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/lit/ - Literature

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6976372 No.6976372 [Reply] [Original]

start out thinking that /lit/ was the smartest board on here, only to gradually realize it's actually the LEAST intelligent? It took me about a year realize that THIS is the true containment board. Peace out guys, I'll be on /fit/, /sp/, and /out/.

>> No.6976377

I'm more disappointed in your lack of effort tbh.

>> No.6976379


>> No.6976389
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>least intelligent
>I'll be on... /fit/... /sp/

At least you tried anon.

>> No.6976392

It's true though. /lit/ is the equivalent of that bunch of kids at school who sit around talking about politics and ideas they don't actually understand to try and make up for being outcasts.

>> No.6976393

>I'll be on /fit/, /sp/


>> No.6976400

Pffft, one year? It took me a few minutes.

>> No.6976402

The sad thing is, I've actually gotten better book recommendations and discussions on /fit/ than I have on here.

>> No.6976408
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I still don't understand. Is challenging your perspective and learning through mistakes anti-intellectual now?

>> No.6976433

Lol because that doesn't actually happen. This place is a circlejerk of regurgitated pseudo-intellectual babble spouted off by people who are trying to overcompensate for not actually living their lives.

Folk here don't have careers, relationships, or self-esteem, and they fill the void reading everything by Pynchon and fooling themselves into thinking they're a better person for it.

Literally everytime I've tried to start a discussion on books that aren't meme-related or tryhard tier I get crickets.

There's very little challenging of perspectives on this board.

>> No.6976437


At least /lit/ tries though, even if they don't succeed.

Better than clogging your mind with banal things like superhero comics or oriental pornography at least

>> No.6976446

The problem is, /lit/ is the least honest about their pursuit.

>> No.6976449
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I think that's just the internet.

>> No.6976469

Bro, real talk, I think you might be mistaken.

/fit/ and /sp/ can have mad bantz and kekz but recently on here there was a pretty fucking serious buddhist thread where this one homie was laying down some sweet ass links on Nagarjuna and some of the real old time homies and it was legit as fuck.

In essence, fuck this trolling, I'm out.

>> No.6976485

noble savage fallacy detected

>> No.6976493

Please enlighten me as to what these are

>> No.6976501

What books have you tried to discuss? Are you pleb?

Also, I do think you're mistaken. We had a great Milton thread just yesterday. I think the issue may be that you can't contribute to these threads and you assume they are just regurgitated pseudo-intellectual babble. Then, because you were BTFO or ignored or whatever, you felt compelled to make this thread, even though nobody really cares that you're going to be shitposting about the Lakers on /sp/ or asking about gym membership prices on /fit/

this place is anything but

>> No.6976508

OP is already losing ground and reconstructing his argument to be about 'honesty'

Tbh though I actually recommend you go to /sp/ and /fit/. This board isn't for everyone

>> No.6976511

This thread is shit but every time I see that wolf with that watermelon I smile and get happy.

>> No.6976525

made a thread to discuss sports books a little while ago, one reply. Made the same thread on /sp/, obviously got lots of replies but the thread also turned into a discussion on the technical proficiency of AJ Leibling's writing, Leonard Gardner being a one hit wonder compared to Harper Lee, which turned into a discussion of Go Set a Watchman, and some pretty good talk on HST (as opposed to /lit/s usual "OMG GUYS WAZ HE GAY?!?!?")

Same thing when I tried to make a thread to talk about Marcus Aurelius' Meditations. On /lit/:
>start with the Greeks KEK
>pleb translation!

made the same thread on /fit/ and got real talk about the works' relevance today and its relation to other literature. /fit/ also knows way more about Moby Dick and Melville than here.

>> No.6976539

Yes, /lit/ is an intellectual cesspool full of self-aggrandizing faggots and the trolls who love to bait them.

I sorta like it that way.

>> No.6976547

>start with the Greeks KEK
>pleb translation!

Those are jokes anon, due to how over-discussed it is. On /fit/ it's something special and treated as such.

>> No.6976560

>this book is discussed so much that we can't discuss it
>not just covering up for never having read it

>> No.6976563

You're fucking delusional man. And I remember that 'sports books' thread, I thought it was a joke. That's your fault for making it.

Aurelius's Meditations are pretty boring to discuss to be quite honest because most of it can be summed up to "just be a good guy." It's fine if you're introing to philosophy but there is a reason college courses put much more emphasis on Plato and Aristotle and merely graze over Aurelius.

Harper Lee's GSaW has been discussed to DEATH already and there has been plenty of fine discussion surrounding it. The problem is that most people on /lit/ are trying to get a solid grounding in older works before reading contemporary stuff like GSaW (plus Euros do not give a fuck about this book because it's a glorified draft of a strictly American novel relevant to Americans (this is why /sp/, where Americans congregate in droves, had some discussion of the book)). I know this is the case for me, and I don't really WANT to read GSaW when there is plenty of good literature to read. I don't want to waste my time on something I'm not interested in when I can be reading works that are important and well-written (GSaW is a fucking mess from the excerpts I've seen). Plebs on /sp/ or /fit/ read pleb books. That's why they can discuss them.

tl;dr You literally want to discuss sports books, Meditations, and GSaW. If you want to discuss pleb books, I actually think /sp/ and /fit/, where people DON'T value classic literature, is perfect for you. I would suggest staying there and I wish you the best in your inevitable thread about Ready Player One or whatever you're currently reading.

>/fit/ also knows way more about Moby Dick and Melville than here.


>> No.6976569

You're right, the /lit/ archives show just one thread on Aurelius (yours) and actually zero threads on the obscure gem Moby Dick. We just don't read any books.

>> No.6976570

If you were a fulfilled person with mental stability you wouldn't be on 4chan in the first place, retard.

>> No.6976573

Not him, but this was only true 5+ years ago. For better or worse, /lit/ and 4chan in general is fairly mainstreamed.

>> No.6976578

What are you even on about?

If you want to discuss books and ideas start threads about them.

If the threads are about stoicism or fitness books don't expect much feedback though motherfucker. Stoicism is essentially Western Philosophy Monasticism that contempory reactionaries like to play at doing and fitness books are rarely discussed here, because this is /lit/ so the main objects of interest are typically fiction, poetry, and philosophy.

>> No.6976580

>make a thread about sports writing
>/lit/ thinks it must be a joke

jesus christ this pretty much proves OP's point

>> No.6976585

>guy complains about lack of any substantive discussion outside of gay memes
>youre fucking delusional bro, maybe if you just didnt read pleb books heh

Like you guys are posting deep shit about all these supposedly patrician books all the other times. I can count on my hands the number of really interesting, insightful posts ive read on here

>> No.6976591

No, no, you misunderstand. He didn't want a book on sports writing, he wanted fictional narratives surrounding sports players. I, admittedly, did think that was a joke.

Oh okay if you say so it must be true nvm

>> No.6976596

thats just like your hermeneutic horizon mang

>> No.6976597

Think of this place as a book club, at least half of the discussion here is devoted to the book club books.

This is one of the last semi-exclusive corners of the internet because of this.

>> No.6976599

Who the fuck comes to /lit/ for philosophy? I just like reading shit.

>> No.6976601

Did /sp/ get linked here, or what?

>> No.6976603

people who also like reading shit but are specifically interested in reading philosophy

>> No.6976610

not "fitness books", just fiction or nonfiction on sports.

It's a pretty big deal with some writers and works being extremely influential in the literary world...

Most people here don't even realize that Hunter S was primarily a sports writer and that all the drugs and gonzo stuff was but a small sliver of his work.

Norman Mailer, Mark Twain, even DFW all wrote about sports occasionally.

>> No.6976611

Plebian is a word for 'commoner'

GSaW, Meditations, and 'sports books' are commoner books, meaning that, people who don't consider their primary hobby to be reading have probably read/plan to read these books, thus they can be discussed pretty much anywhere.

>gay meme books

>> No.6976621

Well I guess that makes sense, sorry for sounding judgemental.

>> No.6976622

> fictional narratives surrounding sports players
not my thread
I literally asked "What is your favorite baseball, or sports book in general?" and posted a pic of my favorite, Seasons In Hell by Mark Shropshire.

One response.

>> No.6976624

>I want business books
>ask /lit/
>almost no discussion
>ask /biz/
>tons of recs
Wow /lit/ you fucking plebs how come you don't discuss what I want. Least intelligent board IMO

>> No.6976635

it's okay anon, you're a good dude :)

>> No.6976636

we just don't read books like this, I'm sorry. I don't give a shit about sports and I think a lot of people here don't. Just stick to /sp/ (where that post should've been made in the first place).

>> No.6976640

>nerds on /sp/
stay on your containment board fam

>> No.6976642
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Does /lit/ talk about genre fiction at all? Because it seems like ya really don't.

>> No.6976643


>> No.6976658
File: 31 KB, 326x499, sprots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you like The Rookie by Jim Morris? /lit/ doesn't talk about it because they're plebs (lmao) but I think it's actually a groundbreaking work of fiction. I seriously cried when It was over I just love sprots

>> No.6976666



>> No.6976669

Seen the movie, didn't even know it was a book. I'll check it out though, thanks.

>> No.6976670

omg reviewbrah enabled comments

>> No.6976688

Saying you don't read sports books because they're about sports is like saying you don't watch any sports movies because they are about sports. Nothing is stopping you, but you're a massive faggot and missing out on some amazing works of art.

>> No.6976705

you guys are fucking pretetnious this board would be far better if you wanna be "patricians" we're kicked out. I agree with OP on /fit/ we have plenty of in depth, insightful discussions of philosophy and literature. For example we discuss how Neitchze's Ubermensch links in with getting muscular gains and how we can become Ubermenches, something that barely gets brought up here (all that is brought up here is "start with the greeks xD" or "read infinite jest xD")

>> No.6976711

poor bait

>> No.6976714

Would you fuck off I'm not reading about some highschool hometown hero who pitched a 235 mph fastball in the bottom of the ninth and won the heart of his sassy, southern love interest. Im just not doing it

>> No.6976724

This is pure ideology at its most fundamental level.

>> No.6976725

/lit/ isn't the dumbest board but they're not as smart as they think
lot of first year uni tier shit, refuse to read economic books, think that reading books makes them smart (as opposed to actually being smart)

>> No.6976727

Would you fuck off I'm not reading about some demented old geezer who tries to chop down windmills with his sassy, spanish caretaker. I'm just not doing it

>> No.6976729

English is not my first language, sorry if I made mistakes. But really we do have good discussions on /fit/ not just about Neitchze, we talk about War and Peace, Iliad, and Odysey, and other manly books (not in a /r9k/ way but like motivational)

>> No.6976735

There are fantasy, sci-fi, and horror threads all the time. Lurk more.

>> No.6976739

there's a general dedicated to it

>> No.6976740

still bait

>> No.6976749

well I dont care what you think, but seriously dont think /fit/ is shit because its really not

>> No.6976751
File: 70 KB, 520x599, 1423715006740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought /lit/ was all philosophy & classics, but thanks for correcting me senpai.

>> No.6976758


>> No.6976774
File: 51 KB, 550x550, 4 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for handy link.

>> No.6976775

>refuse to read economic books
>they don't take an interest in what I study, which is the objective measuring stick of intelligence

I think /fit/ is the most interesting board to observe merely because the userbase is convinced that they're good at everything

>Are you a good cook?
Absolutely, I make chicken breast and broccoli nearly everyday

>Are you well-read?
I love Meditations, Catch-22, and the wiki for Nietzsche, so yeah.

>Do you know anything about cars?
Yes, I had cold-air intake installed about a month ago. Really improved my mpg. Also I changed my own brakes.

>Know anything about science?
Passed my freshman year of chem with a B+ so I would say so, yeah. I don't major in it or anything but I'm pretty smart when it comes to science.

It's really just a delusional place. I don't mind it, but they're all just mediocre at nearly everything, or so they say. I also consider it to be a subreddit for the most part.

>> No.6976791

I'd rather talk to people who are mediocre at everything than people who are experts on 3 authors and total failures in every other aspect of life.

>> No.6976795

Well it sounds as if /fit/ is the place for you!

I also think it's one of the stupider boards

>> No.6976797


>> No.6976800

>they don't take an interest in what I study, which is the objective measuring stick of intelligence
that isn't even close to what I said

>> No.6976806
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Remember folks, no matter how pretentious /lit/ can be, they'll never be as pretentious as /mu/.

>> No.6976810

So if the bit about economics wasn't used to reinforce the notion that taking an interest in economics makes you intelligent (which im assuming is your major), why was it included? Just a fun bit of superfluous info?

>> No.6976811

atleast /mu/ has abit of cheeky banter about it; /fa/ is the real shithole

>> No.6976815

Does anyone have the picture of the /fa/ meetup? Jesus Christ, for a board about fashion they sure dress like faggots.

>> No.6976827

more the fact that half the board calls itself Marxist but refuses to read anything outside of Marx w/r/t economics
it is not my major

>> No.6976835

>half the board calls itself Marxist

>> No.6976840

yes I admit that's an exaggeration but the point stands

>> No.6976847

The point does not stand. A couple shitposters posturing about Marx does not mean the entirety of /lit/ doesn't take an interest in economics or that this is indicative of intelligence anyway

>> No.6976850

All me

>> No.6976852
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nah but this is grabbed out of one of there threads

>> No.6976858

I fully admit I will never understand fashion

>> No.6976859

I'm new on /lit/. this thread makes we want to leave

>> No.6976862

the spookiest of spooks

>> No.6976864
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>My "going for a jog" clothes are fashion

>> No.6976865

if you don't dress well (or at least attempt to cultivate an informed aesthetic) you are not smart

>> No.6976866

it's a meme thread kiddo; if you can't handle it, it's okay; we all have to face the memes eventually

>> No.6976868
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Grabbed this from /fa/

>> No.6976869

>being this much of a cuck for what other people think

>> No.6976872


fashion should be the first thing a literate faggot should analyse for ideology trends

>> No.6976873
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Also grabbed this from /fa/

>> No.6976875

>*teleports behind you*

>> No.6976877

yeah literary *faggots*

>> No.6976879

at what point did I say /fa/ dresses well

>> No.6976880
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And this

>> No.6976885
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Here's the best one IMO

>> No.6976890


that's... fine but the shoes oh god

>> No.6976896

you need to learn to distinguish between serious posts and sarcastic (You) bait

>> No.6976897

you just don't get high fashion
seriously stop trying to critique your aesthetic betters
were laughing at you on fa
we are far better than all of you aesthetically

>> No.6976910
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you just gotta wear whatever you think looks good, man

>> No.6976913
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Help me distinguish

>> No.6976919
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>Better than clogging your mind with banal things like superhero comics or oriental pornography at least

Minds don't get clogged, you fucking loser.

Yes OP, this is the board where losers come to rationalize not being able to do five pushups with their intelligence and pretend like people with money who party every weekend are somehow not real people all while doing a college degree where they're required to hand in a meaningless homework essay every weekend to maintain the illusion they're doing something with their life.

The sheer amount of mundane shit that /lit/ posters try to make profound by putting it into prose is hilarious. No, you are not cultured for eating X while drinking Y while listening to Z while reading BOOK. That m'lady in your class with le fiery hair and attitude to match who also likes a videogame you like is a 6/10 no matter how much poetry you write about her.

It's just great, really OP. If you're not partaking in it, fine, but if you're not laughing at it then maybe you aren't as above it all as you think you are.

tl;dr fuck /lit/ and the literal homosexuals on this board

>> No.6976923
File: 696 KB, 1536x2048, bullyme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just someone who dresses badly but not even offensively

>> No.6976927

nice projecting

>> No.6976932
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Is this /fa/ or no

>> No.6976934

fuck yeah Chad

U coming to megans tmrrw so we can down sum brewskis bruh bruh????

>> No.6976935

>I live to affirm spooks, so if you don't too, you're pretentious
kill yourself my man.

>> No.6976956

/lit/ is the /tv/ of books. Well okay, /tv/ used to be patrish at least

>> No.6976958
File: 461 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /fa/

>> No.6976982

all boards on 4chan are equally the least intelligent. this whole site is toxic to intelligence.
the only one i have ever visited that contained a modicum of intelligence was the papercraft one, so i guess that wins

>> No.6977003


what do you really mean with it being toxic to intelligence

if anything, 4chan made me much more social aware

>> No.6977013

Holy shit, no one has mentioned this?
This is a dumb board.

>> No.6977028
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At least they're self-aware

>> No.6977042


lel what

The implication was that this site in general obsessively escapist. Literature can serve that purpose, but there's still a lot of interest in philosophy, history, and similar topics too.

Nothing at all to do with your culture spook

>> No.6977043

I think it comes down to the physical features. If a model wore their clothes he would be 10/10 but if anyone else does they look like a tryhard

>> No.6977054

True, Bingwen Yang's suspenders are pretty sick tbh

>> No.6977427


I can't say anything about /fit/, but /sp/ has a deserved reputation as one of the best boards on 4chan, for its humor, banter, and engagement with its subject. "Smart" might be a bit of a stretch, but they know their subject.

Most of 4chan is the 18-25 demo anyway, and there's really only so "smart" that you can be before your brain has effectively finished developing.

>> No.6977443

/sp/ is shit and has been for the last couple of years

everyone interesting on the board got banned

>> No.6977512

are you a britbong?