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6959078 No.6959078 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to fall for fascism. Are there any good arguments or books against it?

>> No.6959082

Mussolini was a shitty meme that blew his load before he even put down his pants. Here.

>> No.6959086


Not really... the best argument against fascism is having to live through it.

Though he is best known as an anti-Communist, you might find Koestler instructive if you haven't read him already.

>> No.6959090


>> No.6959092

well there's the "no matter how many words you say, if you support fascism you will never be taken seriously by anyone" argument

>> No.6959093

>these pretentious retards who think they're smart

Where do they come from? Why were you parents so shitty?

>> No.6959097


Where's your recommendation for the OP?

>> No.6959098

>having to live through it.
Conditions were pretty good for the depression.

>> No.6959110

I was always deeply fascinated with fascism (you can call me an edgelord if you want) and I believe it has some valid points and that some ethnicities and races are indeed inferior to others and they're mostly burden to the world, see: Russians, niggers etc., but I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan of it.

>> No.6959125

My great grandmother apparently loved it
She got new shoes she said

>> No.6959127

What is it about fascism that draws you in OP?

>> No.6959129
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fascism =/= racism

>> No.6959130


>> No.6959136

Those things aren't inherent to fascism.

Pound was a fascist and he was taken seriously by many many people, including the best writers of the 20th century.

>> No.6959153

None. Because fascism appeals, at best, to the semi-literate.


You mean the first people in space, of all people?

>> No.6959161

Oh fuck off

>> No.6959178

Exclusions can be made for people who were already the greatest poet of an entire movement before supporting fascism, (even though most of the world still wrote him off as literally insane). Anything short of that and not even your work and thought not related to fascism will be taken seriously.

>> No.6959182

Every history book. Anon, are you retarded?

>> No.6959203

>greatest poet of an entire movement
No, sorry

>> No.6959230

What's wrong with Mussolini's facism?

>> No.6959241

Oh fuck off edgelord

back to /commie out of touch dumb Westerners/ general

>> No.6959243

And I'm the edgelord.

>> No.6959255

>b-b-but muh Dostoyevsky

Yes you are. Now fuck off. You probably don't even know the scope of the atrocities they did, you're so brainwashed and so focused on HURR LE NAZIS ARE THE WORST XDDDDDD just like your entire shitty feeble civilization. Uncle Joe would be proud.

>> No.6959268

>scope of the atrocities they did
What? Nigger, stop this memeing shit, fuck I used to frequent /pol/ and know this shit is stupid as fuck.
>pulling nazi-cution out of nowhere
Goddamn it.

If you want to hate on someone, at least go the easy and undeniable route: niggers.

>> No.6959270

>muh Germany was a good boy, he din do nuffin!

>> No.6959285

Read Bataille's The Psychological Structure of Fascism.

>> No.6959287

Reich's the Mass Psychology of Fascism is good.

>> No.6959306

I personally want to destroy all reactionaries (and Leninists too, so I'm not a commie), but at least choose the right one.

>> No.6959308

Seconded. Required reading really.

>> No.6959428

please elaborate

>> No.6959458

If you read some good history books about the period you will see that Mussoloni and his fascism had little to do with the idealised notions of it.

>> No.6959480

Yeah pretty much everything intelligent ever written? Why don't you tell us WHY you are falling for fascism if you want to actually understand the case against it. It seems to me you would have to be plainly dumb and antagonistic to have that thought in your head at all so prove me wrong.

>> No.6959492

Read some history, in particular stuff about Mussolini. Fascism might sound good in theory but in practice it leads to your country being run by thugs. And that's what Mussolini was, a cultured and somewhat enlightened thug, but still at his core a thug to the end.

There were better sounding fascists around in Italy, in particular Italo Balbo sounded like a pretty decent man, but he wasn't running the country.

Mussolini wasn't much of a leader, his only real accomplishment was keeping communism down using mobs of hooligans armed with sticks and after he saw how strong Hitler made Germany he became a giant prussiaboo and started acting like a Roman Emperor, thinking he could conquer the entire Mediterranean with an army wearing paper boots.

I think I've gone off track now so I'll get to the point. OP, do you want your country run by thugs? Because if you get a fascist government that's what you could get.

>> No.6959505

>Read some history, in particular stuff about Mussolini. Fascism might sound good in theory but in practice it leads to your country being run by thugs. And that's what Mussolini was, a cultured and somewhat enlightened thug, but still at his core a thug to the end.

This. In theory, Fascism ends up promoting meritocratic-aristocracy, but we all know how such systems work in practice. And if we look at its Nietzschean motivations -- that is, the production of Great Men -- this essentially means it's a failure. Sure, you got some dope artists like Riefenstahl, but such people existed in spite of the system, not because of it, and it's doubtful a Napoleon or Caesar would have flourished and risen up in Fascism.

Now if your attraction to Fascism is on populist grounds, not the flourishing of Great Men, then just topkek.

>> No.6959510

>Communist regimes murdered, tortured and starved more than 100 million people during the 20th century.
>Still taken seriously, still seriously discussed and explored by intellectuals and academics in universities, still socially acceptable to publicly identify as a Communist.

I've changed many people's minds on Fascism simply by taking things very slowly and not pushing them too hard too quickly.

>> No.6959511

Julius Evola published two books critiquing Fascism and National Socialism from the perspective of a far-right radical Traditionalist. I highly recommend reading them (Fascism Viewed from the Right & Notes on the Third Reich).

>> No.6959512


>> No.6959520

>and it's doubtful a Napoleon or Caesar would have flourished and risen up in Fascism.
Have you not heard of Adolf Hitler?

>> No.6959535

Impressive as Hitler's rise was, he was not aristocratic.


>No, I do not believe in his being a Borgia type. I believe that in this case the offal-compounded, repressed drives of a deeply miscarried human being were combined with a whim of history, which allowed him, as Cleon was once allowed in Athens, to play for a time with the levers of its gigantic machinery. I believe that all of this coincided with a fevered hour of this people. I believe that this poor devil, sprung out of a Strindbergian excremental Hell, like that other time’s Bockelson, coincided in time with the bursting of an abscess by a nation, and came as the embodiment of all the dark and generally well-curbed desires of the masses—like his Münster predecessor, a character out of a German ghost story!

>> No.6959569

Stalin did nothing wrong.

>> No.6959578

Man, this guy's a cunt. I can kind of see why you'd want to gas people if these were your acquaintances. This guy is gassable.

>> No.6959589

/pol/ please suicide

>> No.6959643

well start changing minds here already, start with me.

>> No.6959724

Fascism is just irrational traditionalism with a corporatist organization, not a lot to be fascinated about.

>> No.6959766
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That is kinda why it is hilarious that the Nazis could build off of Neetski's theories.

For example take the ubermensch, an idea that relies on an existing social order. To be an ubermensch within the Neetski Paradigm is to be wholly anti-governmental, and basically be a man independent. Nazism requires conformity on a level which completely stands against an ubermensch, as "a community of ubermensch" is a paradox.

>> No.6959793

>Communist regimes murdered
Enemies in war? Or do you mean Stalin's purges? Stalin was paranoid. We all admit this. Khmer Rouge, Vietcong, et cetera were special cases.
They weren't just torturing people for fun like the Nazis.
It's not like there was food and the proletariat weren't getting it because Mao, Stalin, et al were evil. This is due to Western intervention and war.

>> No.6959816

The Freddy who wrote the diary was a true blue Prussian, so off course Hitler wasn't a real gentleman to him, and even worse, he's a Bavarian. Napoleon wasn't an aristocrat either, and throughout History the people like Napoleon who've been the real movers and shakers in the last 500 years aren't from ruling class, i.e. Martin Luther, etc.

>> No.6959821

>Are there any good arguments against it?
common sense

>> No.6959868

'Anti-governmental' is a bit too far I think, or maybe just misleading. More accurate is the Neetcheean-hero overcomes government to use it for his own Will and as a canvas for his art.

But yes, Nazism is far too populist, agreed. Italian Fascism is much closer to a Neetcheean political system in modernity.

I didn't mean aristocratic in the title sense, but as a synonym for noble as Nietzsche uses it. And with that I stand by Hitler being a brute.

>> No.6959903

Do you have a whole sheep in your eyes?
Not just Stalin, the entire USSR was based on murder from the Romanovs to NKVD, crushing the Hungarian uprising, the gulags in the 1970s, political prisoners in the 80s, attempting to destroy the solidarity movement in Poland, and that's the Eastern block alone. Think about all the people murdered by the Italian red brigades, the shining path in Peru and other communist terrorist groups.

Does it matter if you're torturing someone so they'll betray their friends to the NKVD firing squads or because they're jewish? Both is equally evil and sickening.

And your last point is the most stupid and disgusting. Denying that Stalin killed five million Cossacks and Ukrainians through a forced famine is like denying the Holocaust. You're lying and hiding the suffering they went through just so you can promote your sick politics.

>> No.6959911

Fascisms fucking cool, don't listen to the dumb lefties ITT OP

>> No.6960002
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How can you fall for something like Fascism ? It's a populist movement. It's basically democracy with the safety removed, a dictatorship of the masses over the minorities and elites. The majority of a people are idiots, no exceptions. As Nietzsche said, a herd without a shepherd. I really hope you aren't that stupid, but maybe you're just young and obviously this kind of thing is the vogue.

>> No.6960048


>> No.6960078

>communist leaders run their country into the ground through shitty agricultural policy

'I-it's the w-westerners fault with their wars and sanctions.'

At least admit they were incompetent even if you don't think they were evil.

>> No.6960119

You know, just one of the greatest superpowers on the planet since the 50's

>> No.6960254

Every fascism is just a failed revolution.
A political dispositive to preserve capitalist structures in the presence real menace to them.
Nothing more than a coup de théâtre.

>> No.6960340

>'Anti-governmental' is a bit too far I think, or maybe just misleading.
I wouldn't say it's too far at all. Nietzsche wrote pretty strongly about this:

"A state, is called the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly lieth it also; and this lie creepeth from its mouth: “I, the state, am the people.”

It is a lie! Creators were they who created peoples, and hung a faith and a love over them: thus they served life.

Destroyers, are they who lay snares for many, and call it the state: they hang a sword and a hundred cravings over them.

Where there is still a people, there the state is not understood, but hated as the evil eye, and as sin against laws and customs...

Do go out of the way of the bad odour! Withdraw from the steam of these human sacrifices!...

There, where the state ceaseth—there only commenceth the man who is not superfluous: there commenceth the song of the necessary ones, the single and irreplaceable melody.

There, where the state ceaseth—pray look thither, my brethren! Do ye not see it, the rainbow and the bridges of the Superman?"

>> No.6960355

>I agree with the parts of 'facism' that are racist
m8 facism isn't racist. You aren't a facist, you're a fucking nazi.

>> No.6960368

German national socialists weren't racist though.

>> No.6960371

Discourses on Livy

by Machiavelli

>> No.6960377

1984's world has elements of facism as well as communism. (they're close to the same thing in practice) Do you want to spend your life in subservience to the party, Anon?

>> No.6960385

Lol wut. /pol/tard detected.

>> No.6960389

Hardly racist compared to America at the time.

>> No.6960394
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>they're close to the same thing in practice

>> No.6960395

My family came to Brazil because Mussolini took their lands.

He was a thief. A disgusting, disgraceful thief.

>> No.6960412

>the gulags in the 1970s

>> No.6960414

How is that relevant? The entire ideology was based around the racist concept of Germans being a master race and all other races being inferior? You're just deflecting because like all /pol/tards, you want to try and justify the single most repugnant ideology of all time. There is no acceptable defense of a regime that, in the name of racial purity, systematically killed 12 million 'inferior' people and started the most destructive war in human history.

>> No.6960421

They are. National control of industries, one party systems, secret police, forced labor camps, invasions of other countries on flimsy pretexts.

>> No.6960432

The Doctrine of Fascim's first part is (in my opinion) the only groundwork you need to understand and make your own opinion of it. The second part of that essay is pure rethoric made by Mussolini, and it's basically worthless.

Read the first part, and you should be good to go for loving or hating. It's the (in my opinion) only valid document about fascism as an ideology, that should be your basis for judgment.

>> No.6960434

Salazar was a fascist, but still a corporatist and anti-racism.

>> No.6960437


>> No.6960440

I don't go on /pol/. Not every person you talk to on 4chan is the flavor of the month boogeyman.

The rest of your comment may as well be read from a script. I've heard it a million times before. Not worth my time.

>> No.6960444
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count cianos diary shows you how rotten it was

>> No.6960446

Well if you don't go on /pol/, you probably should, because there you can find like-minded retards to coddle you and reinforce your foolish nazi beliefs. If you really aren't open to even discussing nazism, then you're already too far gone.

>> No.6960456
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>National control of industries

>> No.6960458
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>> No.6960466

>Are there any good arguments or books against it?
Julius Evola frequently wrote against fascism, most notably in Fascism Viewed from the Right. He alleged that fascism is at its heart as much of a progressive movement as communism or democratic socialism, and merely wears the regalia of tradition while adhering to few of its underlying principles.

Basically, you're falling for sexy uniforms and menacing architecture, and being blinded to the reality that it's just another version of the modern bureaucratic state.

>> No.6960487

>the best argument against fascism is having to live through it.
You should talk to some old Italian people, there's a lot of love for him still.

>> No.6960493

>and being blinded to the reality that it's just another version of the modern bureaucratic state.
But it has the sexy uniforms and menacing architecture at least, instead of "gay"/fag pride parades.

>> No.6960528
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>sexy uniforms instead of gay parades

>> No.6960539

If you are a political maybe, my wife is very close to a family in Spain who still have a 3x4 foot painting of Franco being led by Jesus in their front parlor.

>> No.6960551

>communism is similar to fascism
>not being able to think outside of the liberal-democratic paradigm

Communism is founded on equality, fascism is founded on hierarchy. Communism puts the economic before the political, fascism puts the political before the economic.

>> No.6960565

this, tbh

>> No.6960573


Fascism is alright... as long as you know when to keep your mouth shut.

>> No.6960599


jesus fucking christ

I can see why people would 'fall' for ideologies now based on reading wikipedia articles

I can guarantee that <1% of 'Communists' on college campuses have read Das Kapital, and <1% of 'fascists' know about The Doctrine of Fascism

>> No.6960608

The same goes for religious people and their respective ideologies tbh. Most cunts are just horribly uninformed about everything.

>> No.6960610

>I'm starting to fall for fascism.

>> No.6960630

That article is just memes m8.

It wouldn't convince any fascist or communist anything because of the way it blatantly misrepresents both viewpoints.

Also, the three volumes of Capital are around 2600 pages of economic theory. It's the place to learn about Marxist econ, but not if you want to understand the theoretical framework.

>> No.6960639


>a race is inferior for the atrocities they have commit

you know so so little

>> No.6960645


Fascism sucks but sometimes dictators can fix up a country tbh

>> No.6960653

The trains didn't run on time

>> No.6960662

Count Ciano was real human bean as fuck. His story is the kind of thing Shakespeare would probably write about if he were around now.

He was married to Mussolini's daughter but knew Mussolini was bad for the country. It all turned out very unfortunately.

>> No.6960664

You're confusing Fascism with Communism m8.

One of the main features of Fascism is its counterposing of elitism and populism. Fascists are populist elitists who see themselves as aristocrats who rebel against the herd of the masses. The Communist idolizes the masses in revolt, while the fascists idolize the men who put the revolt down. The police officer, in his suppression of a riot becomes a knight who 'rebels' against the revolting common masses. This is a fundamental feature of Fascist ideology that Communism does not share. Go to /pol/ and ask them about Ferguson if you don't believe me.

>> No.6960669

How was Spanish fascism in comparison to Germany and Italy? It sounds more like they just a military government led by Franco that happened to resemble fascism.

Since they stayed neutral through WW2 and no word of major atrocities got out I imagine Franco wasn't too bad a ruler, as far as dictators go. Any Spanish poster's want to weigh in here?

>> No.6960705

That's only because of the liberal/state capitalist ideology we live under, not because of fascism.
>Anything but a cult that exists to indoctrinate the public and propagate the state's current favorite material theology

>> No.6960708

>B-but the Nazis also did bad things!
>Gulags are justified as long as they're full of class criminals!
>Stalin was a good boy! He didn't do nuffin!

>> No.6960717

Have you ever even been to a university?

Academics criticise the government all the time.

>> No.6960725

>OP starts a thinly disguised attempt at /pol/ baiting
>/lit/ jumps on it
>lefty /pol/ and righty /pol/ piss into each others faces
>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature?
>mods don't delete, mods don't ban

this is why /lit/ turned to shit

>> No.6960732

You're deluding yourself if you think isolated intellectuals and their dozen or so followers are determining the hegemonic ideology more so than the structure of political and civil society.

The reason why /pol/ think "cultural marxist" sjws control the media is because: they harass some faggot online and when the media responds they don't side with the literal fascists, and because their mindset is dependant upon bullshit tumblr/twitter/imageboard internet politics shitflinging.

>> No.6960734

I'd say that most of our threads on actual books are just as bad as this one if not worse.

Nothing but the latest hate trend (Felicia Day) and the same arguments over philosophy. I don't understand the philosophy discussions, they're fucking everywhere.

>> No.6960743

It's because most people that come to this board stay for the philosophy discussions. Shit, that's why I'm here.

I don't think there's any other place on the internet where you can shitpost about philosophy like /lit/.

>> No.6960757

Read "Brazil under Vargas" by Luhmman

>> No.6960770

> Koestler
> Anti-communist
> Lifelong Marxist

>> No.6960786

Brazilian here, tell me a bit about this book. Vargas is usually regarded as a good "president" here.

>> No.6960802

> Koestler
> Lifelong Marxist

>> No.6960993

Well, if national socialism was fascism(and perhaps it wasn't) i don't think Hitler put "the political" before the economical seeing as he nationalized the private banks and reigned in international finance. He even said something like that if they were to ignore the economic structure it would amount to nothing.

As always it seems that one should read books not boards.

>> No.6961036

>Western intervention caused the famines in the soviet/the concentration camps!
>Genocide was just special cases, doesn't say anything about the political ideas!
>It's never been tried "properly!"
Commies and Nazis literally use the same arguments to defend their totalitarian stance, it's amusing.

>> No.6961047

>Consuming prepackaged ideology

It's like a Deep Fried Mars Bar for your soul.

>> No.6961056

there were no bank nationalisations in nazi-germany. there were even bank reprivatizations together with other sectors, as shown in this article:

bank ownership changed during "arisierung", so that jews couldnt own shares in a private bank anymore.
others remained completely untouched like Bankhaus J.H. Stein, its key person:

>He even said something like that if they were to ignore the economic structure it would amount to nothing.
he could say everything and its opposite depending on context.

>> No.6961062

as opposed to unpackaged ideology? try speaking in coherent sentences

>> No.6961067

There aren't many books on fascism from a fascist perspective, partly due to how short lived fascism was compared to other systems (such as Communism).

Fascism is also a working-class movement parading as a high-culture one, in contrast to Communism which is an intellectual movement parading as a working class one.

I actually enjoyed Julius Evola's "Fascism From the Right"; it's an interesting analysis of Fascism and why it didn't work, and he's not as crazy there as in his other works.

I don't know if it's available in English, but Göran Hägg's "Mussolini. En studie i makt" is pretty good as a history book. Surprisingly objective from a Swedish historian.

Also check out Gabriele D'Annunzio's "proto-fascist" regime in Fiume.

>> No.6961089

>Fascism is also a working-class movement parading as a high-culture one, in contrast to Communism which is an intellectual movement parading as a working class one.

Fascisms is more like petty-bourgeois pseudo-aristocrats trying to convince workers that they too are petty-bourgeois pseudo-aristocrats. Communists are like (mostly "middle class") intellectuals who attach themselves to a radical labour movement and delude themselves into thinking that they too are workers.

same difference tbh

>> No.6961094

Franco took over after José Antonio Primo de Rivera died, co-opted much of Falangist symbolism but essentially neutered the movement towards his own ends.

A touch of genius, really. They retained the support of the nationalist working class that supported Franco's movement while also assuring the Royalist and Carlist factions that Spain would not become a Fascist state.

>> No.6961137

Some nice recs in here, thanks.

Anyone know any good books against communism?

>> No.6961140

yes. it's called common sense and maturity

>> No.6961141

Against the theory, or one of those "x people died, therefore it's evil" deals?

>> No.6961146


>> No.6961153

Can't be done, communism is inevitable. Capitalism is incompatible with increasing automatisation.

>> No.6961164

Bohm-Bawerk, Popper, and Hayek.

They're dismissed by Communists because their critiques are half-assed, but they're the best you get. You're better off going to read about the history of Communism then going against Marxists in their own game.

see such enlightened critiques such as this: >>6961140
And try to portraying all Marxists as being dumbfucks like this >>6961153

>> No.6961190

>communism is inevitable.
No it isn't.

>Capitalism is incompatible with increasing automatisation.
No it isn't.

Basically any introductory economics textbook or just regular book.

From what I've seen he's not reviled like Hitler is by Germans and is generally perceived well. He wanted to setup a Catholic Confessional State by essentially drawing the Clergy into the government and using them to police morality and "petty" crimes. The clergy didn't agree with this as the Church was still trying to go back to the days of old when the Pope was the king of morality and could slap anyone he chose with a "Kill this guy" order. The only people who really adamantly object to his reign are Communists who are still pissed that a few thousand Commies got killed in the Civil War and that he kicked out a bunch of Jewish bankers.

>> No.6961204

Alright, thanks.

>> No.6961205

stupid post

>> No.6961206

The Nazis completely ruined fascism. There's no way to support it without everybody assuming you're a genocidal white supremacist.

Unless you ARE a genocidal white supremacist, I'd encourage you to look into "traditionalist authoritarianism".

>> No.6961208

Read "As We Go Marching" by John T. Flynn

>> No.6961243

this isn't true, you are misinterpreting the hitler "i am a revolutionary against the revolution" quote.

fascism =/= bootlicking

>> No.6961274

Read some of the Antonio Gramsci's work.

>> No.6961288

>saying bourgeois in 2015

>> No.6961295

How isn't it?

>> No.6961328

I didn't even know that quote existed.

Another example would be to just look at the way fascists approach Nietzsche.

It's difficult to pinpoint tbh. Petty-bourgeois and small entrepreneurs are synonymous, but 'bourgeois' is more evocative. It's fascinating to find a skinny and young petty-bourgeois fascist wearing a suit with gelled hair with their nose in the clouds with pseudo-aristocratic arrogance. We've all seen these types, and its so obscene (yet so fundamental to their functioning) to find these people associate themselves with vulgar nazi bonehead activists.

>> No.6961338

He wrote an essay condemning the entire Communist party as a cult.

>> No.6961346

reminder that bourgeouis just literally meant "city-dweller" before Marx fucked it up

>> No.6961359

No, that would be 'burgher', 'bourgeois's cognate

>> No.6961379

The famine was happening everywhere in Russia and it was caused by a natural disaster and kulaks burning their grain surplus.

The Ukranians should thank Stalin for ending famine IMO, but instead thy want to be arrogant banderites.

>> No.6961388
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>> No.6961404

Historians would mostly agree Mussolini was pretty decent during WWI, although backstabbing Germany was a dick move. If Italy had term limits he might have retired to a comfortably high public esteem.

That's what most Italians from the day would tell you. Early Mussolini was nothing like later Mussolini.

>> No.6961425
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>muh 13 million

>> No.6961426

>It's called my empirical self.

>> No.6961430

>12 million
>13 million
u w0t m8

>> No.6961442

then there's the matter of Stalin putting Sausages into mass production for the relief.

How hard is it to accept you've been bullshat?

>> No.6961443

>backstabbing germany

>> No.6961446
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>muh 14 million

>> No.6961453

Mussi didn't come around until the 20's m8

>> No.6961459

Fraud, Famine, and Fascism isn't taken serously by anyone beyond paranoid stalinoids m8

>> No.6961469

Because nationalism is a convenient fiction.

>> No.6961494

So what? The government is only a part of the greater power structure that they support. Education is indoctrination as much as it is enlightenment.
I'm not claiming they control ideologies, I'm claiming they propagate them.

>> No.6961528

That's actually from the Annals of Communism. But thanks for telling me about that book, I never heard of it before and I'll be sure to check it out.

>> No.6961749


Italy was indeed allied to Austria and Germany prior to WWI.

>Having joined the Italian Army he saw service on the Isonzo before being wounded and returning home. Once back in Italy he resumed his journalistic activities, editing the Milan newspaper Il Popolo d'Italia. While out of the fighting personally he nonetheless remained firmly in favour of continued Italian participation in the war, and advocated suppression

His candidacy was based mostly on this record.


Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was born in 1883.

>> No.6961758
File: 46 KB, 796x542, Triple_Alliance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related

>> No.6961760

Seems more like traditionalists, not really fascists.

>> No.6961791

>Are there any good arguments or books against it?
Yes, a lot of them.

>> No.6961912
File: 932 KB, 320x180, the big D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains that other people are retarded and not brought up right
>doesn't even actually know the definition and inherencies of fascism

>> No.6961943

>>He even said something like that if they were to ignore the economic structure it would amount to nothing.
>he could say everything and its opposite depending on context.
This is incredibly weak. Do you really think you are making an argument here? Non-withstanding that, here's a well sourced article that disproves you: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/13/hitler-and-the-banksters-the-abolition-of-interest-servitude/

Also i just finished mein kampf and if hitler suddenly decided to not go after international finance after all and not nationalize banks he would go against everything he wrote in that book.

>> No.6962060
File: 57 KB, 650x448, well memed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rofl, so you take mein kampf at face value and havent researched the actual historical actions at all?

skimming this... it describes gottfried feder's main points and admits that he was sinecured in a neutral position after 1933. he was only useful to hitler as long as NSDAP was in opposition. hitler kicked the ladder away, like he did with röhm or strasser. goebbels had enough instinct to switch to hitler's faction early on.

the final part talks about hitler's increased authority over the german central bank in 1939, after a clash with hjalmar schacht. unless i have overlooked some detail, again, this has nothing to do with nationalization of banks.

>> No.6962080

National Socialism > Fascism

>> No.6962171

If you didn't skim it you would see that it confirms my view:
>A new Reichsbank law, which was promulgated on June 15, 1939, made the bank “UNCONDITIONALLY SUBORDINATED TO THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATE.”(17) Article 3 of the law decreed that the bank should be “directed and managed according to the instructions and under the supervision of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor.”(18) Hitler was now his own banker, but having departed from the fold of international swindlers and usurers he would, like Napoleon Bonaparte, suffer the same fate: an unnecessary war followed by the ruination of his people and country.
Also see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichsbank and

If you are still not convinced. But really, how else do you think he turned the economy of germany around from absolute destitution to the strongest economy in europe in 5 years? Do you really believe the system in place today, where all money creation implies a loan from a private entity and interest attached to this loan is a good system?

>> No.6962206

What does this mean?
>Nationalsocialism leads to fascism.
>Nationalscoialism implies fascism.
>Nationalsocialism is greater than fascism.

>> No.6962239

authority over central bank doesnt mean that private banks are nationalized.

>how else do you think he turned the economy of germany around from absolute destitution to the strongest economy in europe in 5 years

the economic recovery was made possible with financial instruments like MEFO and ÖFFA bills of exchange. the method was keynesian in nature and had nothing to do with transformation of private banking itself. its inventor was schacht, not nazis. hitler made its introduction possible, thats his achievement. but it has nothing to do with propositions by gottfried feder or any revolutionary change of ownership.

>> No.6962276

>authority over central bank doesnt mean that private banks are nationalized.
It does actually. If i subjugate you, who are in control? That's what nationalization means; that the nation is in control, not private interest(and in this case international private ownership). what do you think this text means: UNCONDITIONALLY SUBORDINATED TO THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATE

Anyway, if you had read this:
you would have gotten it in nice simple language: The seizure and consolidation of power by the Nazis during the years of the Third Reich also greatly affected the Reichsbank. A 1937 law re-established the Reich government's control of the Reichsbank, and in 1939, the Reichsbank was renamed the Deutsche Reichsbank and placed under the direct control of Adolf Hitler, with Walther Funk as the last president of the Reichsbank, from 1939 to 1945.[2]

>> No.6962305

Also from my other source:

"Hitler nationalized the Reichsbank in 1939 and the postwar successor, the Bundesbank, was also publicly owned"

Are you going to give up soon?

>> No.6962315

>It does actually.
nope. i doubt you even understand the concept of a central bank at this point.

>> No.6962371

And do you think the author of this book: "Princes of the Yen: Japan's Central Bankers and the Transformation of the Economy" doesn't know what a central bank is either? Because that is the book i saxed that quote from. lol son, just give up.

>> No.6962435

Might want to consider throwing your wife's family off a cliff tbh

>> No.6962450

The problem with fascism at the end of the day, as with any absolutist system, is that the leader will never really be all that good as you want him to be. It's gonna be a mixture of good decisitions with dumb ones, usually the later outweighting the former. Yes, you can list all the ones you like and imply that it's much more than any government would had given you but you're just ignoring all the stupid shit and assuming that having a good period would mean that it will last. Nothing good lasts, you should know this as 4channers. A system that last too long is always for the worst.