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/lit/ - Literature

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6950578 No.6950578 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for book recommendations that contain, more or less, the following premise:

> outsider kind of guy as protagonist, not "normal" as society would want him to be
> he succesfully changes to be part of the "normal" people
> after a while he seems to be unhappy, starts to question his identity
> in conclusion, he realizes he should have just stayed the way he used to be - and not be defined by the norms of society

What are some good reads regarding that topic?
Thanks in advance.
Have a happy turtle sunday

>> No.6950581

That sounds awfully familiar, i'll bump this since i kinda want that kind of self-insert story too

>> No.6950589


I reckon this might be a familiar topic because I am sure it has been washed through literary works too many times to count.
Yet ironically I can't think of a single book that was written around that premise

>> No.6950599

Brave New World touches on something somewhat similar to this

>> No.6950608

with bernard or the savage as the protag?
i think bernard didnt really care about how he had changed

>> No.6950610

I know several works which have loner protags getting to become more accepting of others, start seeing the world in a new way or just progress as a person and accept his introvertion. The problem with your question is that it essentialy makes the protag not develop at all throughout the course of the story

There's a lot of manga that deals with this, Loneliness seems to be a common theme in japanese manga, probably related to their culture. I would recommend picking up Onani master Kurosawa for something that comes kinda close to your description. Although that recommendation would probably be more fit in /a/ than /lit/

>> No.6950618

So you want stories where the moral is "just be yourself, that's what's really cool"? Sounds kinda... trite. Not that good literature on that theme is impossible, of course.

>> No.6950653

No Longer Human

>> No.6950681

Nice turtle OP
Anyone got that guide on tiger related literature?

Polite sage because irrelevant as fuck

>> No.6950710
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beta special snowflake protagonist

>> No.6950757
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Murphy by Beckett, though it's got more going on than just that.
The Idiot (Dostoevski), The Huron (Voltaire), and Invitation to a Beheading (Nabokov) also somewhat explore that.

?? why

>> No.6950927


Thank you for your recommendations.
Though I am looking for a modern day setting.
In other words, let it be a /r9k/ guy succesfully fitting in. I want it to cover the mentalities and struggles of someone growing up in Generation Y, being raised as Digital Native.

>> No.6950954
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>?? why
Just want to read something with tigers, thank you

>> No.6951242

The Jungle Book for top faggot tiger banter

>> No.6951267

Heart of Darkness

>> No.6951279

He thought you were referring to OP's post, not your own.

>> No.6951502

American Psycho actually kind of fits this.
>guy who would normally be an outsider plays the game of being normal HARDCORE
>goes crazy
Not as sweet as you want.

>> No.6951531

Joe abercrombie, the blade itself. About a viking type dude and his inability to be perceived as anything other than a barbarian. Almost fits your request but I really mean ALMOST

>> No.6951722

Siddharta by Herman Hesse