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/lit/ - Literature

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6972939 No.6972939 [Reply] [Original]

>>'Make a passing reference to the “David Foster Wallace fanboy” and you can assume the reader knows whom you’re talking about; he’s the type who’s pestered at least one woman to the point that she quit reading Infinite Jest in public. Infinite Jest — a novel that appears high on the list of “Books That Literally All White Men Own.”

>>'How did poor David Foster Wallace go from dissecting the pretensions and shortcomings of mid-century men of letters to holding a central place in the pretensions of their heirs?

bad news bros

>> No.6972946

I'm not a big fan of Wallace, but most of his fans do not understand him at all it seems.

>> No.6972956

read this earlier today, the sheer amount of bitterness from the author is the only consistent theme in a frantic, conjecture-filled mess.

>> No.6972965

That is, I read it before they took the comment section down.

>> No.6972970
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>> No.6972984

>muh white people
>muh men

>> No.6972994

>This is not about the writing itself

So who gives a shit?

>> No.6973003

>Books That Literally All White Men Own.”
nice condescension. Clearly white men should be ashamed to appreciate a common thing.

>> No.6973004

>poor David Foster Wallace
He may have been sad, but at no point was he poor.

>> No.6973029

>he doesn't live and breathe the literary lifestyle

>> No.6973043

From Wikipedia:

>By 2006, 150,000 copies of Infinite Jest had been sold.

The amount of people that have even heard of Infinite Jest is, in the grand scheme of things, very small. The amount of people who own it is even less. The amount of people who have read it is less again. You then have to subtract the people who have read it and either a) love it in a non-annoying way or b) didn't care for it. You're then left with a very small number of people. It's not anyones fault but the author's that she elects to spend her time with this incredibly small group of pseudo-intellectuals that she is quite clearly just another member of.

>> No.6973052

What's so literary about a retarded "lel silly boys and their pissing contests :^)" article? Women are just as "guilty" of that kind of shit as men are. They just tend to approach it in a passive-aggressive way.

>> No.6973053


/lit/ you misogynist pigs, don't you know all non-YA literature is conducive to the patriarchal machine?

>> No.6973073

I shouldn't have looked at the comments.

>> No.6973146

Was that supposed to be funny or something? Where's the punchline?

>> No.6973181

I'm a white college aged male and I enjoyed his non fiction.

I'm totally reflecting on that now. I'm totally looking inside and seeing the comedic horror of Who I Truly Am. That's what you want, right?

>> No.6973186

Now that image takes me back.

>> No.6973298

>Hub and I own maybe ten of these between us -- all good ones! -- so I guess I chose the right white man. My crappy first boyfriend, on the other hand, fits the list to a t.

>> No.6973309

oh dear

>> No.6973345


>> No.6973362

>nearly 3/4ths of them great or decent
>hurr cracka ass bullshit
Public execution when?

>> No.6973405

it amuses me when people try to bring back whom but do it incorrectly. i wonder what will happen to the word in the future

>> No.6973576

First of all, the woman who "quit reading halfway through Infinite Jest" because she was apparently being harassed by DFW fans, or so the article implies, pretty explicitly states in her OWN article that she quit reading it because she hated it.

Second of all, I have not met one person off /lit/ who has heard of this book. Maybe I'm hanging out with the wrong people, I don't know.

Either way this seems like more female hysteria bullshit, more of the fucking ridiculous tactic of forcing issues where there aren't any as some sort of method of "feminism". I'm female, I'm currently reading IJ, and thus far I have not received one single negative comment about it. But then again I exist in a world where whatever book I'm reading isn't *so desperately important* that I have to harp on the fact that men are commenting on it.

Plus this bitch never even says why she was being interrupted. Maybe they wanted her opinion and just didn't know how to ask her about it because she was being a frigid bitch and thinking to herself, oh here we go another white male trying to oppress me.

>> No.6973645


>> No.6973673

Anybody who ascribes themselves to any political thought ought to be gassed.

>> No.6973690


That presupposes an apparatus able to round up and execute those individuals which would require a formal policy of social organization.

Since you advocate it, it appears that you have ascribed yourself to a particular political thought and must be gassed according to your own dictate.

>> No.6973714

>How did poor David Foster Wallace go from dissecting the pretensions and shortcomings of mid-century men of letters to holding a central place in the pretensions of their heirs
I don't know why people beatify DFW. He was super pretentious, super pedantic, and a bit of a narcissist. And I'm saying this as a fan.

>> No.6973728

Because they're retarded. It's that simple.

>> No.6973740

>Infinite Jest is huge, and promoted as such, attracting the kind of praise reserved for successors to Ulysses and Gravity’s Rainbow.
My god. The entire meme trilogy in a sentence. How much would you bet the authors of the article post on /lit/?

>> No.6973786
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Archive link?

>> No.6973795
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I'm so sick of these cunts. Imagine how enraged they would be if one of their precious huffington post websites made a joke like that about black people or women. Fucking hypocrites.

Books that literally all black men Own:

Page Intentionally Left Blank

>> No.6973800

The perfect book for millennial faggots

>> No.6973803
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I hate you for pointing me to this article. I try to pretend these people don't exist.

>> No.6973811

but anon don't you know you can't be racist towards white males? it's like, totally a rule dude

>> No.6973816

I'm pretty sure I'd never met anyone who knew who DFW was or had read IJ before I arrived at my extremely expensive and prestigious New England liberal arts college, where I met a handful. None of my English professors have read Infinite Jest, and when it was twice asked in class if anyone had read it, mine was the only hand up. Given that Wallace INTENDED (by his own admission) Infinite Jest for the "overeducated rich white mostly male people" demographic, this should come as no surprise.

That the author thinks DFW fans are a substantial percentage of the white male population suggests that she herself rarely takes a serious look outside of that comfy bubble of polite, high achieving society, and doesn't respect the white men outside of it enough to even notice their existence. This whole article is just an angsty bitch fussing at the men she perceives as belonging to her little community, and showing how myopic and privileged her own view of the world is at the same time.

>> No.6973821

I got all worked up for nothing.
There's nothing worth reading on this list.

>> No.6973822

very little. both of those books have a reputation outside of /lit/. you have the order backwards.

it would be like saying "how much would you bet roger ebert posts on /tv/" just because he liked christopher nolan movies

>> No.6973831

Sure, all three books have a reputation, but mentioning exactly and only them together is a bit more of a stretch.

>> No.6973856

>tfw someone has stolen my idea of trolling 4chan using buzzfeed articles

>> No.6973861

>Great Gatsby
>Lord of the Flies
>Catcher in the Rye
>A Farewell to Arms
>One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Wut, these are all books I read in a public high school, and most of my honors English classes were women or Asian. Unless they have radically changed reading lists in the last half decade, there is no unique connection between these books and white men. Also, Rich Dar, Poor Dad is definitely way more popular with minorities than white people, it was the 'uplifting book' of lower middle class. I was actually given a copy of it when I was a teen by a black friend of the family who had 'made it' into solid middle class status and wanted to share the advice that 'helped' him.

>> No.6973881


> Rotund white woman tries to remember all the books she's even seen any man read, ever

>> No.6973883


>> No.6973884

No, those are all still widely read in high school or sometimes middle school.

>> No.6973890
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>white men as an identity

>> No.6973910
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>women and minorities are whining bitterly again


>> No.6973917


Such as slavery, that shit was pretty awesome

>> No.6973932

Where did I state otherwise?

>> No.6973940

considering >>6973043 I'd say 3/4

>> No.6973971

Does she mean to imply that literature which conveys itself as a challenge and is appreciated as such is some wholly male trapping, and as such, is completely worthless, ridiculous, petty, and somehow 'chauvinistic?'
don't think i properly understand this article's point.

>> No.6973976


Stop being a tryhard

The article is just clickbait shitposting

>> No.6973977

It doesn't have a point. It's one of those generic vaguely "feminist" articles where some bitch comments on men in a nonsensical way.

>> No.6974075

My one black friend admits to not reading. He doesn't like it. He's maybe read one or two books in his life. But he wants to be a writer.

Good luck to him.

>> No.6974095

Probably the most extreme example of wanting to be a writer rather than wanting to write.

>> No.6974117
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Fuck everyone who talks like this

>> No.6974122
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>> No.6974139

it's sometimes fun.
well good.

>> No.6974153

>"has any female writer ever been considered a threat by a male one?”

Not since Woolf tbh

>> No.6974163

books that all women own:

jane eyre

to kill a mockingbird


we should do it

>> No.6974169

>haha white men read books and these books are popular SO TRUE AHA IM CRYING this is LITERALLY perfect

>> No.6974171

Most of them seems to be boring American bullshit tbh.

I say that as a patrician foreigner kek.

Jokes aside it's mostly memebooks and NY bestsellers of the past 10 years, with a few greats thrown in, smh.

I don't know what smh means, actually.

>> No.6974174

is it accusative-only? Or is it just not used to introduce a relative clause? tbh I don't actually know, myself. I was told it's any time it's the object.

>> No.6974176


shake my head

>> No.6974181
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>> No.6974190

Is this supposed to be insulting? Fucking Gravity's Rainbow, I Claudius, and Hemingway?
>oh fuck me right haha

>> No.6974198

This tbh

As long as these females exist, im happy

>> No.6974205

You were told correctly; other anon either doesn’t know what he’s talking about or wasn’t referring to the quoted text

>> No.6974213

fucking lol at this ny mag writer. garbage

>> No.6974228

That's not a very fair comparison since the list in the article is more affectionate parody than mean racist joke.

But I get your point.
You're right but probably the article is just clickbait. Which means the author doesn't even need to believe what she wrote. For what you know the writing was outsourced to an Indian student of English in Delhi with a huge dataset to know which buzzwords to use.

That said, the expression "overeducated" strikes me as strange. There is no such thing as being overeducated, either you're educated enough, or not educated enough, or no educated in what you need to be educated in. Having a big English vocabulary, having read more 1950-to-1990 novels and short stories collection written by people in NY than 95% of the population and knowing a bunch of trivia about maths and music and whatnot doesn't make you overeducated, it makes you cultured but barely educated.

This. Ulysses is a reference even outside the Anglosphere and most people who've heard of IJ have also heard of Pynchon. The real significant factor is IJ here.

I have a black friend who told me he can't stand reading fiction, not even mangas, but he could spend all day reading history, textbooks, technical article and even essays (though that's what he like less among those). The textbooks he likes are always the driest also.

He's going to start working on his thesis on optimization and statistics in a month, while following advanced physics course on the side.

He also puts a lot of emphasis on understanding the purpose and signification and things when dealing with technical material (he's quite skeptical of the publishing standards in the scientific community for instance).

He's a very strange case. Not very relevant, but I wanted to submit him to /lit's expertise.

>> No.6974229

>my current husband is retarded and I am also retarded
>my old boyfriend read a lot of books lmao what a piece of shit

>you get em girl

>> No.6974232

Thanks. I learnt something today.

I smh at you as a token of gratitude.

>> No.6974376

I fucking hate women

>> No.6974519


Somebody didn't read the Tolkien vs Rand meme when they posted that list.

>> No.6974544

"Overeducated" usually means more formal education than necessary for your role in society, and since there's not a standard for that it's all about perception. This is true of a ton of people with liberal arts degrees, even if their jobs are demanding. They're cultured, and maybe even well-read and introspective enough to question what they do day-to-day. You may be surprised how much more common and well-defined that sort of angst is amongst the educated people who aren't total autists than it is among common slobs.

Of course to the author of the clickbait (I chose to address it in good faith rather than dismiss it out of hand and let the thread die) just means that white men shouldn't go to college so much because it makes others feel bad, so they're "overeducated."

>> No.6974574

Okay, this makes sense.

But wasn't "overeducated" used first by DFW ?

>> No.6974617

I said that in my first post. I don't recall the exact quote but he used the word "overeducated" to describe the type of person he had in mind as an audience when he wrote Infinite Jest. I think part of the reason it's so strange is to make it stand out from the numerous other books anyone with a liberal arts degree has digested, basically to make sure it forces you to work no matter who you are. Forcing the audience to actively participate in sorting the book out is, according to the author, part of the purpose for its structure, to point up how passive and relatively unsatisfying a lot of entertainment really is. For the average pleb, this could be accomplished with a much simpler novel, but to get through to people who went to Ivy League and NESCAC schools, Wallace had to create Infinite Jest as we know it.

>> No.6974654

Hey not all of us are like this. I'd rather hang out here than over there, that's for damn sure.

>> No.6975023

I envy you

>> No.6975034

damn dude thats nostalgic

>> No.6975038
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The article is of course total shit as it's not about the writing at all, but it's still hilarious to see all the buttpain from DFW fanbois.

>> No.6975039

Movie should be about a clueless idiot, based on his non-fiction essays

>do a David Lynch impression
>omg what a jerk

>> No.6975059

>a list of popular books that most people own at least one of

Corrected for accuracy.

>> No.6975091

>had to create Infinite Jest
not really there are much more important things than white boi peepee waving

>> No.6975105

>Books That Literally All White Men Own
Opinion disregarded right there. This kind of shit wouldn't fly if the gender or race of that statement was different, but it's ok because white men are the oppressor. That kind of attitude is what's dividing our society more and more. Anyone who holds the opinions that it's wrong to stereotype minorities but perfectly fine to stereotype white men is someone who is anti-inclusive and anti-progress. It's an unfortunate trend that seems to have spread beyond tumblr and academia into mainstream media, and it sucks.

Not that I'm offended by it, or feel oppressed myself. I'm not anything close to a MRA or /pol/tard or anything of the like. I just find it completely divisive and backward and contributing to the us vs. them mentality that obsesses our society, and I'm really getting sick of it.

Also I don't own Infinite Jest and I've only read a couple articles by DFW and was uninterested. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.6975136

>tfw the only book from that list that I own is Atlas Shrugged, but I haven't read a page yet.
a-am I b-black, you guys?

>> No.6975139


>> No.6975272

I sentence you to 30 lashes and a monitored reading of The Vagina Monologues!

>> No.6975302


I don't get the point of this list. You most likely own one of these seventy five popular titles? What a fucking shocker.

>> No.6975318
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If I was a writer for Salon or Huffington Post or gawker or whatever shit tier blog website is popular these days and made an "affectionate parody" of black, err "Men of Color," I would be pilloried on the internet and harassed in real life. I don't get how it's okay to be prejudiced and rude to white men and I don't buy that SJW horseshit that it's "inherently reciprocal" or that racism by definition involves a power imbalance. Hostility to Europeans is racist and hostility to men is sexist. End of discussion.

One side gets to make all these snarky jokes for le upvotes and pageviews and the other side is supposed to just meekly take it? Doesn't sound like equality to me.

>> No.6975330

is there any point to this?
>hurr look at this famous book, it was written by a white guy!

>> No.6975654

I just want to point out that I'm like 70% sure that the toast is satire. Which isn't to say that the comments aren't all genuine. But the list itself is definitely more of a "look what liberals crazier than us think" type thing.

>> No.6975698

>big word

>> No.6975749

>>liter / /

>> No.6975760

>tfw you will never crucify every single person on the comment section

feels bad man

>> No.6975775
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ahahaha pic related nailed /lit/ perfectly
>inb4 supreme butthurt

>> No.6975849

What bothers me the most is the fact that they're talking about "all white men" when many of these books are only popular among anglos. That comment section is scary too, they really seem to think they're being clever.

>> No.6975852

this tbh

>> No.6975864

Life is not a cartoon, Anon.

>> No.6975901

I only have 10 and a half of those books. Shit list.

>> No.6976286

The weird thing for me is that the list is supposed to be illustrating some white guy reader caricature, but it isn't consistent and has mashed together a few stereotypes into one. There's the pretentious literary guy, with stuff like DFW, Pinecone, Bulgakov, and the like, then there's the Chad dudebro with the Tucker Max book, the DaVinci code, the Godfather, and Tom Clancy, and then there's a bunch of self help stuff that I doubt either of the other two personas would even look at. Oh and then a bunch of things that everyone who has gone to a North American high school has had to read. So who is this making fun of?

>> No.6977239

When someone uses "white people" perjoratively, they really just mean "average people", since at least in America, 77% of people are white.

>> No.6977623

re-evaluate and try to rationalize why this bothers you so much. Get back to us with what find.

"affectionate" would not be a fitting adjective. this article caters to a tangible bitterness and a wide breadth of perceived inferiority.

>> No.6977652

>The 9/11 Commission Report

>> No.6977653

That sounds pretty kinky, I wish I lived in America.

>> No.6977683

Depends how you do it, but anyway that has been done do death.


>a writer for Salon or Huffington Post or gawker

there is your problem. Those people are on charge of being the most visible hapless shitnuggets of the internet.

I've noticed it too, to them "white male" seems to be short for "middle-class or upper white male living in the US, Canada or Australia".

It's funny that they pretend to be inclusive while not realizing how much of a bubble their world is. I don't live in the Anglosphere and most books in this list I've heard only from 4chan, when I've heard of them them at all.
To me it sounded more like a "look how much of a loser you are ! jk we still like you <3" kind of vibe, like what you would get from cheeky female friends. But granted I'm pretty foreign to this.

>> No.6978232

Nah, shit like that is just the cucks trying to put an end to the white race.

>> No.6978417

>77% of people are white
It's closer to 67% unless of course you're counting Pedro Gonzalez the Illegal fresh from Guatemala as "white"

>> No.6978432

as middlebrow as it gets

>> No.6978471

Should I watch this movie? I know nothing about DFW or his works. I've never read his books or his Wikipedia page.

>He wears a bandanna and is dead.

>> No.6978498

Op here

This is my first dfw shitpost and it's growing up to be big and strong

Good work dfw shitpost, keep doin yo thing

>> No.6978826

You should read his work, and then not watch the movie.

>> No.6978830

iktf man. Even if you've had shitposts rolling before, there's nothing quite like your first dfw success.

>> No.6978851

Typical white men, appreciating one of the greatest novels in English.

>> No.6978903

Holy fuck man don't make me remind you that black dudes sold the other black dudes to us. Slavery is awful but blaming it on white men who were born at least a hundred years after it ended is just propagating the same vitriolic hate that drove that system in the first place.

>> No.6978917

>all 7 Harry Potter books
>Hunger Games
>Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars
>an uncracked collection of Shakespeare's works, for the aesthetic.

>> No.6978922

There isn't

>> No.6978938

>us vs them mentality
>our culture
Bad news buddy, Anthropology here and the "othering" you're talking about is a quality of every human culture that I know of. But I agree with you and I think this is a huge problem. People who talk like that don't want to end racism or foster an inclusive society, in their heart of hearts they just want a society where whatever minority they are is the group on top.

>> No.6980477

man I went to this movie alone and sperged out a little

>win double pass to end of the tour
>invite friend, but they pull out at last minute so just go alone, not too fussed
>go to have my ticket scanned
>guy sees that I have a spare ticket
>"Hey man, if you have a spare ticket you should give it to someone!"
>bit taken aback (dunno why really) just murmur yeah sure that sounds like a good idea
>"There's a standby line outside (was my cities debut), find someone who doesn't have a ticket that's cute, be a good person, get their number"
>mumble incoherently again and walk out since i'd talked to him for too long not to
>walk outside
>can't find the standby line
>walk to the end of the block and go around the corner and just hang there for a minute or so
>go back in
>say nothing
>watch movie

dunno if it was worth it in the end

>> No.6980515

>books that all women own:
>to kill a mockingbird

This, so much. Its been a beautiful time recently, to observe all the women I know running around screaming that their "favourite book" (Mockingbird) has been "ruined" by the release of Go Set a Watchman.

Mostly what they mean is that they haven't read a book since 9th grade, which was Mockingbird, and before that the only things they read were the 7 Harry Potter books.

I am deeply suspicious of anyone who says Mockingbird is their favorite book of all time. All they've done is associate the rose-tinted memories of teenage hood that are (or maybe already have) rapidly fading into the passage of time.

>> No.6980537

>Status remains a battle between men, and proving you’ve got the biggest, hardest book is only slightly subtler than the alternative.

The article is shit, and yet it's still able to sum up /lit/ this easily. Jesus, this board is pathetic.

>> No.6980548

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying up
Wuthering Heights

>> No.6980790

Feminism is nothing but the sterelization of white women.

It's ridiculous.. fucking everlasting infantile gender wars.

I'm an egoistic person and I used to not want kids but I think I'll have like 20 white kids just to spite the equalists.

>> No.6981608

Why is it okay nowadays for "online magazines" to have articles that read like blogposts?

>> No.6981916

underrated post

>> No.6981962

You might want to learn a bit more about logic before that.

>> No.6981985

I think the "fans" that get complained about are the ones who took the book to be ironic when it was the last thing DFW wanted

>> No.6982052

It's making fun of literally all white man. Can't you read

>> No.6982061

Witty as fuck I am now beaten down and defeated

>> No.6982076

I like that middle class people are so myopic that they just assume all white people are like them. Because everyone reads postmodern literary fiction. Everyone!

DFW obviously has a demographic because he writes intelligent and sensitive fiction about depression, drugs, male adolescence and tennis. He also threw in some stuff for the blacks. Of course men 40 and under love his shit.

>> No.6982093

OP again

maybe i'll get in contact w the author and tell her I tripled her viewcount

we can share a nespresso and chortle together quietly

then i'll show her the Katie img and watch her eyeballs shuffle out of their sockets so they're dangly down jaw-height like on ends of bloody spaghetti

but nah she's a cynical content farmer as are we all
she'd probably recognize and appreci8

this has been OP
checkin in

>> No.6982230

No. You're a plebian.

>> No.6982256

I didn't write that to "defeat you", just a friendly reminder that your post made little sense and what lacking on logic.

You having 20 kids isn't gonna do shit to the "equalists", you're just going to hate your life. There's no logical connection with your stated purpose and the means you chose to achieve them, lrn2 get result m8.

>> No.6982270

It was a flawed exaggeration, and clearly self aware. You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.6982964

>He also threw in some stuff for the blacks

What, you mean like his super square urban anthropology book about 90's hip-hop? Or are you retarded and mean the Wardine be cry chapter of IJ?

>> No.6983225

>click baited
stay classy, you savy readers.

>> No.6983332


>> No.6983364

>Make a list of books most people in general own
>Surprised when those people include whites
I swear only white women and men say shit like this, every other race is self aware enough to not act like that.

>> No.6983369

OP is always a faggot moron

>> No.6984039

Yes it does, it pisses liberal cucks like you off when he tells them he only had 20 kids to bring more white people into the world.

>> No.6984043

>a novel that appears high on the list of “Books That Literally All White Men Own.”

I'm really tired of "le predictable white men" memes so I was going to write a list of "books literally every black man owns", then I realized the list would be empty.

>> No.6984846

>white people invented slavery

>> No.6984857

I thought you were being racist at first, but this is actually quite a clever post.

>> No.6984883


>> No.6984897

The book was full of irony though. People are just retarded and equate irony with "le detached postmodern hipsters" without realizing that it's a literally ancient literary technique.

>> No.6984912

that sums up a very small portion of our shitposting

>> No.6984914

>le /pol/ wite power face
Yeah people get so pissed off when Cleetus goes off and has 500 whitetrash kids in the trailer park on his gas station attendant salary. Definitely the great white hope right there.

>> No.6984921

the thing is, when they say "white man", they mean "Anglo, upper class, probably Christian, well-educated, well-read, white man" -- this is most white men, so the generalization mostly works, but of course see: >>6973816, etc.
What do upper class, well-educated, well-read black men read? Probably the same books.

>> No.6984926

Thank you Cleetus, saviour of the pure-blooded American-Aryan race.

>only middle-class/Petit-bourgeois
Corrected, just look at BLM and their crusade on pizza toppings and politicians who might actually do something for the working class black. The "radical" coddled middle-class is a plague.

>> No.6985474

He's retarded and means the Wardine be cry chapter of IJ

>> No.6985490

>This occurred to me last week, after listening to a friend discuss the foibles of a bookish male acquaintance with a man-bun.
Why would you have a discussion with a man-bun?

>> No.6985563

The middle class are people who have basically care free lives but still like to pretend they are a victim when in reality they are the most privleged.

Most upper class citizens dedicated their life to work and became rich

Most poverty strucken citizens do the same end up poor

The middle class are 90% people who have no dedication to work but still think they deserve what the upper class has.

>> No.6985587

>How did poor David Foster Wallace go from dissecting the pretensions and shortcomings of mid-century men of letters to holding a central place in the pretensions of their heirs?

He was never the former and always was the latter.


>> No.6985617

>Books That Literally All Well-Read People Own: The Definitive List

>> No.6985637

Nice strawman, fag newton

>> No.6985869

Guys, this is a pretty lighthearted list. Stop freaking out. Versions of the same sort of bias (white men = upper class, well-educated, liberal) was on Stuff White People Like and no one gave a shit. The reality is that the definitive "white man list" coincides pretty well with any GOAT or Best of the Last Decade list and reveals nothing except that white men tend to read and go for popular literary books written by other white men. So what? Let them laugh. They're a minority of a minority.

>> No.6985884

The "large, unread copies of classic tomes" is definitely a phenomenon among white men though. It's painfully obvious what someone's trying to do socially when they show these off

>> No.6985907

>Most upper class citizens dedicated their life to work and became rich
Not even close. Most of them inhereted their parents or grandparents or greatgrandparents money with absolutely no work and had enough invested in them to at least be able to keep it.

>> No.6985914

Pride and Prejudice

>> No.6985983

Wow she's got to write an article criticising guys she potentially likes

>> No.6986014

John Green
Nicholas Sparks
Harriet the Spy
The Lovely Bones
50 Shades of Grey
Haruki Murakami (and they think he's super surreal/edgy/groundbreaking)
Books about "experiences" (memoirs that stimulate their sympathy glands; abusive childhoods, living in poverty, living in a dysfunctional family, being a victim)
The Book Thief
Viriginia Woolf (women's studies)
James Baldwin (smart, effeminate black guy)
Loorie Moore
Books on gender politics that are readable and generally easy to understand (stubbornly reading "tough" books that go way over your head at first is a male thing)
The Time Traveller's Wife
Sylvia Plath

>> No.6986027

Bossypants by Tina Fey

>> No.6986070

Don't forget the Handmaiden's Tale.

>> No.6986144

There is nothing contradictory here. Appreciation is more than having thoughts. I bet these women couldn't appreciate a good shitpost.

>> No.6986179

Also, there were a fair amount of black slaveowners and, while, admittedly, less common and while, I believe, the practice was discontinued prior to abolishing all slavery, white slaves existed in the U.S.

Let's, also, keep in mind that, prior to the European colonization of the Americas, slavery was still pretty damn common, here. Furthermore, the Mayans and Aztecs, in addition to owning slaves, sacrificed those slaves, regularly and on a massive scale.

>> No.6986447

Not to mention that the Spanish and Portuguese bought slaves from Arab traders and other countries had to join in to compete. Still doesn't make it right, but there's more context than our very America-centric black and white narrative of exploitation

>> No.6986577

Conspicuously reading mediocre non-white authors is fashionable now too (Junot Diaz immediately comes to mind)

>> No.6986708

>this is most white men,
No it's not, fuck off.

>> No.6986715

+Bridget Jones for European women

>> No.6986720

As long as it pisses off cucks like you then it's fine, and it's working.

>> No.6986722

>plebeian* ;)

>> No.6986969

>the thing is, when they say "white man", they mean "Anglo, upper class, probably Christian, well-educated, well-read, white man" -- this is most white men

This is a really disturbing lack of awareness. Just shows what can happen when society is too segregated along socioeconomic lines.

>> No.6987213

*white liberal arts student here*
once you get off 4chan or out of certain circles, no one reads DFW. in my incredibly pretentious e/lit/ist literary group, only 5 (including me) out of about 40 people have read infinite jest, none of my professors have, my girlfriend is reading it currently and the only person who has made any sort of comment about it in public was a middle-aged high school english teacher who had never read it and just asked about it. as an english major at a fairly reputable liberal arts school (i'm not cock-waving, i really would rather not be in school) i'm pretty shocked with how many people haven't read DFW or even Pynchon (i'm not memeing, i swear). Only 2 of my friends have ever read pynchon or dfw in combinationa, so its always pretty shocking coming on here and everyone acting like IJ is being read by everyone in college. i mean maybe this will change with all the coverage over the dfw movie, but most students in college i know wouldn't commit themselves to reading anything over 650 pages

no point to this, just trying to show that IJ isn't as common as /lit/ thinks

>> No.6987257

The author of the article OP posted is really the only one asserting this. Anyone on /lit/ with self-awareness (admittedly a fraction) knows that we are kind of a niche elitist group. The consensus in general is that the woman who wrote the article thinks that "white men" are defined by the guys in her liberal arts college or on the subway from a trendy neighborhood in Queens or Brooklyn

>> No.6987643

Idiot, my post is the second one you quote, and I was distinctly pointing out how many white men there are who don't fit that description.

>> No.6987797

post it to pastebin pls

>> No.6987835

>writers of clickbait
>in any capacity of erasing the white race

You could give them a billion and they'd still accomplish nothing more than publish trash not even the actually powerful progressists would care about.

If anything I'd feel relieved if those guys were actually in charge of erasing my race. I'd be sure of living on forever.

>> No.6987843

>most white men are upper class
i have bad news for you buddy

>> No.6987904
File: 117 KB, 500x649, tiziano-martini-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I too am an English major. I think the perception stays because IJ was so important to the cultural moment in the early 2000's. Now those people are grown up, raising families, not really teaching in any big schools (for the most part) and the few of us that are >25 and are willing to commit to something like this among the cultural moment are very few and far between.

It's for this reason that /lit/ is actually a sort of bastion of literature from the last 50 years, because no matter how hard we meme about it, almost no one our age reads this shit. I just got done Gravity's Rainbow and I haven't met another human IRL that's read it. Even the most academic of my friends can only muster things like East of Eden and Atlas Shrugged

>> No.6987913

Exactly, it was a flawed stupid and rather useless post.

>you're an idiot for pointing out I'm an idiot

That's not how it works bud.

>assuming I must be a liberal just because I called you an idiot

You also might want to spend less time on 4chan. Have 500 children if you like. Nobody will care.

The article is stupid but you're being an idiot for claiming all well-read people own half the shit books in that list. A good quarter of them were already dated and irrelevant the same yer they were published.

>> No.6987927

Or maybe that anon never ventured far beyond his own neighborhood nor bothered to do research pertaining to the topic and thus making a generalization based on his narrow experience and lack of intellectual curiosity.

>> No.6988074

>creates a list of books white men own
>shotguns fucking EIGHTY books

I don't have a pepe smug enough

>> No.6988088

Liberal cucks like you would care.

>> No.6988101
File: 12 KB, 283x283, 000000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is why I speed-read the book Tai Lopez style without consulting the footnotes even once. Eat your heart out, David Foster Wallace.

>> No.6988115

Okay. Go make your children and see you in 20 years.

>> No.6988140

>What do upper class, well-educated, well-read black men read?

48 Laws of Power, the list goes on.

>> No.6988155

i didn't write this as clearly as could be hoped

>> No.6988156

I haven't read Infinite Jest because it sounds like a stupid book

>> No.6988203

>well-educated, well-read
>48 laws of power
everest kek

>> No.6988220

If you ever want to throw up, read some blogs written by upper-middle class black people. Think Elite Daily but for blacks.

Then get back to me on how right I was.

>> No.6988222

>Slavery was common
>Infinite Jest is common
>If you like Infinite Jest you like slavery

Let me just do what you're doing

>> No.6988250

i am intrigued but i have no idea how to find sites like that


>> No.6988271

This is the best I could find on short notice

They start popping up a lot more frequently via shares/reposts whenever the police kill a hoodlum.

>> No.6988328


>> No.6988336

that is a really weird website, thanks


this one has a nice postmodern vibe with its long rumination on knee injuries

also i realized the tv show blackish is an example of this

>> No.6988708
File: 64 KB, 250x284, ihateeveryone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big word

Part of me wishes I could go back to a time where I was this simple-minded. Then I might actually find this image funny and not just horribly depressing.