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/lit/ - Literature

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696855 No.696855 [Reply] [Original]

I started a creating writing class a couple of weeks ago, and I already want to shoot everyone from the professor down. Is this normal?

>> No.696858

It's normal if you're an egotistical little shit.

>> No.696863

>>creating writing
>>looks down on the rest of his classmates


>> No.696864

It's just that everyone in the class is very, very dumb. Especially the 30-year-old atheist neckbeard who wears a fedora with a zombie t-shirt and won't shut up about Lovecraft.

>> No.696866


He sounds like a pretty cool guy.

>> No.696867

You're on the wrong site to make fun of that guy...

>> No.696868

You just described /lit/.

>> No.696870


I think we're in the same class.

>> No.696871


>Especially the 30-year-old atheist neckbeard who wears a fedora with a zombie t-shirt and won't shut up about Lovecraft.

He sounds pretty cool. I think you need to lighten up a bit, and stop assuming you're so much greater than everyone else. Chances are you're just as dumb as the rest of them.

>> No.696875

You're probably just jealous of his superior fashion sense.

>> No.696876

I don't assume to be a better writer, but they're all very annoying.

>> No.696886


I'm sure you're just a basket of peaches.

>> No.696891
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>> No.696892
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Holy shit, Ed? Is that you? If so, I agree, this guy is a hack.

>> No.696897

I love the creative writing model. You stick a bunch of students who have never published anything in their lives in a classroom together, and then they give each other ideas on how to improve their work.

>> No.696898
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>try to make a thread relating yourself to /lit/
>expecting not to get trolled

>> No.696901
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>> No.696902
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>> No.696906
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>> No.696910
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Can't be worse than mine.
>Senior Year
>Take creative writing
>Everyone in it isn't the least interested in writing, but instead wants to be with the teacher because he is SO COOL
>Do nothing but watch videos the whole year
>Creative Writing assignments consist of writing a one-page short story, making a Children's Book in marker, and then, we're about to go on to another Creative Writing assignment
>Oh, well, turns out I'm getting laid off. Hey, how about we make a music video with us lip syncing a song instead of actually writing stuff?

>> No.696915
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>> No.696932


You uh... Don't happen to go to UMass, do you? >.>

>> No.696937
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ah I remember the days of my creative writing class

I was tripping on acid/mescaline every weekend, and carried around copies of Les Fleurs de Mal, and Gravity's Rainbow with me everywhere.

the teacher was a big proponent of minimalism, and I ended up turning in a big symbolist text full of like multiclause melville/proust inspired rambling sentences, that hurt your eyes to read and sounded ridiculous

i look back at that period of my life with a mixture of pride and disgust

>> No.696939


i do...

>> No.696942



>> No.696943

4CHAN, where new friends meet.

>> No.696944

Oh man OP, I wish I wasn't heading out, because I'd love to post more about this. But in a nutshell: Yes college creative writing classes are awful. There's two or three people with genuine potential and the rest of the class are people that want to just fall into whatever genre or author lit up their teen years.

I also hate the trend that the teachers never want to take time on giving the students good advice on how to critique anymore. I get that they don't want to "chain anyone down" but then all you get is either silence, people saying whatever a certain scene reminds them of, or people giving off tragically off-the-mark advice.

The best you can do is find the writers that actually really care about the craft of writing and solicit their advice as much as you can, both in and out of class. Help each other out. Don't let the other mouth breather get to you, and move on.

>> No.696978


OP did one fatal mistake here: trying to talk bad about /lit/ behind /lit/'s back.

>> No.696982


... on /lit/.

>> No.696989

I can do you one better.

>Creative writing class
>College requires endless rhetoric essays based on two articles, one by Simone De Beauvoir and one by W.E.B Dubois
>Half my class has no idea what the articles were about and write essays relating the forties feminist movement/early twentieth century civil rights movements to getting pulled over for speeding or getting harassed by their boss.

>> No.697371

Rowan college?

>> No.697602

Wow, holy fuck. After reading these descriptions of awful classes.. Man, I really want to major in English and Writing, but not if I'll be stuck in such shitty classes where there is no critique..

>> No.697632

Even better.
>My high school had no creative writing class.

>> No.697651

I assure you, no matter how bad your fiction classes are, they will never be as bad as "creative nonfiction."

I have lots of funny stories from both, though.

>> No.697656

I am the 30 year old atheist. ;_;

>> No.697664


There is a reason writing is a solitary craft. Writers are twats.

>> No.697668
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>zombie shirt


>> No.697688

My only undergrad creative writing course can beat yours. Professor was a fucking psycho. She told us in the first class that when she did her first discussion circle as a student that she almost drank bleach out of fear and anxiety. Best sign that you need to drop a class ever. But I didn't consider reason. On top of this, she had added preganacy psycho on top. She only liked regional writing and/or stories about teenagers, so she graded my writing horribly... all of her marks being about subject matter mostly. What a bitch. Hope my grad experience will be better.

>> No.697708

Yeah, this thread sounds about right. Creative writing classes are filled with inexperienced egotists who think they are Writers because of their high school poetry and three hundred pages of Potter fanfic.

If you want to learn how to write, read great writers and write your ass off. In 90% of cases, Lit classes will teach you more about writing than a Creative Writing degree. There are a few good programs out there, but they are very selective.

>> No.697712

I am intrigued.
Tell us your tales.

>> No.697748

Hmm... In my nonfiction class, two of the students started dating after meeting in class and the girl wrote her memoir about dating him. But she changes his name to "Casanova," because, you know, it's not already totally obvious it's about him.

Most awkward critique of my life.

>> No.697761
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>> No.697952
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>Sophomore year in HS Creative Writing class
>Teacher assigns us to write a screenplay; we can work in groups
>Our group writes about a time traveling bakery that saves unicorns from the RoboNazi high command (RoboHitler, MechaGoebbels, HimmlerBot, and GoeringBorg), with the intention of trolling everybody
>The class fucking loves it
>Teacher: "Let this serve as an example to you, class. Nazis make everything better."

So yeah, my creative writing class experience was largely positive. But it was completely useless as far as, you know, learning anything goes. Except that I perfected my Robot German accent.

>> No.697964

>Creative writing classes are filled with inexperienced egotists who think they are Writers because of their high school poetry and three hundred pages of Potter fanfic.

When I was a senior in high school my creative writing class was filled with a bunch of seniors who wanted to sit in a room and not do any work.

The good news is you don't need a fiction writing class to get better at writing. You just need to write often and read often.

>> No.697993

>high school creative writing class
>write about ninja bears
>teacher compliments my surrealism

>> No.697996

My creative writing classes were great. A couple psychos, a lot of actually smart people, just enough chumps to feel good about myself. I was already self-taught a lot about fiction writing so I didn't learn a shitload but having feedback is great, and a workshop group is one of the best ways to get it, if not THE best way.

>> No.698005

One thing that scares me about these classes is that I don't want any ideas stolen from me. I'm a paranoid person when it comes to shit like that.

>> No.698012

I used to be the same way. Then I realized none of the students really paid attention to any of the readings.

>> No.698020

My writing classes kicked ass. We sat in a circle and did nothing but group critique. If you didn't write an assignment, you were fucked.

>> No.698037

My teacher compared my writing to Seinfeld. Everyone else thought I should be proud, but I don't LIKE Seinfeld. ;_;

>> No.698047
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>> No.698051

Psh, Umass? Worcester is where its at.

>> No.698069


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