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6970736 No.6970736 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw gf said she would like it if I acted "more like David Foster Wallace"

What the fuck does she mean?

>> No.6970739 [DELETED] 

She wants you to be a cuckold.

>> No.6970743

She wants you to... you know... *pulls out some rope*

>> No.6970752

Wut? No.

She's been reading Broom of the System and watching his interviews on youtube and said she'd like if it I was more like him

>> No.6970760

Then she's just a bitch for not liking you for who you are <3

>> No.6970761

She wants you to kill yourself.

>> No.6970764

She wants you to be a meme.

>> No.6970765

she wants you to buy a bandanna and a plaid shirt. she wants you to be prepared to conform. the 80's revival is on it's way out and we're about to redo the 90's. book it.

>> No.6970766

She wants you to be a pedantic pseudointellectual dweeb

>> No.6970773

I don't think it's that, I don't know. I came home from work and she was watching one of his interviews on youtube. I introduced her to his books and stuff a few months back. When she said it it was in a jokey sort of way, and I laughed it off and began to parody DFW but she didn't laugh and just said "no seriously I'd prefer it if you were more like him"

>> No.6970779

Sounds like a cunt, you should probably break up with her.

>> No.6970780

She wants you to stop posting frogs and lies on a Philippine support group forum.

>> No.6970781

LOL she probably thinks about him while she's flicking her bean and while you're fucking

>> No.6970783

Dump that whore

>> No.6970791

Not gonna break up with her. She's a real nice girl and without sounding like a betafag my intention has been to marry her at some point. I guess I've portrayed her in a negative light ITT but really she's a cool person and I haven't dated many girls who I relate to in the way I relate to her.

>> No.6970793

LMAO don't let the Christards here fool you into thinking that getting married is ever a good idea. If your bond is truly great then you don't require state-enforced economic conjoinment

>> No.6970799

We're both Christians.

>> No.6970800

She wants to be his audience pussy.

>> No.6970803

She wants you to kill yourself, you gonna disappoint her fam?

>> No.6970804


>> No.6970809
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>I laughed it off and began to parody DFW but she didn't laugh and just said "no seriously I'd prefer it if you were more like him"
>She's a real nice girl and without sounding like a betafag my intention has been to marry her at some point.
>but she didn't laugh and just said "no seriously I'd prefer it if you were more like him"
>We're both Christians.

>> No.6970822


You have this backwards my friend

>> No.6970823

>she didn't laugh and just said "no seriously I'd prefer it if you were more like him"

>my intention has been to marry her at some point

Part of you wanted to make this thread so we could tell you what you were too afraid to tell yourself.

>> No.6970836
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>She's a real nice girl

she doesn't want to be

>> No.6970838

GIrl here. Lol at all the lonely guys in this thread telling OP to leave this girl. You guys haven't had much experience with women, and it shows.

>> No.6970844

so she'd prefer if you were obsessed with appearing smart and had borderline sociopathic tendencies


>> No.6970846
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>> No.6970849
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nice try, pussy shill

>> No.6970850

I'd rather be alone and authentic than have a girlfriend and have to put on any kind of bullshit act. What's wrong with that? (Asking seriously, since I am in fact inexperienced :3)

>> No.6970851

other girl here too
i know right lol? dumb virgins, if they knew TRUE love then they wouldnt be telling him to leave her, he'd stay with her EVEN WHEN she got pregnant(but thats only because he's always working and a woman has needs so really it's his fault).

>> No.6970855

oops, meant for

>> No.6970865

This thread is giving me the howling fantods. *perspires*

>> No.6970871

>your post travels to my cock
>my cock concurs

>> No.6970937
File: 57 KB, 625x656, son-this-is-bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have more personalities than 2?

>> No.6970942

shut up nerd i bet your a virgin lol my bf(his name is chad and he's 7 inches) could beat u up any day

>> No.6970969

Gr8 b8 m8 appreci8 I r8 8/8

>> No.6970977

>projecting this hard
>comes to 4chan for attention

you're fucking pathetic, tbh

>> No.6970993

I would print out pics of DFW and put them on her closet door, on an angle. Maybe I'd make a dfw mask and wear it around her 24/7

>> No.6971013


most embarrassing false flag ive read in months


if you have to put on an act then it is not worth it. I've been through it and it just drains you.. and drains you.. and drains you until you don't feel anything anymore.

>> No.6971033

Why do you date a midget?

>> No.6971038
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>> No.6971476


>> No.6973005

Lol, this thread. Making this thread was a mistake, OP. As if we would tell you to do anything but dump her instead of accepting her for being the quickly indecisive woman she is. Girls can go from liking rough guys like Clint Eastwood to liking one direction in a day. Saying they want nice guys and going for tough guys. They don't know what they fucking want and such is life.

>> No.6973014

May I cite this testimony for my last comment >>6973005

>> No.6973020

Tell her to be more like a certain actress/fitness model

She'll learn right quick.

>> No.6973022

She'll be too distracted by being jealous to realize youre a douche.

>> No.6973074
File: 38 KB, 637x306, get tighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell her you'd like it better if she acted like X girl. pic semi related

>> No.6973113


>> No.6973153


she wants you to put on a ridiculous looking bandanna and kill yourself

>> No.6973267

I couldn't second this post harder.

>> No.6973295

But in real life Wallace was dropping spaghetti left an right. I mean has she READ any of his nonfiction?

>> No.6973305

She wants you to take antidepressants, fuck audience pussy on the side, and eventually kill yourself while she's out of the house in a way where she'll discover your corpse.

>> No.6973317
File: 51 KB, 654x475, rdfw564654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He spaghetti'd pretty hard in that one long interview for that German TV show or whatever. The one that all these screencaps come from.

>> No.6973543

>dropping spaghetti
What does that mean?

>> No.6973553

ive been in a relationship for years and "i wish you acted like another person- is a huge red flag, as is liking dfw

>> No.6973555

hello you seem new here may i direct you elsewhere?

>> No.6973560

btw op is literally just memeing you guys off from /mu/. he knows how to play the /lit/ crowd, too, it seems.

>> No.6973569

I also have never understood this meme

>> No.6973575
File: 129 KB, 640x683, Ruse cruise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threads like these are why my default assumption that the 'intellectuals' here are actually just moronic plebs from /r9k/ who treat reading as a social status thing

>> No.6973582

>yes I'm a little nieeww :))) heard about this site from Reddit just wanted to meet "Mr. 4chan" lol XD

I've literally never read this. Enlighten me faggot.

>> No.6973589
File: 267 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-14-02-14-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nevermind it's on the Urban dictionary

>> No.6973590
File: 210 KB, 292x417, thisme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy

>> No.6974050

Afaik it comes from a greentext story from /v/ or /b/ where a dude goes to a gamestop to buy some game but suddenly in a weird dreamlike manner spaghetti starts pouring from his pockets as he gets more and more awkward towwards the cashier.

>> No.6975191

she wants you to kill yourself bro