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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 62 KB, 631x612, ignatius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6959632 No.6959632 [Reply] [Original]

would you say ignatius is innocent despite (or because of) his arrogance?

>> No.6961305

Hush! Nobody here really reads. It's a secret. Just play along. Confederacy of Dunces isn't meme enough to make a post about. Try Infinite Jest or Ulysses. Now you're in on the meme.

>> No.6961907


Nobody here reads? Really? Oh.
I was under the impression that everyone here did.

That's rather annoying.
Can I ask you guys two questions?
1) Do you recommend A Confederacy Of Dunces?
2) How are Ulysses or Infinite Jest memes?

Sorry. I'm a huge newfag.

>> No.6961926
File: 440 KB, 484x404, tips_crown_of_thorns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to say Ignacius is far from innocent, but he never does anything without thinking it's moral. So, maybe he gains innocence through his neckbeard status.

>> No.6961931

1) It's mandatory introspection-core right behind Notes from the Underground, one of if not the funniest books I've ever read
2) Because they've spammed the titles until the point of no return. More people have probably brought up Ulysses on this board alone than there are people who've actually read it.

>> No.6961939

I'd say you are taking a brilliant satire too seriously.

>> No.6961941

>swallowing the /lit/ doesn't read meme unquestioningly
Either next level b8 or attention whoring tripfag, I really can't tell.

>> No.6962164 [DELETED] 


I'm an attention-whoring tripfag.

>> No.6962182

I'm an attention-whoring tripfag.

>> No.6962269
File: 246 KB, 550x535, 1418049443841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more importantly, is boethius "De consolatione philosophiae" a want reading?

>> No.6962785

not innocent. naïve. rather than adhere to any philosophy, he manipulates his philosophy to cater to his impulses. he is unaware so it's kind of a cautionary tale, right?

>> No.6963909

He faps too much to be innocent.

>> No.6963932


Anon please, he's far from naive. He's just a lazy fat guy who uses words to manipulate the people around him and takes advantage of anyone who shows a modicum of humanity. It's all forgivable though, because he's funny.

>> No.6963934

id rather you not post spoilers to classic books people might not have read yet

>> No.6963940

I have a thing for tripfags.

>> No.6963942

Innocent, as in the end almost everyone was better off for his actions.

>> No.6964317

i recommend that you read A Confederacy of Dunces. I hurt from laughing reading that book.

>> No.6964330

he dies in the end. sorry.

>> No.6964347

he commits suicide i thought. pretty sure it even says that on the back cover.

>> No.6964350

He learns the error of his ways and goes on to lead a productive life as a busy 9-5 worker bee.

>> No.6964602

...neither? Not innocent at all, he reflects too many people to be that innocent - funnier than these people - but only because you don't have to actually interact with him. I kind of think of him as a parody of Holden Caulfield and Dostoyevski's Underground Man.

>> No.6964663

dude i don't know where YOU'VE been, but its pretty meme'd

i mean, do you expect a place like 4chan NOT to make a meme out of ignatius?

>> No.6964864

That's the author

>> No.6964906
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>he hasn't read The Consolation of Philosophy

>> No.6965071
File: 901 KB, 1292x774, dream-movie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would Ignatius think of Schopenhauer?

>> No.6965075

>4chan neckbeard: the biography
>not meme worthy

>> No.6965085

>Haha, I Know The Name of This Book Even Though You Didn't Say It: The Post

>> No.6965110

I know the word is bandied around too much, but isn't Reilly genuinely autistic?

>> No.6965115

I'd say he's innocent and arrogant, and he's not innocent in spite of or because of his arrogance. I believe his arrogance is a facade to make himself feel better about his life and the meaninglessness of it, and to make others think he's not completely ashamed of himself and consumed in self-loathing.

>> No.6965116

Terry Gilliam wouldn't be right for that project to be honest.