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/lit/ - Literature

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6948703 No.6948703 [Reply] [Original]

>see girls reading books at parks, cafes, on the bus.

What do?
Is it rude to interrupt them and pick them up? Can books bring people together?

>> No.6948706

If they are like me they are reading in the park or cafe because they are lonely, so I'd say they wouldn't mind. On the bus is different though maybe not there.

>> No.6948717

>be me
>at cafe
>see qt 8/10 reading by herself
>start to approach her
>she's reading the fault in our stars
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.6948721

>If they are like me they are reading in the park or cafe because they are lonely


>> No.6948724


>Is it rude

As with all situations, this depends entirely on how attractive you are.

>> No.6948725
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Probably intended so: kek.

>> No.6948744
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>> No.6948768
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>this depends entirely on how attractive you are.

>> No.6948780

Ya sure approach them, Its only rude to a girl if she fines you ugly or some shit like that.

Always remember with confidence you can ask a girl out anytime and get away with it.
Its not a meme but from personal experience girls really do value that social status shit. Always want to be seen in public with somebody who they think are better or slightly equal than themselves

Just go to the mall and look at all the couples. you'll see what i mean
good luck anon

>> No.6948787

They usually don't read literature, though.

>> No.6948811

I regularly visit four different coffee shops to read after work. Doing this for more than a year now, I have never seen a girl under the age of 30 reading. Maybe in a huge city, but in the suburbs they don't seem to exist.

>> No.6948818


where do you live? I'm guessing not Europe.

>> No.6948835

girl here I'd be flattered and love to talk to you as long as you didn't have pleb taste.Unless it was clearly a textbook or something being studying can have time limits and I might be cramming

>> No.6948841

>not a single girl under 30
>a bad thing
You don't like matures? C'mon lad

>> No.6948851

I'm also not super attractive though and if I was I might react differently so i don't know how useful that was

>> No.6948852

Northeast America in a city, but not a large one.

>> No.6948853


>lying to yourself like this isn't true

A 10/10 guy could walk up to a girl reading patrician lit and start to talk about his love of Harry Potter and she would still be dtf anyway.

>> No.6948858


>> No.6948862

>See qtπ girl reading Infinite Jest at college
>Walk up to her
>"So you like DFW huh?"
>"Yes, he's brilliant!" she responds, clearly excited
>Decide to engage her in an intelligent literary discussion
>"Did you know that he killed himself because he hadn't any talent?"
>"E-excuse me?" (she is clearly impressed by my expertise)
>"He can't write, he can't think; there's no discernible talent"
>"Ooo-kay..." she says and turns back to her book
>I tear it from her hands and launch it across the room with all my strength
>"Why don't you read some real literature instead?"
>"What the hell!?"
>"I recommend Hemmingway. Now there's a man's man"
>"I don't like Hemingway!"
>"Hemmingway," I correct her. "It has two m's"
>She collects her book from where it lies three metres away and storms off, completely defeated by my insoluble logic
>I open my laptop
>That feel when no gf

>> No.6948876

>>"I recommend Hemmingway. Now there's a man's man"
>>"I don't like Hemingway!"
>>"Hemmingway," I correct her. "It has two m's"


>> No.6948883

I don't interrupt people when they're reading since I'm too autistic. But I'd like to talk to people about books.

>> No.6948896

yeah don't interrupt people when they read, they're trying to fuckin read.

>> No.6948897



>> No.6948911

I don't know this feel, OP. In my country if someone is reading on a cafe or a park its because they are trying to show off. Thats really not what I would want from a girl. Perhaps in your country things are different, but here when people read they do it inside their houses.

>> No.6948916


Most women are social readers, they don't really get as sperg riled as we do.

>> No.6948922

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.6948930



>> No.6948939

>don't interrupt people when _, they're obviously trying to _
when is anyone only just consciously anticipating the arrival of suitors nowadays

>> No.6948943
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Fuck you. I'm serious. The average "public reader" is pic related (or its female counterpart). Now tell me with a straight face that these people aren't just trying to show off.

>> No.6948946

what is your country

>> No.6948948

>these people look funny to me

>> No.6948951


kekd heartily

>> No.6948956


South American Third World shithole

yeah, you're right. What I'm saying is absolutely absurd.

I bet you're on of this hipsters. You dress up and go to some starbucks and pretend to read.

>> No.6948962

you have starbucks there? wow

>> No.6948970

No, we don't but I don't know if thats a good thing. We do have some generic coffee shops.

>> No.6948972
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girls who read in public probably day dream about some guy approaching them and picking them up, talking about books and stuff

as long as he looks normal/good.

>> No.6948979

I'm just bitter, dude. men in particular tend to assume women want to be approached and bugged even when they're obviously preoccupied with something, and more often than not they just want to be left alone to do their thing.

>> No.6948981


>I bet you're on of this hipsters. You dress up and go to some starbucks and pretend to read.

You're a decade late on all of this.

Just stop with your outdated rage topics.

>> No.6948983


this is true, since in our culture women never approach they assume a passive role.

So they are constantly "waiting" for the "right guy" to find them.

And they know only a limited amount of men will approach them in their life, so the opportunities are small. While guys can just go around asking tons of girls if they want

>> No.6948995


>And they know only a limited amount of men will approach them in their life, so the opportunities are small.

you think the average woman has fewer opportunities here than the average man? are you delusional?

>> No.6948997

stuff takes time to get here in the tropics.

>> No.6949002
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>tfw no Stoya gf to giggle while reading Solzhenitsyn and getting her clitoris licked by me under the table

>> No.6949009


Well your hipster hate is pretty played out in the first world. Sure we still have them and all but people very rarely go around angrily crying about it like they did years ago.

>> No.6949015


yes. I can ask out 30 girls a week if I want.

Even the hot chicks I know might only have one or two guys bumble around and try to "pick them up" a week. They assume a passive role.

>> No.6949016

ask if they can feed me grapes with their feet by putting them between their toes.

>> No.6949024
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I leave them the fuck alone, because I want to be left the fuck alone when I'm reading. If they're secretly there reading hoping someone will interrupt them and start talking to them, they're filthy casuals and of no interest to me anyway. Reading is serious business. For that matter, I don't talk to strangers in public at all unless they obviously want me to and I have to be polite.

>> No.6949030

Is this a troll thread? Are you guys really unaware that reading is a fashion accessory for girls and fags? Just go on and talk to her. If she is reading on a public space its because she is begging for some attention, for someone to go and ask "hey, what are you reading?" "wow, so cute, much reading, so knowledge".

>> No.6949031
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>Reading is serious business.

Have you heard the saying: "girls just want to have fun" ?

You're assuming women and men read in the same way, we don't.

>> No.6949033

>men are like this

>women are like THIS!


>> No.6949035

>you will never be reading to show off your patrician tastes in an overpriced bohemian coffee shop and meet eyes with a qt doing exactly the same
>you will never share a coy smile before you each look back down to your /lit/-approved tomes, staring a little bit too intently at the pages
>you will never read the same line of purple prose twelve times over as you steal glances at her, the rich imagery of the text failing to erase the afterimage of her face
>you will never feel the giddiness, bordering on nausea, that overwhelms you when she passes by and, as if it were an afterthought, turns to you and says "E-excuse me... Can you keep an eye on my copy of Blood Meridian, heavily annotated in the margins with my personal flowing, feminine script, while I step out to use the little girls' room? ;^* "
>you will never say "Y-you too," and if you do it won't be in this situation, and she won't respond with a girlish giggle before floating out of your field of vision
>you will never strike up a conversation with her when she returns, and remain with her rapt in discussion of the lust of Joyce cloaked in religious language, the nervous-laughing paranoia of Pynchon, the thinly-veiled self-hate of DFW, the pleb-ness of JK Rowling and John Green, and the Biblical majesty of McCarthy's prose
>you will never take her home, drunk on spiked caramel macchiatos and each other's intelligences
>you will never watch her jaw drop as she unzips your pants and overhead you intone "See the child. He is pale and thin."
>you will never roughly fuck her ass, stately and plump
>you will never live happily ever after together, carefully cultivating an image of a quirky, spontaneous, terrifyingly erudite couple, childless and suffused with ennui, bravely struggling to be unlike the other happy families
>you will never commit a theatrical suicide together at the ripe old age of 29

>> No.6949039



>> No.6949042

>You're assuming women and men read in the same way, we don't.
anon pls

>> No.6949050


>You're assuming women and men read in the same way, we don't.

My big brother says that girls read sitting down. Weird!

>> No.6949051

You're assuming all men read one way and all women another way, which is much dumber. My method treats people the way I want to be treated, and leaves them alone. There's no downside to it. If a woman wants my attention, she can damn well look up and smile at me or wink or something. I assume most people read on the bus and subway because it's boring and they don't want to deal with the flood of human scum surrounding them. Treat people like adults, for Christ's sake. They're not reading as some kind of ass-backwards flirtation with you.

>> No.6949052

>there are people on this thread that read in public yet haven't admitted to themselves that they do it just for the attention.

You're beyond saving.

>> No.6949063


To be fair, if you live in New York, your apartment is probably tiny, dingy, and disgusting, so it might be legitimately preferable to read in public.

>> No.6949076

You're being a moron. I take 20-60 minute bus rides and don't own any electronic distraction, so I use the time to read. I don't want any fucking attention, I want to tune out the fucking bus and enjoy my book.

>> No.6949078
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>If a woman wants my attention, she can damn well look up and smile at me or wink or something

So women can initiate interactions, but men can't?

>> No.6949085

Other men can do what they want, but I'm not interrupting someone who has their head down in a book or even their stupid phone. When someone is ignoring their surroundings, they're not looking to chat or flirt.

>> No.6949089


Girls who read at parks, coffee shops and lounges are open to chatting from my experience.

Buses are a bit different though.

>> No.6949090

>being baited this easily

>> No.6949091

>everything you do in public is a cry for attention

>> No.6949097

Agreeing with these. I read in DC every day and have yet to see a girl reading a book, let alone a good one. The only person I've seen reading anything even remotely respectable was a 70+ year old man going through War and Peace.

Everyone is on phones or leafing through magazines or checking their email.

>> No.6949103

Who the fuck wants to read in some dreary,muddy,windy field where you'll have to leave at a moment's notice due to the weather?

>> No.6949105
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There's always a beta-cuck on /adv/ or /fit/ who says exactly this sort of thing.


>> No.6949109

autism speaks

>> No.6949111


Can't you read?

I explicitly said "Just go on and talk to her."

>> No.6949113


miss clicked ur post bro
forgive me

>> No.6949115

Yeah, and we're usually right. You go ask some actual women (if you know any) if they pull out books in public to encourage strange assholes to hit on them. Try that instead of pulling ideas out of your ass.

>> No.6949116

Not him/them but it isn't 'beta'
>If they're secretly there reading hoping someone will interrupt them and start talking to them, they're filthy casuals and of no interest to me anyway

does that really sound like a feminized,emasculated 'man'?

>> No.6949121

>there are people on /lit/ right now who think that girls 'read'.

>> No.6949122

>thinking women will openly admit to you the motives behind their behaviors
>thinking women themselves understand their motives and could explain them even if they wanted to

Shit nigger what are you doing.

>> No.6949127


im pretty sure you are attractive baby i just want ot know you are you still reading patrician stuff baby? its a fine day outside and its warm in my chest right now, its ok because i have everything i could need by speaking with you baby, in fact i only need your number, or better i give mine which is 58348934 right baby call me in a hour and we will be settled for fun baby

>> No.6949128


It depends, if you're not a Milhouse and can talk to girls and you're relatively good looking I'd say go for it. If not, they will just think you're a creep.

>> No.6949132



And besides, "public" includes coffeehouses and libraries, anon.

>> No.6949146

Great, so even if women tell you directly they want to be left the fuck alone, you know better? Fuck, I'm glad I'm married already.

>> No.6949149


it might not be their #1 priority or intention, but most are open to chatting and really friendly about it (unless you look like a goblin and speak in memes)

>> No.6949154


wow, /lit/.

>> No.6949159

>Is it rude to interrupt them and pick them up?

just do it if you think you have a chance. women complaining about being hit on all the time are like rich people complaining their taxes are too high.

>> No.6949161


just to make it easier for you. read >>6949122

>> No.6949169


kek, saved

especially since these threads come up five times a day now

>> No.6949177

Also who gives a fuck if you annoy them? If you talk to 1000 chicks and 999 of them hate you, but the last one sucks your dick or becomes a qt /lit/ gf, who cares about the others?

Are you seriously going to rob yourself of potential romantic/sexual interaction because MAYBE you'll annoy some girls for a few seconds of their day--girls you'll likely never see again, and whose opinions you have no reason to care about?

>> No.6949179

>ITT: No one actually bothers women in public but pretend to because I'm an alpha

>> No.6949191

Not him but you can say that but in reality would you really act on that? The fear of ostracisation and ,by extension, death isn't something you can easily put aside.

>> No.6949193

Fucking cummunist.

>> No.6949203


>increasing taxes makes a state communist

>increasing taxes is a only communist idea


>> No.6949207

Yeah there's the "approach anxiety" or whatever, and there's always going to be your stupid caveman brain telling you to just keep to yourself.

It's up to you to work through the facts of your situation, and recognize that if you live anywhere even vaguely urban, there is minimal risk of being ostracized; your community is simply too big.

Obviously this changes if you're talking about girls who are familiar with your social circle, girls in your classes/at work, etc. But as far as strangers go, there's pretty much nothing to lose. Even if you completely repulse some girl, she'll likely forget your face within a week.

>> No.6949210
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>reading book on bus
>qt school girl sits next to me instead of two fat neckbeards and a smelly indian
>mfw my entire day became perfect immediately afterward
Anyone here this pathetic?

>> No.6949211
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Funny shit right here
>launch it across room with all my strength

>> No.6949220

If it takes meeting 1000 women to get one blowjob, I'm either a hideous troll or I'm really annoying the wrong women. Maybe I should go to a nightclub or some place that only a moron doesn't expect to be chatted up at, and where the blowjob/talk ratio is usually greater than 1 out of 10.

>> No.6949224


Now that you point it out, that's funny ones real levels lol

>> No.6949231


>on multiple levels

>> No.6949234
File: 2.22 MB, 402x442, wow dude brah.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>go to get haircut
>qt hair-dresser flirts with me
>gives me slow scalp massage
>her bewbs are pressing against my neck
>oh gawd
>I spill my spaghetti everywhere

If I had a girlfriend I think my head would explode

>> No.6949237



>> No.6949239

>a girl reading patrician lit
wouldn't happen. Unless it's a romance novel or a short pop-nonfiction that supports her previously held beliefs a woman won't read it.

>> No.6949240

>see girl with messy hair reading
>it's a volume of Summa Theologica

Seriously, what sort of a girl reads Aquinas? Even a Catholic girl.

>> No.6949242

You know what they say:
>Sometimes a book can recommend a person

>> No.6949243

If you're going to put that much effort into just getting a blowjob, you might as well just masturbate, it's Efficient and stops you approaching 1000 or 100 or 10 women just for a brief moment of pleasure.

>> No.6949255

>not praying
It's much more fulfilling

>> No.6949258

>not shitposting on 4chink
This place is a dopamine factory mane.

>> No.6949264

It's very rare that anyone is never not preoccupied with something, in public, at least.

>> No.6949267
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as an agnostic i think theist girls are super sexy
specially if they have trad values

>> No.6949270

Funny that online dating flips that, huh.
Or, rather, perhaps États-Unis is different in that regard. probably not.

>> No.6949273

I am a girl who reads in public spaces. I don't mind being approached. Can't speak for everyone, obviously.

>> No.6949280


r u a qt

but honestly, it kind of makes a difference

>> No.6949281


girls still don't message guys that often online. And even when they do, the guy is still expected to take initiative, lead the convo and setup the date.

They're just passive by nature and social conditioning (on average).

>> No.6949285

plz be in vancouver ;_;

>> No.6949292

How do you know they're not reading on their phones?

>> No.6949293

I think so. I'm not overweight or hideously deformed and I dress appropriately according to social standards.

I don't live in Vancouver, sorry.

>> No.6949297

>I'm not overweight or hideously deformed

God you sound like the perfect girl for me.

>> No.6949298

and I am a girl who reads in public spaces and hate being approached.

there's really no overarching "right answer" to this shit, different people react in different ways.

>> No.6949299

How can you begin courting a girl before asking her father's permission and arranging a chaperone to supervise?

>> No.6949302

But le /r9k/edpill told me women are automatons who all respond to the same stimuli in the exact same way ;DDDDDDDD

>> No.6949305
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>pretending to be a girl to further your argument


>> No.6949312

did you not read
>Can't speak for everyone, obviously.
Too much fat covering your eyes? Or did you feel the inexplicable need to attentionwhore?

>> No.6949314


Well, I guess the question is, do you often get approached in public by guys?

I have a friend who is very /lit/, and I've heard her complain about guys approaching her when she's reading or working in public. But tbh she's very attractive, and I wouldn't be surprised if she gets approached repeatedly, to the point of being annoying.

So, from a guy's perspective, it's a bit of a Catch-22... the more attractive a girl is, the less likely she's amenable to being approached cold, in public.

>> No.6949322

Possible, improbable. Also reprehensible.

>any kind of electronic reading
>not marking up your hardcopies


>> No.6949324

I didn't mean that last sentence to be an attack on what you said, but more of an extension, sorry if it came off that way
pls don't be so angry

>> No.6949327

I'm not that poster
now I feel bad

>> No.6949330

Not so often that it becomes annoying. Usually it's just guys wanting to talk about whatever I happen to be reading. (Had a good convo about a Saramago book I was reading for a world lit class once.) We chat a little and he goes on his way, though I usually I don't mind his staying and chatting more. I can understand not wanting to be imposing, though.

>> No.6949333

>wow, so cute, much reading, so knowledge

This is going to be my pick up line.

>> No.6949363

I'm a girl and an American in a small town. I never read in public because the entire time I'm thinking about what everyone around me is thinking about me and if they think I'm cool for reason Kurt Vonnegut... approach the girl but she's just an attention whore

>> No.6949365


why are you so self-conscious; don't worry about other people looking at you.

are u a qt???

>> No.6949381

i guess I just get uncomfortable when I'm doing things in public that everyone else isn't also doing. yea I'm a qt, and I do get approached by guys a lot but it is always exciting for me. I would be over the moon if a guy asked me about a book was reading

>> No.6949383

every girl you ask out is a girl that has her average raised, logically what you said is retarded

>> No.6949391


Do this exactly. Word for word.

It works every time.

>> No.6949400 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 599x523, 1438729647556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yea I'm a qt, and I do get approached by guys a lot but it is always exciting for me. I would be over the moon if a guy asked me about a book was reading



she gets her average raised by 1
mine goes up by 30 that week.
that's a 29 difference.

>hurr but other guys might as her out

yes, and those guys will also be 29 ahead of her.

>> No.6949407


30 girls will get their average bumped by one.
but my average gets bumped by 30.

So my selection pool goes way up, theres, not so much

>> No.6949422

> goes way up, theres, not so much
you think I don't understand that simple fact?

You may be able to "ask them" but they get to choose, and every girl each guy asks is an actual person. You also forgot that some girls ask out guys.

I get what point you were trying to make but logically what you said is completely retarded, sorry to say.

>> No.6949428

>You also forgot that some girls ask out guys.

just super rare in most cultures.

>I get what point you were trying to make but logically what you said is completely retarded

Then you don't really get it. The point is girls are often playing the waiting game, which is frustrating because it's passive. While guys can actually take initiative and improve their odds directly.

>> No.6949436

>>You also forgot that some girls ask out guys.
>just super rare in most cultures.

that's the only way i get laid to be honest

>> No.6949443

>The point is girls are often playing the waiting game, which is frustrating because it's passive. While guys can actually take initiative and improve their odds directly
you are one dense fuck, you know that

next time don't use the word average then. I fucking understand your point, like I said already, YOU don't understand me.

Everytime a guy chooses to ask a girl, the guys average raises and the girls does. Therefore it can never be higher or lower. Being an ugly girl would suck.

>> No.6949639
File: 152 KB, 1946x2417, statOKCupid_blatant_inequality_of_the_sexes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that women love to be picked up by any men who is powerful, potent, handsome, rich in order to have entertainment.

men dull, ugly, average, poor, impotent are not meant to talk to girls [regardless of the girl's beauty] since these men cannot satisfy women desire to be entertained

>> No.6949678

>Everytime a guy chooses to ask a girl, the guys average raises and the girls does. Therefore it can never be higher or lower.

I'm not the guy you've been arguing with, but this is a stupid point. Yes, in this interaction the guy gets +1 towards his count of girls he's asked out, and the girl get +1 towards her count of guys who have asked her out.

The key difference is in the involvement of agency: The guy has a 100% rate of talking to girls he's interested. That's his agency. The girl's agency is in picking through potential suitors: Yes, she has choices, but in her comfort of waiting to be approached, there's no telling what proportion of guys she deals with will be to her liking. It could be 50%; it could be 10.

So if a guy approaches 30 girls each week, and each of those girls gets approached by 30 guys, the first guy has 30 real prospects in front of him, while the girls may have 0, even with the same number of interactions on either side.

>> No.6949782


If I grasp anything from those graphs, it's that men are more motivated to message women on dating websites despite their looks because they have a greater desire to get their dick wet.

Am I wrong?

>> No.6949783

you wasted your time writing that

I said it would suck to be an ugly girl

which implies everything you just wrote

>> No.6949785

>The guy has a 100% rate of talking to girls he's interested.
some guys have nervous "disorder", that is wrong

>> No.6949794

>So if a guy approaches 30 girls each week, and each of those girls gets approached by 30 guys, the first guy has 30 real prospects in front of him, while the girls may have 0, even with the same number of interactions on either side.#
if each girl has 0, the guys have zero too

and women are very good at compromising for a short relationship, as long as the guy can fuck them properly.

all the risk is shifted towards men, all the benefit is shifted towards women

>> No.6949796


>> No.6949797

>because they have a greater desire to get their dick wet.
this is a stretch
the first statement is true

>> No.6949799


sexist patriarch

>> No.6949801

that's about right. i only talk to dudes who are cute or interesting, and don't bother trying to force anything; if it happens, it happens.

in contrast, the guys on those sites seem convinced that spamming everyone everywhere with a "hey" is likely to have some sort of positive result.

it is baffling

>> No.6949825

how is it baffling

guys are literally hinted to do this from sexual maturity on

>> No.6949837

really? how so?

>> No.6949844

Wait. Like, holding a whole cluster of grapes with their toes, or holding individual grapes?

>> No.6949856

This, my heavens! Heathens, the lot of them!

>> No.6949868

>the myth that women are less shallow than men is obviously fake


what is this redpill-tier garbage?

>> No.6949877

How le new are you? And welcome to 4chan :^)

>> No.6949881

Have you ever thought about it? It may do you some good just to sit and imagine you are a guy for an hour or so. Run through a few life scenarios.

Anyway, guys must engage. Guys must get turned down a lot, unless you are the top 10-20% of attractiveness. If you are on a dating site you likely are not top percentages. Those guys have learned that girls will wait for the "clever or interesting guy" and not give a shit at all if their whim says so. It is a numbers game really. More girls=more chances at success. IRL this is more successful because many girls are vain and desire physical attractiveness and that is easier seen in life. Mannerisms and so on, forearms :^)

I'm tired but I feel I gave you enough to go off of.

>> No.6949896

But they don't.

Sorry dude.

Girls just wanna have fun.

Do you really think they care about anything you do? Like philosophy, religion, literature, morality, history, etc.
Do you?

>> No.6949907
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most of my philosophy classes were full of girls, not guys

>> No.6949915

But I put it to you, presumably empenised anon.

Do you care about anything he does either?

>> No.6949919

i guess so. that's a good way to get the girls who want sex and self-affirmation, at least.

don't see why so many choose this method over "be friends with people and it eventually turns into a romance". that's how all my relationships have started thus-far. the whole "nice guys finish last" thing is so annoying, encouraging guys to act like morons because they'll "lose" otherwise.

so, upon further consideration, i guess i do see that the encouragement exists. still have no clue why it's perpetuated, though, or by whom.

>> No.6949932

I spoke to a girl who was reading at a kink club and we talked for an hour or so and swapped details but I can't shake the feeling she thought I was plebian as fuck.

>> No.6949940

>don't see why so many choose this method over "be friends with people and it eventually turns into a romance"

I agree it is a sizable portion but it also may be the sort of 'loud minority' that is very noticeable/visible and therefore seems more common than it is.

For example, I don't think in that way at all, which is actually detrimental to my chances of meeting a girl that is similar to me. Most girls think, "why should I talk to him if he doesn't seem interested" but sometimes guys are fucking blind.

Sorry I blogged a bit there.

>> No.6949942

>Is it rude to interrupt them and pick them up? Can books bring people together?
she is, literally, crying for atention(a dick).

>> No.6949943


>be friends with people and it eventually turns into a romance

This actually happens ? I never found myself attracted to women I've already became friends with. I also grew apart from all of my female friends after high school, and I've yet to meet a woman who I would actually want to be friends with, other than a few who are in relationships already with men I am friends with, so it's not an option for me.

>> No.6949948
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I w-will g-give them attention...

>> No.6949950

I read on the train to university every morning/afternoon and I really only do it because I'm bored and I don't get internet connection (otherwise I would be doing university readings online). If someone were to approach me mid-book I would probably be a bit annoyed because obviously I would be immersed in the book??? But I guess if I was to take a minute or so break from reading and someone was to approach me it wouldn't be an issue, as long as the person doesn't act weird.

>> No.6949959

>why should i talk to him if he doesn't seem interested
just talk to people in general. be courteous and have engaging things to say. my friends get upset because the only dudes who ever say anything to them are the ones who don't have anything worth saying.

emotional attraction vs. sexual attraction, maybe? for me, at least, sexual is a secondary thing that develops after an emotional bond is formed, and sex is not necessary for being in a relationship. not everyone is like that, but it's pretty common among the people i know. maybe you just don't work that way, though. *shrug*

>> No.6950064

What the fuck are you talking about? Online dating is a perfect representative of girls wait and guys initiate

>> No.6950091

Talk to them. If they don't like it they don't like it. It is like anything else while in a culture where one gender initiates romance.

Or you could go pick up dudes in a gay bar. They'll understand your anxiety OP

>> No.6950093

Citation needed. My sis reads constantly and interrupting her is the one sure way to get her mad. She murders people with her glare. Then again, she's pretty autistic and socially retarded, so she doesn't recognize it when people are hitting on her unless they outright say it, so maybe they would be more successful if they made their intentions known.

>> No.6950114
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and there was some study showing that there is 405 of people being women, 605 of the rest is male

women know perfectly how to control the offer to have a high demand from men

women are the most capitalist creatures

>> No.6950120

>most of my philosophy classes were full of girls, not guys
and what do you think that they do after class ?

>> No.6950127

How the fuck should he know

>> No.6950139
File: 20 KB, 640x350, 11219219_10206585947235041_243667722516850878_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eurofag here
how meet older qt in cafe?

>> No.6950140

>tfw all only boys/grils i've seen have pleb taste

>tfw only patrician i've ever met is leaving the country in a couple weeks

>tfw no qt to discuss foucault over tea with

>> No.6950145

Another >grill here and yeah, this
People interested in books are hard to come by so it'd take some seriously hardcore autism to get me to respond negatively.

I also happen to be a book slut, extremely attracted to smart people so Sex wouldn't be out of the question.
Yeah, yeah, I know,
>implying anyone on lit is smart
and all.

Good post, this is why I still come here

>> No.6950147

If you're attractive and chiseled sure go for it

if not then leave her alone you fucking pervert

>> No.6950157

>tfw qt virgin gf
>tfw she's not really into books but likes to cuddle while I read to her
>tfw she grew out of YA like a proper adult
>tfw she likes when I read Soseki and Yeats to her
feels good

>> No.6950162
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when will it be my turn to have qt gf?

>> No.6950163

>be me
>been browsing lit for about a year
>shitpost daily about authors i've never read
>in lecture at uni, sitting next to girl
>lecturer mentions post-modernist philosophers
>leave over to girl, "Yeah, if you can tell what the hell they're talking about"
>girl giggles
>"He's much easier to understand in the French"
>tfw she thinks I know what I'm talking about
>see her at a party the next day
>we fuck
>tfw lit got me laid

>> No.6950171

when you're born at least 6/10 and outgoing

>> No.6950184


>things that never happened

>> No.6950187

tbh the last 3 lines didn't happen

rest did though :^)

>> No.6950188
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Why you gotta hurt me so bad?

>> No.6950194
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>and outgoing

but that isn't l-literary l-l-life

>> No.6950196

Knowing a psuedo-intellectual in real life that impresses people but I see through his bullshit, this shit triggers me so hard. I just want to hide in a trash can and when he is trying to impress a girl by name dropping I pop out and reference 3 scholarly journals proving him wrong.

I don't have a problem

>> No.6950203

I don't claim to be an intellectual. I actually told her I'm just talking shit and don't know anything.

>> No.6950205

Did you say this before or after said sex?

>> No.6950206
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stop bragging

>> No.6950208


You sound like a passive aggressive woman tbh.

Just go and get yours instead of trying to cockblock him.

>> No.6950211

Right after she giggled actually.

>> No.6950212

I pity people reading actual books, especially fiction on public transportation.
Why not just read on your phone/tablet?

>> No.6950213

>you will never be Leaud in Masculine Feminine

>> No.6950214

As a male I have been told hundreds of times since I was a teenager that the best way to find a nice gf is to just ask out every single girl that I sort-of like. "Just ask her out, dude! What are you standing there for?"

>> No.6950217

I'm a luddite contrarian.

>> No.6950236


I like to annotate my books with a pencil as I read them, I also like the feeling of physically owning my own copy of a book, it's mine and there's nobody else's like it.

>> No.6950242

It's not that he is trying to be impressive, it's that he thinks he is impressive and makes firm stances on stuff he isn't sure about. I guess I'll just be angry about it since my brain has a strong wire connection between the area that senses people being confidently wrong and anger. Acceptance is the best stage of grief.

This is what happens when you create the perfect argument against why someone is wrong in the shower and but you're too late to express it.

>> No.6950251


>> No.6950266

Cool meme
Forgot muh smellz

>> No.6950268


>secretly resenting this pseudo's charisma this hard

As you said: it's that he's "confidently" wrong.
It's the confidence that pisses you off the most.

>> No.6950281

when you stop thinking it's about taking turns, work on yourself act more chill, and socialise properly. you'll meet a bunch of people, some of whom will be female, and eventually one of those will think you're worth getting to know better. go with the flow when this happens, act normal (as hard and as boring as that may be) and it'll work out.

>> No.6950297


>> No.6950306


Just because it's a reason that everyone gives for owning physical books it doesn't make it any less of a valid reason.

Have you spent too much time on the internet that you think anything that is done by a lot of people is automatically categorised as a 'meme' and so you immediately dismiss it?

>Breathing oxygen

>Cool meme faggot

>> No.6950307
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>all my strength
>three metres away

>> No.6950309

That's like saying what someone hates most about tanks is that they shoot you and not that they exist. I guess you're right, but what's your point, man? And I don't mind manipulating girls because if you focus on improving your brain and don't try to manipulate girls then that is just wasted potential. It's who you are at the end of the day that matters

>> No.6950318

accept your betaness and provide for a woman while she is fucked by her lovers. She will let you fuck her from time to time, after she tells you how wonderful their lovers are.

I know a husband whose wife calls her lover on the phone whereas he is in the same room. The wife says how shitty her husband his, and how she loves her lovers.

I love husbands.

>> No.6950320

So, when someone randomly approaches you, you have disdain for them? I always enjoy it if they're there for genuine reasons. You can meet some really interesting people that way. For example:

>going home after late night lecture
>in train
>grab massive book (part 1 of Hitler's biography by Kershaw, around 1000 pages)
>dude in front of me says something along the lines of ''damn, that's a massive book, what's it about?''
>talk a little bit about the book, my studies, etc.
>ask him what he does
>he's in film school, tells me about his film ideas and his past work, etc.
>have solid conversation for the 50 minute ride home
>wish each other good luck with whatever we decide to do
>never see one another again
I finished Kershaw some other time, but I couldn't have picked up someone interesting to talk to behind my desk at any time I wanted. To assume people don't want to be bothered is silly. Just be genuine.

>> No.6950333

Finally, a real autist, it's so awful having to call people autistic just for the sake of it.

>> No.6950335



>> No.6950337


>I guess you're right, but what's your point, man?

To drop the passive aggression and just let him do his thing. If he's a pseudo then it's enough that you know.

>> No.6950338


Use social cues, anon.

Is the girl absorbed in her reading? Does she ignore/is she simply oblivious to any attempts by you to make eye contact? Then she probably doesn't want you to interrupt, so you shouldn't, unless you are a charming motherfucker and you're confident that you can overcome her initial irritation. (This probably doesn't apply to you since you're making threads like these on /lit/).

If, on the other hand, she looks up from her book sometimes to observe the world around her - and especially if she makes eye contact with you - then she's open to social contact. So go ahead and comment on her book, shared interests are a great in.

>> No.6950353

>Does she ignore/is she simply oblivious to any attempts by you to make eye contact?

life is too short to wait for invitations and shit
sometimes you just gotta take your chances

>> No.6950365
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You're just mad because you probably are also a psued-

wait a minute...

Well... who is really normal?

>> No.6950367

heres what you do homie

>take your book out and read it
>wait for her to look at you a few times
>next time her attention is off her book say hi
>start the conversation
>at the end of the conversation ask if shed like coffee sometime


>> No.6950374


That's also one possible approach, but if you act like an asshole you should be prepared to be treated like an asshole. Like, yeah, maybe 1 in 100 women, or even 1 in 50 or 1 in 20, will respond to a scattergun approach, which might make it appear statistically worthwhile. But you and I both know that after half a dozen failed attempts, the majority of 4channers will be giving up and crawling off to /r9k/ to post about how women are all bitches who only want chad dick.

>> No.6950377
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>>at the end of the conversation ask if shed like coffee sometime

what if she says yes??

>> No.6950385


>Act like an asshole

nothing assholish about introducing yourself to a girl you like. It depends on your approach and what you say to her.

she's not taking an exam or anything, she's reading a book in public.

>> No.6950386

then read something by the author she mentioned so you can talk about it when you get coffee

>> No.6950391
File: 1.94 MB, 450x259, 14409727.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tear it from her hands and launch it across the room with all my strength
>"I recommend Hemmingway. Now there's a man's man"
>"I don't like Hemingway!"
>"Hemmingway," I correct her. "It has two m's"
>She collects her book from where it lies three metres away and storms off,
>That feel when no gf
can't stop laughing

>> No.6950394


Also find out her other interests - just because you saw her reading doesn't mean her life revolves around it. You don't want to talk about nothing but books to her.

>> No.6950403

true. but the first conversation will obviously be about the books youre both reading and the second conversation will probably veer to the same subject at some point. youre absolutely right though.

the main thing to remember is to have an interest in her as she is a person with her own life. not to manipulate her into bed or into being your gf.

>> No.6950415


Hitting on every attractive girl you see without regard for social cues (because 'life's too short') definitely has a pungent whiff of the asshole about it.

>> No.6950427

>Hitting on every attractive girl you see

not every, just some.

>without regard for social cues

reading in a park or cafe is fair game

>> No.6950437

>doesn't mean her life revolves around it

>tfw your life revolves around it
>tfw the only other thing you're ok with doing is shitposting about books
>there is nothing but books
>your friends find you boring as shit because of that
>but they still admire your obsession so you still hang out and you're still invited to shit

what a weird existence

>> No.6950488


>>your friends find you boring as shit because of that

it has nothing to do with your love of reading

you just need to party harder, garth

>> No.6950506

>sexual dimorphism does not exist in humans

>> No.6950512

Missing the point. The only benefit of reading in public is attention

>> No.6950514

doesnt matter
its a numbers game

>> No.6950516

>I use sexual dimorphism to justify my prejudices

>> No.6950526
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>I ignore sexual dimorphism to justify my preconceived notions

>> No.6950529

>Is it rude to interrupt them and pick them up?
Yes, I'm reading my book, I don't want to be carried somewhere.

>> No.6950532
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>I don't want to be carried somewhere

>> No.6950535
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>> No.6950540

Y-you don't even have to stop reading, Anon.
I-I'll just lay you down at home, put chocolate in you mouth an do wonderful things to your nether-regions, while you finish you chapter in Meditations. :3

>> No.6950550


If numbers are what you want, then yes, it's a numbers game. If you literally have no higher aspiration for your love life than sticking your dick inside a warm, moist hole, then by all means you can aim to achieve that through the statistical method of approaching as many women as possible.

But if you actually want companionship and affection and mutual respect with a sexual partner (lol beta as fuck) then this is not the way to achieve it. Even if you succeed in steeling yourself to all the rejection that you encounter and persevering to play that statistical game, the effect - in my experience, anyway - will be to make you cynical and disillusioned. If you behave like a door to door salesman then you'll be treated like one, and you will come to believe that women are all bitches and/or whores because those are the only sides of them you will encounter.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that most of the guys I see on 4chan who think they're just desperate to get laid are kidding themselves. What they really want is somebody to like them, accept them, and desire them. You're infinitely more likely to find that by being selective and trying to have real interactions rather than by behaving like a door-to-door salesman.

>> No.6950551


I just want to be left alone to enjoy my book, man.

>> No.6950569

Suppose I actually approach the girl that is reading. What do I say to her?

>> No.6950574

>Hello. What are you reading?
Literally just strike up a conversation.
It really isn't that difficult.
Worst case is her telling you she wants to be left alone.

>> No.6950577


>He dies at the end
>oh what? no way!
>heh I'm just kidding; I saw you and thought you looked adorable in that [dress/hat/glasses/burka/etc] and had to talk to you
>oh really? haha do you say that to all the girls?
>no just the ones that look interesting, I'm pretty picky. My name is Anon btw.
>nice to meet you Anon, I'm Stacey
>kiss kiss kiss
>sexy time


>> No.6950582

cringe tbh

>> No.6950585
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Best advice so far. I can't believe this thread is still going.

>> No.6950586

I do, which is part of why I'm still invited. I'm good social company, just not many common interests.

I drink and party pretty hard, but as a person I'm uninteresting. Also
>telling anyone to party
times have changed

>> No.6950587

>"Hello. What are you reading?"
>She raises the book with the cover facing me, I'm able to read the title.
>"Nice, how do you like it?"
> "I don't know, how about you let me read it and then I'll be able to tell"
>turn 360 degrees and walk away
>she interrupts my movement: "Excuse me? It's 180 degrees not 360. If you turn 360 you'll end up facing the same place where you started."
>"its just a m-meme"
>"a meme!? You know about memes?"
> We are now dating for almost a year now.

>> No.6950592

>He dies at the end
>...I know. It's the Bible.
>Oh... are... are you a Christfag?
>A what?
>A Christian.
>B-but god is a spook.

>> No.6950593
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>The Bible
>He dies at the end

>> No.6950594

Good tip.

Also got to keep in mind what she is wearing.
Girls are keen on wearing clothes that "express" her, giving you an idea if she wants attention or not.
Also body language.

>> No.6950602

>"I recommend Hemmingway. Now there's a man's man"
>"I don't like Hemingway!"
>"Hemmingway," I correct her. "It has two m's"


>> No.6950751

>maybe they would be more successful if they made their intentions known.
>dating an autist

>> No.6950802


wow thanks for the advice anon

1. just b urself
2. you may now kiss the bride

>> No.6950815


>> No.6950836
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>heh I'm just kidding; I saw you and thought you looked adorable in that [dress/hat/glasses/burka/etc] and had to talk to you
>oh really? haha do you say that to all the girls?
>no just the ones that look interesting, I'm pretty picky. My name is Anon btw.
>nice to meet you Anon, I'm Stacey

>> No.6950882
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>What do?
Make a guess what their reading.
Most often people read for school/university, I'd guess from one look at it if it's math/business/chemistry and say how I relate to the subject.
They'll often say what they study, then you again say how you relate to that field. You go on with
>I heard that...*x students are so and so*
>Is it true that *so and so*??
>I have friends who study this, they say that *so and so*
or you say at this point what you do, and what you know.
Then sooner or later I'd ask them if they can hand my their stuff. Brows through the book/text.
I'd often say what my favorite format of books is, hardcover/size etc.
In any case, you say how you feel about this and that, and as soon as she engages and says what she things or feels about something, you should either disagree or ask (in a sort of psychological analysis way) Why is that??
More generally, be conscious about your inner monologue and express what you feel about stuff. And also be aware if she reveals an opinion (try to get off the monologue that you inevitable have to start at first) and engage/counter/sympathies with it. If you're sincere, that's hardly ever bad. Even if you sketch why you never considered reading John Green.
At this point you're over the hurdle and you can slow down the conversation, let her do more of the talking.
You eventually want to find something you both like, talk about events in the city, food, and in the end you'll tell "hey, give me your number *hands over phone*, maybe we can XXX in two weeks or so."

>> No.6950929 [DELETED] 

I thought he revived and lived forever>>6950594

>> No.6951119
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If I sit and read 'Gone With the Wind' in public, reckon some qt grill will come up and start chatting with??

>> No.6951665

Actually said something similar to a girl I had a crush on a few years ago. She was sat reading a book and I couldn't see the cover, so I said 'they die at the end.'

She looked up at me slowly, blinked once, then turned the cover to show me. It was Anne Frank's Diary.

>> No.6951671

you men at least 8/10

>> No.6951710

It's an old joke, anon.

It came from idiots mocking the Xbox 360.

"Why do we call it the 360?"

"Because when you see it in the store, you'll turn a 360 and walk away."

I think Chris-Chan said it and was completely serious.

>> No.6951731

That's Airshit

>> No.6951849


> "see the child. He is pale and thin"


>> No.6951889
File: 82 KB, 464x650, mfw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw reading this thread.


But really though, if she wanted to be left alone she's just be at home enjoying her book. Not a fucking coffeeshop or cafe or other public place where young individuals gather around with each other. Especially if it's a filthy pleb-tier book.

>> No.6951910

Idiot didn't know Anne was rescued by that guy from Neutral Milk Hotel

>> No.6951946

holding individual grapes. i saw it in a movie once. i think it's called hotel de love. a man and a woman were lying on a bed. the man was on his back, propped up against the headboard. the woman was lying on her stomach with her feet towards the man's face. he put individual grapes in between her toes and ate them.

>> No.6951947

girls literally only read so they can be seen reading. of course they want you to come talk to them. all they care about is attention

>> No.6951966


movies, TV shows, books, advertising, our friends, our fathers. I mean, you just admitted that you never take an active role in asking guys out, so unless a guy puts himself out there he'll never get sex or a relationship.

>> No.6952189


then be 7/10 and mysterious.

>> No.6952498

>So, when someone randomly approaches you, you have disdain for them?

Not the guy you're responding to but I hate being approached in public. Sole reason I stopped reading in public and started to listen to music instead.

>> No.6952511

its really easy to find a qt3.14 literary bf if youre gay. just a tip to all the virgins here

>> No.6952559

>qt gf who reads
That's rare to find. Most qt grills don't read outside of their pop culture magazines and tabloids.

>> No.6952564

nice line and trips

>> No.6952572


next level greentext right here.


>> No.6952577


>> No.6952601

sometimes I think it would be nice to be gay, but then I remember that I'm not a big fan of dicks

>> No.6952608

Mods delete art threads
230+ replies for 'lit how do i talk to girls'

>> No.6953351

ITT betas, reddit white knights, and transitioned MtF legbeards

>> No.6953374
File: 56 KB, 1024x768, winona-ryder-wallpaper-41055-42026-hd-wallpapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


learn to make threads better newb
gotta be subtle

Literature , books Hemingway. Read "Old man and the Sea"

get it?

>> No.6953506

In every thread, a faggot trying to be superior to everyone in the thread.

>> No.6953555

>So, when someone randomly approaches you, you have disdain for them?
Fuck, yes. Leave me the hell alone. I'm reading because I have class soon, or I'm heading home, or I need to have a coffee before work, or whatever. Go the fuck away and let me read.

>> No.6953562

the magic number

>> No.6953589

This thread is underage tier. Now fuck off to your hugboxes.

>> No.6953604

please just don't talk to them
I avoid reading books in public because of that. I know that maybe it's ''meeting new people'' but its annoying when I'm in a middle of a reading and some creepy guy it's killing me with the eyes or even asking:''what are you reading''? boring. But i'm pretty sure( i know this because my girl friends do this) some girls just want some attention

>> No.6953617

>decided to pick up the kj bible because I dropped my fedora atheist sperg-views a while back
>all i want to do now is find a trad value gril
wtf, that and the bible is a genuinely interesting book.

>> No.6953641

I've never even thought about about reading in public before, it's just something I do to fill in the 15 minute gaps when I'm waiting for stuff

I did exchange glances with a qt who was reading the Odyssey whilst I was reading Njal's Saga on the train but that was, for both of us, more a glance of "Holy shit, decent reads there friend" rather than "Let's do it and never stop"

>> No.6953652

>If they are like me they are reading in the park or cafe because they are lonely, so I'd say they wouldn't mind. On the bus is different though maybe not there.

Are you telling me that, when I go to the park or to the cafe to read, I'm broadcasting my loneliness to the masses? God dammit, that's embarrassing.

From now on, I'll just read in my apartment.

>> No.6953656

then how am i supposed to get a /lit/ qt gf u bitch.

>> No.6953665

I'm in the Chicago suburbs and the coffeehouses are filled with reading qts. I just haven't come across any with decent taste.

...Not that I'd speak to one that did, but I like to pretend that I would.

>> No.6954002
File: 132 KB, 547x760, rn97H19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same way I did: do some grad work in English lit and chat up your actual classmates.

>> No.6954033


>that supple outline of her mammaries


>> No.6954169




>> No.6954250

>higher taxes = anywhere near communism or socialism
oh boy

>> No.6954293


>> No.6954353

I had to try saying it with all the m's a few times out loud and then I laughed

>> No.6954457

see >>6949919
unless they're only judging you on appearance, which is probably not the sort you want anyways, getting to know them first and "establishing yourself as a presence" will increase the likelihood of something working. ...and you might make some friends too

i don't "never take initiative"; i only do so when actually interested

>> No.6954484

I'm always wearing headphones and listening to music when I'm reading in public in order to kill the background noise so that I can better concentrate on text. So even if I wanted for a qt to walk up to me and talk to me about the book I was reading, I wouldn't notice.

This has actually been proven to be true in real life, kinda. I once spent fifteen minutes reading my book next to the subway station while waiting for a group of friends to arrive (I'm always super early) before I realized that one of them had actually been sitting next to me the whole time. Apparently he had arrived shortly after I did, had spotted me and walked over, tried to talk to me but I didn't register it at all, and then just sat there next to me, playing with his phone because he didn't want to bother me since I was so focused into the book.

>> No.6954510

Chris chan picked the joke up on the internet but naturally didn't get it. He tried to correct it and said that he would do a 120 or 130 or "whatever the half of 360 is".

>> No.6954513

Solid kek right here

>> No.6954550

>some creepy guy

Get raped, slut.

>> No.6954576

Sounds like a /fa/ meet up but with books.

>> No.6954890

old but gold

>> No.6955105
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>> No.6955115



>> No.6955144
File: 146 KB, 524x760, rn97H13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's an old friend.

>> No.6955149
File: 21 KB, 240x300, wpid-sweating-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that first pic
Did you make sweet love?

>> No.6955161

On friday I saw a qt walking around with a hard back copy of the brothers karamazov in her arms.

do you think it was just a fashion accessory or was she actually reading it?

>> No.6955162
File: 168 KB, 1020x697, rn97H04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6955167

You sly dog

>> No.6955196

>and don't own any electronic distraction
do you not have a phone anon?

>> No.6955205
File: 109 KB, 528x760, rn97H07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, only a land line. I don't want a smart phone or portable net access. It's handy, but if you have it, the tendency is to always use it instead of reading or enjoying your actual surroundings. I waste enough damn time here at home online. Also, cell phone contracts are like being sodomized by Dr. Gonzo.

>> No.6955210


Was she a good girl? Or bad girl? Plz respond

>> No.6955216
File: 153 KB, 1020x628, rn97H16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we're far enough off-topic, and I'm running out of work-safe pics.

>> No.6955265

I miss Brownbear

>> No.6955297

is your sister a qt?

>> No.6955299

how is she both a virgin and your gf?

>> No.6955312

Her name's Iseult.

>> No.6955892
