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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 600x900, DB-George-R-R-Martin-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6946623 No.6946623 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the greatest writer alive today?

>> No.6946627

Pinecone, now stop making pointless threads with shitty redditcore images and read a book

>> No.6946646

Why not George RR Martin?

>> No.6946652
File: 901 KB, 878x834, quirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So pedestrian and lacking serious quirk.

>> No.6946666

Daniel Brown

>> No.6946682

>super mystery society
>hero called in
>good guy and trusted helper for the whole book is revealed as bad guy

I don't think it is possible to pick a more formulaic writer.

>> No.6946842

David Foster Wallace

>> No.6947125


>> No.6947143
File: 56 KB, 558x314, Knausgaard1_webb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6947153


Holy shit do we people still write lit?

(I thought we are still about smearing menstrual blood on walls)

>> No.6947169



>> No.6947176

Javier Marias

>> No.6947191

Pinecone, Knausgaard, or William Gass.

>> No.6947199


100 times this.

>> No.6947234

Pynchon. Easily.

>> No.6947478

Gene Wolfe.

>> No.6947487


>> No.6947520




>> No.6947568

Probably Ian McEwan

>> No.6947609

I am. The world just hasn't heard of me yet

>> No.6948044


Main character is a guy or a girl, who puts a figure on a pedestal

If girl, discovers someone they thought was brilliant was a total dick

If boy, discover that they didn't love girl only felt entitled to the the idea of her and that the boy is a prick

John Green

>> No.6948046
File: 392 KB, 998x1254, gatsby asoiaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

certainly not george

>> No.6948048

In all honesty probably me

>> No.6948050


>> No.6948062

Link novel please

>> No.6948080

No anon, you know it's me

>> No.6948148

did this meme image always have a watermark?

and what kind of a person do you have to be to put effort into creating something liek this?

>> No.6948157


>> No.6948163

Define greatest.

>> No.6948204

Someone who's fucking sick of everyone fellating this shitty author of shitty books
So that's about a quarter of the planet.

>> No.6948208

hello newfag. How is reddit doing these days?

>> No.6948225

>literally this new

>> No.6948228

Meh, that narrator is a ponce.

If it wasn't a first-person narrative, I'd blame the author for spoon-feeding me direct characterization. Alas, I can only blame the character who is kind of a ponce anyway.

>> No.6948242

Joshua Cohen

>> No.6948524

Do they like him over there? I've never been.

>> No.6949569

thanks hb

>> No.6949581

Could someone post a good excerpt by him, because I've yet to see anything impressive enough to give one of his pomo mammoths a real try

>> No.6949820

Is that image meant to be a joke? It's a poe.

>> No.6949851

Yes, you fucking newfag.

>> No.6949883


>> No.6949889
File: 21 KB, 460x288, chomsky ali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noam chomsky

>> No.6949891

Cormac McArthy

>> No.6949930


>> No.6950106 [SPOILER] 
File: 133 KB, 600x600, 1439108359702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm totally serious

>> No.6950116

Is DeLillo dead?

>> No.6950122


Go to bed, Bloom.

>> No.6950124


>> No.6950413
File: 1.45 MB, 1120x1667, suttree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6950733


>> No.6950823

Their table, like the sun, almost set. In the kitchen, the shades are down anyway. Four are the legs of their table, a table with three legs is suspect, two are impure, and a table with one leg is an abomination in the eyes of God, which are infinite and are less eyes than they are legs upon which we might flee from the gaze of His judgment come the close of the Sabbath, our day of rest. The table sits on its legs, its legs sit on the floor. All is grouted—stayed, put—not moving, nothing rushing anywhere is what, just now no; all is grounded. Upon the ground, we know what is expected of us, and what to expect of others—to grovel for air. Tile tiles—molding molds—laminate void—formica without form—linoleum turf parquet that’s wood real wood, carpet carpets wall to wall to wall to sky; rugged, shagged, we’re just floored. Breathe easy, brotherfriend. We’re here to stay again. House to heavens stilled. Beyond, who knows. And who wants to. Cloud. All’s darkening, slowly—a scurry. Tonight is a night for stray dogs. As the dark is immovable, its shadows may roam as they please. It hurries into their yard up from the sidewalks. Without traffic, however, there can be no streets, there can only be sidewalks, and so every way of the earth is made safe. Finally, we are home. Weather’s wet, dripping ugly, though it hasn’t yet begun raining, or snow. The waters below and the waters above have not yet become separate. We will tell each a lie about the other and they will come to hate one another and they will never come together again except in a storm. That lie will be the oceans are more beautiful than the sky and the sky is more beautiful than the oceans, and though both are lies they are equally true. From a cloud, the threat of clouds. Collarless, tiny. Nameless and without sound. It paws the stoop, then raises its head. Mensch speaks. Woman speaks. None listen. This barks. It barks stray. Bowoof. Arfgr. And at its sound the lights give it a new name, the lights name it dog—flicking on.

from Witz

>> No.6950832

Jfc that's horrible.

>> No.6950839

I'll just read Finnegans Wake again, instead.

>> No.6950850


But GRRM isn't writing anymore. We've been waiting for fucking years.

>> No.6950996

John Green

>> No.6951003

>ctrl+f coetzee
/lit/ was a mistake

>> No.6951008

>Their table, like the sun, almost set.


>> No.6951017

>muh Samuel Beckett

>> No.6951132

>Their table, like the sun, almost set
Sides in orbit

>> No.6951816


>> No.6951858

>William Gass


>> No.6951869

Marilynne Robinson

>> No.6951888

Yup. Only contrarians, plebs, and those who haven't read them disagree.

>> No.6951903

Laszlo Krasznahorkai

>> No.6952252

A bit nihilistic, but not a terrible passover story. I can't figure out to what the first line is alluding. Echad Mi Yodea is the second sentence, I think? I don't know, some heebs might be able to help me out here.

>four are our matriarchs
>three are our patriarchs
>two are Moses' tablets of the commandments
>one is Our God who is in the heavens and on earth

>> No.6952267

>But GRRM isn't writing anymore. We've been waiting for fucking years.
He's been writing at roughly the same rate since he began asoiaf.

>> No.6953324

>dat massive bait

Nice op.

>> No.6953335

de Bloomster and Pynchon

>> No.6953348

His last 2 novels were spaced about this far apart. Only the first 3 books were written in (comparatively) quick succession, with only 2 years between publications. So far the wait for book 5 is still the longest.

If you average it all out, it comes to something like 1 book every 4 years, so he's still under par at the moment.

>> No.6954174


(for English, at least)

>> No.6954239

I know right? I mean for us BILINGUAL or MULTILINGUAL geniuses, we have so much more content to read in their native languages. Pffff, all those monolingual idiots. Do they even understand that there's more than English in the world? All I ever see are plebs endlessly harping on about Pychon, DFW, Joyce...where are the Spanish speakers? Where are the French?

Oh right. They can't speak anything other than English. LOL!

>(for English, at least)

Hehe...this is so accurate tbh. If only /lit/ could experience Stirner in true German....

>> No.6954261

gass and anne carson

>> No.6954268

"She shat and shat."

>> No.6954499


Kindly eat my tampons. Oh wait, that's probably your fetish. Freak.

>> No.6954504

>he reads literature written by still-living writers

>> No.6954508

>alive today
Oh the joy of seeing a human being so... flawed, grasping, desperate..

>> No.6954570

He is alive in our hearts.