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/lit/ - Literature

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6974688 No.6974688 [Reply] [Original]

>read/watch "mindless entertainment"
>start picking up classical symbolism, social and political metaphors and references to mythology and literature
>try to talk to other fans about it
>"You fucking retard, it's just mindless entertainment! There's no deeper meaning!"

Anyone else here have this experience on a regular basis?

>> No.6974730

The people hired to write a lot of it tend to be nerds who are versed in the classics, social issues and politics due to the liberal arts model of college education.

This doesn't change the fact that their job is to dilute and digest it all in a way that's meant to be appealing to people who either don't recognize or care about most of it.

>> No.6974746

but does that mean that depth is invalid?

>> No.6974752

You're not going to listen to me, but leave this board now and come by when you're 18+.

>> No.6974754

Valid or not, it tends to be shallow as fuck in most of the sorts of things you're talking about. Not all depth is equal. TV show X is a puddle while something like Ulysses is an ocean.

>> No.6974772

I did this with Berserk when I first read it

>> No.6974798

I get the feeling you are not as unbiased as you believe. how can you be sure you are not judging a work based on public consensus? Mind you, I have not mentioned a single article of media, but you have already made your judgement based on my vague description.

Not only are you judging a book by it's cover, you are imagining a cover and book based on a simple text post about prejudgement.

how do you know that there isn't some random anime full of cat girls with huge tits out there deeper than Ulysses. I know that sounds blasphemous, but I consider it a travesty that one will never be judged on its meerit because it sought to be entertaining rather than inaccessible and chose to present itself as fun rather than thoughtful

>> No.6974806

No, we're judging the media that a retard like yourself would consume and defend.
>how do you know that there isn't some random anime full of cat girls with huge tits out there deeper than Ulysses
>the value of art is determined by how 'deep' it is
You don't understand, I want you to come back when you're over 18. It's for your own good.

>> No.6974815

first of all I'm in my 2's

second, what does define the value of literature

>> No.6974826

I'm judging these things based on my own experiences with them. If you want to talk about specific things then name them.

>> No.6974936

>how do you know that there isn't some random anime full of cat girls with huge tits out there deeper than Ulysses.
Because a television show just can't do literary depth. Now, could there be an anime as "deep" as Citizen Kane? Possibly, but I have a hard time imagining it since the surface aesthetic is so unappetizing.

Anyway, I'm arguing with an idiot, since only an idiot would claim that Ulysses is inaccessible and not fun or entertaining. I can tell you this: Ulysses is way, way funnier than any cat girl anime ever will be. I was avin a larf all throughout "Cyclops" and "Circe." In particular, the passage involving F.O.T.E.I. in "Cyclops" (if you've read the book you'll know what I'm talking about) is not just possibly the funniest thing I've ever read, but also one of the funniest pieces of media I've ever consumed in any form. Literally for a few days I was periodically chuckling because it was still fresh in my mind. I dare you to find a scene from an anime as funny as the F.O.T.E.I. passage.
Also, I should note I originally typed "enemy" instead of "anime." Talk about a Freudian slip, eh?

>> No.6976448

>Because a television show just can't do literary depth.

and the reason you say that being? Quality is the product of skill and creativity, not the medium. Whether or not the quality exceeds that of classic literature is beside the point. The matter is capacity

>> No.6976816
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It's a side effect of coming to this hellhole. Too bad it's addictive. Anyway, read what you like, and don't worry about it.

>> No.6976830
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>read/watch "high art"
>pick up on cool plot lines, awesome characters, overall funny and entertaining stuff
>try to talk to other fans about it
>"You fucking retard, it's more than just mindless entertainment! Look for deeper meanings!"

>> No.6976844
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This is my life.

>> No.6976860

Not him but it's right there in the phrase: "literary" depth. Visual mediums do not have the same ability to get knuckle-deep in characterization/themes/philosophy as literature, due to the stringent requirements of aesthetics in visual media.

It's the difference between bringing up a social issue, and truly exploring all sides of that issue and how it affects people.

>> No.6976943

anon, you're forgetting that posters here can be well aware of the content on other boards. they will know that there is maybe one comic book, or one anime etc. in existence that is both discussed on 4chan as well as capable of utilizing sophisticated concepts on the level of heavy literature. books tend to have more breathing space and opportunities to use philosophical concepts and intertextuality.

I am aware of Sandman winning a literary award for one of its volumes, because one of the stories has a focus on Shakespeare. academic articles have been written about Serial Experiments Lain, if the wiki article is to believed, because of the various philosophical concepts put forward. these occurrences are already extremely rare.

your suggestion that some random sexy catgirl anime might somehow, accidentally, be more complex than Ulyssess is an astronomically unlikely miracle straight out of the infinite monkey theorem. like, holy shit.

I don't get your first post anyway. wouldn't fans be proud to hear that there's some secret clue and other super deep shit hidden away in their favorite chinese cartoons?

>> No.6976945


>> No.6976977

Anon, you need to stop over-analyzing everything :p

>> No.6976988

>what is acting