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/lit/ - Literature

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6961433 No.6961433 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone link me to essays (preferably philosophical) on the essence of masculinity? Getting sort of tired of this new-wave feminist world and want to return to my primal roots with as much valid instruction as possible.

>> No.6961455
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Oration on the Dignity of Man is p. good
that being said the majority of philosophy is really only talking about men

>> No.6961457

essences are spooks

>> No.6961505


Just wiki'd it, I dont really see what it supposedly has to do with masculinity per se...

>> No.6961511

Donovan - Way of Men
Aurelius - Meditations

>> No.6961524

'man' has been considered the default for the vast majority of human history
pretty much any work that examines 'man' is explicitly talking about men

>> No.6961591


I meant the essence of 'masculinity' though... like the sort of stuff you'd find in the art of manliness or the way of men, except, you know, actually philosophical and not appealing to the lowest common denominator.

>> No.6961618

Check out some of Theodore Roosevelt's essays.

>> No.6961622

works that talk about men are implicitly also talking about masculinity

>> No.6961642

gave me cancer

triggered my material realism

>> No.6961655

>the lowest common denominator.
that's the most masculine thing there is, chum.

>> No.6961660

Oh shit did her new album leak? Say what you want about femininity and masculinity, etc., but Newsom is a good artist.

>> No.6961671

art of manliness published a book of collected works about masculinity that's pretty good. everything from aristotle to greek mythology to kipler.

dont mind the other replies itt /lit/ is infested with beta fuccbois who think penises are a social construct and testosterone is just a product of social conditioning

>> No.6961674

Transcendentalists did a lot of what a good "man" should be like.
Read Emerson's essays mainly.

Also Marcus Aurelius is worth checking out.

>> No.6961723

>essence of 'masculinity'
>art of manliness
>the way of men

sounds gay af tbh. u a fag?

>> No.6961768

Not nice to talk about black people like that.

>> No.6961777

aren't you? why are you on this board?

>> No.6961790

i got tired of /v/

>> No.6961862

>from /v/
>obsessed with some vague concept of manliness
I'm not claiming to know much but I can tell you the years you spent playing vidya moved you further away from your goal than you can ever realize.

>> No.6961949


Meditations looks good.

I find it hard to believe the topic of the ideal masculine citizen is one that doesn't have various philosophical anthology collections just waiting to be ordered off of Amazon.

>> No.6961960

It's because philosophy is inherently masculine; to do so would be redundant.

>> No.6962057

I do enjoy the warmth of a big white cock if I do say so myself fam.

>> No.6962061

This answer isn't helpful, nor does it actually answer OP's question. You're using a copout that you think will give off the impression that you know something the rest haven't figured out yet. You should stop now.

>> No.6962064

Only a philosopher would think that.

>> No.6962085


Yeah OP here, there's a reason I ignored your three previous posts in this thread. If your reading comprehension is being derided by mondegreen syndrome I suggest you examine my question from the viewpoint of every other poster in this thread, if you think you're just being funny or smart, you're an idiot.

Proper answers please, people.

>> No.6962089
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>my primal roots
Oh, lawd, chyle.

>> No.6962091
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>he still believes in a simplistic masculine/feminine dichotomy and uses it as a big Other to give some kind of imaginary meaning

>> No.6962094

Actually, I hadn't posted previously in this thread, and was making a joke. It'd be pretty insane to seriously think philosophy is masculine by its nature.

>> No.6962099

where does one experience new-wave feminism other than cherry picked examples from /pol/?

>> No.6962101
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>I'm a man - tell me about masculinity, so I know what to do
You'll really just end up spooking yourself.

As has been mentioned, that rightwing homosexual apologist tries to work out a notion of masculinity

If you're about men-women dynamics, the "academic side" of the redpill is worked out by

Older concepts I'm aware of blend existential guides with religion or at least ethics - it's true that all of these can be seen as written for someone with a phallus.

>> No.6962107

well considering the only noteworthy female philosopher used to be a man I think its safe to say philosophy is on the masculine side

>> No.6962116

Chuck Palunk - Fight Club

>> No.6962128
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male != masculine

>> No.6962134


Read Evola's " Eros and the Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex", also you need to read Weininger's " Sex and Character".

>> No.6962357


Thanks, I'll look into them.

>> No.6962390

Other than Aurelius, have you read any of the Stoics? Even where they're not talking about masculinity as a concept, I think you'd find much of their thought aligned with what you think of as masculine. And, of course, the modern notion of "stoicism" is virtually worshiped by some of those who seek to promote the masculine.

>> No.6962487


I haven't, would you know of any way I can read like a compiled set of essays by them online?

>> No.6962590

Yeah, I can dig something up, and will post here when I do. One easy choice is _A Guide to the Good Life_ by Irvine, a basic introductory text. If you really want original text, that won't do it for you, but I found it readable and enjoyable.

>> No.6962599

masculinity is literally fatherhood

>> No.6962718

Now that I think about it, you might just read Epictetus on Gutenberg. I don't find him hard to read, as ancient writers go. If you haven't read Greeks before and find yourself hating it for the style, you might just go for that _Guide_ I mentioned in the previous post.

>> No.6962803

read conan

>> No.6962821

See: Stoicism

>> No.6962832
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>> No.6963035


> pretty much any work that examines 'man' is explicitly talking about men

Bait or terminal ignorance.

>> No.6963065

I bet you wouldn't say that shit in front of Cleanthes.

>> No.6963216

Start with Greek literature
The Iliad
The Odyssey
Aristotle's Ethics.
The Art of War.
War and Peace.
No joke, the Constitutional Debates.

You're right, though, that there are very few explicit studies.

>> No.6963233

Gird your budding loins, you fucking pubescent fuccboi, and come barefoot fight Socrates on the ice.

>> No.6963520


If you could, I would appreciate it.


Nice, thanks. It's the Greeks that got me thinking about these concepts actually, particularly Aristotle's discourses on what it means to be a 'god citizen'.

>> No.6963669

>Something biological is a false dichotomy

*tips dyed hair*

>> No.6963680

>muddling up gender and sex

*tips keyboard*

>> No.6963688
File: 7 KB, 203x248, cyberdude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're asking to be groomed by tradcons and cryptofeminists into being spooked into Jingoism, "manning up", and Christinsanity.

Just read pre-feminist philosophy by males. A male thinking for himself and telling you about it? Yeah, that's masculinity. Listen to them and then think about it.

>> No.6963705

This is nothing to do with the pseudo-scientific 'gender vs sex' shitfest. Masculinity and femininity come from hormones, which are biological. Unless of course your mental illness requires you to have them medically increased/altered.

>> No.6965694


No, I think what I'm looking for is like a philosophical treatise on reclaiming a sense of masculinity in contemporary society, considering so much of our world has become effeminate since the sexual liberation of the sixties.

>> No.6965726

Jack Donovan's entire body of work is about this apart from like one book which deals with homosexuality.

>> No.6965731

I like how, by using the term 'pseudo-scientific', you cunningly showed just how silly an entire field of academic insight is and just how supremely intelligent you are.

>> No.6965761


Yeah, but I don't particularlymlike his works. They're way to self-help oriented for me and I find them poorly written... I don't believe in the beta male/alpha dichotomy but if I did I'd reckon he's just one trying desperately hard to make other people think he's the opposite...

>> No.6965763

Roosh Vorek's body of work.

>> No.6965776

>They're way to self-help oriented for me
What do you mean?

> but if I did I'd reckon he's just one trying desperately hard to make other people think he's the opposite...
What makes you think so?

>> No.6965797

Montaigne (invented the essay, can be a bit modest/feminine-positive at times though provides a good balance)
Geothe's Fuast
The Story of Iron John
48 Laws of Power

Experience is preferable, reading should be an addition to your life.

>> No.6967313

On the note of masculinity, does anyone have any recommendations for when /fit/ meets /lit/ ie stuff like that classic Socrates quote: “No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

>> No.6967973


OP here. I started Goethe's Faust this evening incidentally. Been meaning to get into Montaigne.

Thanks for the list.

>> No.6967983


Never change, /lit/

>> No.6968050

I'll say some shit about it

You don't work out because it seems to be too much of a juxtaposition from what you're doing now. You're in a warm womb and the idea of lifting heavy things will either cause a stressful reaction, or an excited reaction, as they are born of the same breath.

Stress is the fear of future suffering. Nobody with a mortgage is stressed out because they're making their last payment, they feel relief when they send that last check, because they know it's over.

That's why you feel stress when you think about working out. There's millions of little things that will cause discomfort and pain. The hot sun when you're running, the pain of lifting a weight, the idea of being ridiculed by people who already made it.

If you can accept that your brain will release cortisol when you think of stressful events, you no longer sit around anxiously hating yourself because you don't want to go. It's not a fear as in horror, but a shying away from discomfort. You need to chase the feeling of discomfort when you know the results will be positive.

As you keep pushing out of your comfort zone, you start to spread your tentacles across hundreds of new things. People are afraid to try new things.

If you can juxtapose your situation, like when you're on the computer fapping, to standing up and hitting to the gym, you'll live a much better life, but you have to chase that feeling of stress.

That's also why you don't get excited as much as you did when you were a kid, because you're in a comfy position in life where things rarely change, because you don't want them to, so they become dull and boring.

>> No.6968063

>I don't believe in the beta male/alpha dichotomy

So, you think ''masculinity'' is a thing, but you don't believe in beta/alpha? a fucking obvious fact in any social context?
You're a wanker.

>> No.6968082

People aren't beta or alpha

They have beta and alpha actions. Enough of one or the other will get you called that by people, but at any second the act could be dropped.

You are only your title in refrence to what it means to others. If you're alpha with everyone and beta with just one person, that one person will think you're a beta.

>> No.6968213

lumberjack masculinity is a spook sold to you by hollywood, the sooner you bust it the better off you'll be.

>> No.6968259

Just be yourself, ayy lmao, no seriously.