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6962617 No.6962617 [Reply] [Original]

>develop writing skills all my life
>no job actually wants or requires them

>> No.6962627

What jobs are you looking for?

Almost all the ones I've applied to require them. Usually in the education, library and publishing fields.

>> No.6962632

Yes they do

I work as an editor

stop being stupid

>> No.6962658
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>develop writing skills my whole life
>think of myself as the next great American writer
>work on something I think will be for mature and intellectual audiences
>send it to publisher
>they tell me it's good, but it will sell more if it's marketed as YA fiction
>mfw what I thought would be the next Notes From Underground or Crying of Lot 49 is sold as YA fiction

>> No.6962849

>develop writing skills my whole life
>go to Great Clips today
>9/10 fox struts out from behind the counter
>thin as a rail, green eyes, pale, dying to be my wife, etc
>looks at me
>That's me
>Me: When did you graduate?
>Her: 2013
>Me: Oh, me too.
>Her: what are you studying
>Me: English/Philosophy
>She drops the hairbrush and muffles an apology, fixing her pants
>I hear her whisper "Oh my god. This guy is making me cum already" as she drops to one knee to retrieve the brush
>Me: Uh yeah, I recently took a class on Spinoza. I found his observations regarding affectations to be quite compelling
>A moan escapes her list and she knocks over the electric razor she was reaching for
>Her: "Please stop. I have a boyfriend..."
>Me: "I find one of the greatest joys in life are tracing Spinoza's influence in the works of Hegel and committing my observations to essay format"
>The other hairdresser behind the counter moans and mine drops to her hands and knees
>Her: "Just take me now, I've already came twice but just take me anyway"
>Me: "Mhm, I'm afraid I like to refrain from full ejaculation for doing otherwise hinders my ability to think critically."
>Hairdresser starts writhing on the floor, foaming at the mouth
>Other hairdresser is moaning uncontrollably and trying to dial 911
>I touch up my neck and leave without paying

It's going pretty well for me so far tbh

>> No.6962873

First laugh I've had in a while

>> No.6962875

You forgot to get your hair cut, retard.

>> No.6962887

If this is true, I just want you to know I'm laughing at you

>> No.6962892

write a postmodern book about an author who writes a book intended for mature audiences but instead it's sold as YA fiction

if life throws you lemons make limonade tbh

>> No.6962895

Even my STEM job requires writing skills.
You should read the reports written by some of my old classmates. They were painful, when you could even understand what they were trying to say.

>> No.6962896

This. I work as a lawyer.

>> No.6962897

don't worry friend, it's simply because YA fiction is in vogue right now.
notes from the underground would have also sold more if it was marketed as YA fiction (in 2015)

>> No.6962908

That's why you have to use tons of sex and violence in your stories!