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/lit/ - Literature

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6966772 No.6966772 [Reply] [Original]

Taking any fun /lit/ related uni classes this fall, fellas?

>> No.6966777

>He paid $60,000 to read books

>> No.6966780
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I'm taking Modern Prose Fiction I and II, apparently we covered lots of post-WWII Canadian, British and American writers. Sort of excited for it because I don't study literature so this elective is a once-off for me, and I'm also looking forward to reading normal books in a week as opposed to spending months sifting through whatever happens to be /lit/'s flavour of the month. I'm somewhat sceptical though considering it's an introductory course.

>> No.6966783

I paid it to have access to a big fucking five story library (also online stuff)

>> No.6966795

>not just paying for a library card
>not just stealing books on a whim
>not realizing that a "five fucking story library" is nothing compared with the vast amount of literature on the Internet.

>> No.6966797

"Introduction to Literary Analysis"

>> No.6966823

People really do this still?

>> No.6966828

>stealing books


>> No.6966840

Thank God I don't live in clapland. Though even then I'm getting a real degree, physics
>implying you need school to study literature

>> No.6966846


It would be interesting to see how many books have been made electronic vs how many are in a big university library. Cambridge says they've got 8 million, Harvard says 17 million in all their libraries.

Obviously those libraries will have more books in physical form than will be available online of all of the books in their collection. But does the online world actually have more than 17 million real electronic books? A library is kinda always going to win with journals because they'll often get a new issue of every copy + they have the old non-electronic ones.

>> No.6966866

Advanced creative writing and a special topics course all about writing a novel. First time I've been excited for a semester to start.

>> No.6966874

If you're studying anything else (besides for bullshit degrees like human resources or somthing) you won't have the time to properly study literature. Maybe after you have settled in a job, if you got a decent one.

>> No.6966885


Get fucked, stemfag. Instate tuition at a good public state college along with scholarships comes out to less then $10k a year for me.

>> No.6966900

textual analysis

>> No.6966939

BritLit to 1798, classic mythology

>> No.6966970


>Though even then I'm getting a real degree, physics

Oh shit son, you'll be getting all that mad physicist money with your BSc. What's your career plan? IT consultant? Commercial analyst?

If you want a job in physics that actually pays you'll need to do at least 3-5 more years training once you've graduated. Assuming you don't suck. If you want an actual job in physics you probably won't even make minimum wage till you're 40.

>> No.6967112

The hard, honest truth

Arts degrees are a scam. Do what I'm doing, get a degree in programming, then read + study on the side. Can finance whatever you want.

>> No.6967174

This is only true if you don't go to an elite-tier school or have connections or want to be an artist. Very true if those things don't apply, though.

Do you want to be a physicist or are you gonna go to Wall Street and do the same job as people who studied economics and had fun in school?

>> No.6967203
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Taking lit. of social exclusion

will be reading:

Atlas shrugged, Ayn Rand
The complete maus, Art Spiegelman
What is the what, Dave Eggers

Would this be enjoyable?

>> No.6967222


Not really true. I went to a top 3 university, and even though I studied history, I know I will get a job interview just by name dropping my university

>> No.6967245

A job interview is not a job guarantee. besides, in general most students won't go to a top university so my point still stands.

>> No.6967256

You actually can get a job with a Literature or Humanities degree, not even necessarily even in the publishing industry.

>> No.6967262

>Modern Prose Fiction I and II,
Waste of time tbh. But if you're interested in the subject matter, I guess that's okay. Since it's an elective and it isn't your focus.
Not for me

Im taking
German Critical Thought II
Greek Philosophy II
The Bible

Lot of reading.

>> No.6967275

No, reading Dave Eggers will not be enjoyable. Rand will be a close second for least enjoyable and I don't know that other guy but he sounds Jewish.

>> No.6967276

Maus is actually a pretty enjoyable graphic novel

>> No.6967283
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I'm pretty much doing the same thing my STEMfag friend.

>> No.6967284


Care to elaborate? Many /lit/ browsers seem to talk about Atlast shrugged, the other 2 I really don't have any idea about.

>> No.6967298

Maus is enjoyable
Eggers is a pseudo
Rand is tedious/propaganda but if you're conservative, it'll be a treat

Rand could be interesting in a class setting actually. Eggers is just trash though

>> No.6967320

non-scholarship fag detected.

>> No.6967328

That's still a lot of dough

>> No.6967360


Depends on what you mean by conservative. Rand is favored by a small but visible wave of American libertarians more than Mike Huckabee types.

>> No.6967361

>he lives in a shit hole that charges for for uni


>> No.6967369

University as a whole is a scam for the majority of people. Basically every field is over-saturated. People on here act like a STEM degree is a guaranteed job, but it isn't. It's just not as bad as the arts when it comes to employment, but the prospects still aren't that favorable.

>> No.6967377


It's important to have high entry barriers as incentivization and to make students more competitive for their careers.

Imagine you have a degree in x subject, right, and 300 other people have a degree in x subject because of high entry barriers. You're competing with those 300 people for the same jobs.

Now imagine those entry barriers are lowered so anyone can get a degree in x subject for free, with minimum entry barriers. So 300 people turns into 900 people.

Would you rather compete with 300 people for the same jobs, or 900 people?

>> No.6967390

Taking a Humanities course called "The Future" at SDSU.

Such books as Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and R.U.R.

Should be fun.

>> No.6967392

Sure. Dave Eggers is twee, and tries to hide intellectual dishonesty and trite mess behind double talk and cute expressions. He is absolutely the most irritating author who isn't just a flat out bad writer.

For example, Zeitoun is his book about a man who stays in NOLA through and after Katrina and how he eventually gets arrested by the national guard even though he dindu nuffin because he's a Muslim despite looking totally white. Turns out loads of details in the book are false and twist the narrative to vilify the government even more than reality already would, and Zeitoun is actually a wife beating, lying shitbag. Eggers thought he could cover his ass by including a note at the beginning to classify the book as something between a novel and nonfiction, basically just absolving himself of culpability for known falsehoods in a work doubtless meant to be presented as a journalistic enterprise.

Did I mention that his writing is twee? He's twee.

>> No.6967404

>something between a novel and nonfiction
Eggers is such a fucking hack. You know he started writing this thing and halfway through realized what a scumbag his subject was and so he figured he shouldn't just scrap the book or be honest about it, he better just lie and put down a disclaimer and label it nonfiction with creative liberties. Disgusting

>> No.6967412

I'd rather compete with no one for a job because

>having a job

>> No.6967413

>competition is bad

But capitalism says competition is good....

>> No.6967418

There's a forum thread I'm too lazy to find (might be on Goodreads) where someone claiming to have lived through Katrina in New Orleans eviscerates Eggers.

>believing people on the Internet
I know, but I want to believe.

>> No.6967433

Libertarian slang for coercion.

>> No.6967437

>not doing rotc and getting college paid for by uncle sam

>> No.6967468

>dying for Israel
Good goy

>> No.6967480

>It's important to have high entry barriers
You do know that there are other means of selection that are more likely to be relevant to the success of a given student than the amount of money he can produce, right ?

>> No.6967822
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>> No.6968031


In present conditions it seems unlikely a Navy ROTC graduate serving aboard a ship would be put in severe life danger

>> No.6968053

"Epistolary Archives & Confessions"

>> No.6968078
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looks like I won't be reading much this semester, lads

>> No.6968087

but i don't find STEM fun

>> No.6968541

is that a joke? those are all easy intro classes

>> No.6968578

problem is I was econ and I switched to applied math w/ an emphasis in econ (going into second year). So I've done most of my general ed but now I have to take all these starter courses for a stem degree.
oh well.

>> No.6968637

Yeah if you're a fucking pleb.

>> No.6968662


Honestly, the first Calc1 test fucked me up. But my grades steadily increased as the semester went on cause it got easier and easier. So if you bomb the first test, don't sweat it.


Not yet. Might drop calc3 or differential equations and take some bullshit /lit/ class instead, but we'll see.

>> No.6968667

Differential Equations is easy bullshit, I teach it, I know.

>> No.6968677

I took it in hs lad but a 4 on the ap exam wasn't enough to get me out

the other classes are all easy I know, but chem is the one that's really going to fuck me over if I don't buckle down

>> No.6968922

No...my parents did.

>> No.6968947

A double-credit Modernism class with a prof I've been friends with for a while, the double-credit thing is usually pretty challenging.
Dunno what Lit Crit will be like.
Hoping to get someone to give me a special course in Latin, otherwise (modern) Greek.

>> No.6968973

I'm genuinely considering doing Navy ROTC, is it worth it?

>> No.6969054

this tbf

>> No.6969063
File: 198 KB, 423x314, 1330659981571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I regret majoring in something that I like that isn't very employable?

I don't want to major in something I hate just for money.

>> No.6969088

Milton brofist

I'm taking:
Great 20th Century European Novels
Restoration Lit
Russian Literary Adaptations
Russian Language

>> No.6969094

I am taking Modernism, a course on Middle English and, if I am permitted to go abroad as I have planned, Criticism and Literary Theory and Renaissance Literature.

>> No.6969097

I'm majoring in illustration. all or nothing brother, yolo etc

I am going to die homeless and starving, but at least i'll do what i love

>> No.6969098

all the assblasted humanities fags triggered by this
the truth hurts don't it fags?

nice trips btw.

>> No.6969130

You can make a ton of money with illustration skills. Just need to apply yourself and network correctly.

My girlfriend does graphic design and illustration and is very successful.

>> No.6969191

>I have never heard of the USS Liberty

>> No.6969477

>tfw almost no one in my uni likes lit/writing classes
>tfw you get stuck with people that just bullshit their writing

good thing i chose a different major

>> No.6969500

I'm very excited for the upcoming semester actually, I will be taking a class focusing on the works of Herman Melville. Moby Dick is one of my favorite books so it should be interesting to read under that lens.

>> No.6969512

rotc here too man.

>> No.6969515

also taking Joyce excluding Ulysses and Asian-American lit

>> No.6969773

Pretty sure i've paid like $1000 so far

>> No.6969796


under what lens?

>> No.6969798

>“The Human Event” is an interdisciplinary seminar focusing on key social and intellectual currents in the development of humanity in its diversity. Students examine human thought and imagination from various disciplines, including philosophy, history, literature, religion, science, and art. Coursework emphasizes critical thinking, discussion, and argumentative writing.

All the shitposting I've done on /lit/ has prepared me for this class, I'm ready to bring the banter when classes start in a few days.

>> No.6969804

>paying money to read books

Is this a joke?

>> No.6969809

colleges are basically degree factories at this point, most people go to get certification, not to learn

if you actually enjoy what you're studying, and can find a job, fuck it tbh

>> No.6969814

It depends on the STEM degree. If you're doing something like biology then you might as well just do gender studies for all the help it will do.

>> No.6970732

So you don't know anything about libertarianism do you.

>> No.6970741

>So you don't know anything about libertarianism do you.
>So you don't know anything about Capitalism do you.

>> No.6971695

I'm taking a course on Russian lit more specifically Nabovok

>> No.6971912

Technically? No.

>> No.6972130

Don't get your hopes up it's going to be a feelings hug box, no actual arguments allowed

>> No.6972193

My English Courses:
Classical Traditions
Old English Literature (Full Year Course)
Children's Literature

>> No.6972268

Going to try and take an advanced German lit class this semester.

First lit class I've ever taken at my uni, and it technically has two other german lit prereqs, but it was the only interesting lit class I could find that would fit my schedule.

I need to still talk to the teacher to see If I'm retarded or not for wanting to take this class.

What is usually the most difficult / time consuming part of a standard 4000 level Literature class?

I don't mind lots of reading, because I do that anyways. I'm also a decent writer for a STEMfag, but I'm not sure how much is expected from these types of classes.

>> No.6972279

rich piece of shit. kill yourself

>> No.6972286

No lit classes, but I've got one on political theory and one on translation, so I guess that's nice.
>tfw took a Nabokov course in the spring
Good stuff.

>> No.6972530

I'm pretty sure you can buy more than you will ever read with 60k

>> No.6972566

>tfw your girl studied english lit at uni and is more
well read than you

>> No.6972602

You're twenty-something years old and still handing up homework essays about, like, your opinion on what this passage meant.

When are you guys going to just kill yourself? You're probably going to bankrupt your family line with this pathetic shit if not outright be its end.

>> No.6972738

>having to pay more than 300 bucks per semester to study

>> No.6973991

>intro to mythology
>world lit I antiquity - 17th century
>creative writing
Should be a good semester

>> No.6974235

I always wanted to have this picture as a phone wallpaper but I'm not edgy enough to explain to people that it's a woman who committed suicide.

>> No.6974239


>> No.6974267

Not in the fall, but I'm taking a history class on pirates and piracy since 1500

>> No.6974686

you're toast.

>> No.6974694

fug. Well I plan on talking to the teacher, but I was really hoping to take a non soul-sucking class for once and maybe meet some non-autistic sperglords.

I can also read and write german, don't know if thats going to be of any use though.

>> No.6974697

My classes -

Multicultural Mythologies
Fiction of Militarism and Antimilitarism, 20th Century
Children's and Young Adult Literature
The Graphic Novel as Literature
Internship in Magazine Editing
Italian 3

>> No.6974820

>Classical Poets in Translation
>German Idealism
>British Romantic Poetry
>Individual Study: Readings in Masculinity and Rape
>Selected Topics in Public Policy: Private Sector Responses to Terrorism

>> No.6975092

how do you guys take so many courses? is the load just way easier?
with just 4 at my UC you have to spent a full 40-50 hour work week to keep up solid grades

>> No.6975763

Sadly not. I'm starting a physics degree this Autumn. Hopefully I'll have time to read.
I'm still thinking of changing to physics & philosophy, but it might not be possible or advisable. I guess that would mean I'd have to read the course books and have less time for my own reading.