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/lit/ - Literature

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6977278 No.6977278 [Reply] [Original]

In your opinion, who's the most overrated classic author, along with his or her corresponding fiction?

I'd have to say that would be Karl Marx. He wrote unfeasible idealistic shit (inb4 Rand) that is now worshipped by millions of clueless dimwits. His prose isn't even redeemably good in Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital is god awfully boring

>> No.6977299


>> No.6977300


>> No.6977317

Edmund Spenser

Just fuck me up

>> No.6977321

right on time for you shitposting tour, huh?


>> No.6977322

I hate almost all of the British writers before the 20th century. D.H. Lawrence and Tom Hardy aren't worth reading either.

>> No.6977328

May I ask what you find overrated about him? I enjoy the Faerie Queene, but I don't necessarily find him to be a GOAT English Poet (that belongs to Fhakefpeare or Milton, tbh). Do people often hold him in highest esteem? I don't encounter academic or literary types enough to know his reputation.

>> No.6977336

Just pleb incarnate over here

>> No.6977341
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Please don't be rude to anyone on 4Chan, friend.

>> No.6977343

I read some of Sons and Lovers and was not a fan. The beginning was great but the middle was so fucking boring I quit on it.

>> No.6977344

Milton wouldn't exist without Spenser just FYI

>> No.6977347

Yeah that's the issue. I studied him a lot in undergrad and his stuff (Faerie Queen) was just blatantly underwhelming in comparison to the other works covered in such courses (Milton, Chaucer, etc). I think he is just oh so boring (which I realize is a weak critique) but this sentiment is also shared by most academics I know. It sounds ridiculous, but I do think that Spenser will fade more and more Into obscurity as the years progress

>> No.6977353

Memes not means okay?

>> No.6977357

One of my favorite books

>> No.6977365
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Kevin Munoz

>> No.6977378

Read some better works then.

>> No.6977397

You really didn't find it compelling? The relationship between Paul and his mother was reason to finish it. All of the relationships were fascinating IMO. Just a fantastic read, I felt engaged and sympathetic the entire time. Perhaps because I grew up in rural mining town.

What are better books?

>> No.6977401


>> No.6977402

I know a lot of ppl that hate Marx and his work.
Probably, mostly of my friends do hate him.

I would say Shakespeare is way too overrated, since it isn't even proven that he has existed.

>> No.6977411

Maybe he likes way more different things than you, you aren't the only one book taste's truth.

>> No.6977602

Flaubert. His books feel like an amazing writer purposefully wrote the most dull characters and stories he could conceive.

>He wrote unfeasible idealistic
opinion discarded