjoy some of those books, but if you're only reading/pretending to read to get someone to talk to you you're fucked.
I say this as someone who'd benefit from such things due to being a loner but fuck, just because you don't want to interact with people doesn't mean you act like a jackass to bypass that fact In order to get someone to talk to your lonely ass.

>> No.6992030

This tbh.

semi-polite sage

>> No.6992750

I always play Wonderwall on the train while reading from my copy of Kapital.

>> No.6992773

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6992827

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6993075

Please, girls, give me some faith and say that if you saw a guy reading any of these books you'd automatically think he's a worthless pleb?

>> No.6993081

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6993101

i would nvr fuck a guy who reads watever book it is

>> No.6993116

Sleep tight, Pizza.

>> No.6993585

Sleep tight, pizza

>> No.6993661

I think that the article didn't take into account one fundamental issue: women don't read.

>> No.6993683

I just wouldn't come up to a stranger and start talking to him about his book unless it was something that I absolutely LOVED. Even then, I would probably just say 'that's a good read'. If he started a conversation from that, I would want to talk about the book, but if he doesn't know anything about what he's reading, I'll think he's stupid or trying too hard.

>> No.6994045

Sleep, tight. Pizza

>> No.6994052

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6994119


thank mr skeltal

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6994394

Sleep tight, Pizza.

>> No.6994401


>The implicit values that it represents are appalling.

Sorry, it was values, not mentality. Same idea though.

Also it's pretty clear one of the premises is it's not a serious article and doesn't mean to be.

>> No.6994403


Sleep tight, Pizza.

>> No.6994406

Sleep tight, Pizza.

>> No.6994407


The attraction of the guy is his looks.

>> No.6994412

>How to cope with being an amazing lover

>> No.6994416

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6994437

If I used public transport I'd sure do. You can watch outside the window for a while but it gets boring if you do the same trip regularly.

>> No.6994805

sleep tight, pizza

>> No.6994817

Guys! I figured it out!

The secret

Is to read any book on sex that the title involves something along the lines of 'Giving back to your lover; showing them you care...in all the right way; how to be amazing in bed; giving her a night she'll never forget; etc.'

Basically anything that makes it seem like you are

A:imroving yourself


B:Upping your game to please HER

Boom. Figured it out. No need to kiss my feet.

>> No.6995090

Sleep tight pitza

>> No.6995112

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6995216

No, just makes you seem like a tryhard. Girls want a man who's naturally superior to other men.

>> No.6995331

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6995345

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6995373

Sleep tight, Pizza.

>> No.6995477

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6995490

I guess manspreading doesn't matter when you are cute.

>> No.6995503

I also now believe cake is candy.

>> No.6995579

this >>6981890 isn't me

>> No.6995994

Sleep Pight, Tizza

>> No.6996006

"oral sex for dummies"

>> No.6996054

Dude needs to be concious of the space he's taking up. I'm sure your balls are that big, bro. Give the chick next to you some space.

>> No.6996108

>Unwanted Sexual Conduct shouldn't be a part of anyone's commute.

>> No.6996113


Play it as it lays is overrated.

>> No.6996274

Yeah, everybody knows reading The Bible is perfect for getting premarital sex with someone anyone over 11yo.

>> No.6996947

are you sure this article isn't ironic ?

>> No.6996969

>tfw 19
>tfw took the train 4h per week, always reading next to my guitar
>tfw nobody gives a shit because everybody's watching movies on their laptop or watching shits on their phone

fuck those people

>> No.6996983

>implying she doesn't want to suck those big balls
look at that face, she's angry she isn't getting that D

>> No.6996989

>next to my guitar

That's why no one talks to you. They can see you're a tryhard faggot.

>> No.6997001

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6997006

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6997036

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6997082

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6997089

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.6997114

le may may sleep tight ebin pizza XD