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6961721 No.6961721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can some philosophers say that private property does not exist?
I mean if I came into your house(not the house you own I guess but the one you are in) and just ripped away the computer you were using, would you not be upset?

Socialists are literally retarded sheltered kids, pic very related

>> No.6961732

Many distinguish between private property and personal property.

>> No.6961741
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>Many distinguish between private property and personal property.
redpill me on the difference
What if I have a veggie garden in my yard and I sometimes sell the fruits it grows?

>> No.6961759

The only difference between personal and private property are the things a communist is not willing to steal, yet.

>> No.6961780

>implying the kids of the people on top won't be getting the rungs

>> No.6961782


Personal property; private property has become a social relation. I.e, if you own a factory, you probably don't interact with it yourself, like you would with a vegetable garden. Instead, you use others to interact with it, and leverage your state-enforced control, to obtain a portion of what they have produced.

>> No.6961793

Well socialism, communism, Marxism gimme gimmeism etc, are ideals that are attractive to people who are weak of character, or sociopathic.

>> No.6961799

I base my moral on people being upset

>> No.6961804
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>that comic

>> No.6961805

>it will continue to suck until its people are able to enjoy free enterprise
What the fuck are they teaching Americans in school these days?

>> No.6961811

>not paying for food and shelter in freedom
>using fiat currency

>> No.6961815

>that fucking pic

Also, this isn't literature related


we have 10000 marxism threads already. this belongs on pol

>> No.6961822

its pretty accurate tbh
Handouts just create a class of people that is permanently poor and dependent of the government and an easily manipulable voting block, its an interesting concept, and I dont think those reviving welfare should be able to vote tbh
Read some Rothbard, he has many insightful ideas on this topic

Marx wasnt a position he was an author

>> No.6961837

>everything should be privately owned: oceans, deserts, oil reserves, continents, rain forests, animals, slaves, and women

Debate me on this.

>> No.6961839
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Property is just the creation of positive law. I don't think it has any natural foundations unless you resort to some type of labour theory of property but then you would be a dirty commie.

>> No.6961843

Tradey of the Commons
If the government owned it it would just be destoryed by the general population, whereas private ownership has a vested interested i maintaining the things they own
Ever noticed how elusive private beachclubs are generally nicer taken care of than public ones?

>> No.6961847

You're agreeing with me, mate

>> No.6961852
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Who will sell the ocean to the private corporations?

>> No.6961857

I wouldnt say half accurate is accurate enough bud
The "free market" definitely doesnt bring most poor people out of poverty

>> No.6961861


>> No.6961863

The whole "tradey of the commons" idea presumes rules don't exists. Elinor Ostrom's work blew the fuck out of the "tradey of the commons" idea. You clearly have no knowledge of the real history of the Commons.

Read this: "Ostrom's Law: Property Rights in the Commons"

>> No.6961872

>"read this obscure paper written by some SJW femanazi, it disproves the widely accepted and peer reviewed idea that economists have accepted for decades"
ummmm... No?

>> No.6961889

She won the Nobel Prize in Economics

If you are unaware of the heavy criticisms the theory has come under due to real world data you are a moron

>> No.6961890

>buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword appeal to authority

lol ok

>> No.6961929

>/lit/ defening SJW's
u mad cucks?

>> No.6961934

>implying people are incapable of defending their property.

>> No.6961940
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>read some Rothbard

>> No.6961944

Nice ad hominiem fallacy, retard
Id like to see your tiny peanut brian even TRY to criticize rothbard's views

>> No.6961951
File: 24 KB, 333x333, KFlAOmE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice fallacy fallacy

>> No.6961958

What do you recommend by Rothbard?

>> No.6961959

>le hats meme
I hope you know you are getting reported
I am not announcing that I am reporting you, all I'm saying is that somebody is reporting your shitposting, and the mods arent gunna tolerate it

>> No.6961961

>A mutiple megacorps controlled dystopia is much superior to an all-powerful government controlled dystopia

Debate me on this.

>> No.6961969

People get upset for not respecting the Lord either, that doesn't make him real.

Private property is a concept regarding how some people think people ought to act. It's no more real than that. If private property would truly exist, theft would be literally impossible.

>> No.6961971

Government is at least in theory held accountable to the people to some degree, where as megacorps are not.

>> No.6961975

Notice how neither solution actually reaches, nor will they ever.

>> No.6961976

>Socialists are literally retarded sheltered kids, pic very related
Are you calling Ron Perlman a sheltered kid? Because the person arguing against him is in favour of 'free enterprise' and therefore a capitalist.

>> No.6961982

>Are you calling Ron Perlman a sheltered kid?
well he is a multimillionare hollywood puppet, so yeah

>> No.6961988

So? It will be much cooler living in a high tech megacity fueled by corp wars and private police forces than be a cog in a shitty machine of faggots.

>> No.6961992

>How can some philosophers say that private property does not exist?

You're a complete fucking idiot.

Perhaps learn the difference between "is" and "ought" before strawmanning people you consider "retarded".

>> No.6962030

If you garden yourself, no big deal, if you have serfs in the garden and you take a portion of the fruit and vegetables as your "fair share" for owning the garden, then that is private property.

>> No.6962035

Can't con the Ron, muthafuckers

>> No.6962079
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he's comrade tier tbh

>> No.6962100

I wouldn't believe this if i didn't know from experience.

>> No.6962108
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>Government is at least in theory held accountable to the people to some degree, where as megacorps are not.
Democratic Gov is accountable to the tyrannical voting masses, Megacorps are accountable to the masses of ignorant consumers. Only plebs would fail to see this similarity.

>witness the ever madder howling of the libertarian dogs who are baring their fangs more and more obviously and roam through the alleys of western culture. They seem opposites of the peacefully industrious democrats and ideologists of redistribution, and even more so of the doltish philosophasters and brotherhood enthusiasts who call themselves socialists and want a “free society;” ..and even of the anti-Semitic screamers... but in fact they are at one with the lot in their thorough and instinctive hostility to every other form of society except that of the autonomous herd (even to the point of repudiating the very concepts of “master” and “servant”—ni dieu ni maître runs a socialist formula). They are at one in their tough resistance to every special claim, every special right and privilege (which means in the last analysis, every right: for once all are equal nobody needs “rights” any more). They are at one in their mistrust of punitive justice (as if it were a violation of those who are weaker, a wrong against the necessary consequence of all previous society). But they are also at one in the religion of pity, in feeling with all who feel, live, and suffer (down to the animal, up to “God”—the excess of a “pity with God” belongs in a democratic age). They are at one, the lot of them, in the cry and the impatience of pity, in their deadly hatred of suffering generally, in their almost feminine inability to remain spectators, to let someone suffer. They are at one in their involuntary plunge into gloom and unmanly tenderness under whose spell the west seems threatened by a new Buddhism. They are at one in their faith in the morality of shared pity, as if that were morality in itself, being the height, the attained height of man, the sole hope of the future, the consolation of present man, the great absolution from all former guilt. They are at one, the lot of them, in their faith in the community as the savior, in short, in the herd, in “themselves”—

Radical aristocracy when?

>> No.6962166

dude what

Been reading cyberpunk, eh?

>> No.6962348

>dude what
You can't transgress against reality. Therefore, if private property were real, people wouldn't be able to steal.

>> No.6962387

Lol ignorant as fuck

here's some advice:
grasp the concept more completely before taking a side

>> No.6962422
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>How can some philosophers say that private property does not exist?
Jesus Christ the bait is horrible today

>> No.6962469

>Radical aristocracy when?


The families of the largest conglomerates/banks will be the new aristocracy.

>> No.6962485


>> No.6962489


If they were either I think it would hinder their ability to be commercially successful. That's my experience of business school lectures anyway.

>> No.6962502
File: 8 KB, 250x240, 1439039774522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>garden is too big for me to harvest all the goods myself
>have to let some of it rot
>poorfags beg me to let them work on my garden
>tell them to take their filthy capitalism elsewhere
>they starve like the bourgeois pigs they are

>> No.6962542

>garden is too big for you to harvest all the goods yourself
>poorfags work on land that isn't being used because private property has been abolished
>when they take the full value of their labour the filthy capitalist tries to use violence to take their stuff because he is a parasite
>they defend themselves and nobody visits your funeral because you're a greedy, violent bourgeois pig
>all is right in the world

>> No.6962657

must be nice to be 13

>> No.6962711

Nice argument, you really showed me what's what.

>> No.6962719

Top kek, you destroyed him.

>> No.6962741

>and all the people who bullied me in the 3rd grade were put into camps
>and also mummy because she was a dirty capitalist who wouldn't let me stay up late on school nights and eat tendies under the covers
>the end

>> No.6962743

You are beyond retarded and should read the Wealth of Nations ASAP.

>> No.6962856

>Claiming equality based moralities are more sociopathic than capitalistic one up-manism
Are you for real?

>> No.6962861

>Handouts just create a class of people that is permanently poor and dependent of the government and an easily manipulable voting block
i loathe capitalism and i agree with this

>> No.6962863

4chan wouldn't exist so you wouldn't be able to shitpost

>> No.6962870

This is confusing cause and effect. The class was already created by an inequal society in the first place.

>> No.6962910

i agree with this as well. modern government handouts are a method of damming up insurrectionary compulsions created by a long history of social inequality while maintaining a veneer of legitimacy for the state. give people a fish, they do not take the lake.

>> No.6963093

>>fiat currency
oh you

>> No.6963143

At some point, someone said "all this is mine, because fuck you".

That is the basis of private property.

>> No.6963167

c. 1250 AD
>The war of the princes against paganry has perished,
>for brother said to brother:
>«This is mine, and that is mine too.»
>And the princes began of little matters
>to say «this is big»,
>and to forge strife against themselves.
>But the pagans from all sides invaded with victories
>over the Russian land.

>> No.6963312

And yet capitalism has produced more good for the world through this one up-manship. While the opposite has been tragically true in socialism.

>> No.6963319

>While the opposite has been tragically true in socialism.
Provide one example of the workers owning the means of production and everything going to shit.

>> No.6963325


Your idea of "progress" is laughable, just because socialism has failed over the years doesn't make the alternative any better.