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/lit/ - Literature

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6970470 No.6970470 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.6970478
File: 34 KB, 1309x526, 1438764391785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le just le reddit my le shit up my le good sir

>> No.6970543

stop given her money

>> No.6970625

What do you guys hate so much about school of life?

>> No.6970629

They hate that it undermines their elitism, because being elitist is the only way they can feel good about themselves.

>> No.6970631

Cos it was started by a pseudo intellectual nerd who sits around all day spurting other peoples philosophy and not spending his £200m trust fund

>> No.6970646



I'd love it if more people read philosophy.


This is why I hate 'School of Life'. It is the work in progress of a manipulative shyster.

>> No.6970658


>> No.6970661

middlebrow infotainment, like ted talks but for people who listen to bbc radio 4 comedy and shop at waitrose

>> No.6970662

Wonder how many people have actually bought this?

I've got a jumper that looks exactly the same, except I paid £10

>> No.6970665
File: 175 KB, 1100x686, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6970668

Obviously de Botton is selling his shit to dumb hipsters, doesn't mean the videos can't be useful summaries for people who don't want to spend massive amounts of time and effort reading dry shit.

>> No.6970670

I feel like making some sort of "high end" product like this, wrapping it up in all sorts of pseudo-intellectual bullshit, sell it for a high price; then, later out it as being a ruse and everyone that bought it an idiot.

>> No.6970700

I usually look at the philosophy as just a summary, and if it catches my attention, I will buy the appropriate books and do my due diligence and end up making my mind up that way. Its merely a jumping off point, and that's what I feel the channel comes across as.

>> No.6970717

this tbh
underrated *
i personally hate SoL for making a straw-man out of every book/author/idea they talk about. philosophy isn't for everyone. they who disagree don't know much about how things actually are

>> No.6970722


>Obviously de Botton is selling his shit to dumb hipsters

Which means that he is inherently disingenuous, so why support the means for him to continue to build and monetise this brand of his?

>> No.6970735
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>> No.6970740
File: 168 KB, 1248x1720, bp_logo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of companies that are disingenuous. Are you really so morally bankrupt that you'd rather boycott someone who's supposedly ruining the integrity of your hobby than, say, a corporation that poisons thousands of unsuspecting volunteer workers? Interesting priorities you have there, friend.

>> No.6970745

afaik most of those summaries have been really shitty. The one about Kierkegaard springs to mind. There was an entire thread on /r/literature (inb4 plebbit : ^ )) about this.

So, it might give you some idea about a philosopher, just don't parrot whatever sol says into actual conversations.

Personally, whatever gets people into reading philosophy or literature is mostly fine by me. People just seem to forget that the SoL, like any other business, is trying to make a profit.

>> No.6970749

>fantasise about your wife's sister
>have ever had a lustful thought about a member of your family

>> No.6970755

Why can't you boycott both?

>> No.6970763

I've fapped so many times to this Nietzsche video its insane.

>> No.6970768


>Nicodin Bogdan 4 hours ago: And now I know I'm a psychopath. Thank you +The School of Life , without this stigma of normality following me , I can now clean the blood spatters on my wall with a smile on my face.
>The School of Life 4 hours ago: +Nicodin Bogdan Hope it was fun.

>> No.6970771


Subtlety when baiting.


>> No.6970774
File: 45 KB, 228x160, dcfrgty-228x160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being anti-mass murder is baiting? You're taking edge to a whole new level, congratulations.

>> No.6970786


No, intentionally quipping the word "hobby" to try and rile gave you away. But keep at it if you're still bored I guess.

>> No.6970930

At least she didn't mispronounce Nietzsche's name.

>> No.6970950

its not his fault but he basically knows the average person. is too lazy to check or even do further reading on the subject

>> No.6971056

wud destroy her fanny

>> No.6971074

>that fucking accent

It's not "beeeewk", it's "book".

Did she have a stroke or something?

>> No.6971087

>philosophy is for smart people like me

>> No.6973528

I don't even know what fallacy this is. But you better believe I know it is one.

>Are you really so morally bankrupt that you would shitpost on 4chan when lions are starving in the zoo?

>> No.6973542

It's funny how she (probably wilfully) misinterprets Nietzsche's Apollo/Dionysus dichotomy to justify her own immoral hedonistic life. Dionysus was the god of chaos and madness, nothing like what she incorrectly portrays it as.

>> No.6973563

When she was asked who her favourite philosopher was, in an interview that de Botton does with her, she said Nietzsche, when asked why she struggled to even spew any platitudinous remarks regarding his philosophising - she could not even manage that. She struggled for a few seconds and said that he was 'underrated'. The most famous philosopher ever other than the Greek philosophers is 'underrated' according to her.

it just proves that being a pretty girl is fucking easy.

>> No.6973566


>> No.6973580

>What do you guys hate so much about school of life?

Their reputation is built on sanitized, literalized, 'honest' reinterpretation of philosophers. And because of Liberalism, people can no longer pose the proper questions. A pernicious Jewish organization that built its career on preparing Nietzsche for liberal digestion, that is, sanitizing, de-contextualizing, disassociation of Nietzsche from the most obvious ramification of the man's teaching (National Socialism), incorrectly presenting Nietzsche as a wisdom writer and then tellingly doing absolutely nothing about the fraudulent platitudinization of Nietzsche by liberal 'critical-theorists' like Derrida, Klossowski, Butler, Foucault, Deleuze and similar garbage.

>> No.6973594
File: 688 KB, 1805x1200, 1438584277383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche justifies me going out every weekend and fucking some random stranger at the club

Their videos are really bad. Like khan academy if he tried to cover calculus with a single five minute video, and then misinterpreted a chunk of it. The fact she spams /lit/ with her crappy videos doesn't help either.

>> No.6973741

>I love Nietzsche so much!
>Reading a translation
Europeans revolt me

>> No.6974299

10 seconds was enough.

>> No.6974483

What's funny is that the majority of criticism is that you guys are complaining "they simplify/ summarizes really complex ideas!!!11" yet if any of you had actually read the Birth of Tragedy, which is titty-baby tier, you'd know she flat out got the entire book wrong. The fact no one here has talked about how she confuses the Apolloneian with the Socratic and leaves out the actual Apolloneian leads me to believe you guys spout philosophy for the same reason she does: attention.

This board is so overrun with nouveau-riche Wallace-ites it's sickening.

>> No.6974518

Well if that isn't textbook strawman, I don't know what is.

>> No.6974532

Ah, I remember that post.
It's still funny after the third time. Keep on.

>> No.6974548

There are much better jumping off points though.


Just as entry-level but with more actual content and no silly marketing sheaningans.

>> No.6974620

Bloom already BTFO that shitty argument
It is

>> No.6974856

>tu quoque

>> No.6974951

They get things wrong. Like even empirical facts. They said Schopenhauer never got with any women, that he was never in a romantic relationship. But framed like he was a virgin or loser. How did he have a daughter who died of he never fucked, he was a known womanizer.

Literally worse than someone skimming wikipedia

The Hegel and Heidegger vids make me want to stab my own dick off. And you can tell when someone has watched their Nietzsche vids because they embellish the horse story making it entirely inaccurate.

I think they honestly just fib to make their videos more interesting. They also treat literally everything like a novelty that only had purpose insofar it can be polite conversation over cucumber sandwiches.
Anything a fucking brain dead pant can't skim and understand is "bad writing". They think brevity is clarity when it's almost always the opposite.

They love Montaigne, enough said
Also platitudes fucking everywhere.
In fairness sake their Proust vid is good.

Other than that, I'm disappointed or actually annoyed at the disinformation in everything else.

>> No.6976971

reading philosophy doesn't mean you are smart
nor being smart mean you read philosophy
to the highest degree they are parallel
and this hole shit with tagging people as either smart or dumb is useless

>> No.6976983

Behold the Necromancer and his dark arts.

>> No.6977023
File: 79 KB, 724x418, NietzscheonFeminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's funny how she (probably wilfully) misinterprets Nietzsche's Apollo/Dionysus dichotomy to justify her own immoral hedonistic life. Dionysus was the god of chaos and madness, nothing like what she incorrectly portrays it as.

this mistake is why N. is trendy amongst the youngsters

>> No.6977063

Close your eyes and listen to this video

It's Minnie Driver in Good Will Hunting. She voiced this over. I'm sure of it

>> No.6977064

What is your apollo/dionysus interpretation

>> No.6977075

post link pls

>> No.6978320


This video rules if you turn the sound off.

>> No.6978340

I know my opinion might not be wanted here but there is actually a norm. There has to be, otherwise we would not be able to make accurate predictions of choice. And we need to be able to make accurate predictions of choices
It's ok if everyone thinks that they're special but we all funciton based on the same rules. Into almost every common situation we go in in the same mindsight with the same values, etc. what changes most of the time is the situation, and that's what affects our decision.

this whole internal characteristics thing is called a fundamental attribution error. when you look at the decisions you make in a day and say I made those decisions because of my personality and experiences or whatnot - it's just not true. decisions are based the vast majority of the time on the enviorment.

>> No.6978359

pretty much https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy_of_relative_privation

or just "children in africa fallacy"

>> No.6978360

Dionysus is the abyss of Being. It's the fluctuating ground of all existence, the chaotic condition for all forms to appear. Apollo works on top of the abyss, taking forms and beings and arranging them in intelligible ways.

>> No.6978369

why does this video exist? who the fucking hell needs the birth of tragedy to be summarized for them? it is by far the least confusing work of nietzsche.

>> No.6978462

>The fact no one here has talked about how she confuses the Apolloneian with the Socratic and leaves out the actual Apolloneian leads
The first ever thread with this video had an anon to talk about this in length.

>> No.6978546

Why does it exist? Are you fucking lidding me? 'How do we promote middlebrow self help books?' 'Here's a british underwear model who will film herself emoting, let's tell her she's a budding philosopher and youtube this shit' 'ok but will she misquote nietzsche? And jiggle?' 'Yes' 'k, now spell out my name using that cocaine' 'with the superfluous 'i'?' 'Did i spend fourty years in grad school to drop my superfluous 'i'? Bend the fuck over and brace yrself for the school of life'