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File: 30 KB, 295x475, agameofthrones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
696443 No.696443 [Reply] [Original]

This series is about kids. Literally, there are full chapters dedicated solely to a 7 year old named Bran...and then more chapters dedicated to pre teens, and teens. Not only that, the kids in this book act like adults, far beyond their years.

WTF why is this dumb series so popular? If I wanted to read a fantasy book about kids I would read Chronicles of Narnia or Eragon. At least those books aren't as boring or shallow as A Game of Thrones.

>> No.696452

Or read His Dark Materials, don't forget about that one.

>> No.696460

>WTF why is this dumb series so popular?

>> No.696520

Harry Potter is about kids.

>> No.696526

I guess if a book is about kids it's automatically shit huh?

OP logic is flawless!

>> No.696533

Ender's Game is about kids.

>> No.696712

How many kids books have incest has a major theme?

Go troll on /b/ you fucktard

>> No.696714

Lolita sucks because it's about kids.

>> No.696717
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>> No.696721

>WTF why is this dumb series so popular?


>> No.696722

No, it's not.

>> No.696763

Yes, it is.

>> No.696771

>Lolita sucks

I see what you did there.

>> No.696784

50% Stephen King's "It" is about kids.

>> No.696787

That's why it's mediocre.

>> No.696790

Am debating between reading (well, listening to the audiobooks) of either this series or The Wheel of Time series, which should I choose?

>> No.696798

read both instead of listening to one.

>> No.696800

Fine, then which first?

>> No.696812

asoiaf is the better series, imo.
wot is a mixed bag. if you can survive the first three books, you'd probably like to read the second three. the last six, well, it's up to you.

so go with the asoiaf.

>> No.696834
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>> No.696865


WoT is a watered down LotR, this is a watered down War of the Roses, take it how you will.

>> No.696869

Rather than complaining about "it has kids" you should realise it takes child characters and makes them bearable.

Oh wait no, you're conceited.

>> No.697032

years in that world are a bit longer than they are here

plus, i don't think the kids really act much older than they are. Even the older ones have a lot of naive moments.

>> No.697035

it's not that years are longer, it's just that seasons have nothing to do with time passing.

>> No.697037



>> No.697052
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