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6954495 No.6954495 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most taboo topic to write about in the 21st century and who is writing about it?

I'm really at a loss, it seems like anything obscene is okay now. I just can't think of a taboo theme

>> No.6954497

denying the holocaust or something, me thinks

>> No.6954500
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I don't think there is anything taboo anymore, we live in a open and free artistic society

>> No.6954505

fatness probably, or talking shit about someone unatural hair color?

>> No.6954515
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ok that's a big one
also saying good things about European history/culture and any sort of national pride I think gets rejected by publishers immediately

>> No.6954517

The most taboo stance is probably holocaust denial.

As for subjects... I'm not really sure there are any?

IDK, are there really any whole topics you're not allowed to touch? I guess 'race' is sorta taboo, but like with the holocaust, only specific stances on the subject.

>> No.6954518
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Why would you do that? Like denying WWII happened.

>> No.6954520

Just go against the SJWs

>> No.6954522
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>> No.6954523

Strong, traditional family values.

>> No.6954524

sotos is probably still doing his whole thing
crispin glover's films

in general, the topic is less relevant than how it's presented but really, pay more attention to your surroundings if you think that

>> No.6954526


I think that's different than taboo.

If you write about that, people will just think you're a conspiracy theorist or an insane person.

If it were taboo people wouldn't necessarily say it wasn't true, they would just say that it is disgusting, impolite, and rude to say.

implying the holocaust was real

>> No.6954529

Peak oil and the collapse of civilization. It drives all the Trekkies insane

>> No.6954532


the word you're thinking of is appalling

>> No.6954533
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thanks, i almost messed up

>> No.6954535

No, that's obviously tolerated.

Ah. Hit a nerve, did we?

>> No.6954541

>Ah. Hit a nerve, did we?

pls no bully, butters

>> No.6954557
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>Thanks man. Didn't want to commit a taboo
>Now back to the topic. What does MSM not want us to talk about... Oh yeah. I'm'a write a book about neo-nationalists gassing the kikes.

We're just looking for taboos

>> No.6954565

>hit a nerve

not that guy, but that's far from the point. It's more like a flea bite- annoying and itchy and you try to do everything that you can to get rid of the problem. But do the thoughts or the will of the flea hit a nerve? Do you really care about the flea's motivation? No, of course not. You just want it to go away. It's a pest.

>> No.6954573

You just don't like the obvious and actual taboo

>> No.6954579

idek incest is pretty hinky tho

>> No.6954589

shaming sluts and fatties is very taboo now

>> No.6954591


>> No.6954598

Proof that niggers are inherently inferior to Whites.

>> No.6954600
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it's taboo not to have a diverse cast of characters. specially if you're writing medieval european fantasy.

it should be full of african knights, asian royalty, homosexual musicians, midgets, etc. and jews should always be portrayed in a positive light

>> No.6954602
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It's hardly taboo.

Only to a small amount of people.

Are we talking taboo on prime time network tv, or taboo to literature?

>> No.6954604

Nothing wrong with midgets

>> No.6954608

It's taboo to show your privates in public.

>> No.6954611

I don't think you understand what taboo means

>> No.6954620

sincerity. anything lacking irony.

>> No.6954622

You're too late. Palahniuk already carried edgy shock lit to its logical conclusion. There's nowhere left to go.

Instead, you'll have to focus on actually understanding social conditions, understanding personality and behavior, and crafting an interesting and believable narrative, all without the crutch of ideology. It's a lot of work. Sorry.

>> No.6954630

Enjoying adherence to structures and ideology?

I mean it's something that people all do on some level but very, very few enjoy admitting it. I dunno, nevermind. Sorry. Oh god.

>> No.6954632

>It's taboo to show your privates in public.

you've never been to a "gay pride" parade have you

>> No.6954634

you CANNOT publish a book with direct racism.

It's such a taboo topic I haven't seen one on the shelves for ~100 years, at least in my hometown

>> No.6954637

nah not really there was that one guy who nailed his balls to the concrete
just depends on the context

>> No.6954638

>you CANNOT publish a book with direct racism.

what's direct racism? like speaking the truth?

could mark twain publish huckelberry fin today?

>> No.6954640
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let's go beyond sex for a moment.

the problem with the occidental humanism is the obvious contradictions from the liberals : they claim to be for liberty and open-mindedness while imposing their views on people who do not think like them; the liberals (in the american sense) completely miss the authority of their doctrine.
There is nothing wrong with an authoritative system, but the liberals are the first to claim to impose their notion of liberty whatever the cost. the non-liberal call it tyranny and the liberals call it the best system on earth. Both groups are delusional.

It is difficult to predict what will be the next fad. Liberals think, speak and act through sex, far too many times.
They created the idea of identity (from the enlightenment) which is quite dubious beforehand, but they believe in some identity through sex.

Sex being the activity making the most humans feel the most alive, you can bet that many seek it and that it is dubious to categorise and even worse hierarchize this activity, especially in terms of good/bad.

As a side note, a good clue of the vacuity of this sexual identity is the total agreement towards this concept, by the people in a libertarian democratic society . In a democracy, if everybody acknowledge and is happy about a concept, we can bet that the concept is phony.
Since the liberal democracies replaced the sacralized God, which was in place before what the liberals/libertarians call enlightnement, with the materialist sanctification of the individual and the constitution, the law, the reason, the science, the notion of consent, the principle of liberty, property, life, and all the typical principles that the good liberals/libertarians adore, what will be normal [= setting the norm] and abnormal will be more and more stipulated by scientific studies.

>> No.6954644

The task of the liberals/libertarians in the democracy is to choose which minority to ignore. What criterion to use in order for the liberals/libertarians to feel good about excluding a group from some acknowledgement about their existence from the the government or the institutions of the state.

Another curcial subject in a democracy is the notion of knowledge [think of the climate change], since people understand more and more than science can only bring statistical results [especially as soon as we leave the rigourus sciences which are physics and chemistry]. THe belief in medicine and biology giving us answers to political questions will be more and more constestable. The judges of the democracies already ask for medical expertises in order to build their perspectives. [think of the defendant with some tumors causing the defent to act abnormally according the society]
Naturally, all the people who are not well formatted, through the national education at the beginning, to adhere to the liberal/libertarian doctrine will be seen as not the norm, will be what the liberals/libertarians call the criminals, the crazy or other people that the liberals/libertarians put aside of the society --- many times in walling them in some physical building where nobody will see the deviants.

As said, the sex is a cornerstone of the liberals/libertarians. they hype and sell their doctrine mostly through the activity that most people love [everybody loving pleasures and dislinking pain (sometimes to the extand of converting what most people view as pain into a personal pleasure)]. the liberals are really hedonist, at least explicitly in trying to suppress all sufferings [pain + believe in a self], physical and more and more psychological [feminazis love this last kind of pain, since them being in power, they do not need to to disprove or prove it even in a materialist doctrine]

>> No.6954646

real talk

>> No.6954650


It is a bit of a pity that sex is the focus of this doctrine, since as every focus, you find it everywhere every time, but at least it is the swiftest activity to defeat the core notions of the doctrine that is the enlightenment. Typically, you have problems even before the sex happens: since they believe in the notion of an individual, the liberals/libertarians must find a balance between responsibility and liberty of the individuals [think of disclosing the HIV infection], then you move to consent just before the sex, and during sex since the activity involves several acts, then to life and property via abortion, then to consent again via the coerced paternity, then to property through the filiation of the children.

What is tenable in all this ?

As said, the care of the old people will be dominant in the next decades, since all the hippies are now ageing, and it turns out that they are a bit scared of their cancers. The Euthanasia is the next thing to be legalized, with all the drugs permitting to alleviate pain becoming more available at least on the grey market

The euthanasia is a bad solution to a false problem. The sole interesting question is the voluntary suicide, the philosophical suicide, the suicide stemming not from depression, sadness, debts, GFs and all; but the happy/neutral suicide. Nobody today can think the suicide in terms of a positive light.

>> No.6954652
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>> No.6954653

>being related to science whatsoever

I won't argue with you further though, so don't bother replying to this. I'll just understand you haven't been properly educated and that's that.

>> No.6954657

So euthanasia because the baby boomers are in power. What next ? I think that we must put in the reflection that ''there is no free lunch''. Money will be crucial once all the baby boomers are gone. How to maintain all the liberties that the children of the baby boomers have always experienced and therefore that they see as necessary to the extend of these liberties of being unthinkable ?

With the crucial perspective of the funding, there is also the perspectives brought by the sciences, especially the natural ones. In biology, the big question is what is the consciousness, what is the self, what is the normal brain, what is an illness and what is not ?

Whatever the liberals/libertarians will see as normal, through the statistics brought by the biology, will be legalized, especially when the activities either reinforce the principles in which the liberals/libertarians believe, or at least the activities that the liberals/libertarians believe not harm their doctrine.

The pedophilia will not be legalized, because the biology will say that far too many teenagers cannot consent [for sex, the liberals/libertarians oddly believing that they can consent to have toys, engage in commercial activities, and change sex] and also for women no longer wish to assume the natural consequences of spreading their legs, AKA pregnancies. We make far too few babies in order to grant them liberties from which, we believe, they could be hurt.

>> No.6954662


THe age of consent will never get lower than 15 or so, and the countries with lower ages will be frowned upon by the feminazies [since boys being shagged is fine, it seems], the countries with higher than 18 years of age for consent will lower it to 18 typically.

bisexuality is the next thing, in my opinion, since it agrees with the believes of the liberals/libertarians. Today, the entertainment industry is still about the jouissance of the woman via her pussy eaten by some man, and the homos have yet to be displayed fully shagging, but it will come, precisely through bisexuality.
Bisexuality of the woman is already here, btw.

BDSM is already acknowledge and hyped and sells quite well. There is nothing to be add here, even though we can notice that a form of brutal porn is hyped by the liberals. In those, the whores have an interview at the end of the episode, where they claim that they enjoyed the whoring and they were well treated.

The other paraphilias will be dealt only if a good deal of people are vocal about it, if they do not contradict the principles of the doctrine, and if the entertainment industry will grant a place on screen.

>> No.6954673


Necrophilia will remain forbidden as long as the principle of life and the respect of the ancestors are.
Perhaps once day, the liberals will go the end of their logic and see human corpses as human corpses, but with the euthanisa, the corpse is still sacralized [we go back a bit to the euthanaisa here] with the suffering of the family of the defunt which is taking in to account.

Zoophilia will remain forbidien since more and more humans have a relationship with their pets as no longer an animal relationsihp, but has a human realtionships. Pets ar eno longer animals but humans. THey suffer like every human suffers. And since the biology is taken by th epolitics as saying that the animals cannot consent, then they will remain perceived as children, dumb but lovable.

>However, single women today already do not hesitate to make their dog lick their pussy. Women being women, with their pride of their liberaiton, and women being in charge now, it could very well be accepted gradually.
Naturally, zoos will still open for a while, we have far too much pleasures seeing encaged animals.

On finances, we will see more and more dehumanised companies, in the sense that the employees will no longer care about their position beyond their job, especially after that it became obvious that companies do not care about their employees in not hesitating to fire them as soon as they can. At best, there will be some conitnuous formation to help the employees evolve, but pleasure will be sought outside of work.
Economically, the liberalism will remain and further. Money matters too much to change this.
So in liberal.libertarian democracies, we have a conflict between the finances, the liberties and the knowledge thought to be brought by sciences.

>> No.6954684
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The next degeneracy will be personalized contracts via the gathering of data belonging to the beneficiary of the contract. Think of the health insurance companies which issues shopping cards to see what you buy to cook. If they believe, after they ask the scientific who they believe give them true knowledge, that what you buy to cook will give you cancer, you can be sure that they will change their contract with you, in making you pay more.

to be clearer, the insurance companies would seek a partnership with the supermarkets and offer cheaper contracts where you accept that part of your data are used. OFC, if your data go outside the allowed ranges, you will be fucked in paying more or the contract is nil.

it is really the credit cards and credit ranking that the americans love.

it works, as long as you can control yourself, as long as you are responsible. The liberals loving far more the liberties than the the responsibilities, it will clashes sooner or later in some big trials, but the system will remain in place as it brings far too much money to companies and states, and fucks only the poorest/the ones that nobody (especially the liberals) really cares about.

As other said, the taboo today is not about expanding liberties, it is about putting the emphasis on responsibilities, aka restraining unlimited liberties, in nature and degree.

>> No.6954688
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Pedophilia. In a century they'll all be saying that we weren't progressive enough because we didn't realize that people are born are pedophiles.

I'm being entirely serious. I'm not even a pedophile.

>> No.6954699

Pedophilia is fine to write about. They'll even call it art if the author is black.

Nothing is taboo in 2015

>> No.6954703


pedophilia is being pushed to be normalized by the islamic communities

>> No.6954715

Child rape and incest and both plus killing the kid

>> No.6954720

Or Russian

>> No.6954740

>ITT: The Catholics masturbate over sexual taboos


>> No.6954753

Pragmatic or (at least attempts at) biology-based arguments in favour of racism are definitely taboo

>> No.6954834

What's you're favorite anime?

>> No.6954847

Does anyone remember the name of French novel predicting the Islamization of Europe?

I could be wrong, but I think I think it was written in the seventies....

>> No.6954859


>> No.6954861
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Satoshi Kon was real good too. rip in peace.

Are these test questions to see if I'm really me?

>> No.6954862
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a taboo his everything about the history of liberalism, especially one science will get them to contradict themselves

>> No.6954863

Obviously not true. Just saying that they're the one and only way would be considered taboo.

>> No.6954884
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>that pic

>> No.6954891

this and pedophilia/ephebophilia

>> No.6954893


Michel Houllebecq's Soumission?

It is very recent

>> No.6954896

Camp of the Saints

It belongs in a Calcutta gutter if you know what I mean.

>> No.6954897

Incest I suppose.

>> No.6954898

>that gif
fuck, my sides

>> No.6954902

Calling a black person in a novel nigger, not by the racial slur but like how they were addressed in most books in the 20th century.

>> No.6954924


>not by the racial slur but like how they were addressed in most books in the 20th century.


>> No.6954949
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That's pretty cool. I mean, sucks for the ones who lost their jobs, but this is how it will be in the nearest future - either you work in maintenance or have a job that would require true AI and is thus not doable by robots, or you are shit out of luck.

Hopefully our politicians will accept that soon and realize that our shrinking population is actually not all that bad when you take this into account.
Plus the slight form anti-natalism is the flagship of feminism through the girls taking the pills and thinking it is a liberation. You go girls !

>> No.6954960


This is all irrelevant to anti-natalism

>> No.6954980

Pedophilia, pro-rape, pro-slavery.

>> No.6954991


A naked Frenchman covering his face with a niqab and smoking indoors, while swearing at orphans and loudly proclaiming that Jesus and Hitler are fictional characters.

>> No.6954993

This. There is not a chance in hell that anything that portrays rape as anything but a "living hell" could be published.

>> No.6955012


It seems you two are being too specific and too pedantic.

What you really mean, once when cut away all the edginess, is "anti-freedom" which is taboo. Because society does all it can to assert that freedom is a good thing, hence: anti-marriage.

>> No.6955014

Antinatalism and work refusal (not just rooting for automatization and basic income but being against the notion of doing shit because society says so itself)

>> No.6955020


I think you're right with those two

>> No.6955022

>doing shit because society says so itself

society doesn't tell you to work though, you can be a beggar, or if you wanna forage and hunt like nature says, you can try that.

society just gives other ways to survive using team work.

>> No.6955023


>Society doesn't tell you to work

Except all of our education system is geared towards making you a worker. Your argument isn't even slightly valid

>> No.6955030


>What is the most taboo topic to write about in the 21st century

the answer is obviously islam

all of the other answers itt don't come close

>and who is writing about it?

people brave enough to deal with islam

>> No.6955031

>If it were taboo people wouldn't necessarily say it wasn't true, they would just say that it is disgusting, impolite, and rude to say.

They do say that. Questioning the official story of the Holocaust is seen as immoral - even illegal - behaviour.

>> No.6955032

Given not suicidality, food and shelter aren't optional and can only be accessed via regular work hours or self-employment in non-West European countries. Every bit of land is already occupied by powers that be so reverting to a gatherer-hunter is not an option.

>> No.6955037

>. Every bit of land is already occupied by powers so reverting to a gatherer-hunter is not an option.

people can survive in the woods/nature by themselves, just go up in the mountains and make a home for yourself, hermits do it all the time.

Hell you can even take a woman with you and start a family. There are guys in Alaska who do this. No one bothers them, you gotta be smart about it.

>> No.6955039


Gotta earn a bunch of money first.

>> No.6955041
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but then he might realize it isn't "society" that is oppressing him but Reality/Nature itself.

>> No.6955208

Scientifically or abstracting differences in race.

>> No.6955213

Why don't you explain the difference to them.

>> No.6955220
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>> No.6955221

Probably bestiality.

Lolita broke the taboo on pedos in literature, but I don't think there's been any mainstream book where animal-fucking plays a major role.

>> No.6955224

Can't remember who wrote the short story of the planet that was hidden by galactic government specifically because everyone on the planet saw sex as a completely natural thing even between adults and children. The thought is interesting.

>> No.6955266

there are also cultures where children have sex between them

>> No.6955270

>open and free artistic society
>still nothing of note written since infinite jest

Rise of social justice movements that aim to prohibit some speech on the basis of people's emotions contradict that though. Not literature but Action Bronson (a rapper if you don't know him) got forced out of performing at a festival by SJWs last week because he wrote a song that featured a slightly edgy rape line 4 years ago. Would that have happened to Eminem who was doing the same thing 15 years ago? Hell fucking no

Yes we're more open about sexuality, but topics that can be deemed offensive to some (rape, racism, etc.) we are less open about in our art

>> No.6955387

novel? Soumission by Houllebecq? It was written last year.

>> No.6955414

I would love to read the Lolita of cannibalism or pedocide.

>> No.6955424


>> No.6955431

I'd love to read the Lolita of your mom

>> No.6955441


I'd say the idea of Race and IQ

>> No.6955470

Good point! The Lolita of incest would be commercialized quick.

>> No.6955480

Nothing of note?

>> No.6955484
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Would St. Basil be arrested today?

>> No.6955614

As soon as he walked past a school.

>> No.6955695

you can't really speak out against equality even though everyone knows in the back of their minds that people aren't equal
I think it's ridiculous to say nothing is taboo anymore

>> No.6955723

Not true. The vast majority of people are perfectly equal. The only exception is me, who is number 1.

>> No.6955727

You ever get thumped on the head by your mom for treating a friend or sibling badly?

You don't know what is meant by equality is legal equality? Fairness, pulling together like an extended family?
Are you a Christposter? You couldn't be. You're in from /pol/.

Some things are frowned upon because they're just not true

>> No.6955730

This is the case primarily in an ontological sense btw, but it can also be extended to ethics.

>> No.6955790

>You don't know what is meant by equality is legal equality?
this hasn't been true for a while and you know it

>> No.6955817

> I haven't seen one on the shelves for ~100 years
Just how old *are* you?

>> No.6955834

It isn't true at all.
It's a sham and it's something people want the government to deliver. They make these little laws, like voting rights are now open to all citizens. Now we can all pretend to have a say so in who represents us in public office.
Not only do I know it's not true, I know what's corrupting it. But you're not allowed to tell anyone about this on MSM. THAT'S your taboo.

>> No.6955860

Anyone who assigns traditional structures within the context of a post-structuralist group (say a happy hour in NYC) is immediately excoriated.

>> No.6955861

There is a huge sub-segment of SJW culture that calls for health at any size


>> No.6955956

This. Holy shit, it's so rare. The human experience is being chalked up to quips, cynicism and ironic catchphrases. We're losing touch with the natural complexity that life brings and the inherent existentialism. This has been written about immensely, too; it isn't a new phenomenon.

The human experience isn't just a series or collection of quips. It's more than that.

>> No.6956526

is that you? nice fit

>> No.6956568

Talk about how people should better themselves with education and fitness. Also, write about people who are monogamous. Those things will definitely trigger the fuck out of people, especially if you're a straight white guy.

>> No.6956609

Lifelong virginity as a positive thing.

>> No.6956909


>> No.6956928

That's right. The human experience is centrally about memes and the dankness thereof.

>> No.6957249
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Questioning the official holohoax story is illegal in 16 European countries. If you do it publicly you will serve jail time.

Is that taboo enough for u?

>> No.6957354
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A book about me having a gf
nobody is writing it

>> No.6957374

Yes, this is by far the biggest contemporary taboo.

>> No.6957441

For the longest time, our city was in a state of martial law. Chief among the things that had been forbidden were stories, and these were so precious that it was a rare man who would not betray his closest friends in exchange for the briefest excerpt—a syllable from the mouth of God.

Now the stories are useless; their scraps litter the roadside, ruined by mud. They are not fit for wallpaper, or even kindling; they are not fit for anything.

Every now and then someone suggests that we ban them again—to try and make them valuable—but the idea is forgotten before lunchtime.

>> No.6957471


I'll write it anon

>> No.6957481

The death of the white rice.

>> No.6957496

Huh... that's... huh...

>> No.6957497

Im writing about it, but the novel is highly allegorical and postmodern.

How fucked am I? Guys?

>> No.6957498

explaining how most taboos existed for a good reason and positively impacted society

>> No.6957515

i would like to meet these hooded women. thank

>> No.6957545

I can actually read you getting drunk

>> No.6957551

No, they are to see what you really are.

>> No.6957563

I really hate west-asians. They warp the western spirit with their autistic literalism/insane child abuse/sexlessness

>> No.6957648

Exactly. It's to the point where I mistrust apparent sincerity out of an assumption that it's either ironic sincerity or forced for an agenda.

Nobody is real.

>> No.6957706

Christ Holden, give it a rest

>> No.6957922

If you want to find out what's contriversial read books theat are banned or associated with right wing terrorism (since leftist thought dominates acedemia and media)
A good tip is the Turner diaries. It's well written and a pretty enjoyable read even if you don't think black people are subhuman and Jews are manipulative people pushing multiculturalism on the world

>> No.6958004

There's the one I was going to say.

>> No.6958050


>> No.6958731

you can have stories that espouse these not explicitly and still very well taken. not 'preachy', 'heavy handed', etc

>> No.6958742

Defending eugenics and nazism.

>> No.6959022


So a cornerstone of the Republican rhetoric of the most powerful nation in the world is taboo?

Could've fooled me.

>> No.6959029

there was a sign on a Paris Restaraunt that read: "French Girls are for African Men"

and a french girl sprayed over the African part and replaced it with "french men"; and some nigger lost his mind and started arguing with her

>> No.6959038


>> No.6959053

Holocaust denial

Anything that doesn't completely portray pedophiles as evil beings

General conservative ideals regarding eugenics

Being in favor of retaining some sense of shame

That's all I can think of right now. Generally the once long-held conservative ideas are being phased out and being made taboo. Not that I agree with every conservative notion, but I don't like to see certain viewpoints that don't really hurt anyone being labelled as "evil" just because they are considered conservative.

>> No.6959094

This is officially

>EDGINESS: The Thread

>> No.6959115

>General conservative ideals regarding eugenics
I don't remember conservatives jumping on the eugenics train. Chesterton heavily criticized them and movement mostly attracted progressives like Keynes.

>> No.6959170

>all the hippies

yeah, see, you have the same problem so many armchair historians have: completely overestimating the 60s counterculture. there just wasn't an entire generation of hippies, sorry bud. it was pretty huge in san fransisco/california, sure, but nowhere near as important anywhere else.

>> No.6959192

I am talking in europe

>> No.6959201

In the US you can deny the holocaust all you like. It's ignored because it's like believing in aliens from Roswell. Even holocaust supporters get the same treatment. They're soundly ignored. This isn't censorship.
I assumed the OP meant taboo for literature, but I'm sure, if you could write like Nabokov, you could do a story about a nice respectable lolikon collecting neet, and that mean little grill who changed her mind about coming over to his place.
It was actually a rightwing liberal group that supported eugenics. "Conservative" meant actually conservative back then. Today they're a really batty mix
"Some sense of shame" Oh please, Catholic scum.

>to see what you really are.
How do you mean, what I really am?
I've been rather forthcoming over the years.

Main stream media

>> No.6959220

even if its just a fictional story people would be upset about it

>> No.6959236

that's the point anon

>> No.6959245

They wouldn't teach it in schools. It's not taboo. It's tacky. It's ignorant.

I'm sort of reminded of this Philip Jose Farmer book about an alternate timeline where Hitler becomes a bike riding trashy novelist in the US

>> No.6959253

Anything that doesn't fit the moral sensibilities of left wing intellectuals.

>> No.6959261

Nice buzzwords. Why don't you actually research the holohoax instead of eating up the Jewish narrative?

>> No.6959262

Found the catholic. Sorry the Jews are smarter than you cattle-tier people.
>muh shame
>oh no people don't want to be subject to the same manipulative shit that made their parents slaves and war dead! The sky is falling!

>> No.6959272

definition of taboo is "a vehement prohibition of an action based on the belief that such behavior is either too sacred or too accursed for ordinary individuals to undertake"

So technically Holocaust Denial fits that but I don't think its the best answer because it's a conspiracy theory and you'll just be ignored.

I think the real answer is something to do with race. There are some legitimate points to be made regarding race (and not the hurr durr niggers are bad stuff you see on here), but we can't even get close to those points because the American society still calls black people "African-American" even if they're from Jamaica....

Another one I'd like to point out is in politics it's really taboo for a member of one side, like a liberal, to give any credit or understanding to the other side, like conservatives. Conservatives like to pretend liberals are absolutely brain-dead people who just can't see the light, and liberals do the same thing from the other side. It's really sad.

>> No.6959273

I'll pray for you anon.

>> No.6959275

Those groids who live in the West Indies are from Africa, too, moron.

>> No.6959278

way to completely miss the point. We're all from Africa originally, moron. The point is our society is way too PC when it comes to race

>> No.6959283

>We're all from Africa originally, moron
Not true at all.
>The point is our society is way too PC when it comes to race
That's true, you can't even say nigger without everyone shitting themselves.

>> No.6959288

>We're all from Africa originally, moron

out of africa theory has been debunked.

It's just a meme in liberal circles

>> No.6959290

do you honestly think a dude from Jamaica who's ancestors came over from Africa over a century ago should be considered African? That's pretty retarded.

>> No.6959294
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>We're all from Africa originally

>> No.6959298

top banter lads. Because that was totally the point

>> No.6959299

Yes, he should still be considered African. He can be called Jamaican, as a citizen of the country, but he is still an African, or a negro or whatever you want to call the bastards.

>> No.6959301
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This fag gets it.

>> No.6959302

You outed yourself as a ignorant child, please educate yourself before you start spewing your egalitarian bigotry.

>> No.6959305

I'm American and my ancestors came over from Ireland over 100 years ago. That doesn't make me European at all. It makes me white, just as a person from Jamaica with African ancestry is black. He's definitely not African.

>> No.6959309

>egalitarian bigotry

so I believe all people are equal but I'm also intolerant towards those people? Alright m8 maybe you should finish middle school before you start using the big words

>> No.6959310

No, you're still a European person. He is definitely African, he is of African origin, you can call him black, or nigger, but he's still from Africa.

>> No.6959314

By comparing whites to niggers you are intolerant of the inherent superiority of the white race.

>> No.6959315

I mean if that's how you wanna classify it, we're arguing semantics anyways this is all besides the point

>> No.6959317

But he's NOT from africa. He's from wherever he was born. I have ancestors all over the middle east, northern and eastern Europe, where does that make me from?

>> No.6959319

That makes you a mutt. He's from Africa.

>> No.6959320

oooooo someone's a little mad they got called out on their poor word usage

>> No.6959322

How am I mad, you bigot?

>> No.6959326

The numbers that get thrown around are sometime erroneous. They killed gypsies, homosexuals and socialists of any kind too, but it is a well documented fact there was a genocidal massacre. You holocaust deniers are indeed an ignorant lot, and obvious too. Not one word of the Armenia genocide from your crowd, and certainly nothing about the conflated numbers of just how many died under Stalin's rule. No, just all this stupid meme crap about how your damn feuer did nichts wroooong, whaaaaa.

>> No.6959327

But's he's not from africa. 99% of american blacks have never even been there.

>> No.6959330

you're clearly mad that black dudes keep stealing your white girlfriends

>> No.6959334

>if one genocide was fabricated so are others
>Stalin dindu nuffin
By the way, it was communists who were killed, not socialists, the National Socialists were socialists. You sound terribly ignorant about this.

>> No.6959335

I've never understood being mad about that, if the minorities are stealing your women, just take theirs. White women are obnoxious anyway.

>> No.6959337

I've never seen a real life nigger, and I doubt any of my ex-girlfirends like weak, stupid, ugly, poor, stinking scum.

>> No.6959340

dank trolling m8, your memes are out of control

>> No.6959341

They were a form of socialists, but they certainly weren't marxist, which is what people traditionally mean by "socialist"

>> No.6959343

it's insecurity I think. But I would agree.

>> No.6959351

What memes? Do you know what these niggers do? They ruin entire cities, their average IQ is below that of a mentally retarded white person, and they commit more crime than any other group of people, even more than Mohammedans.

>> No.6959363

It's pretty obvious where the fault lines are just from this thread, even allowing for bait.

If I wrote about life on the res, as a white guy having seen some of it, and talking about how native culture propagates corruption and failure, and that not all of it is the white man's fault - that natives bear responsibility for fixing their own lives?

Not saying everything would please the nazis either, but being actually real about this stuff? Nope, not allowed.

>> No.6959368

Then write it. If no-one else, 4chan will read it. If it's well written, thought-out and reasearched, it at least won't be dismissed outright.

>> No.6959431

this is the kind of shit I'm talking about man. If you wrote an accurate portrayal of the problems with reservation life, as a white person, you would be absolutely crucified by the mainstream media. We can't even fucking discuss race anymore. If you talk about race in a mainstream setting you're looked at as a bigot because everything has to be PC, if you talk about race in places like this you get the real bigots crawling out of the woodworks to tell you how stupid niggers are. There's no place to actually be real about it.

>> No.6959508

It's partly just the idea of an outside criticizing something he's not seen as a part of. A Japanese man criticizing American culture would be see in a similar way.

>> No.6959615
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But not Brits, apparently.

>> No.6959629

You know, you say that, but at the same time you're denying that the holocaust happened, so nothing you say can be taken seriously.

>> No.6959637

>waaah da goyim know!! ;_;
>holocaust denial should be illegal because there is such strong evidence for it, not because we don't want to be exposed for what we are.

>> No.6959638

Chill nigga

>> No.6959642

And stand idly by while niggers destroy another country with their ineptitude? Get fucked.

>> No.6959651
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>> No.6959665

> the National Socialists were socialists
>you sound terribly ignorant about this


>> No.6959669

Horseshit. If your book and your analysis can stand under scrutiny then people will accept it, regardless of how reluctant they are. The flaw in your thinking is that a group of people who were destroyed by another group are now entirely responsible for their current status. You're not taking into account the suffering, confusion, and lost way of most native Americans due to genocide.

I would agree that they are in a destructive way though. It's the same as blacks. Segregation ended yesterday and they're still trying to pick up the pieces

>> No.6959672

Or maybe it happened and you're just an idiot.

>> No.6959676

The "sexuality is fluid" crowd are bisexuals who are juts sure everyone is like them and we're all repressed.

>> No.6959709

Yeah, that's why it is illegal to question it.
>I don't like them, therefore they're not troooo socialists
Get out.

>> No.6959712

But everyone is potentially bisexual. There's nothing stopping a man from finding another man desirable except for situational rules, social standing and fear.

If your brain makes the connection between man asshole and penis pleasure, you're going to get turned on. That's simply how the brain works. Just because you didn't develop it doesn't mean everyone doesn't have the capacity to find the other sex attractive. There's a reason bisexuals think that everyone is like them deep down, because they're fucking correct, even if it's just incidental.

Why do you think so many men fuck in prison who don't consider themselves gay? Because the situation becomes ideal for making you look for the next best thing.

>> No.6959716

>Yeah, that's why it is illegal to question it.

Yes, it is. And you being sarcastic doesn't prove your point you stupid fuck.

>> No.6959720

>the evidence is so strong that you're never allowed to question our narrative, goy
Nice one. The truth doesn't fear questioning.

>> No.6959729

>The truth doesn't fear questioning.

It certainly does you retard. Do you have any idea how fantastic it would be if the holocaust was fake? We despise Jews with a wince of frustration, why would we not need to defend such a stabable, gasable, make the father and son of a family bare knuckle box for breadable group of fucking scum? Do you know where you are?

>> No.6959731

The reason that you're not allowed to say it didn't happen is because it is DANGEROUS to lie about it.

>> No.6959737

How so?
The holocaust is fake.

>> No.6959746

>But everyone is potentially bisexual.
Check yer privs, biboi.
Yuck. *Potential* isn't the same as actually being bisexual. All due respects to you, but I'm perfectly comfortable as a lesbian.

If you're not trolling, I suggest you reconsider coming to /lit/

>> No.6959747
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>>But everyone is potentially zoophile . There's nothing stopping a man from finding another beast desirable except for situational rules, social standing and fear.
>If your brain makes the connection between beast asshole and penis pleasure, you're going to get turned on. That's simply how the brain works. Just because you didn't develop it doesn't mean everyone doesn't have the capacity to find the other sex attractive. There's a reason zoophiles think that everyone is like them deep down, because they're fucking correct, even if it's just incidental.
>Why do you think so many men fuck their dogs at home and women love to get their pussy licked by their dogs who don't consider themselves zoophiles ? Because the situation becomes ideal for making you look for the next best thing.

>> No.6959748

That is the main aspect of Nazism that people use to say how bad it was, which underscores the systemic problems of the arguably worse Right-wing politics.

>> No.6959757

Not him, but have you ever been attracted to a guy, whether emotionally or physically? I am gay, but there are women I would fuck (Beyoncé, for example).

>> No.6959758

>The holocaust is fake.

The Holocaust happened. That's why there are statistics that show that holocaust survivors make terrible parents. That's why Nazis and Prisoners meet up and cry and hug. That's why a grandparent who lost five sisters makes life so hard for her family.

No, you're right. It's all fake. Fake statistics, its all a consipiracy. You're not very good at convincing people of your point of view.

>> No.6959759

This board wasn't made solely to cater to your opinions, you ignorant, mentally ill dyke.
Nice value judgement. I now realise you didn't mean it was dangerous, but rather that you don't like it. Well, m80, your feelings can go feel elsewhere.

>> No.6959763

There is very strong evidence to suggest the holocaust never happened. All you have is a bunch of whiny Jews fabricating evidence and writing books to appeal to the emotions of the reader.

>> No.6959765

That's entirely correct. Not a single point that can't be defended. Just because something offends your idea of the world doesn't make it false.

Our world is simply easier suited to relationships with humans, that's why you used the zoo example.

>> No.6959770

>All you have is a bunch of whiny Jews fabricating evidence and writing books to appeal to the emotions of the reader.

You sure got me there bro.

>> No.6959772
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>people actually thinking the holocaust is fake
am i on /pol/?

>> No.6959776

>how dare you question our narrative! The holes in our story make it more believable!!
Holocaust affirmers are the worst.

>> No.6959777

>>Our world is simply easier suited to relationships with humans,
only because we want to make it so

>> No.6959780

Yout do understand that saying dumb shit doesn't validate your embarassing point, right?

>> No.6959781

show me the holes

>> No.6959786

Not really. I like some from an aesthetic point of view. Seen my share of penors in porn, and I just don't really get excited for them. The couple reaching orgasm, yes. the "money shots" and "cream pies" *shudders*

>Devil's advocate
>I will now drive home the notion that there never was a holocaust
You know it happened. 4/10

>> No.6959790

>only because we want to make it so

Never in my life have I felt the urge to say something so unrelated to a topic at hand as you, so forgive me when I ask this.


>> No.6959800

Thanks for using your mountains of 'strong evidence' to make your case and convince us all.

>> No.6959804

jet fuel cant melt dank memes

>> No.6959805

>Yuck. *Potential* isn't the same as actually being bisexual. All due respects to you, but I'm perfectly comfortable as a lesbian.

You type like a fucking retard. Also nobody said that everyone is bisexual, just that they have the potential, you illiterate fucking goose.

And I don't give a fuck about your sexuality you stupid, now even more useless than ever before whore.

>> No.6959806

>You know it happened. 4/10
Good one, Butterkike.
Just continue to eat up the Jewish holocaust narrative like the sheep you are.

>> No.6959812

Calling it a narrative doesn't change the fact that it really happened.

It really, really happened.

Does that sting your ego?

It hurts doesn't it

You want to be a contrarian so bad but you can't fess to barking up the stupidest tree you could possibly find.

>> No.6959814

>stalin killed 60 gorillion russians i swear :(

>> No.6959818

>arguably worse
Are adverbs invisible to you or something?

>I now realise you didn't mean it was dangerous, but rather that you don't like it.
No, no, no, you goddamn stooge, no. Egalitarianism is objectively good. Racism and fascism are products of ignorance, if not mental illness. There are even studies which link low IQs to far right politics.

My, you are being generous tonight.

>> No.6959819


What if someone wrote a novel like 50 Shades of Grey or 120 Days of Sodom, except included shitting dick nipples, vore, guro, scat, watersports, bestiality, and necrophilia?

>> No.6959829

>o, no, no, you goddamn stooge, no. Egalitarianism is objectively good. Racism and fascism are products of ignorance, if not mental illness. There are even studies which link low IQs to far right politics.
>but homosexuality and cuckolding are perfectly normal, studies show people who let niggers fuck their wives are intelligent
You're just a moralising faggot tbh.
This isn't about Stalin. Do you deny the Holodomor?
It really, really didn't happen. Does that sting your ego?

>> No.6959835

>This isn't about Stalin.

it's about your hypocrisy

>> No.6959837

>It really, really didn't happen. Does that sting your ego?

Nope, because I'm right and you're wrong. I'm rubber you're glue.

Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.

>> No.6959838

I type like I'm having a conversation. Too animated for some. Here, new answer

Potential isn't the same as fact.


>My, you are being generous tonight.
The 4 is for my falling for it

>> No.6959839

There is evidence for the Holodomor, you just don't want muh commies to look bad.
>Stalin was a good boy, he dindu nuffin
Just because there are two purported acts of genocide doesn't mean they both have to be true.

>> No.6959845

No, you're just a brainwashed shabbos goy. It never happened.

>> No.6959851

ITT: We walk circles around acknowledging the Puritans had it right

>> No.6959856

>I type like I'm having a conversation

And it comes off as the worst thing anybody has ever read, despite how you personally enjoy typing it. Next.

>Potential isn't the same as fact.

I don't even know why you said that you stupid bitch. Potential isn't the same as fact? What fucking bearing does that distinction hold on this conversation that you are butchering your side of? Are you the dumbest person who ever lived?

>> No.6959869

No u

And you're a dummy for thinking with over 600 books, countless films and personal stories, the vilification of Hitler, the Nazis and their deathcamps is all just a convenient consipiracy.

Over 600 books and they all detail the same things. Did they all meet in a smoke filled room to discuss this? Did they all go "Shhh keep this under your hats"?

Youre joshin me man

>> No.6959871

>There is evidence for the Holodomor

i have no idea why you're trying to limit the conversation to the holodomor when i literally said 'russians'. i mean outside of generally not knowing a lot of things, i mean

>you just don't want muh commies to look bad.

i couldn't care less about communism or stalin you fucking pseud

>Just because there are two purported acts of genocide doesn't mean they both have to be true.

the point is that you'll deny that one of them happened while still believing the exaggerated claims of the other

>> No.6959879


hahaha this nerd

>> No.6959883

>He said next
>What a nerd

Well you got me there.

>> No.6959886

I bet you think Night is historically accurate, considering you try to convince people of your little holohax with an argumentum ad populum.
The holodomor and holohoax aren't exactly the same, you retard.

>> No.6959887
File: 886 KB, 175x144, Who gives a shit?.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6959889

>purposely understating intent

wow such integrity man are you a lawyer

>> No.6959892

>i have no idea why you're trying to limit the conversation to the holodomor when i literally said 'russians'

>> No.6959895

>Who gives a shit

You, enough to post a reaction image in response.

>> No.6959899

a classic response, 8/10

>> No.6959901 [DELETED] 

How does it feel to know homosexuals are mentally ill and niggers are civilisation destroyers.

>> No.6959902

You're the fly trying to crawl up my ass.

>> No.6959905

>Trying to defend your embarassing comment by purposefully understanding a purposeful understanding

Well, I know that you're not a lawyer.

>> No.6959912

>can't tell the difference between 'understating' and 'understanding'

i think i know where your reading level is at

>> No.6959913

And it's working enough for you to come up with a bad analogy because it made you mad. What are we even talking about anymore?

You wanna go get a bagel or something

>> No.6959916

Oh, it was smarter my way. The way you're doing it, you're complaining to the person that you insulted that they aren't offended enough by your insult. That's just so stupid I didn't even realize.

>> No.6959919

She's a fat dyke with caterpillar eyebrows who pretends to be a Marxist to get attention. She also doesn't read, because she only posts in political threads to espouse her malformed opinions.

>> No.6959920

/pol/ level

Look at that next comment. "bad analogy" And the bagel? Fucking children just getting their kicks. Nothing to see here.

>> No.6959926

>Look at that next comment. "bad analogy" And the bagel? Fucking children just getting their kicks. Nothing to see here.

Please don't try to divide and conquer on 4chan you stupid fucking zilch. You really are a girl.

>> No.6959932

>some guy who can't read trying to explain to me what i said

>> No.6959935

Apperently everyone hates you

>Your stupid defense

Yeah people still don't want you around.

>You can't control me

Don't think I'm doing this, I'm simply letting you know that everyone hates you.

>I'm fine with that

Well then so am I. I'm glad we could have this discussion without you.

>> No.6959943

What the fuck are you even talking about? You're getting off track even for arguments sake. Learn to communicate your thoughts properly so I can call you gay for having them.

>> No.6959954

>some guy who can't read admits to not being able to read


>> No.6959959

You win this one

>> No.6959962

didn't someone fugg rats in one of pinecone books?

>> No.6959971

I was trying to write one, but I couldn't write it in a way that was believable.

>> No.6959973

15 year olds have sex with ponies in thousands of dedicated fan fictions

>> No.6959977

having a girlfriend is just like being around someone else longer than you would be around people normally, except this person thinks they can legitimately suggest different ways to live your life

and you have sex but it's not worth it

>> No.6959987

I wish I could call something brilliant without sounding like a fucking faggot

>> No.6960038

British people are "classy" and "smart"

>> No.6960043

watersports is really not that bad

>> No.6960052

but they're anthropomorph so it's like they're fucking humans. It'd be a whole other thing if they fucked actual ponies.

>> No.6960303
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I want a girlfriend so bad

>> No.6960700
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>You'll have to actually try to write a good novel

>> No.6960903

Genetic reality of race.

>> No.6960911




>> No.6960954


You learn basically nothing useful in schools, it's not geared nearly enough to make you a worker

>> No.6960957

Oh, there are plenty taboos:

Negative on
- other races

>> No.6960976

>No, that's obviously tolerated.


>> No.6960988

Common misconception.

You can steal or scavenge most everything you need to live.

I call this the "Fuck all of you guys" approach.

>> No.6960989

Lack of religion doesn't mean you should feel nothing about drinking liquid shit in public from a fat girl's asshole.

>> No.6961011

There are real, provable differences in average intelligence of members of different races.
Deep down all women want a man who can control them.
There is no real reason to oppose incest between consenting adults siblings.
Democracy is a dooned form of governament.

>> No.6961014

>That's why there are statistics that show that holocaust survivors make terrible parents.

Post em

>> No.6961028

Racism is supported by biology in a way, depends on the extent of racism and if you actually hate other races or just understand they're different (which people pretend not to).

Fascism is just an authoritarian political system.

>> No.6961034

Source? Is this new research or something?

>> No.6961038

>There are real, provable differences in average intelligence of members of different races.

True, but then the lefties just say it's 100% social. What can you possibly say to it?

>Deep down all women want a man who can control them.
Not 100% but yes

>There is no real reason to oppose incest between consenting adults siblings.
Depends how much you value childbirth, but seeing as the same people who oppose this rile up for abortion and birth control, yeah.

>Democracy is a dooned form of governament.

>> No.6961049

Not sure what he means but as far as I know actual homo erectus started in africa then changed into neanderthals in europe. So modern niggers have no neanderthal blood unlike europeans.

>> No.6961051

Killing problematic people is more efficient and cost-effective than controlling them.

>> No.6961203

You are underestimating the complexity of quips imo