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File: 14 KB, 508x507, SAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6979893 No.6979893 [Reply] [Original]

What did you guys get on the SAT? I know this is a questioned destined to breed insecurity and circlejerking, but i'm honestly interested in how well the average /lit/izen performs on dry, logic-based, academic tests. If you don't remember, don't sweat it; highschool was---hopefully---a long time ago. I would encourage you guys to fight over the validity of the SAT, but that's an inevitability assuming this thread gets off the ground.

2000 here. Could have done better; should have studied.

>> No.6979898

I didnt take the sat or go to college

>> No.6979901


i'm not even retarded, just dumb. didn't study for it beforehand or read any prep books

>> No.6979905

I don't remember because I am an adult

>> No.6979906

didn't take it, but I got a 31 on the ACT and a 317/6 on the GRE

>> No.6979909

1890. I didn't prepare at all, I didn't even know there was a writing section lel.

>> No.6979911

the school I ended up going to just looked at ACT so it didn't even matter then

>> No.6979912

Same here, never took the SAT but got a 31 three times on the ACT with very little effort.
But I will say I think standardized testing a fucking awful way of measuring student learning and abilities.

>> No.6979918

what is your SAT score divided by the number of chicks you finger blasted?

>> No.6979920

2180 on sat, 33 on act. Didn't study for either. I wouldn't exactly call them a hard fast indicator of intelligence, especially when studying can drastically improve one's performance on them.

>> No.6979922

.0000000001 ;^)

>> No.6979923

>I think standardized testing a fucking awful way of measuring student learning and abilities
I think that's pretty well established at this point. I was proud of doing well on the GRE but most graduate programs were pretty up-front about saying that it was the least important part of the application.

>> No.6979930


>> No.6979931

Agreed. My brother's score went from a 1710 to a 2050 with a few months of tutoring.

>> No.6979935

Cant divide by zero bud

>> No.6979941

Aced both tbh lads.

>> No.6979944

Shit I didn't even think about the ACT since I never took it. ACT thread too then?

>> No.6979946

liar, you can't get a millionth of a point on the SAT

>> No.6979952
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I got an 1860 and a 28
now I'm at a mid-tier uni because I had like a 3.5
my grades aren't great here either, but I'm really trying to pull myself out of my depression. It's actual real depression too lads, comes in 3-week spans every few months. awful.
thanks for reading!

>> No.6979960

>It's actual real depression

>> No.6979961
File: 5 KB, 168x159, 1959455_920590564648222_6343599587605316129_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 1900 without studying

Pretty good, amirite?

>> No.6979962

Depression makes most people worse at testing in general if that makes you feel any better :)))

>> No.6979968

2010 for the SAT and 32 for the ACT. ACT essay was an 8/12, which wasn't as high as I expected or was hoping for, but it's above average, so whatever.

>> No.6979987

well I've been diagnosed and it runs in the family so

>> No.6980001

don't kid yourself. you know it's just a little latent AQD.

>> No.6980009

31 here, also got an 8 more than once and I was a standout English student. I've never met anyone who got more than an 8 either.
Part of it is the absolute dogshit prompts though, in my experience

>> No.6980022

Just realized, I'm in college and graduated highschool and never took the SAT. Am I fucked? Did I break something? Was I lied to? I just got anxiety.

>> No.6980025

did you get the 2010 in the year 2010?
that'd be sick rite

>> No.6980029

No. Schools tend to look at either predominantly your ACT or your SAT, rarely both and they will usually defer to whichever one you have ready

>> No.6980059


>tfw lost all marks in writing
>and I didn't even apply to ivy league

Anyone else disappoint their parents? /asianfailure/ reporting in

>> No.6980070

I didn't take my SAT or my ACT and still went to a four year uni. Did you take placement tests when/before you were accepted?

>> No.6980073

2230 on the SAT
V: 800
M: 740

234 on the PSAT
W: 80

Was National Merit Scholar, went to a breddy gud school to major in a STEM field and study /lit/ stuff as much as possible.

The SAT isn't everything, and the writing section is so bogus that no admissions office uses it for anything. On the other hand, I'm legit ashamed of myself for getting less than a perfect score on the math section because those problems are hardly high-level stuff. The SAT's usefulness is all about making sure your grades aren't a fluke, really. If your scores match your grades, curriculum and your school/region's reputation, then that's all the admissions people want to see most of the time. Occasionally, strong SAT scores can help a sympathetic admissions officer make a case for a student with weaker grades but strengths in other parts of the application, so I'd argue that they can potentially contribute to getting more, rather than less interesting people into the student body if used judiciously. My admissions info is from a friend who works in the admissions office for an excellent private university.

>> No.6980074

Yes, took a placement test.
No idea if I took ACT either. My last year at highschool was sorta a depression mess that seemed like it'd never end, idfk what happened during it.

>> No.6980097

34 on the ACT, and i'm an idiot

>> No.6980098

Never took it tbh

Got an 1595 on the PSAT because I skipped the math section entirely.

>> No.6980107

Can't remember how I fared on the SAT but I took the GRE less than a year ago and on the writing scored better than 90% of others who have taken the test. My analytical and verbal reasoning scores were average and insignificant but the writing boosted my confidence as that was all that seemed relevant to my life.

>> No.6980111

That's not a score you can get on the SAT or the PSAT.

>> No.6980117


this was in 2007 m9, not everyone here is underage

>> No.6980121

kek rekt

>> No.6980122
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We're proud of you, anon!

>> No.6980128


>> No.6980131

But anon, I took it in '09. Are you sure you're not confusing the venerable PSAT/NMSQT with some bush-league public school no child left behind nonsense?

I think it more likely that you're shitposting.

>> No.6980144


I don't know what they do now, but when I took it there were 3 sections, each one max points of 800, for a total of 2400

I got 795 and 790 if I recall correctly. Slept through the third section and got 0

>> No.6980147
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2210 (730V/750M/730W)

I didn't study but I did take the test multiple times.

Still a failure at literally everything that isn't filling in bubbles on a piece of paper though.

>> No.6980148


it didn't matter though because i went nuts and broke down shortly afterwards, 5 AP classes and crazy parents will do that to you

>> No.6980159

yeah if you're a pussy

>> No.6980175

Nice scores m8, I had similar.that feel when uni gives me 5 grand a year because of my psat score

>> No.6980190


It still bugs me after all these years. There's something in me that wants to take it every weekend until I get a perfect score.

>> No.6980200
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>in final year of HS
>i'm a national merit semifinalist
>everyone on collegeconfidential insists that because i have three semester C's there's no way i'll be a finalist
>finalist status means a free ride for me at a decent-but-not-great engineering college
>won't know my fate until february

Just fuck my dreams up.

>> No.6980228

1700 only and got a 6/12 on the essay I was being a little unorthodox and they didn't like it I guess

>> No.6980268


My roommate got a 12 as a shit writer. Told me he learned how to game it from a summer tutor. The use of semicolons, references to literary figures/prominent people in history and filling out the whole thing was most of his strategy.

>> No.6980272
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2280 (CR: 800, M: 780 W:700)

That was my SAT superscored. I had to retake it because I did horribly on the essay part of the writing section.

>mfw I wrote my essay about the Great Gatsby and I said Gatsby died in a car crash.

>> No.6980347

Not sure if that counts but I got 18.10/20 on my French Baccalaureate.

>> No.6980506

exactly what I got on both


did you study?

>> No.6980509


Correction: no, of course not. I suppose that's why I got a 680 on reading comp and an 800 on math

>> No.6980510

CR+M 1500

>> No.6980512

It's decently above average, probably like your dick size, amirite?

>> No.6980528

I took the SAT before the new format. So the best you could get was a 1600. I got 1140.

>> No.6980534

2090, 32

>> No.6980558

Never took the SAT.

When I took the ACT though, I had been sick for a week, but I used up all my sick days so I had to go into class, despite still being miserable. Turns out we were taking the ACT but I had no idea since I had been gone 4 days.

Anyways, sick and with no preparation I still made a 30, which pissed me off cause I know I could have made a 32 in normal conditions, but everyone encouraged me to not spend the $90 to retake it because a 30 would be more than enough for any college I would be capable of getting into. Still bitter about that.

>> No.6980559


>> No.6980562

am Ausfag, 97ATAR, now I am dolebludge

>> No.6980568

I'm a bong; we don't do the SAT. Well, I did the practise one for no particular reason and got 2160.
In A-levels I got A*AABB. Disappointed tbh.

>> No.6980597

1640 first time.
1870 second time.
I didn't study for either time and the second time I took it I stayed up all night the night before because I was chatting up a girl. Had a cup of coffee before I took it but I was jittery as fuck and couldn't focus worth a shit.
According to college sites though I'm in the top 8% of scores or so though so who gives a shit.

>> No.6980610

Why did you do so many A-levels? Are you counting stuff like general studies? What uni are you/ did you go to?

>> No.6980621

General studies was one of the Bs. I got a U in one of the modules lol
I wasn't going to do that many but my computing teacher persuaded me to continue. Wasn't worth it. I'm starting at Oxford this year.

>> No.6980626

Got a 2050, was pretty happy as there was only one kid in our grade who did better than i and only by 10 points. But im in community college right now so you can take that for what its worth.

>> No.6980633

Don't fall for the community college meme. I have a friend that's a student counselor at our local community college and he's had kids transfer both to Yale and Harvard. Also the prereqs are all the exact same courses, english 111 at this community college is the same as english 111 at Harvard and english 111 at Virginia Tech. The only difference is the professor.

>> No.6980635

Nice, what are you studying? I got A*AA and I'm gonna be starting at Cambridge this year.

>> No.6980655

Physics. What are you studying?
I hope I have time to read..

>> No.6980656

Yeah i hear that a lot, still just gonna go to a state university after though.

>> No.6980675

2180. Studied for a decent amount of time, too, but only took it once. Only got 700 in the math section.

>lib arts, h-here i come!

>> No.6980886

2250. 780 reading, 740 writing, 730 math.

>> No.6980892


Be nice

>> No.6980902


>> No.6980913

That's the SAT you're talking about. The PSAT is three sections worth 80 each for a total of 240.

>> No.6980915


I got A*A*A* in the year that the A* was introduced and I got rejected from all the elite universities including Cambridge.

Now I work and live in Cambridge and I have to watch all your plebian fuckers wandering around on your bicycles knowing you didn't do as well as me. If you see some salty looking 24 year old staring you down in the street, know that it's me.

>> No.6980919

is everyone here underage

>> No.6980925

Not great, I know, but I didn't study and I still did better than some of my friends who had taken SAT classes for two years. It felt pretty good.

>> No.6980990

Nope. Kind of wished I had, but with my grades it wouldn't have changed much. 800 cr, 610 math, 770 writing. Still embarrassed about my math score lol

>> No.6980999

Why didn't you just reapply the next year?

>> No.6981005


>> No.6981051

>tfw this
>tfw dont even live in the land of the free

>> No.6981600

My parents remembered their SAT scores when I took it in high school.
It's not as if knowing what you got is any kind of indicator of age.

>> No.6981602

2270, I think. Had to think about it for a minute.

I do well on standardized tests, and also, I am smart as balls.

>> No.6981641

congrats on bragging about getting an A* the easiest year to get one

>> No.6981645

You may have had the grades but you don't have the talent, evidently.

>> No.6981672

1910 SAT, 34 ACT.
The numbers stopped being relevant almost immediately.

>> No.6981683

Similar boat for me. 2270, only 700 on reading, 770 on writing. Fucking embarrassing.

>> No.6981685


>> No.6981686

1860 without studying. Never took it again because I was an underachieving piece of shit

>> No.6981689

>broke down
>5 APs

Kek I had 12 APs total, 7 of which were senior year alone.

>> No.6981697

>7 APs in one year

how is that even possible

and yeah I meant in one year, i took 11 in total

>> No.6981698

also, what kinds of schools did you guys go to? I went to a small school in the middle of nowhere and over 2000 was almost unheard of

>> No.6981706
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30 on my fourth try

goddamn, i thought my score was alright before i came into this thread.....

>> No.6981714
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Hey, duderino. You know where these photos are from ?

>> No.6981719

Never took SAT because I'm not 'Murican, but I did pretty well on my uni placement tests. I ended up being 1st admitted in my first choice uni (98% of right answers) and 3rd admitted in my second choice uni (don't remember percentages here). I didn't study for it at all because it was mostly composed from logical problems we didn't cover in high school anyway and the only way to prepare myself was to pay for an online course. I said "fuck that, I'm smart enough" and it turned out I was right.

>> No.6981847

2300 SAT/35 ACT

>> No.6981871
File: 230 KB, 933x1092, essayImageAction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my defense, it was a very cold January, testing place was 100 miles away from my house, I was doing it for the fucks without much prior work other than pdf + notepading a few tests, and I got a 1710 overall, and it was almost 2 years ago.
The fucker didn't even explicitly tell us when to start, and it wasn't until 5 mins later I figured out I'm supposed to start writing, even though he explicitly said 'not to do anything until he says so'.

3rd world countries and english as a second language speakers sometimes, tbh make my blood boil.

Aced my TOEFL though.

>> No.6981873
File: 121 KB, 935x1197, essayImageAction (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in retrospect some of my posts in e-reader threads on /lit/ are of a much higher quality than this piece of shit, still funny to look at it from time to time though.
gotta break 2k this year tbh, 2nd time taking it.

>> No.6981875

1770 because I absolutely blow at math. Got an 800 on the reading and an 8/12 on the essay.

>> No.6981876

for reference i got a 6/12 on this, the subject was about old vs new, and the thing they gave you as a reference was tablets/ereaders, didn't know how to manage my 15 minutes well so i wrote this.

man was i baked back then holy shit

>> No.6981879

Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky

>> No.6981906

2150. I wanted to retake it, but didn't have the time.
>tfw all those hours spent with the big blue book
Glad to be free of that.

>> No.6981919

2220 without any sleep the previous night (packing for a backpacking trip).

Either way, ended up at a community college because my GPA was only like 3.5 and I didn't want to shoot lower than I felt I deserve. Now I'm going to UC Davis.

>> No.6981922


Did shitty on the math but the critical reading and writing portions were good.

>> No.6981942

2300 because i slept during the essay portion

>> No.6981958 [DELETED] 


I didn't really care that much. I mean not enough to not doing anything for an entire year so I could possibly do an undergrad degree at a fancy university, and it was fair enough I didn't get in. I was shit in my interview and I had terrible GCSE grades.

What Captain Obvious pointed out here >>6981645 is pretty much true. Although it's not really about talent so much as hard work from what I can gather. Which makes sense - if I couldn't be arsed preparing for their interview process how well would I do with their more intense workload?

It doesn't really matter that much though. I've accomplished more than the two people I know who went to Cambridge, including teaching at Cambridge University. Unless you count a shitty middle management job and a year travelling with Daddy's money an accomplishment.

>> No.6981981

you can find them in the library of congress archives

>> No.6981993

>UC Davis
same here. major?

>> No.6981997

Ingles. What year?

>> No.6982000

i'll be starting my 3rd year in the fall. compsci stemfag

>> No.6982004


>> No.6982012

Same year here, but transferring in, so no idea what it's like there. Anything good? I can't seem to find any book clubs or the like.

>> No.6982026

there's a book club called "Beyond the Book Club", Classical Studies club, Philosophy club, and some others. don't know too many details about any of them, though. the library is pretty good and you can request books to be sent from any UC school

>> No.6982038

2400 but i took it multiple times and my parents hired a tutor because richfag. The test is a complete joke, I dropped out of college and now I work retail.

>> No.6982058

How's the weather/student body? I really didn't do much research before accepting. And it looked like the Beyond the Book Club was dead; also lame that the only book club is partially civic outreach related.

>> No.6982066

25 on ACT, didn't even manage to finish the English portion because I thought about each question too hard. I know I could have done much better but I was kind of a burnout in HS and the majority of people got like 18 or 20 so I didn't really give a fuck.

>> No.6982073

typical Central Valley weather (hot summers, mild winters). the student body is like most other UC's though not quite as liberal as Berkeley. do you have a goodreads?

>> No.6982092


>> No.6982094

I do. https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/28194577-noah-benham

Do you have a job up there? Looking to get one on campus, but the only openings are at the coffee shop, and that sounds kinda shitty.

>> No.6982099

cool, sent you a friend request.
not at the moment but i'm currently applying to some

>> No.6982121

How is it making friends up there? I'm not too worried, but at the same time don't wanna end up looking misanthropic.

>> No.6982125

it's not that hard, i've made a lot of mine there just through online interactions

>> No.6982135

w-will you be my friend? What all are you into besides lit?

>> No.6982140

o-okay. i'm into film and music too

>> No.6982146

I got a 750 on reading
Didn't study either tbh fam

>> No.6982156

What music are you into? I've been listening to a lot of Art Punk lately, as well as some TVU and Krautrock-related stuff.

>> No.6982171
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i like all the stuff you mentioned (especially krautrock). i'm into a lot of contemporary classical, industrial, ambient, etc. i also listen to quite a bit of metal and electronic music (mostly into minimal techno)

>> No.6982208

Actually, let's just talk on goodreads, so we don't clog this thread up.

>> No.6982212

Don't feel bad, a lot of it is hype and bluster. Some friends I know went to Oxbridge (cassius gonville, Jesus and St John's) and a couple of them got into the Apostles. I was a bit surprised because if you took them outside of the walls of the academy they wouldn't be able to think their way out of a paper bag. Its sad to know that these people will be on the fast track to the elite given how little they can relate to everyday people or have no common sense. That said I am a little bit unimpressed with their Social Sciences departments that I turned down the opportunity to do my MPhil at Cambridge because the Prof I wanted to supervise my research went to leave for the US. Continental European and some Scottish universities seem to me a lot more meritocratic and more rigorous, so much so that I am trying to get a seat at Science Po, Strasbourg or Toulouse.

>> No.6982220

1500 I think. Not sure if this is any indication of my intelligence but I had already completed two novels before I finished high school

>> No.6982269

I scored 2360, which to me was surprising given my dismal school record: 2.9 gpa weighted, no honors classes, etc. My current standing as a physics major attending a local, decidedly unprestigious community college is proof that SAT scores alone-no matter how high-are insufficient in terms of being considered by a college board.

Evidence of motivation will always prevail over raw scores.

>> No.6982275

Frenchfag here. The Science Po admission is rather meritocratic, but it's expensive and for some reason it attracts mostly rich wankers from the upper-middle class and above.

Not to discourage you, it's an interesting school but get ready for loads of Parisians with scarves and a fetish for Sarkozy (as well as a few commies).

>> No.6982295

Yeah I know that. But they also have a very generous scholarship that will fund my study should i enrol (the Emily Boutmy scholarship). Chances are I would get it since I don't think many people in my country will know about it. That said I really like Toulouse, the have a pretty stellar eco dept at the moment so they have priority but we will wait.

>> No.6982302

Did you publish them? If so, what kind of reception did they receive?

I don't believe the rate at which content is produced correlates in any meaningful way with innate skill.

>> No.6982521
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>le pseudo-contrarian meme opinion
ur so brave to defend mediocre kissasses

>> No.6982639

1800. Gave zero shits the entire time.

>> No.6982662

>800 on SAT Critical Reading
>159 on GRE Verbal

Truly the passage of time is a cruel, unforgiving mistress
>That and cocaine/spoiler]

>> No.6982718

4 As in Scottish Advanced Highers muhfuggas

>> No.6982951

I think those who got good scores are more inclined to post than those who didn't. This is a board filled with very smart, very insecure people. Therefore, if they did well on the SAT, they'll flaunt it to validate themselves, and if they did poorly, they write the test off as meaningless and won't post, fearing that bullies will confirm their insecurities.
My point is that you're a smart guy and you should ignore the test-taking masters and those pretending to be (you'd be amazed what ego can do even in anonymity). 30 should be good enough for just about anybody- assuming you aren't Bobby Fischer or some shit.

>> No.6983047

>all these people straight up excusing subpar performance because "I didn't study" or "didn't sleep" or some other bs

You guys aren't gonna make it.

>> No.6983066

what'd you get, smart successful man?

>> No.6983081

I'm a second year physicist at Ox (A*A*A at A Level)
Read fuck all in my first year. Well, a few books.

>> No.6983103

I got 36 act and 2270 sat. at one of HYP now

>> No.6983166
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2050. I thought it was high as shit until I learned that half of /lit/ got over 2200... :^)
I'm really good at tests like that though, lots of smarter people did worse than me.

>> No.6983177

not how dividing by zero works mate

>> No.6983182

I had 6 my senior year. It's hell.

>> No.6983205


>> No.6983239


I went to a state university and dropped out / was academically disqualified after freshman year.

>> No.6983316

Damn, that's solid; I've never met anyone else with 10+.

I had 7 senior year because literally all of my classes were APs:

BC Calc
Comp sci
Physics B
Physics C: Mechanics
Physics C: E&M

Ended up liking physics 1 so much that I took all the AP versions; it was pretty cool seeing the differences in how they were taught, even though I ended up dropping my physics major to a minor in undergrad.

>> No.6983363

740 math, 740 reading, 650 writing. That was my second time around, my math was a good bit worse my first time because I was slow.

>> No.6983410

I got an 11 on the ACT essay. All I did way write about free software and Richard Stallman. The head of the guidance department emailed me and told me how rare it way to get that high, LOL.

Anyway, I got a 1930. Not too great, but I got into every school I applied to, even my reaches. I'm focusing on taking the GMAT now to get my masters in accounting.

>> No.6983415

Why did I write "way" instead of "was" twice?

>> No.6983445

1560. I didn't prepare and I forgot my calculator. I'm a dingus and the dumbest person on this board.

>> No.6983457
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>35 on ACT
>4.0 GPA
>did all the AP classes at my school; would have made Valedictorian if my school didn't switch to a unranked system for the top 6 performing students in the middle of the year that I was graduating in.
>bunch of extra-curriculars
>bunch of teachers willing to write me lengthy recommendation letters
>recruitment packages from Yale, Dartmouth, Brown; University of Chicago offered me a discounted room + free private taxi service from the down-town Hilton to visit their campus (which I took)


>end up not applying to anywhere during my senior year from pressure, and didn't tell anyone about it.
>mfw thinking about now

I ended up going to a local CC with my tuition + books being completely covered at the last second, and got a pell grant to spend whatever I wanted on as well. Currently transferring out to a public uni.

>> No.6983473


Got a 31 on the ACT. Not sure how the ACT compares to the SAT, but the ACT is what you take in the midwest.

Got me into all 2 schools that I applied to.

>> No.6983474
File: 40 KB, 360x235, orein3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking physics b and c

>> No.6983477

If I was under that much pressure I probably would have done the same. Sheeyet, negro.

>> No.6983484

I think that's like a 2000, SAT wise.

>> No.6983485

i dropped out of high school senior year

>> No.6983538

It depends on the amount of female relatives that you have.

>> No.6983546

>taking B in addition to C

what a waste of time and money to be honest

C master race

Apparently it's changed now though

>> No.6983619

>half this board think they're smarter and better than everyone else
>80% of them got shit scores on their tests


Queue "I didn't care/practice/I'm not a test person" excuses

>> No.6983639

It's "cue", not "queue."

I got a 1560 and I'm correcting you. Step your vocab and/or bait up.

>> No.6983701

As of December 2014, 1497 is the avg SAT score

>> No.6983787

2340. didnt miss a question on crit reading

>> No.6983793

1990 after months of tutoring

>> No.6983799


out of 2400

>> No.6983814

Yeah. Odd how inflated the scores are here. Guess people are either lying or people tend to be smarter than average here.

>> No.6983819

>all these people bragging about not studying

god, why are we all such lazy cunts.

I got like 1970 without studying. I wish I would have studied though. It may have really helped in my apps and financial aid.

>> No.6983820

1910 on SAT

34 cumulative on ACT with a 36 on Reading

took both tests once a piece

>> No.6983843

>tfw when retarded

>> No.6983852

don't feel too bad about it, anon.

you aren't a number

you're a cog

>> No.6983856

do you mean community college is bad or good?

>> No.6983862

2110 with a 790 on reading, got me into UVa (but not Georgetown) really can't complain

>> No.6983876

I don't know about transferring to harvard and yale but you can transfer into other good schools out of a community college just probably not the actual best unless you have exceptional grades and talent that has been expressed in a way that fits on a resume.

>> No.6983880

recent high school grad here, from my experience it's pretty hard for most semi affluent white people (i.e. average /lit/ poster) to score below a 1650 or so. also, 2/3's of the test is reading and writing so the test plays into this board's strengths.

>> No.6983890

Took it once without studying and ended up with 1970. Figured I'd take it again after studying a bit, so I forgot all about that and just took it again and got 2000. Not like it matters a lick since I went to a state school in GA anyway, lol.

>> No.6983892

Somehow i scored 1400 out of 1600.

I didn't study at all whatsoever and somehow i ran out of time on the last couple sections because i was so geeked out on adderall.

Isn't the max 2100 now?

>> No.6983893

>34 ACT

>> No.6983899

This thread making me feel retarded.

>> No.6983902

Please, it was fucking heart-warming shit you guys just formed.

>> No.6983903

I'm nearly positive it came from a mixture of two things

1. Stress free. I took the SAT first and I knew 1910 was pretty good so I figured the ACT didn't matter too much. I remember taking it bobbing my head along to some songs that kept floating through my head (Built to Spill, Death Grips, and something else i think) while everyone else was terrified and the dude behind me was hyperventilating

2. I read A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man for the first time a week prior. Compared to reading it, the ACT's reading sections were cakewalks

>> No.6983910

>scores on a dumb test
>indicative of actual intelligence

stop right there anon

>> No.6983923


sub 500 math score heyooo

>> No.6983924

2110, no preparation


>> No.6983926

I scored the low 20s. Everyone in this thread scored the 30s.

>> No.6983936

My test scores are uninteresting, I think I got a 32 on the ACT and I didn't take the SAT.

However, my sister with nonverbal learning disorder got 35s on the ACT math and science sections and a 2 on the reading section. We received a letter in the mail because they were investigating her for cheating. After contacting her doctor and getting back the test to look at how she did on a question by question basis, we found out she got every question about literary fiction incorrect, and did perfectly on the one reading that came from a biography. To my sister, a flower is a fucking flower and doesn't represent anything else than being a flower, and a house being painted yellow means nothing.

My sister is also incapable of reading body language and can't tell if a person is happy, sad, or mad.

>> No.6983976

>800 on writing
>still didn't get into any Ivies

>> No.6983985

did it occur to you that some are good test takers and some aren't?

or that there are multiple kinds of intelligence and just being good at the shit on the ACT/SAT doesn't make you the end all be all of smart?

>> No.6983986

d-do you mean it?

>> No.6984023

the most important question is...... is she hot (your sister)?

>> No.6984224

I didn't need to take the SAT to get into community college. And then my grades from CC were good enough to get me into a university.

And then I dropped out after getting bad grades, falling further into depression, and losing all sense of direction.

>> No.6985385

Because of lack of time? Nooooo! Should I switch to phys & phil?

>> No.6985436

Masterrace, 470 reporting in

>> No.6985458

If you got less than 2000 then you're legitimately pretty stupid

t. UK student who tried a practice SAT under time just to see what the fuss was about and got like 2100 (for the essay I just gave myself a middle mark because I have no idea what kind of sappy , hammed up shit they want for those things an I tried to actually answer the question precisely rather than by giving some emotive anecdote like the ideal sample answer did)

>> No.6985476

I got in the 95 percentile for both vocabulary and writing on the gre and the 70 percentile for math.

I got a 28 on the ACT (32 or so in the reading one, 30 in science, but 23 or something in math)

28 on the MCAT but I decided not to go to bed school and I don't remember section scores because I blocked the whole experience from my memory

I didn't prepare at all for any of them.

>tfw math kills me in standardized tests
>tfw I still do very well in math classes and have a 4.0 average for all my math courses in college
>tfw still did well enough to go to sell the universities I want

Standardized tests blow dick

>> No.6985504

2320, I was locked in an SAT camp for fucking 3 months with no freedom whatsoever.
800 in CR, 780 in math and 740 in writing.
>mfw I had shitty GPA in high school so I couldnt get into my dream uni

>> No.6985917

2090 SAT, 33 ACT
didnt study for either of them tbh