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6945457 No.6945457 [Reply] [Original]

Do you need to be a drunk to be a great writer?

>> No.6945464

Alcohol is a debilitating shit-tier drug.

I'd choose coke, amps, or nicotine, tbqh

>> No.6945850

I would say this. It's useful to BE drunk, if you're writing about a situation in which characters ARE drunk.

Gonzo, you know.

>> No.6945913

why do you think they hand out booze in undergrad creative writing courses

>> No.6945929
File: 21 KB, 340x257, painting-absinthe-and-green-fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not a real writer unless you're drunk on Absinthe

>> No.6945956

you need to be a great writer to be a great writer now fuck off with this shitty meme

>> No.6945965


>> No.6946072
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No, OP. Don't over drink, don't binge, don't fuck your shit up. That being said, I recommend you mix some small amount of alcohol and caffeine before writing. Caffeine gives you ideas and alcohol makes you say them.

>> No.6946485


Do you need to be a writer to be a great drunk?

>> No.6946490

Not bad advice tbh

>> No.6946498

>Alcohol is a debilitating
>I'd choose coke
top kek

>> No.6946507

As far as I can tell you need to have at least these three to become a great writer.

1) A shitty childhood.
2) Crippling alcoholism
3) Several failed relationships with the opposite sex

Get to it, OP.

>> No.6946516


4) Depression

>> No.6946577

This guy gets it. When I sit down to write, I do one shot and then drink a pot of coffee while I work. Gotta stay sharp and limber.

>> No.6946583

No. Tolstoy wrote his best novels when he was happy, stable and had a few kids on the way. If you read a Moveable feast Hemingway would lock himself in a hotel room and write stone cold sober and then go on a drinking binge. Same with Faulkner. They took writing very seriously and for them it would be like going to work blind drunk.

>> No.6946618

I don't drink to be a writer, I drink because I'm constantly overwhelmed with emotions I don't know how to cope with otherwise. Substitute the word "drink" with "write" and the statement remains true.

>> No.6946694

Im so hungover stfu

>> No.6946697
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>> No.6946745

The previous 3 lead to it.

>> No.6946770

you're a fucking idiot if you think you do

>> No.6946793

>muh romantic ideas of a writer

>> No.6946797

just smoke dank weed, lad

>> No.6946861

>what are jokes?

>> No.6946871

Honestly if you can hit that sweet spot of creative connectivity of thoughts without watchings Migos videos for 3 hours and ordering pizza, it works.

>> No.6946874

Be a drunk.
Write sober.
Never drunk.

>> No.6946882

Who said that thing about how you should write drunk and edit sober again?

>> No.6946889
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I've written drunk a few times and it works, sort of. I can get more done in less time, but I hate drinking and I always feel too sick to write the next day. Plus, I can only do it when I'm fully drunk, which makes my inability to hold liquor a time-saver. People who drink without getting drunk are such plebs.

>> No.6946894

Name one good sober author. One.

>> No.6946906

Lewis Carroll, ironically enough.

>> No.6946924


Carroll was sickly and probably always silly on that dank Victorian cough syrup, but I get your point.

>> No.6947248

So every slut ever?

>> No.6947262

Obviously does not apply to women, as there are no great female writers.

>> No.6947287

that is supposed to look like Joyce right?

>> No.6947289


>> No.6947308


>> No.6947394

was pynchon sober, he probably wrote high

>> No.6947404

Fair point

>> No.6947411

I'm very, very, very drunk right now and i can't write for shit at the moment so i think it's an irrelevant question

>> No.6947752


are you currently writing anything

>> No.6947768

He has stated somewhere that he was so fucked up when writing Gravity's Rainbow that when he re-reads it he doesn't even remember writing certain sections.

>> No.6947788

Where did you read this? And fucked on what?

>> No.6947802

this is just really weird. I can't imagine pynchon under the influence of anything

>> No.6947830

c-c-can you be a good writer if you're a virgin?


>> No.6947849

only if you're writing close minded oppressive garbage like the bible :^)

>> No.6947854

With poetry DOUBLE YES.

>> No.6947875
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ironic that virgins didn't write the Bible, however virgins do write the drivel that try to discredit the Bible.

>> No.6947883

I haven't tried actual writing drunk but outlining drunk was fun. A lot of superfluous stuff but good ideas mixed in there.

>> No.6947919


>n-no u

All the apostles were celibate and virgins. Most of Paul and Peter.

>> No.6947935

this thb

>> No.6947940

>They took writing very seriously

This is what it all comes down to. The best writers are those who treat it as a serious craft and spend time and effort perfecting their skills. Not morons who think hanging out in coffee shops, getting drunk, and backpacking through Europe will make them artists. The "literary lifestyle" is for people who don't actually write, or who don't write anything worth reading.

>> No.6947951

>The "literary lifestyle
i thought this was a meme

>> No.6947956

Hemingway doesn't write drunk, despite the myth. He gets drunk after he's written for the day.

>> No.6948266

kek, not w/ but at you

>> No.6948283

I think a pure strain of Cannabis sativa would probably be better in the creativity apartment than alcohol tbh.

>> No.6948287

Department* lel

>> No.6948290

No. Write drunk and you'll fuck up the spelling.
Write stoned and you'll just write the most inane drivel thinking it's genius.

>> No.6948301

>Write stoned and you'll just write the most inane drivel thinking it's genius.

lol, well, you can just read what you wrote while stoned though, to check if it's good, even get other people to read it.

And if it's shit you just toss it out and try again. It's not like weed or alcohol is going to make you a better writer, but you might as well feel good while you are getting better, and pot is clearly better for you than alcohol.

>> No.6948307

I'd rather use amphetamines but none of these things will make you a better writer.

>> No.6948309

>I'd rather use amphetamines

Really hate amphetamines. Do not get the appeal whatsoever. The high feels horrible.

>> No.6948316

Thought he also said that he can't imagine what he possibly meant at various points?

>> No.6948327

It varies a lot depending on what sort, how you dose and when. Likewise amphetamines are releasing agents, but primarily of dopamine rather than serotonin. The effects really depend on exactly what's in your speed. Pure uncut d-meth will light your brain up like a Christmas tree given even a tiny (10-20mg) amount. However, repeated dosing rapidly diminishes your stocks of dopamine and after about day 3-5 of a binge you'll no longer be able to get high. At all. Good old racemic amphetamine as found in the UK, even at a fairly high purity, can be used for a far longer time because 1) it's simply not as efficient a dopamine releaser as its doubly-methylated cousin and 2) the side effects of all that levo-amphetamine (vasoconstriction, blood pressure spikes, raised pulse, blue fingers, cold toes, etc) mean that you'll probably take it a lot, lot easier than you would with pure d-[meth]-amphetamine.

>> No.6948341

You seem to be a drug enthusiast. Way more than me tbh. I've tried speed twice, and every time I just feel like shit both physically and psychologically for weeks after.

>> No.6948495
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I have all three so where's my booker prize cunt?

>> No.6948507

He definitely wasn't sober but he was never really addicted to anything either. He drank, smoked weed, did LSD and various other drugs in the 60s.

He settled on weed and is the type of guy who just sits in front of the TV watching cartoons all day while getting blazed.

>> No.6948511

Or maybe he just finished Infinite Jest and really enjoyed the various endnotes about narcotics.

>> No.6948543

What of people who seek both?

>> No.6949688

Actually it would be the other way around. It has been found that caffeine does not increase creativity, while alcohol does. Therefore alcohol would give you ideas while the energy from the caffeine would make you say them.

Don't know why I just spewed out this useless post. Sorry.