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/lit/ - Literature

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6977801 No.6977801 [Reply] [Original]

Which authors seemed to be overall cool guys? You know, the kind of person you'd want to befriend.

>> No.6977825


>> No.6977828

Nietzsche tbh

>> No.6977831


>> No.6977832

The ones I like.

>> No.6977833

I think Vonnegut would be the grandfather I would always be excited to spend a weekend with in the summers

>> No.6977836


>> No.6977844


>> No.6977851

spinoza is a total jew

>> No.6977854


>> No.6977956

Wittgenstein, I could show him lots of cool things that he would enjoy a lot.
one of those would be my shaved boipussy

>> No.6977970

Foucault seemed pretty chill. Camus, Rimbaud, the young Hegelians

>> No.6977977

An atheist that identified as one

>> No.6977985

literally not an atheist

>> No.6977988


>> No.6977995

>Salinger will never silently look at you expectantly waiting for you to get out of his house.
why live?

>> No.6977999

Burroughs probably has some godly junk hookups.

>> No.6978000

Going to a beat party would be rad. Eating with 'Japhy' and Kerouac and hiking would be bliss.

>> No.6978009

Honestly? I'd love to go to a Sox game with Stephen King.

>> No.6978010

they would spike your drink and let homosexuals rape you while they laughed at your conformity.

>> No.6978018

Cortazar,Tolstoi, and cervantes.

>> No.6978021

literally an athiest who pretends he is religious

>> No.6978024

Hemingway obviously, Faulkner would probably be a good guy to have a conversation with, James Ellroy, hunter s Thompson, Burroughs

>> No.6978025

Pincecone seems like a cool old guy with a lot of cool stories.
Shame he's autistic

>> No.6978031

Kerouac was a bore who wrote about escapades with more interesting people

>> No.6978040

I'd want to go camping with Dostoevsky.

>> No.6978049

But i'd be invited which would be rad.

>> No.6978054

Tolstoy is a good choice. Seems like an awesome dude.

>> No.6978056

Joyce it would be
(because he's just
like me)

>> No.6978063

Yeah, I'd chill out and talk to Bret Easton Ellis on his podcast.
Salman Rushdie had lunched with him once and said it was awesome.

>> No.6978068



>> No.6978086

The best authors would probably make the worst people to hand out with. I can;t imagine a single highbrow author who wouldn't have been a pretentious bore.

Someone like Palahnuik or Stephen King would probably be fun to shoot the shit with though.

>> No.6978121

>yes im a grill

>> No.6978131


>> No.6978137

I'd hang w/ Žižek and PKD and do speed with them.

>> No.6978142

post feet, tbh

>> No.6978146


why is this posted everywhere

absolutely shit tier fetish

>> No.6978150

No, he was'nt that nice. He spoiled several friendship relations.

Borges is another great writer that I wont hang out with.

>> No.6978152



>> No.6978158

Come back when you've got a patrician fetish kiddo.

>> No.6978159

Camus is the best answer. Kick around the football, smoke some cigarettes, drink some wine.

10/10 would befriend and even let him drive

>> No.6978161
File: 139 KB, 640x486, 1439414867428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>likes this hack

Shouldn't you be busy memeposting on tumblr?

>> No.6978168

My post never even mentioned Murakami, what are you on about m9

>> No.6978171
File: 406 KB, 600x800, 1439404292953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<mfw I thought you were the grill
>mfw I still won't back down


>> No.6978174

You're the one using tumblr-tier images.

>> No.6978178
File: 1.42 MB, 500x375, 1439336971243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6978196

Even though I'm not a fan of his writing, he was a really cool guy in IRL real life.

>> No.6978205

I second this.

Also, Hermann Hesse, you guys totally forgot this genious.

>> No.6978209

Came to say this. My dad grew up in Oak Park and thought Hemmingway was the coolest motherfucker to ever live so it's hard for me not to like him.

>> No.6978213

Mark Twain or Lord Byron.

>> No.6978220



>> No.6978233

I fail to see the problem here.

>> No.6978607


It's a mixture of intentional misspelling and the non-nativespeaking assuming that's how you write it. So it's usually undecidable

>> No.6978799

Melville seems like fun. Ishmael is a snarky motherfucker.

>> No.6978806


>> No.6978825

I'd drop some acid and shoot some big guns with Hunter S Thompson. Bioy Casares seemed like a cool dude too, like Borges but less autistic.

Also not related, but for some reason Edgar Allan Poe always struck me as a huge pompous asshole, but I'd love to have seen him make Lovecraft cry with his superior patrician intellect

>> No.6978848

>implying Lovecraft wouldn't just call him a nigger and tell him to fuck an octopus

>> No.6978849

I would have loved to have known Vonnegut. He seems like a crazy but loveable grandfather or uncle.

>> No.6978850

I can't believe people still forget the third m

>> No.6978854

I second this. I'd also like to include Joseph Heller in this. Never seen or heard him, but he has that similar dark sense of humour.

>> No.6978878

Forgot fucking Bolaño, that guy must have been the most interesting guy in the world. Fucked a million vaginas and read a million books. And he was pretty fucking clever too. And loved based Rimbaud
Also Victor Hugo and Jack London

>> No.6978897

Marcus Aurelius

I defy anyone to read his meditations and not count him among the top five chillest fucking guys ever.

>> No.6978902



>> No.6978906

Are you stupid?

It's Mhemmingway

>> No.6978920


>> No.6979411

You just made me imagine /lit/ trying to have a filename thread. I bet it'd be awful.

>> No.6979421

Remember Auden writing, in a preface, he'd like to be friends with Herbert. Don't know why since he seems like a christard bore.

>> No.6979981

do you think Pynchon is fun to talk to

>> No.6980052

he's probably a senile faggot

>> No.6980057

Harriet Beecher Stowe

>> No.6980101

Tom Robbins. Would love to knock back a few beers with that guy.

>> No.6980157

Of the authors not mentioned:

Montaigne (coolest, most unpretentious down to earth cat who's ever lived)
Marlowe (spies for the government, does tobacco and fucks boipussy for a living)
Coleridge (apparently the greatest conversationalist who has ever lived, plus fucked on laudanum half the time)

>> No.6981112

the guy was a hippy
would hang out

>> No.6981190

Gombrowicz. He's one to spend a lot of time dominating the conversation but he'd laugh at your jokes and even go see your shitty play.