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/lit/ - Literature

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6949130 No.6949130 [Reply] [Original]

>she likes "reading" on Facebook

>> No.6949133
File: 37 KB, 460x276, Portrait-of-Milton-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw interests: poetry

>> No.6949144

What's wrong with that? I have all my favorite authors "liked" too.

>> No.6949150

I liked your mom on Facebook.

>> No.6949166

pretentious and lame

>> No.6949175

anti-intellectualism ftw

don't wanna stray outside those social norms!

>> No.6949185

Not that pretentious when you're a lit grad student and all your friends are too

>> No.6949197

>having facebook

>> No.6949202

I'm anti-intellectual because I don't shove my reading list down peoples faces? lol.

>> No.6949206


>> No.6949218

I bet you have a Goodreads.

>> No.6949225

This. Just about as pleb as it gets.

>> No.6949227

Yep, and a LibraryThing.

Though really, what makes it pretentious when you're studying it at an advanced level? You're not pretending to know anything you don't by acknowledging you love literature.

>> No.6949250

>liking things on facebook

>> No.6949272

tbh, i just like the latest normie tier shit

it takes a lot of thought and planning to come off as quintessentially normie

>> No.6949347

Goodreads is last.fm-style literary Extenze. If it really takes validation and internet points to get you reading, fine for you.

>> No.6949370

Don't be that guy.
Goodreads is awesome for finding new books and keeping records. You coming on here is no better than someone using Goodreads. Quit being such a faggot. Abstaining from all forms of social media doesn't make you unique or interesting.

>> No.6949399

How could you tell unless you were also using facebook?
>browsing the interests of others on facebook

>> No.6949416

It's silly to think use of a website is the sole reason for indulging in the topic of that website.

I'm sure you don't read only because you come to /lit/ to brag about it.

>> No.6949427


>> No.6949441

>Don't be that guy.
>Television is awesome for keeping up with current events and entertaining yourself. You coming on here is no better than someone watching tv. Quit being such a faggot. Not owning a television doesn't make you unique or interesting.

>> No.6949447

How is that not true? Sounds perfectly valid.

>> No.6949517

>He finally caves and creates a Facebook account
>He leaves the film and music categories blank and fills books with 50 classics and philosophical works he's never read.
>He adds 20 friends from high school
>A few months later he lists Tchaikovsky, Grieg, and Händel under music.
>Nobody notices.
>One month after that he lists Bergman under film and TV, considers adding Tarkovsky, but decides against it.
>Nobody notices, nobody cares how the essence of patricianess must be oozing from his every orifice.

>> No.6949599
File: 61 KB, 494x820, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the worst argument I've ever read. Articulate better? Man, I don't know if I can help you.

>> No.6950401

b-but I need it for school!

>> No.6950432


>> No.6950450
File: 30 KB, 841x580, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facebook told me to "Like" people who inspire me.

>> No.6951440


I like it

>> No.6951453

Stop being so hyperbolic, honestly I wouldn't like anything on Facebook but it's hardly that bad they have to be looking at your profile in the first place to see it.

>> No.6951456

>they like anything on facebook

>> No.6951482

>having Facebook

>> No.6951504

You are aware that that's the point of facebook? Like presenting your personality online.

>> No.6951512

>he went through her profile to see what she 'likes'
Creeper tbh

>> No.6951556

>mfw a girl friend of mine like literally every commercial products that she use, the coffee and milk ones
lmao she has autism or somthing?

>> No.6951575

right, and it's really gay

>> No.6951595

i mainly use it for parties tbh.

>> No.6951614

>.Ever letting ANYONE know that you like to read anything
Fucking attentionwhores

>> No.6951631

It is attentionwhoring the moment nobody asked you anything.

>> No.6951638


A far more serious affliction.

>> No.6951779

>she has facebook

>> No.6951791

enjoy not having access to, literally, 99.9% of the vaginas.

>> No.6951911

Enjoy having flat, meaningless sexual intercourses with dull-witted females instead of maintaining a strong and fecond relationship with a well-read smart woman and wasting precious time doing literally nothing except inflating your ego with useless “status updates”.


>> No.6951933

Academia does have a disproportionate amount of lesbians and gays.

But that's not really offensive.

>> No.6951945
File: 11 KB, 350x196, gay dude from mad men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people "Like" video games on Facebook

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.6951993

I can tell you feel incredibly cool for not having a fb account.

>> No.6951996

I totally do, even had a hundred classics as my favorite. Then I found goodreads, where I can brag a bit with fellow readers.

>> No.6952001
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>> No.6952047

True but anyone not having a Facebook account for this purpose is an imbecile.

>> No.6952052

anyone who doesn't have a facebook in this day and age is a literal autist bitch who got bullied in high school and has no friends

they mask their inadequate social lives under the guise of "muh non-comformity"

>> No.6952067

People use facebook in fairly varied ways. Some seem unhealthy, some seem perfectly fine.

>> No.6952069


stop posting

>> No.6952072

This is completely stupid. If you have real friends and aren't a freshman cruising for parties, Facebook is not required at all. Many of mine do not have an account. It's a gigantic waste of time with no benefits. If you keep this burden because you fear being saw as an “non-conformist”, *you* are the mindless autist bullied in high school.

>> No.6952073

nice argument autist

>> No.6952080

if you think facebook is exclusively used for looking for places to party you might be more of a loser than i actually thought.

>> No.6952083

Why did I ever fucking replied.

>> No.6952087

I wasn't making an argument. I was telling you that you're a horrible poster. And should stop.


>> No.6952093

>f-facebook can be used to have g-great lit-related discussions and make l-lot of friends! You are the l-l-looser!

>> No.6952100


Aren't you tired of being mocked in every thread you post?

>> No.6952108
File: 119 KB, 299x328, 1433477746946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's for keeping in touch with friends and family across the globe.

it's for being able to know what other people are up to without actually talking to them all the time, which is so convenient.

it's for sharing your interests with other people and is a tool of expression.

it's for artists looking to promote themselves.

if i was the boss of a company and saw that some guy wanting to be hired didn't have a facebook, i would turn him down on the spot.

>> No.6952132

>it's for keeping in touch with friends and family across the globe
>implying you daily talk with Japanese, Malian and Indian friends
>implying you have written anything on your mom's wall
>implying the last contact with your dad is not him trying to seduce your female “friends” in a Zynga game

>it's for being able to know what other people are up to without actually talking to them all the time, which is so convenient
>stop masking your inadequate social life and come on Facebook where you don't need to talk (what a useless activity)

>it's for sharing your interests with other people and is a tool of expression
>implying anyone give a damn
>implying everybody aren't attention whores “sharing” for polish their ego

>it's for artists looking to promote themselves
>implying any worthwhile artist has *ever* promoted anything of Facebook

>if i was the boss of a company

You're not and I can easily guess why.

>> No.6952153
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>> No.6952162
File: 116 KB, 380x500, 1421026117085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit who called the autism defense force?

>> No.6952256


>playing video games

I seriously hope you guys don't partake in this false accomplishment light show and toy playing that does absolutely nothing for you.

>> No.6953433

Today someone felt intensely toward the existence of “Sunglasses,” enough so that she was impelled to disclose before her obligatory constituency that she, in a moment of pure trust and honesty with those she wished to lay unadorned before, “Liked” them.

>> No.6953453

>being this normal

>> No.6954828

>liking things

>> No.6955277

it's for narcissistic retards who need validation for their life from people they haven't seen in over 5 ear you mean

but you'd know all about that havng a tripcode on an ANONYMOUS IMAGEBOARD

I swear to god you fags get worse every year

>> No.6955316

It's not really important.

>> No.6955344

The amount of posturing in this thread is ridiculous.

>> No.6955395

Literally what is the point beyond posing?
The only stuff I have liked on Facebook is stuff that provides updates. Unless all your favourite authors are alive and active on facebook then kill yourself tbh

>> No.6955399

sad but true of many people

>> No.6955402

why would you even attempt to do that? disgusting

>> No.6955407

This sums up the entire thread.

>> No.6955556
File: 32 KB, 334x393, KJCqaPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he reads for 'enjoyment'

>> No.6955573

good post