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6970885 No.6970885 [Reply] [Original]

I studied philosophy when I was younger so I have a broad knowledge of the schools of thoughts, the main philosophers, etc.

With that in mind, I'm looking for a book that works like an Encyclopedia of sorts that I would open up to check this or that philosopher or school of thought. I don't expect it to be a full and complete guide.

I remember at that time people would recommend Russell's "History of Western Philosophy". What does /lit/ think of it? Is there any book that would fill this role better?

>> No.6970896


>> No.6970907

Thanks. I've heard of that online encyclopedia. I still want to get a book. Do you have any book recommendations?

>> No.6970908

Just go to it on your iphone lol

>> No.6970918

Oxford Companion to Philosophy

>> No.6970924

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy New Edition - Ted Honderich

>> No.6971008

Copleston's volumes are more complete, I used your pic related as a quick reference for a way to capture the thought of someone/sometime and it serves its purpose for the witty refreshment, while it's a great book, it certainly isn't a fatality in that arena.

>> No.6971037

this seems pretty good, thanks.

>> No.6972672


>> No.6973964
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Not OP but looking for a good intro to philosophy before diving into primary texts, how would this book be?

>> No.6974007


Coppleston man. Always go for Copleston.

>> No.6974017

the oxford history of western philosophy is the best answer
trust me

>> No.6974056

This book fucking rules.

>> No.6974141

This book is great, but make sure to not read the primary texts with Durant's biases.

>> No.6974771

Windelbands History of Philosophy is the best.

>> No.6975756

Nice thread. You are all nice people. Inshallah.

>> No.6975776

...you mean mashallah

>> No.6975777

just get Bryan Magee's Story of Philosophy; it's 200 something pages rather than 20000000000000

>> No.6975788

If you actually had readed philosophy you could read Phenomenology of the Spirit

>> No.6975794


bomber-man get out

>> No.6975796
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>> No.6975798


i always do it to trigger faggots

>> No.6976592

Very fun to read, but maybe even *less* helpful than Russell's shitty book.

>> No.6976606

are there no good fucking intros to philosophy god fucking damn am I just gonna have to take a course

>> No.6976690
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There are plenty, you could use primary texts to start with, guides/companions/anthologies for particular branches or issues you have particular interest in, or something like Think by Simon Blackburn which is an 'intro to philosophy' book. There are also 'thought experiment' books that you might be happy with as an intro. Perhaps you'd even like to start with a book on logic. Really depends on what you care for. You can just get em online anyways so there's no harm in trying out a few.

>> No.6976963

Good thread. 08/10

>> No.6978442
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Start With The Greeks, because Plato and Aristotle were first to frame many of the issues Philosophy is concerned with today.

Alternatively, just find a thinker you've interested in and read their work alongside some secondary literature.

>> No.6978450

If you want an incomplete and spasmodic book, read Voltaire's "Philosophical Dictionary." Hey, you might like it.

>> No.6978479 [DELETED] 


Behokd the Necromancer and his dark magick.

>> No.6978523


Behold the Necromancer and his dark magick