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6960855 No.6960855 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder St. Augustine claimed that if prostitution was outlawed society "would be reduced to chaos through unsatisfied lust".

So, what have you done for the relegalisation of prostitution in your country today?

>> No.6960873
File: 390 KB, 2314x3274, the woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed, but betas were already betas before.

I know too many men falling in love with their favorite hookers.

betas will be betas, so bear in mind that it is not a miraculous solution

>> No.6960874

Fucked some hookers tbh

>> No.6960879

Which is why you don't treat them like real people, duh.

>> No.6960893

Reminder Aquinas was a fat fuck and desperately tried to prove gluttony wasn't a sin

>> No.6960920

Thin privilege tbh

>> No.6961046
File: 286 KB, 499x373, Tupac_lives.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy howdy prostitution being legal sounds just peachy.

Here's a hint : at the heart of the sex industry is human trafficking, always has been always will be. It can hide in plain sight or under the veil of moral confusion and apathy, but you'll never forget what it looks like if you've seen it just once.

Legal prostitution means human traffickers can peddle their victims as call girls, set up webcam shows, "modeling agencies" and so on, no one knows they're paying for slave entertainment.

And the extra strong dose of pessimism is that what i just mentioned don't technically count as prostitution anyway, are perfectly legal and will continue to be.

I guess you have to weigh the consequences of "the darkness" being out in the open or being buried deep underground, which is worse and which is preferable? Tradition says "you gotta keep the devil way down in the hole" - how wrong is tradition here, compared to the alternative?

>> No.6961074


If you legalize it you can better police it.

Human trafficking and prostitution are going to happenh whether they're legal or not.

I suppose you're one of those folks who thinks "out of sight out of mind" suffices for a solution.

>> No.6961078

Augustine also BTFO'd everyone who's not a STEMfag, so he's clearly not read or respected on this board despite the recent increase in memecatholics

>> No.6961155

Now imagine a world in which every (long-term) unemployed man/woman is coerced into prostitution and ostracized if they choose not to.

>> No.6961160

>Now imagine a world in which every (long-term) unemployed man/woman is coerced into prostitution and ostracized if they choose to.
jk, you don't have to imagine.

>> No.6961165


been too long since ive seen such bait.

>> No.6961169

underrated post
Latins a shit

>> No.6961180
File: 345 KB, 599x846, NEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dfw already living in that world

>> No.6961184
File: 32 KB, 235x325, aquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, you're correct.
>It's about the price of the food, not how often you eat!

>> No.6961195

Well, yeah. Pre-feminist societies need sexual outlets like prostitution to prevent mass rape. Look at India or even at Saudi Arabia, where young men regularly take advantage of their parents' Somali serving girls.

>> No.6961197

That image reads like a r9k copypasta, who actually wrote it?

>> No.6961199

pick one

>> No.6961268

What bait? I have friends in the Netherlands and I know what happens in low-income families there.

>> No.6961336

Prostitution is legal in my country.

Any form of "pimping" however, is highly illegal. The closest form being a brothel, which is essentially an apartment complex where they pay rent. The brothels themselves are obviously checked out thoroughly.
Payment has to go to the woman herself (she has to do her taxes properly). For one bis city this means about 1Million in extra tax income.
To do so, (if she is from abroad), she needs a proper working permit. Meaning she has to come here legally.

Regulation is quite strict. If there is a hint of suspicion, they will crack down.

>but Anon-kun, there will always be a black market!
A highly reduced black market. When you have the choice between a high class bordello, where you can be sure that STDs aren't an issue and the women aren't fucked up crack whores and, well... shady crack whores, who do you go to?

>> No.6961546

money's money prude