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/lit/ - Literature

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6956415 No.6956415 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth reading, or is it a gigantic bore?

So far I'm interested, but it does seem like the book will get boring as it drags on. Opinions?

>> No.6956423

so worth it

>> No.6956490

You are better off reading it during winter.

>> No.6956535



>> No.6956606

Probably the longest book I read on my phone yet

>> No.6956623

because seasons

>> No.6956661

It's got beatiful prose, a lot of charm and humor. You won't be bored.

>> No.6956700

I loved Buddenbrooks but The Magic Mountain will go on, on and on until you reach the last chapter, and then, boo-hoo?, it's finally over. It's comfy as fuck but the ending is pretty anticlimactic but inevitable I guess. A slower pill than Buddenbrooks, definitely, and I just remembered the last scenes. Fucking Mann.

The entire book is so subtle and sad but all moods are so rich (even when they're discussing theology), or at least that's the impression I got.

Now, on a closer read, it's very complex and that alone could be captivating, but maybe you're not interested in all that.
