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/lit/ - Literature

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6977082 No.6977082 [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/'s opinion on audiobooks?

I work a job where they allow me to listen to music/podcast/audiobooks while I work. Over all I find my retention goes down but I find it worth it if it means I can get through some books while at work/driving.

>> No.6977112

'The Martian' is a great book. In my opinion its only defect is that it isn't longer -- the story could go on indefinitely if it was up to me.

What /lit/ fails to understand is that not only 'philosophy' is dead but their so called 'literature' is dead as well.

This is exactly why I think 'The Martian' is a ground breaking book. Its a scientifically precise bestseller. When did that happen before? Never.

'The Martian' is the first of a new generation of books that will blend quality literature and scientifically accurate facts.

'The Martian' was such a success that my guess is that from now on all books will try to blend these two sides of the same coin: science and art.

>> No.6977116

You shouldnt listen to it while driving, mate.

>> No.6977122

Why not?
I live in a flyover state with next to no traffic. I understand why you might not want to listen during like rush hour in New York City but where i'm at there is like no distractions.

>> No.6977132

I feel like in theory this pasta works, but I'm not finding it funny at the moment. Maybe someone will take the b8 and respond seriously, that would be funny.

>> No.6977137
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>> No.6977152

I guess it does depends on the attention you have to give to your driving, but I'm never relaxed while I'm driving myself. I always listen to audiobooks when I'm doing some menial task at work, which is a lot of the time since I work in a lab. I also listen exclusively to genre fiction.

>> No.6977158

It's a pasta from the /sci/ raid, you fagit.

>> No.6978223

just finished listening to "The Martian" 1 hour ago. Great book. Compelling story, got me excited some times.

>> No.6979037


tbh hopefully they rewrite old books to be like the Martian and burn all of the originals.

Imagine if Quasimodo, instead of being an extremely ugly, deaf man doomed to a life of misery was actually an attractive young man who made quips about everything! Literature would rise from the ashes and be reborn into something great, instead of the shit that literature has been for the past few millennia.

>> No.6979055

I quiet enjoyed the Martian. I was only a little dissapointed that the Mark didnt grow insane. I mean comeon, being a year alone and always awaiting something to fuck up? Its bound to loose a few springs in your head.

>> No.6979067 [DELETED] 

>all these reddit spaces
>leading up to nowhere

this pasta needs to go through at least five more rewrites

>> No.6979085

I'd never listen to an audiobook for a book that I actually care about, but for something rubbish like what you posted, or ASOIAF, I might consider an audiobook. There's no way in hell I'd ever bother reading them, but if I at least have a vague understanding of them, then I'll seem like less of a literary elitist around the normies.

It makes menial tasks like cleaning and doing the dishes slightly more bearable, but I've found recently that taking audio lessons for other languages is a slightly better use of that time.

>> No.6980418

so basically you just wanted Matt damon in Interstellar instead of Matt Damon in the Martian

>> No.6980788

>I work a job where they allow me to listen to music/podcast/audiobooks while I work.

if only
this is my dream

what do you do

>> No.6981948

Loved the characters humour in it, and how he explained everything in dumb terms so someone who knows little to nothing about it can get the idea and keep up with the story. It was a really refreshing read.

>> No.6981970

I think the reason he didn't go insane is he had hope. He didn't go a complete year without ANY human contact, as he was able to send and receive messages.

>> No.6982014


Audiobooks can be okay and sometimes they can be fucking awful. I've listened to one or two that were read by some fucking awful amateur dramatic bitch and she gave every these terrible voices and overemphasized everything. I think a lot of the beauty of prose can be lost when you don't read as well.

If they're well read I think they're okay. Just make sure to pick something a bit lighter that you don't mind missing bits of unless you're listening to them in a car. I used to listen to a lot of non-fiction and short stories. I really liked the New Yorker's fiction podcast.


There are a lot of shitty jobs that let you do this. I got to do it as both a gardener and a chef.