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6966877 No.6966877 [Reply] [Original]

Old Testament God > New Testament God

>> No.6966883

"New Testament God" is just a vengeful and petty. Worse, he supposedly incarnates himself to experience death and promises to liberate humanity after this death but nothing changed after the fact.

>> No.6966888

In before fedora meme

>> No.6966891

Under old testament god, you must be stoned to death for wearing two different kinds of fabric woven together.

Your boxers are a cotton and polyester mix? You're fuckin dead kiddo.

>> No.6966895

I disagree New Testament God kicks ass. Your precious Old Testament God is a pompous ass who hardened the heart of someone who disagreed with him so he could destroy Egypt JUST to show how powerful he was. Pretty pointless m8. Although, he did a pretty good job making the world in Genesis.

>> No.6966903

>You're fuckin dead kiddo.

>> No.6966923

you guys are autistic, they're the same God and Jesus is a fucking dickwad

not only does the New Testament reference some of the Old Testament's worst atrocities, but for one of them, the flooding of the entire earth (murdering kids and infants, of course, mind you), Jesus says he's going to do the same thing when he returns but with fire. Jesus is literally a fucking dick throughout the entire thing and you have to read carefully to notice those small bits of fuckery shine through

>> No.6966932

OTG started out as a benevolent loving deity, until that sneaky bitch Eve ruined it for everybody. It was an easy test of woman's trustworthiness and she failed it horribly.
>here's a perfect paradise for you
>talk to me whenever you want
>if you get sick of this mortal shit you can come to heaven any time and we'll kick it

We can't even stop ourselves from eating an apple that God told us not to eat. Of course he's going to turn into a bastard for a few millennia.

>> No.6966961

/r9k/ please go

>> No.6966966

I've always wondered, what is the Tree of Knowledge an allegory for? Is it really just there to test humanity's trust in God? Is it a leftover/mistake from Creation? Satan's prison on Earth?

>> No.6966978

>they're the same God

You're arguing semantics, we're talking about his actions between books.

>> No.6966979

great troll, except for the fact that they didn't yet know virtue from sin and God allowed a snake to harass eve for month about it so obviously she was going to give in. how the fuck was she suppose to know its wrong when that didn't yet exist? how was she suppose to know to take the word of a voice from the sky (that just disappeared for months) over a talking fucking snake?
literally God also knew it was going to happen the second he said not to

lastly, it was the snake who taught us right from wrong

>> No.6966983

It's not an allegory; it's supposed to challenge contemporary pagan explanations for why the world is how it is.

>> No.6966988

Adam and Eve knew God, they weren't just a couple of shaved apes running naked and afraid through a forest. They might not have known about sin, but they knew God told them not to eat from the tree. A direct request from their creator should have been good enough.

>> No.6966989


Jesus also says that you can't get into heaven unless you read and follow the rules of the Old Testament, which is basically in direct contradiction to everything he teaches in the New Testament. I used to be a Christian, but when I read that I got frustrated as shit and gave up.

>> No.6966990

no different, from my knowledge the focus was on the "God the Son" part of God while the Old Testament was focused on the "God the Father" part of God (unless you believe they're all different Gods, then that makes this entire argument easier)

>> No.6967001

no, it shouldn't have, they didn't know it was wrong

>> No.6967003
File: 203 KB, 928x998, ogdru jahad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail the Serpent, He Who is Seven but also One!
Obdith Yug Jahood! Anung Sancti Abjura!

>> No.6967009

oh, well, thanks anon I wasn't even aware of that !

>> No.6967015

I see the account of God's act of creation as a metaphor of the development of simple, binary taxonomies (dark/light, day/night, land/sea, plant/animal, etc). The Tree of Knowledge represents the moment when humans applied this diametric model to our own behavior (good/evil).

>> No.6967016

The snake easily convinced Eve, but Adam was very hesitant to defy God. This clearly shows at least one of them knew it was wrong.

>> No.6967039

apollo and dionysus no god and christ. praise life.

>> No.6967054

they couldn't know it was wrong, it's a biblical fact that neither of them knew good from evil, however, eve was punished because she put her faith in a talking snake instead (which I think is bullshit)

again, why did God command something he knew wasn't going to happen? why did he let the snake harass eve for months?

we are already aware of the fact that putting faith into something other than the God of the Old Testament is wide spread and not wrong (because faith is without evidence); do you honestly believe other religions are to blame for wickedness?

>> No.6967085

it's al phucking false breh

>> No.6967091

book of job god GOAT

>> No.6967103

so is god mean for A) giving free will to such weak creatures or B) offering temptation to such weak creatures?

what good is sentience with no free will? what good is free will with no decisions to be made?

>> No.6967127

>knew it wasn't going to happen
So "name all the creatures I just created" was straightforward enough, but "don't eat the apple" wasn't? Help me understand.

As for other religions, that goes far beyond the scope of this discussion. But if you want to go down that road:
>the abrahamic religions all believe in the same God anyway
>those simply ignorant of God are considered less evil than willful sinners, as evidenced in The Inferno

>> No.6967152

If you think pic related is true then you obvious haven't read the Book of Revelation

>> No.6967184

the snake is the reason we know good from evil, not god

>> No.6967233

>follow the rules of the Old Testament

the morals/commandments
not the ceremonial laws

>> No.6967238

Why does this shitty thread get posted every day? I get that the Bible is literature but come on, can we just have a /theology/ general or something so we don't have ten 'DAILY REMINDER THERE IS NO IMMEDIATE JUDGMENT' threads?

>> No.6967242

wtf God knew it wasn't forward enough when he said that and no, "name all the creatures I just created" wasn't forward enough, and it's not even about being forward
God expected man to put faith into him over anything else, even when he knew they wouldn't (so what the fuck, God ) and separate from being able to see the future he couldn't seriously expect them not to put faith in the snake when they didn't even know right from wrong

>using The Inferno as evidence

>> No.6967246

it's just a fruit. It is the action of transgressing which introduces evil, and the knowledge of good by evil (before that goodness would have been a 'this is water' type thing), into the world

>> No.6967248

yes, exactly

>> No.6967255

Enjoy being abandoned by Him just as you abandon His law. Jesus himself said so.

>> No.6967260 [DELETED] 


his law was fulfilled. "it is finished"

it's not what goes in your mouth that makes you unclean, but what comes out of it...

New Covenant > Old Covenant

jews will never get it

>> No.6967290

That's not a statement that it is acceptable to eat outside of the sanctioned dietary restrictions- it only means that the act itself does not make one holy before Him.

xristians will never get it.

>> No.6967305

fulfill. finish. fulfill. "i have not come to abolish the law"
I don't see what you mean

>> No.6967312

>That's not a statement that it is acceptable to eat outside of the sanctioned dietary restriction

that's exactly what it is, when read in context. The word unclean is specific.


the moral law is not abolished
the ceremonial law is fulfilled, no more animal sacrifices, etc (it was paid in Jesus' blood)

>> No.6967314 [DELETED] 
File: 3.01 MB, 294x238, laughing american.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: kikes trying to understand Christianity

>> No.6967330

>wearing two different kinds of fabric woven together.

I feel like a lot of the old testament rules were designed by someone thinking of the short-term benefit of their civilization, but I can't think of what practical purpose forbidding mixing fabrics would serve.

Anyone got any ideas?

>> No.6967365

>that's exactly what it is, when read in context.
Read it again. He is /not/ saying that the dietary restrictions are no longer valid, he is saying that simply following them is not equivalent to being holy. Your misinterpretation stems from the fact that you ignore that in this passage neither Jesus nor his disciples are eating anything outside the law, but that they supposedly had not washed their hands before eating.
>xristians understanding their own bible

>> No.6967376

I assume it would be a symbol of wealth and affluence, or maybe because it was a waste when only one type of fabric could be used

>> No.6967381

It's an imposed ascetic rule, like the Kosher diet. There's no logical reason.

>> No.6967387

The rule just exists to separate the Jews from their surrounding people. Having unmixed fabrics wasn't a huge detriment at the time, and if a Jew constantly had to wear different clothes etc. from their neighbor, that reinforced the "I'm Jewish" identity as opposed to "I'm a Babylonian/Persian/Roman/whatever resident."

>> No.6967962
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Literally the same god in two different lens.

See: Old Covenant to New Covenant and the historical understanding of the books of the Bible.

>> No.6968012

Old Testament = Father during teenage years.
New Testament = Father during adulthood.

>> No.6968054

Second half of Genesis > First half of Exodus > First half of Genesis > Second half of Numbers > Deuteronomy > Second half of Leviticus > First half of Numbers > Second half of Exodus > First half of Leviticus

>> No.6968308

>old testament god
If you are a jew you must follow a list of strict rules to secure a place in the world to come. Gentiles need only not worship idols or murder in order to go to the world to come. No preaching is a requirement as god will ensure that ALL nations will come to him through the messiah in the end times
>new testament god
Haha, im just kidding guys, you shouldnt go around killing rule breaking jews, rather everyone is united under god, however the price to pay for stoning rule breakers which only applies to jews, is that ALL must abide by my rules, otherwise ill send you to the lake of fire to suffer for an eternity.
Right, fair trade....

>> No.6970371

The 'new testament' if true is a far more brutal reality against humanity than the 'old testament' ever was or is.

>> No.6970399

ITT atheists that know nothing of the Bible

>> No.6970456
File: 345 KB, 729x1024, Fagulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Polyester blends are hideous.

>> No.6970495
File: 56 KB, 500x690, Weird Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Adam and Eve lived in blissful ignorance until the original sin. The Tree of Knowledge gave them knowledge of good and evil and of how shitty and unfair the world is. It was the original red pill.
The role of the serpent is unclear. It could have been a symbol for Eve discovering masturbation and the forbidden fruit being the sweet climax. She then offers Adam his own sweet climax by eating the fruit with him (sex). The discovery of sexual reproduction resulted in the Garden of Eden being an unsustainable environment and humanity has had to subsist on what the Earth is today.


>they're the same God

No, they aren't. The Christian God is a different rendition and dynamic of the Hebrew God. The original Hebrew God was chaotic and malevolent as well as loving and benevolent. The Christians, unable to identify with this cruel and kind force of nature, dichotomised the Hebrew God into their own God and Satan. They hitched the Hebrew texts onto their own so that the New Testament would have legend and prophecy to build upon and they rearranged the books to change the ending of the Old Testament. The Hebrew scripture ends with them finding the Promised Land. The Christians swapped this around with the scripture detailing the coming of the Messiah so as to legitimise the New Testament focused on the central character of Jesus of Nazareth.

>> No.6972735
File: 24 KB, 258x245, 1436541174627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the Book of Revelation is some guy's revenge fantasy
>literaly the theological equivalent of some butthurt kid going and drawing pictures of the school bullies dying in horrible ways
>it is considered a canonical religious text by over 2 billion people
>people think it is an accurate prediction of how the world will end

>> No.6972751

Agreed OP. Showa Yahweh > Heisei Yahweh