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/lit/ - Literature

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6959037 No.6959037 [Reply] [Original]

Would your parents be /lit/ approved? I recently found out my Dad studied philosophy for some of uni and helped write a logic solutions manual. He recently read Brothers K and enjoys Pinecone.
My Mom on the other hand has a hard time reading. She can't deal with a large cast of characters and usually reads a lot of christian fiction. I tried to get her to read my old copy of Gatsby because its pretty easy to pick up the themes and such.
Just curious, are your parents "patrician"?

>> No.6959069

My dad used to read books on dictators so idk

>> No.6959072
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My mother reads in every spare moment of her free time, but it all tends to be historical romance novels.

My father is ADD and he only occasionally reads science fiction short stories. When I was a kid he would read an occasional textbook or technical manual for work, but he's retired now and I doubt he's read a full book since then.

>> No.6959085

>usually reads a lot of christian fiction
Like the Bible?

>> No.6959091

My mom reads murder novels exclusively and I'm not entirely sure my dad can read

>> No.6959107

No they usually are historical fiction with some sort of christian message in them. I wish she would read other things, but I guess I can only encourage her.

>> No.6959114

My parents are both history professors, so yeah...

>> No.6959138

I don't think either of my parents have read a book since at least the Carter administration.

>> No.6959162

My mom's a schizophrenic who can barely drive, she can read but probably only at the most basic level. We saw Guardians of the Galaxy together and she was confused by it.

My dad, on the other hand, is well-read, but not necessarily well-read within the canon. He has 10,000+ comics, almost all of the works of The Beats, a hefty amount of music biographies and reads a few books a week, mostly genre fiction.

>> No.6959197

Yes. They're the parents, im the /lit/ one so they don't have to be perfect, just interesting.
Dad's a wildlife management PhD who embodies the concept of virtu. He's very smart but extremely religious and so ghettoizes his mind to avoid serious challenges to his Christianity. Mostly reads theology and biographies but I convinced him to read Lot 49 and he liked it alright. Other than his beliefs he's amazing. Down for anything except drugs and did so many interesting things with us that my classmates and teachers actually suspected he was a spy or special warfare officer. Women want him so bad it's pathetic but he just turns a blind eye to that because he's so loyal to my mother.

Mom's a housewife who occasionally writes poetry. Used to be super sharp but some medical treatment impaired her ability to follow complicated stories and arguments.

>> No.6959216

My mom is white trash and my dad studied exercise science in school

>> No.6959399

My mother's major was in great books. And yet (you're not going to believe this) she has never read Ulysses, Gravities Rainbow, or Infinite Jest! Never!

>> No.6959418

My dad doesn't really read much nowadays but when he was younger he read all the British classics like Dickens and Robert Louis Stevenson, etc.
He knows the canon fairly well and told me he read all the time up until he graduated college as a Political Science major. I can remember seeing him revisit some classics on occasion as I grew up. (Dostoevsky, Joyce, Melville and some others)
I don't think he does much reading now though. At least nothing /lit/ related.

Mom's into /books/ - I.E. shit her friends tell her to read and is most often historical fiction on bestseller lists... she always sends me these horribly cringe-worthy novels but I don't really have the heart to tell her that I don't read them. She has a language studies background but I don't really recall ever seeing her read any spanish literature

>> No.6959605

my mum reads constantly. She's pretty involved with the literature scene in my city. Realistically, she's more likely to be patrician than I am.

My dad is into weird 60s philosophy. I bet he secretly loves Žižek

>> No.6959616

mom thinks church is boring as shit and was pregnant with me at 16 and my biological father is a highschool dropout

so no

my parents aren't patrician

>> No.6959621

the reason I mentioned she thinks church is boring as shit is to make the point that she doesn't really care about anything really other than day to day life

I could've worded that better

>> No.6959631

every now and then one of my parents might read an airport thriller or some bestseller with a lot of buzz surrounding it, but for the most part they stick to television to help them pass the time.

>> No.6959639


Father - Alcoholic
Mother - Only reads TMZ magazines

My Uncle (who I love) - Has an enormous personal library. He lets me borrow whatever books I want, and has willed me his entire library. He has 2 walls full of hardcovers (lots of classics)

>> No.6959686

Adding another question to OP:

How much would you say their own tastes influenced yours?

>> No.6960172

My dad is the one who got me into reading. He is more of a sci-fi and noir guy, he loves Asimov and Chesterton, but he sometimes reads lit too.

He didn't know Pynchon until a week ago when he saw V. in my hands, and he seems interested to read TCol49.

>> No.6960213

Dad doing research on hemophilia for a pharmaceutical company. Remember him reading a lot of Dostoyevsky when I was younger. Mostly classics. At the moment he is reading some Fallada I think. Detests modern american lit. Laughs at me for reading Pinecone, DFW, Roth. Thinks the only reason they write such long novels is for publishers to make money. Which I suppose is true in some way. Got him Stoner for his bd and he loved it.

Mother is a psychotherapist. Reads a lot of classics. Remember her reading Thomas Mann when I was younger. Likes the films of Bela Tarr, so I got her Melancholy of Resistance for her bd. She hasn't read it yet.

I wish I was more influenced by them. Instead I just keep ordering more and more litcore from amazon. Why.

>> No.6960314

My dad is pretty patrician:
>used to be in army
>PhD in Geography
>got offered teaching job in Montpellier right after I was born, he learned French in like 6 months
>published three books of magical realist short stories
>one of them in French
>now retired
>smokes hand rolled cigarettes and drinks VB all day
>I don't even know what books he reads for the most part but I know he has Marcel Proust, Joyce, Virginia Woolf and Etgar Keret books in his office
>occasionally flies to Melbourne or Sydney to give lecture
>Hasn't cut his beard in 15 years

>have literally never seen her read a book

>> No.6960334

Dad: Reads law books (work related) and books about the third reich. I once gifted him a history of the First world war and he said he didn't want to read it, he only wants to read about the fucking world war II.

Mom: Reads shitty series of novels.

>> No.6960391

I don't thing my father reads much, he has a lot of books though. He watches a lot of documentaries though and works at a museum.

My mother reads a lot of crappy crime fiction, I know she has read American Psycho and she was disgusted with it.

>> No.6960409

I'm happy for you! To have a person like that when everything else might not be so great.

>> No.6960422

My Dad is pretty patrish for a private security worker, has read stuff like Joyce and Flann O'Brien and reads a good bit on history

>> No.6960425

My father is the owner of an IT company and, despite the fact he has dyslexia, a fairly accomplished songwriter if that counts. My mother is very literate, but she is bipolar so she stays away from anything particularly dark.

>> No.6960426

My dad is a brute, hard-boiled wretched businessman and drunkard from a very small city in the middle of the Amazon rainforest. He never attended university because his father died and he had to work to place bread on the table. He only reads the Bible and magazines, although he has some books on how to deal with cattle.

My mother is his wife. She works at a restaurant, and I don't think she reads.

The /lit/ user base is very diverse if you ask me.

>> No.6960452

My dad loves to read about history, mainly WWI history for some reason.

My mom read quite some in her young adult age, but now she barely ever reads. And when she does, she seems to not have a strong opinion formed about the texts. She is pretty well read nonetheless.

>> No.6960467

Thank you, I really think I would be a different person if it wasn't for my Uncle. I know I have dead beat parents, but at least he is someone I can visit on the weekends. He teaches History for a living and writes short stories, poetry, and folk song (and drinking songs) in his spare time. He has been my muse, my inspiration, and my friend. He's a godsend; I am eternally grateful.

>> No.6960492

I looked at my dad's bookshelf and I can tell that right out of university, he must have been an activist with high hopes and idealistic beliefs. Then his wife died and he got old and he just became a jaded grumpy old man. It's really sad to see the way he is now. He just became petty and short tempered as fuck, like he was never happy and sophisticated and literate in the first place.

>> No.6960501

My dad reads (and loves) trashy fantasy novels and crime fiction.
My mum just reads pop-psychology and the bible.
Our shelves at home are lined with books about how evolution is a lie.

My brother was the most voracious reader I've ever seen though.

>> No.6960505


Life will beat you in the head. How we come out the other end is not always totally up to us.

>> No.6960517

True, he did more or less everything right in his life and was just a victim of shitty circumstances. It's just weird to see how he just totally reverted from how he was before. It's not like he just lost hope, it's as if he never had it before.

>> No.6960526

Dad has read Dosty Roth Tolstoy and other mainstream reads but nowadays just reads shit like American Sniper or whatever I suggest.

Mom is in the same boat but doesn't really read shit anymore. Sometimes she'll read Hemingway or Fitzgerald.

They arent /lit/ approved but they aren't bottom-tier

>> No.6960527

They both just have GEDs and have never worked anything other than manual labor or retail jobs. Most of my family is the same.

Needless to say, they don't read. Ever.

I'm still not really sure how I became such a constant reader. I'm in graduate school for lit now.

>> No.6960534

>I once gifted him a history of the First world war and he said he didn't want to read it, he only wants to read about the fucking world war II.
K E K that's hilarious

>> No.6960601


My dad reads quite a bit, but usually not fiction, and never /lit/. He's read just about every pop history book on the American Civil War, and quite a few other history books besides. Occasionally he'll pick up a Clive Cussler novel.

My mom reads occasionally, usually religious books or religious-themed fiction, or sometimes a Nicholas Sparks novel.

They're not patrician by any means. The TV they watch is abysmal.

>> No.6961213

my father was an avid reader, in particular Chomsky, Dostoyevsky, and Edward Said. unfortunately, religion and paranoia dont let him think that much any more.

>> No.6961427


>> No.6961448

My dad likes dystopias, science fiction (Asimov, Dick) and the poetry of T.S. Eliot. He doesn't read anymore because he's gone blind.

My mom reads at least two books a week, but nearly 100% of them are mystery novels.

>> No.6961470


Because the last 2 aren't considered Big Books.

>> No.6961472

My dad only reads the bible. My mom is a lawyer so she used to be into philosophy but now all she reads is legal text

>> No.6961513

When my dad saw me reading James Joyce, he told me that people only read James Joyce because they want to be able to tell people they've read James Joyce. He then reminded me that I should read Dune because it's his favorite book. I gave him Kierkegaard's 'Purity of Heart' for his birthday a year ago and he still hasn't finished it.
My mom likes Victor Hugo because she likes his writing style. Same goes for Tolstoy. But then we found out she skips all the "boring parts."

So no, not really.

>> No.6961526
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>mfw your dad is a good guy who likes Dune and his Joyce advice is nearly perfect and you probably were reading it for those reasons
>mfw your dad's cool and you're gay

>> No.6961533

My Nonna would be /lit/ approved. She never went to college but she had god tier taste in literature. /pol/ would consider her the devil incarnate for her anarcho/socialist/feminist views. She was pretty cool.

I miss her.

>> No.6961549

My mom is /lit/ as fuck, she's got her doctorate in english studies or some shit. She got me into reading when I was young. My dad not so much, he likes books about America and guns though.

>> No.6961554

I have nothing against Dune or anyone who likes it; it was more just his dismissive attitude. I'm not claiming I completely understand literature like Joyce, but I can respect that it's not my field of expertise, and that many qualified people respect his work.

>> No.6961559

My mom only watches TV when she gets home from work. Mostly soap operas she recorded during the day and reality shows. She also watches Hallmark.

I love her to death but I think she's hopeless in this regard.

>> No.6961567

The last thing my father read was Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, a book on "how we can reach our full potential" with "parenting, business, school, relationships" according to the front cover.

The last thing my mother read was probably info blurb for today's episode of Days of Our Lives on the guide thingy.

You tell me.

>> No.6961570

mom almost exclusively reads fantasy,
dad likes a bunch of weird shit, recently he's been on a robert anton wilson binge

>> No.6961604

>read through thread
>no one said "wow such meme much philosophy"

>> No.6961714

My mom is an utter pleb and consumes whatever YA is in season and has seen the Twilight movies a dozen times each.
My dad likes Pynchon, Joyce, Nietzsche and Burroughs but mostly reads Robert Anton Wilson and weird scifi stuff like PKD and thinks most of the classics I read are probably pretentious. He also has a ton of comics and music biographies.

>> No.6961717

we don't do doge anymore

>> No.6961868

My father's a pleb for the most part, he stopped halfway into two of my favorite books in my native language (both timeless classics, one fiction and the other non-fiction) because he got bored.
My mom's a pleb too (the type who reads 50 Shades of Gray and such) but we were planning a trip to Ireland once and she read a bunch of things about the country and ended up reading a translation of Joyce's Portrait, so in a way she's more patrician than my dad.
My grandfather is an absolute patrician. He used to make all of his four kids read Russian classics and write essays about them at the end of the week they were asked to read them. He also teached them latin and other disciplines. I personally wouldn't do those things to my kids but he just has that type of personality.

>> No.6961879

my mother reads vast quantities of detective books. she has a degree in classics and copies of all the greeks in ancient greek as well though.
my dad reads lots of old sci fi. he's a rad guy

>> No.6961880
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you are wrong
doge is always

>> No.6961885
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>> No.6961891

my mum's favorite authors are isabel allende and john irving, is she a pleb?

>> No.6961932

both my parents teach German and English. My mother threw away her complete works of Marx and Engels, so that's pretty bad. My father's favorite author is Musil and instead of "thingamajig", he says "König Ottokars Glück und Ende".

>> No.6961933

Dad: history, philosophy, science magazines, politics, classics like Dickens, Dante etc.
Mum: new age stuff and "empowering self help" books.

/lit/ would like my dad but so would /pol/.

>> No.6961963
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what a pleb

>> No.6961966

fuck is that?

>> No.6962001

>doge not dead
>shibes fight back
top kek, bastard really rused that bird