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6978235 No.6978235 [Reply] [Original]

I give you Professor Harold Bloom

>> No.6978238

kek let's DO IT

>> No.6978240


>> No.6978255

>bloom cannot stand the fact that he will never be as good of a writer as nietzsche was
>helpfulness 1
>clarity 1
>easiness 5
which one of you was this

>> No.6978299

'Twas me :)

>> No.6978301


>> No.6978302

I kekked.

>> No.6978308
File: 54 KB, 325x499, Harold Blooms's The Flight of Lucifer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you wouldn't

>> No.6978316
File: 46 KB, 480x640, david-foster-wallace-broom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DFW sucks. Completely narcissistic. He failed to give constructive feedback since he was so busy going off on tangents about himself/his own writing.

>I took this class because of Prof. Wallace's reputation as an author. What a mistake! This guy just likes to hear himself talk, and he won't shut up. He knows how to play the part of a enigmatic "genius" all right, but most of my classmates were

>while people can complain about DFW's teaching style. I've never had a prof. put so much effort toward each student's learning. he is a brilliant writer and hardworking teacher. he is tough as**** and can hurt students' feelings, but all that he does is for the students' benefit. Only those with fragile egos don't like him.

>> No.6978328
File: 21 KB, 181x250, bret-easton-ellis-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there such a thing as a truly unattractive author? You might think of some but even in their youth they were good looking. I'm like legit getting convinced their is some sort of correlation between attractiveness and talent.

>inb4 >talks about talent >posts BEE

>> No.6978338
File: 9 KB, 350x490, feelingcrotchety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who took his HUMS21901 course on 'Hamlet and King Lear' or his HUMS22201 course on 'Whitman, Stevens, Hart Crane' in spring 2014 should probably give him some feedback now. I want to know if I should take his Shakespeare course this Fall

>> No.6978342

tbh I'd do it so I could say Harold Bloom taught me.

>> No.6978361


>> No.6978370

I think attractive people are just given enough attention and praise growing up to think that their shit is worth other people's time. All authors are narcissists. Musicians and artists too. Those groups also lean attractive.

Either that, or the public filters out the uggos because persona and image are still really important. Tbh it's probably a mixture of both.

>> No.6978390

Dude if you actually go to Yale or NYU (not sure which one he's teaching at right now) and don't take a course with him, you fucked up. He's getting pretty old, if you haven't noticed, and polarizing figures like him don't grow on trees.

t. Tufts graduate who took a seminar with Daniel Dennett

>> No.6978395

Adding on to this - if someone is unattractive and made it they're talented. This is usually pretty true. The only reason Bret Easton Ellis isn't an edgy 80s footnote is because he followed his first book up with an even edgier 90s book. 'Controversial' authors get attention and the 90s was the last decade that really allowed people to benefit from controversy. Now that the establishment is liberal, controversy means that you broke the rules, and usually hurts a lot more than it helps

>> No.6978414

Dude he was baiting 4chan. Giving us all the info we need to write a review on RMP. I doubt it was genuine

>> No.6978692

Agree with most of your post, disagree with th BEE comment. His last book was an international best-seller and people still constantly discover and discuss Less Than Zero and American Psycho (Rules of Attraction is tragically underrated YA, in my opinion). I mean, definitely a huge chunk of his notoriety is the controversy factor, but even when people are more or less used to "Bret Edgy Ellis" and his antics, he still is very successful. He's not the dark genius his admirers make him out to be, but he's also not the one trick edgy pony who can't find success anymore that everyone else makes him out to be.

>> No.6978818

how do i find a course code so i can shitpost

>> No.6979362

Shut the fuck up cuck

>> No.6979376

that fucking fat piece of melting lard