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File: 21 KB, 220x306, George_Orwell_press_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6977355 No.6977355 [Reply] [Original]

I love this man and his work. Does anyone have recommendations for writers of a similar bent? I have yet to read works by Hunter S. Thompson (outside of the article he wrote right after 9/11) but I plan to.

(I read the sticky but I think this topic deserves a place in /lit/ as opposed to the shitfest that is /pol/, and I want to keep the discussion on authors and not about politics)

>> No.6977794
File: 21 KB, 211x346, how i found freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classical liberals, Enlightenment philosophers (Voltaire, Rousseau, etc), and libertarians. Even if you disagree with their politics, they're really big on the freedom stuff.

"Give me liberty, or give me death!" Patrick Henry


>> No.6977805

Try asking on /leftypol/ . Dont know if thats what you are lookimg for, but: grapes of wrath, the dispossessed, pavese fenoglio and Calvino,

>> No.6978594



>> No.6978597

18 and over board, junior.

>> No.6978661

>not socialist

>> No.6978776

Adorno and the Fagfurt School

See you tomorrow for your next round of obscurantist truth-loathing shitpostan.

>> No.6978793

>any of the authors you suggested

Are you sure you're not just illiterate?

>> No.6979375
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don't forget pinecone

>> No.6979454


>> No.6979524

barthes tbh

>> No.6979553

You probably think "obscurantist" has to do with "big words", you philistine.

>> No.6979618

Read more Gore Vidal!

>> No.6979832
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>> No.6979849

basically all 'good' authors(yeah I'm def not getting into this but if you made this thread this definition will do for you lel) are anti-authoritarian, it's more about reading between the lines I guess

>> No.6979872

I think it's funny and sad when you see 'new left' kiddies referencing Orwell and in their next breath wanting to arrest people for crimethink

>> No.6979875

he was very anti-Pinochet, that's for sure

>> No.6979885

B-but racism and transphobia are evil and need to be stopped!

>> No.6979894

do you know what the new left is?

>> No.6979899

what I said applies

>> No.6979965

No, mate, you're a fucking ignorant cunt. The new left ceased in 1975. Which author from the new left are you specifically thinking of?

>> No.6979975

I think the bloke you're talking to just meant the new left, not the new left.

>> No.6979985

the current left (what would you call it?) were raised by the new left

>> No.6979991

Well the British new left ended around 1965

>> No.6979995

But I think that guy just meant the new left, not the new left.

>> No.6980006

there is no "new left" at the moment.

>> No.6980007

wait, the new left? or the left that is new aka new left

>> No.6980012

>the current left (what would you call it?) were raised by the new left

No. They weren't. They were raised by radfem, sepfem, hollowed out social democrats, foucauldians, tankies-turned-ecologist and, as in the previous list, a bunch of liberal vegan brownbread eating homophile middle class oiks.

>> No.6980028

The new left, the current crop of left wing retards.

>> No.6980032

what would /lit/ call the current left?

>> No.6980042


>> No.6980108

Bourgeois liberals.

>> No.6980134

Jewish puppets.

>> No.6980222

I read a lot of murricans talk about the new left as some postmodernist sjw idiots.
The other day i saw a pic of the protest in ferguson in my local newspaper. Some guy was holding a sign with a website written on it. I followed the link and it was a communist party website. The first couple of articles were about how both black and white workers are oppressed by capitalists and are comrades, and attacking the notion of white privilege.

I don't know how representative they are of the left in america, but they sounded like the "old" left to me.

>> No.6980233

You do realize that Orwell was a socialist right?

>> No.6980234

>I saw this one guy holding a sign
nice evidence
the old left didn't die, it has reached its natural conclusion

>> No.6980239

{paraphrase}Had I gone to Catalonia and learnt about the political tendencies I would have joined the FAI/CNT columns, but I went on an ILP sponsorship and so joined the POUM{paraphrase}

>> No.6980244

>I don't know how representative they are of the left in america, but they sounded like the "old" left to me.
They're representative of the old and the new left. But not the current bourgeois liberal trend amongst rich undergraduates.

>> No.6980246

that was my point

>> No.6980303

The world will be a better place if we just hate the right things this time!

>> No.6980306
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>> No.6980309
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This comrade knows.

So much truth it hurts.

>> No.6980348

You know orwell was bourgeois, right?

>> No.6980351

Join the union. You know which one. _THE_ union.

>> No.6980640

The World Jewish Congress? Judaism? What!! Tell me!

>> No.6980758

>understands you can't be anti-authoritarian and socialist. Must be a child.
How's high school toots.

>> No.6980770

Authoritarian: JRR Tolkien
Anti-autoritarian: George RR Martin

>> No.6980774

and the university students popping estrogen pills and advocating for "hate speech" laws aren't?

>> No.6980804

Orwell went to Eton, lived in the exclusive rural idyll of shiplake (pictured), was a racist colonial policeman who went out of his way to shoot endangered elephants, spied on British communists for MI6, smelled like shit because of his lungs and is falling permanently out of fashion.

>> No.6980809
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I missed

>> No.6980821

>Criticizing bigotry means banning it

Free speech still means you suffer the social consequences of being a douchebag. You faggots do these sort of mental gymnastics to try and make any argument against systematic discrimination sound like Jim Crow in reverse, branding even mild center-left criticism of the status quo without any revolutionary violence as "thought policing" or "gender warfare". Of course, the absence of this horrible social conflict is just ignoring the issues you don't want to talk about.

>> No.6980828

I have never seen a mass protest or petition in favor of hate speech laws. In any case, these laws generally deal with incitement to violence, which is illegal whether it's racially charged or not, yet I didn't see you complaining about that.

>> No.6980865

and I'm talking about legal consequences, not social ones
people protested when the Australian government wanted to repeal hate speech laws

my university is legitimately having a debate on whether free speech should be allowed on campus
stop pretending like it's a non issue

>> No.6980917

>and I'm talking about legal consequences, not social ones

There aren't many. 90% of the examples that anti-SJWs call "banning", like getting GTA V removed from Kmart, were privately petitioned and agreed on by a private company. The suspension of that dude from Duck Dynasty for being a homophobe was also a private decision. Even when it comes to actual bans, like Hotline Miami 2 in Australia, people just assume the review board is SJW without considering of how conservative-leaning the legislature and judiciary are as a whole, and how much more ban-ready they are for sexually explicit media.

>people protested when the Australian government wanted to repeal hate speech laws

They protested in opposition to nationalist and anti-Islamic protests that were going on. There was violence, but both sides were participants. In any case, the speech is question that was complained against was street harassment on the basis of things like ethnicity. Laws already exist against verbally abusing people in public, I heard no complaints about it until the bigoted nature of some harassment was brought to attention.

>my university is legitimately having a debate on whether free speech should be allowed on campus
>stop pretending like it's a non issue

All societies regulate speech to some extent. Where we draw the boundary of "free speech" is a legitimate issue, but public discussion of it is generally over simplified and caricatured. There are more options than either being able to legally shout "fire" in a crowded theater, or living under totalitarian rule. When certain groups of people often experience harassment at university, the institution has every right to penalize students who are members for violating the rules of conduct.

>> No.6980930

>There aren't many.
maybe in America, much of the developed world has arbitrary hate speech laws that have been used to imprison
>They protested in opposition to nationalist and anti-Islamic protests that were going on
I'm talking about the 18C protests
>When certain groups of people often experience harassment at university
this isn't what's happening and this isn't what they're debating about

>> No.6980945
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Ernst Jünger is a nice parallel to Orwell. a radical anti-authoritarian yet not left-wing in the slightest.

>> No.6980980

coercing private citizens' opinions by hitting them in their wallets by targeting their publishers/producers because those publishers/producers are giant megacorporations who are terrified of ANY bad public relations is cowardice and anti-free speech. just because it's not a government legislating or mandating against duck dynasty hating faggots or blacks or whatever doesn't mean it isn't barbarism.

governments are ephemeral abstractions. what really matters is a culture. when your culture is filled with people whose reaction to someone holding private, trivial beliefs they disagree with is to try to get that person fired, you're in trouble. that is fundamentally an attempt to police thought and impose conformity by coercion. it's the equivalent of me stopping you from making the posts you're making right now because i know where you work and can harass your employer.

hiding behind the excuse that it's still free speech!!! no one is lobbying the government to attack duck dynasty's free speech!!! is literally what 17 year old girls on tumblr do when they're defending imposing their opinions on others. it's cultural barbarism. the only civilised thing to do when you hear something that offends and annoys you is to smile and maybe ask to hear more.

>> No.6980996
File: 452 KB, 2501x2471, ch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christopher Hitchens. Paul Wolfowitz. The liberation of Iraq was a noble enterprise. How dare anyone say otherwise.