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/lit/ - Literature

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6946105 No.6946105 [Reply] [Original]

What book should every heterosexual male read?

>> No.6946106

The Complete Poems of Walt Whitman

>> No.6946108
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>> No.6946109


>> No.6946111

All the books all other people should read.

>> No.6946120

The Holy Bible.

>> No.6946122
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>implying everyone is equal

>> No.6946133
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>> No.6946136


that's like 70 books, not one

>> No.6946157

Oh I'm not. It's just that books that everyone should read are the same to everyone.

>> No.6946285

Go away, steve.

>> No.6946343


>> No.6946349

Not to mention how bad translation and editing was with this. Almost intentionally bad, even.

>> No.6946364
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kama sutra

>> No.6946394

I really really like that picture

>> No.6946403

For Whom The Bell Tolls

>> No.6947254

Tattoo by Earl Thompson.

>> No.6947272

>chick on teh right
who is this

>> No.6947281

Naked Lunch

>> No.6947300

>Being straight
I can't believe you idiots are still heterosexual in this day and age. It's so much better being gay, I feel really sorry for your little sad life perpetuating that outdated and miserable heterosexual lifestyle.

May you all one day learn the great feeling of sucking a warm cock.

>> No.6947321

More power to you, but we're doing all the hard work raising more kids to be homosexual or potential parents of homosexuals. If we all turn gay, it's over in a century.

>> No.6947331

who is the cum plum on the right?

>> No.6947345

how so is sodomy better than vaginal sex?

>> No.6947494

Haven't you ever wondered what it would feel like to poop up?

>> No.6947524

well no tbh.

>> No.6947540

The adolescent

>> No.6948113

heterosexual isn't an identity, it has nothing to do with the books you read

>> No.6948121

Romeo & Juliet

>> No.6948125

Tarzan of the Apes

>> No.6948182

sexuality is a social construct.

>> No.6948200

>oh niceeeeeeeeee tits! amirite up top
I like >>6946364 far better as an image and I don't even find Lana that attractive tbh.
you are a simpleton and should leave.

>> No.6948243


You're a liar. Anyone with any self respect is heterosexual

>> No.6948251

If that's true, humans would be extinct.

>> No.6948258

the art of war

>> No.6948261

This is the dumbest thing ever said on /lit/

>> No.6948271

Really? Why?

>> No.6948455

>heterosexual isn't an identity

>> No.6948620
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Jack Donovan - The Way of Men

>> No.6948626

>I categorically say: read The Sorrows of Young Werther!

>> No.6948683
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he's not even heterosexual!!!!!

>> No.6948693

>lowest test hobby board (reading, philosophy)
>still posts women constantly

>> No.6948699

"How to commit suicide" by F. Off

>> No.6948705


>> No.6948709

Oh boy, another faggot who can't stop showing everyone how masculine he is

>> No.6948963
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>What book should every heterosexual male read?

>> No.6949003

Wow, he's /polgbt/ incarnate

>> No.6950150
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good shout

>> No.6950158

Kama sutra

>> No.6950167

Spot on.

>> No.6950169


>> No.6950179


>> No.6950332


The book was interesting in some ways. Discerning between "being a good man" and "being good at being a man" was insightful, but I've felt like he pulled some things out of his ass - not enough citations for a book.

He should have published it as a internet article because it read on a similar level.

I'm not even going to address the last parts of the book when he went full fight-club.

>> No.6950855


>> No.6950870

Enjoy your trendy sexuality while you can. Pretty soon the gay backlash is gonna roll through.

>> No.6950932

nah, we gaystream now.

>> No.6950999

my diary, tbh

>> No.6951913

a lot

>> No.6951997

Models by Mark Manson

>> No.6952020

so you mean he writes like every non-fiction writer who has ever been on the non-fiction nyt bestseller list

>> No.6952038


srs? your plan for every heterosexual male is to make them homosexual junkies?

>> No.6952257

moby dick

and kids should stop playing those damn video games.

>> No.6953334

A Song of Ice and Fire obviously

>> No.6953340

American Psycho

>> No.6953347

The Phantom Menace novelization

>> No.6953350

Finnegans Wake

You're 100% certified homogay until you read and understand it.

>> No.6953379
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What book should every female fisherman read?

>> No.6953408


fisherwoman you mean

>> No.6953413
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Anyone who identifies as a heterosexual should read Foucault.

>> No.6953414

gender fascist

>> No.6953418

a fisherman is just someone who catches fish. it doesn't say anything explicitly about gender

>> No.6953423
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>reading a french fag who died of ass aids

for what purpose?

>> No.6953463
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how would that discredit his arguments?

He talks a lot about the history of sexuality and how orientation became a categorization or label rather than just someone who practices a certain type of sex (vaginal,anal)

>> No.6953465

>disavowing a man's ideas based on personal irrelevancies

grow up, kid.

>> No.6953473



this is a thread for healthy males.

>> No.6953499

>fat breeder slobs

>> No.6953502
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this is what he means when he says people are labeled on what they do. Rather then just being some individual who partakes in the occasional sodomy you are adding imaginary qualities to us (he has a mental illness, he is more feminine, he is bound to browse /lgbt/)

>> No.6953510

that was not implied. the two propositions are not even similar. you just jumped on an opportunity to be repeat and reinforce the right-wing edge-mongering that has become a cultural norm on this site.

>> No.6953527


>> No.6953560

Do you see how pushed up they are?

Trust me. She would be reluctant to take her shirt off. Because those babies go down to her belly button.

>> No.6953565

Big, saggy, tall, small I like them all.

>> No.6953571
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>Because those babies go down to her belly button.

not when shes on her back with her legs up in the air

>> No.6953721

god damn it she's perfect

>> No.6953843

owned it. hard cover.

>> No.6953984

It should be called a fisherperson.

>> No.6953996

>It should be called a fisherperson.


Some beings don't self-identify as "persons"

>> No.6954007

The OP implies the males in question are in need of some kind of literature. Not all that healthy as state, I would think.
But he did specify hetero of course.

>> No.6954120

who dat qt?

>> No.6954126


Becky from this seasons Big Brother

>> No.6954373

Alright gay

>> No.6954387

thx m8

>> No.6954407

where do i find a woman with big kulaps?

i have never seen one of these SE asian women jiggling around

>> No.6954412


>> No.6954421

it's a genetic anomaly, not tied to any specific areas.

>> No.6954426

We're in no danger of turning all gay/homo
Even an odd increase percentage wise would only offset the unsustainable population growth by a little bit.

>> No.6954498
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> control + F
> "mishima"
> Search box is red

I could think i wrong clicked and im in fit, but that would make less sense.

>> No.6954503

Yeah I've had experience with that. It's weird when her nipples are 6 inches from her rib cage on both sides. It makes you pause to observe it rather than enjoy the moment. There is such a thing as too big.

>> No.6954506

You're in the wrong thread, actually.

>> No.6954527

>being this dumb

All great writers are gay, open or not.

>> No.6954540
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>> No.6954568
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Terrible writer detected.

>> No.6954997

Shakespeare's complete works. Of course, every homosexual person should read it too. Everyone should read it. You learn how to use English in fantastic and eloquent ways, and you learn what it means to be human. Everything you've ever needed to learn you can learn from Shakes. I love him. Homosexually.

>> No.6954998


opinion discarded.

>> No.6955002

What are non readers even doing on this board? Cheeky banter only gets you so far.

>> No.6955082


well the topic is about heterosexual readers, not fringe types

>> No.6955086


>> No.6955549

I'm a guy but looking at the girl on the right makes my back hurt

>> No.6957269


Makes my mouth salivate