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6943929 No.6943929 [Reply] [Original]

What is the literary lifestyle?

Apart from Christianity

>> No.6943938
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A may may

>> No.6943956
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Christfaggotry is a terrible meme.

>> No.6943962

>y-you too!

>> No.6943988
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I can empathize with this attitude. Honesty, I just want the pain to go away.

>> No.6943991

And now you're a part of it.

>> No.6944001
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Read this. A real life account of a writer couple.

>> No.6944006

I really liked Play It As It Lays by her, but I haven't read anything else yet. That might be good.

>> No.6944381

Continual masturbation won't relieve your stress, love is what you seek, and the purest form of love can only be found in Christ. And through Christ you will find more love with others.

>> No.6944392

I would've read it if it was called Year of the Colt 45 40 oz. Malt Liquor.

>> No.6944415

>and the purest form of love can only be found
..from the source. Yourself

>> No.6944427

Ram a pole up your anus.

>> No.6944450

You can't love yourself as much as God loves you.

>> No.6944456

I don't remember God jerking me off

>> No.6944459

I love myself the most so masturbation suffices.

Dead kike on stick needs not apply.

>> No.6944474
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Jerking someone off generally isn't an expression of love, especially you're visualizing someone else doing it. God did suffer for your sake a lot more than you'd probably be willing to.

>> No.6944475

Because that's the source of your conception of this mythical being.

Jesus, if he did exist, is long dead. Love potential: zero.

>> No.6944487

He made himself suffer as much as he wanted to.

>> No.6944492

>love Christ

Sounds pretty fucking gay

>> No.6944495

If God loves me then how come he can't pick up that rock he made on my front yard?

>> No.6944500

>Jerking someone off generally isn't an expression of love, especially you're visualizing someone else doing it.

>Jerking someone off while visualising someone else jerking them off
A whole load of catholic guilt going on here.

>> No.6944502

Porn has less much to do with love, but with lust.

But I can feel in love with non-feeling object, I am the furthest away from christian belief anyway.

>> No.6944575
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He is risen sister.

Come back to the flock, God will forgive you for your errant ways, he knows you are afraid.

>> No.6944588

He made himself suffer as much as He needed to. It wasn't just the physical suffering, He took on the spiritual agony for all of humanity's sins, which includes separation from the divine.

Nice conception of time you got there.

He could, but God being your servant in that capacity (He is others) wouldn't be healthy for you.

Catholics get sins completely absolved so long as they confess and repent. People only call accuse Catholics of having a lot of guilt because the Church doesn't compromise on what is sin. The Christian idea is to forgive, the secular idea is to excuse.

You can feel in love, but it won't reciprocate, and your love will never be as absolute as a reciprocal love with Christ.

>> No.6944598

What if he is me?

>> No.6944602

faggot detected

>> No.6944605

She wasn't ever exactly in the flock, she was a Seventh Day Adventist, which is an inherently fundamentalist denomination that dislikes both Protestants and Catholics, because they think Sunday (despite being the day Christ rose on) worship is Satanic. And being a Christian, I empathize strongly with how that made her bitter against Christianity. It would have made me bitter as well. I feel grieved for all the suffering that was inflicted upon her in the Lord's Name.

>> No.6944608
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Oh but He is.

He is all of us.

>> No.6944619

>Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
-John 10:34

>> No.6944623

Oh, I see. You're delusional.
You think The Second Coming is Jesus inhabiting our souls in this generation or something?
Write a Testament about it.

I meant; all that *I* stand for is the good news from on high. w/e

>> No.6944656

Jesus, of course, is the eternally existing second person of the Trinity. So quite alive, and sitting at the Father's right hand.

>> No.6944666

No just I meant that God is within all of us.

I have no desire to write heresy.

I have seen your "good news" it mostly has to do with advocating violent revolution. He(she) who lives by the sword...

>> No.6944667


That's impossible because I am literally God himself.

You are all going to hell btw.

>> No.6944669

>You can feel in love, but it won't reciprocate, and your love will never be as absolute as a reciprocal love with Christ.
nah, nigga that's insane.

I can feel my one-sided love, my passion for object, and that's enough.

>> No.6944671
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Where we can never see him again to verify the myths people have told us about him.
And impossibly so, since Yhwh is sitting in a jar of nonexistence on the too-far-up shelf that nothing can reason with.
Are you daft man? This isn't monotheism.

>> No.6944681
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>Continual masturbation won't relieve your stress, love is what you seek, and the purest form of love can only be found in Christ. And through Christ you will find more love with others.

Can actually confirm, masturbating to Jesus and his sexy abs has cut down my porn addiction.

>> No.6944687
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>it mostly has to do with advocating violent revolution
Nonsense, evil one. I advocate peaceful transition. There's no reason to make violent revolution. Though they may just do it that way, I'd prefer they not.

>The unknown god

>> No.6944701

This is where Faith comes in. Christianity isn't completely rational. it is to a large degree, but there is a time when faith becomes the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Even Apostle Paul said that this sounds like nonsense to those outside the Faith. No doubt it probably does.
It is Monotheism. The Godhead is triune, but still one being.

>> No.6944754

Ye cast blame unto others and refuse to take responsibility for the blood that would be on your hands.

>"For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie." - REV 22:15

>> No.6944777

I'm theist as fuck but

this guy won today

>> No.6944786

There's no blood on my hands.
If a band of violent revolutionary types where to wreak some havoc, successfully or not, why would it be on me? The targets of their wrath would be the scum who profit from the wars and worldwide poverty of these days. It *can* be ended peacefully, but if the profits are too tempting for them that it does lead to violence, it is their own faults. Their greed.

>Trotting out Revelations

>> No.6944802

Workers of the World Unite, amirite?

>> No.6944812
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>> No.6944849

>literary lifestyle
It doesn't exist, you memelord

>> No.6944857


>> No.6944868

The Revolution will be the final Crusade, friend
