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6964820 No.6964820 [Reply] [Original]

Who here also pretends to like books so they feel as if they are smarter than they actually are?

>> No.6964827

Yeah, I do. But it's not conscious

>> No.6964835

wait, but you just acknowledged that you do, so how can it not be conscious if you consciously accepted that you do and are consciously aware of it

>> No.6964839

I am Sisyphus

>> No.6964842

he's sleepposting

>> No.6964843

Who are these boner condoners?

>> No.6964849

>Who here also pretends to like books so they feel as if they are smarter than they actually are?
I read books when I get bored and when I have nothing else to fill my mind with. Being pleb actually gets my mind numb.

>> No.6964850

I can be concious that I am innately racist, but it is not a concious decision, see what I mean?

I do not wish to be prejudiced but I AM, I am inclined see blacks as less than white people although I know they are equals and treat them that way consciously.

>> No.6964854

Don't deny your impulses. They are not equal.

>> No.6964899

I don't know how it works. It just does.

The mind isn't some razor sharp hypocrisy eliminating machine dude... that's too optimistic

I hate trannies but I have an f-list shemale acct that I use almost every day. I recognize the hypocrisy, doesn't change my hatred or my lust....

>> No.6964909

If you control for parental level of education and income there is no difference at all. The problem is that
1. black culture says not to do 'white' things like the arts - you can even get beaten for acting too white and doing to well in school
2. the schools that are predominantly black are in low-income areas and have shitty teachers
3. low-income parents begot shitty parenting and low test scores
since blacks make a larger portion of the low-income population, they do worse on average.

The source for the acting white is a paper by harvard professor roland fryer called 'the economics of acting white'
the rest is from a study called the early childhood longitudinal study by the us dpt. of edctn on kids from kindergarden to 5th grade, done in the late 1990s

>> No.6964959

I have 70 books from the library at my house.
I've had them four months.
Barely read ten pages in any of them.

>> No.6964975

So if you disregard the overwhelming majority of them and overlook the fact that they're shitty parents and actively promote a culture that objectively churns out below-average citizens while simultaneously ostracizing and ridiculing those who strive to improve their lot in life some of them are okay.

Compelling argument.

>> No.6965007

I thought I wasthe only one.
It's horrific when you get that feel of losing the clarity that reading regulary gives you.

>> No.6965025

oh i thought you were arguing for some sort of justified racism from a genetic/intelligence standpoint
I think we can both agree there is a problem with black culture in general, I just don't think that it warrants calling black people in general subhuman

it's like the difference between an opinion and a bias. opinions can change from day to day but a bias is sticky. a bias affects how you see every new piece of information and how you go into every situation. Here biases are what make racism, it's important to keep an open mind and you can have opinions - everyone does - just racism is not justified or prudent or based on science.

>> No.6965032
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>get depressed
>sleep, drink, watch tv and shitpost on 4chan all day
>can't maintain a single coherent train of thought near the end of it
Here's hoping I didn't make myself permanently dumber!

>> No.6965048

Doesn't work. The more I read the more ignorant I feel.

>> No.6965056

>If you control for parental level of education and income there is no difference at all.
Source? Nearly all studies I've ever seen at best reduce the disparity.

>> No.6965061

I dislike classic books to show how smart I am. It's called having taste.

>> No.6965090

Well in the study I put at the end of the post they collected huge amounts of non-standard data in the chicago area.

This is from a book by steven levitt interpreting it (the book is freakonomics):
>Black students are hardly the only ones who suffer in bad schools. White childre n in these schools also perform poorly. In fact, there is essentailly no black-white test score gap within a bad school in the early years once you control for students' backgraounds. But all students in a bad school, black and white, do lose ground to students in good schools. (165)
>after controlling for just a few variables - includeing the income and education level of the child's parents and the mother's age at the birth of her first child - the gap between black and white children is virtually eliminated at the time children enter school.
This is an encourageing finding on two fronts. It means that the young black children have continuted to make gains relative tot their white counterparts. It also means taht whatever gap remains can be linked back to a handful of readily identifiable factors. (164)
then in the following pages he describes the correlations between a child's personal circumstances and hist school performance.
So this does involve admitting "on average, girls test higher than boys, and asians test higher than whites - although blacks, as we have already established, test similarly to whites from comparable backgrounds and in comparable schools" (166)
It's actually avery interesting chapter, talking about how having educated parents has a positive correlation and having an intact family does not have an affect, along with going to museums, getting spanked, watching television.

I'm going to appeal to authority and say this guy studied in harvard's fellows for 3 years, this is probably not all made up. I'll admit I haven't actually looked at the raw data yet though.

>> No.6965126


A friend of mine told me I should be a teacher, I waved her off.

>> No.6965148

best meme is best

>> No.6965171
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I pretend to like some books some times, to be honest, but I genuinely enjoy most of what I read and most of the time spent reading. It is a bit hard to avoid distractions like right now on the internet or video games, so I don't read as much as I have in better times. I would like to meet the kind of people who would interpret reading as a sign of intelligence and not some weird aberration. I'm at fucking college and nobody reads.

>> No.6965176

quit videogames man. cold turkey. best decision I ever made.


>> No.6965192

I'm glad to see someone saved that photo.

>> No.6965201

I remember when people were supposed to pretend not to like books to look cool.

What the fuck happened.

>> No.6965210
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Really? I wish I had your resolve. I've been playing since I was about 5 years old. I tell myself to play just a little in moderation for healthy relaxation but then I spend fucking hours of free time trying to unlock planes in warthunder or something equally pointless. I wish I could strike a balance but for some people abstinence is required and it may be required for me.

>> No.6965211


>> No.6965238

No, I don't do it. I genuinely enjoy great poetry and great art in general. When I don't enjoy it I don't pretend, but I rather try to understand why.

People who pretend to like books are immature. But this is what happens when one has no aesthetic sense, I think: you feel the need of having others telling you what you should and what you shouldn't like.

The 21st century has no aesthetic sense.

>> No.6965240

Hi anon, former video game addict here. I've played since I could pick up a controller. My dad used to give me an extra unplugged controller when he played super mario and I'd think I was playing. I quit a year or two ago, after multiple thousands of hours of video games, and that's just what Steam tells me and I didn't get on steam until 2009.
I'm telling you, what got me out of it was having to sell my console. Of course, I still had my PC but without the console and with books to make up for my loss I eventually weaned off the vidya. Every now and then I still kill a couple cheeky breekies in Stalker, sure, but I find I get bored within half an hour if any game.

Kill your systems. Get rid of them. I don't mean put them in the closet, I mean get them out of your reach. Sell them, spend the money on books, and fight it out. Listen, this isn't heroin. It's pretty easy to quit video games. You just have to want to.

>> No.6965254
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this, pretty much

I have retried them but I just don't even want to play anymore. They don't do anything positive, and every time I get almost sucked back in I remember how it consumed every aspect of my life. I didn't want to go to class. I didn't want to make friends. Didn't even want to leave my dorm.
Moderation here is not the key, the slope is just way too slippery.

>> No.6965263


Thank you for the advice anon, I'll give it some thought.

>> No.6965268

Right around when you go to high school and if you are lucky, and not a retard, you realize that to be cool means to be smart.

>> No.6965271

I have done this. Anyone able to comment on permanent mental issues caused by shitty habits?

>> No.6965297

Don't worry, it goes away.
Source : did that and mental health came back after a few weeks of work

I don't recommend staying dumb though

>> No.6965335


Agreed. I don't play at all anymore, haven't started a game for a year now. I'll make an exception for TPP though, been waiting too long for that one.

>> No.6965565

I used to hit myself in the head out of self-hatred for a long time. Went deaf in one ear for a while, which scared me straight. I think my brain works fine, but I can't be sure. Poor amerifag so I can't see a doctor unless I wanna break the bank.

>> No.6965594
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>> No.6965600


Oh I definitely do this, but I find that it's easier to use a book as a fashion statement when you don't actually like it.

>> No.6965696

No, but that might be because I'm not a teenage girl.

>> No.6965717

I generally avoid talking to people as much as possible, and don't sincerely open up about myself or my interests in the necessary conversations I do have to maintain social standing.

So nah. I just like the escapism.