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/lit/ - Literature

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697813 No.697813 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I need a book on anarchy. Fiction over non because i havent read a lot of anarchist fiction and i'd like to, but i can deal if its all you got. I'm fluent in the writings of emma goldman, lysander spooner, kropotkin, rothbard, RAW, Derrick Jensen, John Zerzan, Crimethinc, Crowley, Feyerabend, Mckenna. So anything else will do.

>> No.697821

if you are fluent with kropotkin etc. you are the one to give advice.

>> No.697826
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Have no fiction for you, but I have non-fiction for you.
Herbert Marcuse
Antonio Gramsci
Max Horkheimer
Theodor W. Adorno
Jürgen Habermas

>> No.697832

The Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin. It's science-fiction, which is probably appropriate.

>> No.697840

Also, if you like Crowley, check out Jack Parsons. Freedom is a two-edged sword, etc

>> No.699067

Murray Bookchin. There ya go.

>> No.699081

The government of Armada in China Mieville's The Scar could be described as anarcho-collective.

>> No.699089

Bakunin of course, and Homage to Catalonia by Orwell.